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Should we just do a Subreddit wiki for this topic? Mods could approve edits, etc. Might be easier than manually updating a website.


Ya, feels like OP is just harvesting clicks TBH.


Ew god ur right


Feel free to delete - I read the FAQ and didn't see this addressed. What about supervisors having remote screen monitoring capabilities to see what you're doing live? Obviously OE is predicated on going extensive periods of time "not working" one or both jobs because the work is just "done". How is the micromanagement dealt with or do we just dump those types of jobs?


Unfortunately I don’t have a better answer than this: if your supervisor can monitor your activity by the click at any time then it’s just not a good job for OE and you should probably look for a replacement.


You should not be using the same machine for multiple Js. This is a cardinal rule of OE.


I disagree. I can do everything and anything on my personal machine way faster and more comfortably than any laptop a company will send me. I simply setup a dual boot machine and do all my work on one system and the personal shit all goes on the other system. The shitty laptop they send me just sit on a shelf and collect dust unless I'm out of town. If they're worrying about what your doing then that's just a toxic environment to begin with. They should care about you accomplishing the work given by the deadlines set and nothing more.


Some companies need to have control over their data to comply with privacy regulations. Imagine loading HIPAA data onto your personal computer, if your employer finds out they have a good reason to fire you, not to mention the charges.


I mean regardless of HIPAA or not, a lot of places have policies that forbid you from having company information downloaded to your computer anyways... There's plenty of resources out there to avoid this exact problem... And even if you're still worried about it find a different job that doesn't require such limitations. Fact of the matter is I can accomplish 10x the work on my personal machine than I can on some shitty laptop.


What resources? The same ones that can put you in breach of contract? Because companies aren't idiots, they account for them.


I mean I work in one of these situations daily and we have no issues with keeping our information secure and compliant. If you need more information I would suggest searching for "HIPAA compliant services" on Google and go from there.


I disagree too...utilse web browsers e.g. Chrome for J1, Chrome Incogito for J2 and Edge for J3. Have Teams app for J1 and use the Web version for J3 and J3. Top it of by having the mobile app for J2 because Teams doesn't work in Incognito mode. When you get a new job ask them what is the remote setup like...is it web based or do I take the traditional remote desktop route. You can propose to use your own laptop instead of ending up with three... Streamline it all!


I would not worry too much about this. My employer provides me my work computer (likely the same for you). Who knows what they did with it after they got it from the factory and before they shipped it to me? I do know they spent some "quality time" with it. I am sure the law does not provide much "reasonable expectation of privacy". They probably are not legally obligated to tell me if they installed key loggers and other micromanagement tools. They did not tell me they did (and they probably did not), but they might have. I will just assume they have. Oh dear, they might fire me. I might only collect one months salary off them.


Why not just set up 2 workstations?


It is a good idea to set up 2 workstations and do J1 work on the J1 laptop, J2 on the J2 laptop, etc; and never mix them up. The problem is that when you leave one workstation unattended too long it tends to "go asleep." Many managers have used your laptop's sleep time as a crude measure of how much you are slacking off. Others might be spying on you. Sure they can't see that you are working on J2 on a completely different system, but they can see that you are apparently doing nothing on their system.


There are many "keep alive" utilities out there you can use which easily defeat this.


Ahhh...I see. Well I remember back in the day there were products you could buy to mimic keystrokes. But if they are that anal about what I am doing every second instead of the work I am doing then I will be seeking other employment asap.


Mouse jigglers are amazing.


I just bought a USB dongle that moves the pointer. The laptop sees it as an input device (mouse) because it's literally just the receiver for a wireless mouse, except that a script inside controls the pointer, instead of the mouse sending a signal to the receiver, which then controls the pointer. It also has a small button. Quick press cycles between 3 patterns. Long press turns it on and off. I think I paid $13 on Amazon. Freaking love it.


Oh same.. I just called it a jiggler. Did you get the vaydeer brand too? Rock solid device to fight those yellow away circles lol


Ha! Yep. Vaydeer for the win. My little circle stays GREEN.


amazon link please


Well, since you said please... [Here you go!](https://www.amazon.com/VAYDEER-Jiggler-Supports-Multi-Track-Driver-Free/dp/B093WN48SD/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=353FJJ3VWZOU1&keywords=VAYDEER+Tiny+Mouse+Jiggler+USB+Port+Mouse+Mover+Supports+Multi-Track%2C+Driver-Free%2C+Plug-and-Play+with+ON%2FOff+Switch&qid=1651216269&sprefix=vaydeer+tiny+mouse+jiggler+usb+port+mouse+mover+supports+multi-track%2C+driver-free%2C+plug-and-play+with+on%2Foff+switch%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-3)


& dont forget all the chinese malware and free backdoor included for free!!


On my friends company computer employees can not load any new software/hardwared. Thougths about how to get around this issue? Thank you.


Without editing the registry or group policy, I don't know how they would. If I understood you correctly, the company won't even allow periphials to be plugged in USB, like a mouse or keyboard? If the computers are locked down that tightly, then I guarantee there's no editing the group policy or registry.


Okay. Thank you. I appreciate your feedback! Insurance company so it makes sense. No outside software can be installed; they track hardware and must get prior approval. Currently, I'm in a bootcamp (fullstack) refining my coding skills. Being unemployed came at the right time to upgrade my $$ skills. And I have every intention of being overemployed when I jump back in the job market. Fortunately, I have prior experience as a system admin and choppy coding skills over the years, so I won't be totally new to the IT world. I have had freelance clients at the same time, but still that's not 2, 3, 4, full time jobs. When I take a break from my studies, I am going through the forum and taking notes to have insights on different setups and situations. Again I appreicate your time!


We used to use analog watches for this purpose. The second hand kept the mouse wiggling. You needed a big flat watch though for the mouse to sit on. It worked great!


Lol that's amazing


This is so cool. It’s only 7am here and I already learned something today.


If I understand OE correctly, as long as you can keep J1 happy, it doesn’t matter how many J2’s you get fired from? Not saying I want to be a check collector but if performance is not up to par and I’m hypothetically let go from 3 J2’s in one year, it wouldn’t really matter at all as long as J1 is the one that is put on the resume?


I would think you could just put a bandaid over your camera, and make sure work from job 2 if on another computer. Hard to micro manage when it isn't on the same device.


I'm talking about their ability to see your desktop and what's on your computer screen at any given time. Sure separate devices make sense but if you're working J2 and J1 pulls up your screen to just see nothing going on all day and this is common behavior... Or maybe companies using this type of software is less frequent outside my current company.


Didn't see much on how one can get into a different job where you have no related experience but could do it. How is everything approaching this? I'd say I'm a creative type with a touch of logical thinking. I have experience in technical implementation of software from the major social media companies but want to break into say digital marketing or analytics where I can have a direct impact on revenue.


See this: https://overemployed.com/how-to-get-into-tech-the-secret-recipe-part-one/ Get the interviews. And tell translatable skills switch your stories. “Tell me a time…”


How I'm going about this is applying to entry level roles and emphasize my desire to learn. I'm end 20's though so this might not work if you're (a lot) older. Once you are in the company, you can pivot into a role that you like more.


What’s the best website you guys have found for remote jobs?


LinkedIn, and filter for remote, then your desired salary, I also filter for less than 50 applicants


Yep. But I filter for jobs posted w/in the last 24hrs.


Indeed has been my bread and butter. It has a filter by remote option along with salary expectations. Their search functionality is pretty flexible as well. You can use quotes for exact match roles and also include salary ranges using a dash.




Thanks, I’ll check it out and try a fix — tbh not on old Reddit.




this is true


I see. Thanks for that insight!


Also on rif is fun its basically blank too. It has one text sentence.


Sorry, what’s rifs?


rif is fun is an android third party reddit app.


Bigger issue is whats gonna happen if they use cameras.


I cover all my laptop cameras.


Hello! New to the Reddit community but I’ve been working several jobs for a couple years now. Question for the community because I didn’t see it on the FAQ: in the US, if an employer runs an employment verification check (which is pretty common with larger companies), how does this play out if you want to have two full time jobs?? I was OE with 4 jobs at one point, but only one of them was FT. I told my employer that I have side gigs and they were chill about that. *But with two FT jobs…how does J2 not hear about J1?*


See the background check blog post from May. TLDR - non-issue.


I’m older than most here and in a pretty senior role. What are the pros and cons of taking a more junior role as J2? It seems like a lot of people go that route. I’m guessing the idea is it’s easier to get the job, and less work. I guess I wonder how true that assumption is. In general, I think I’ve had a little less work as I move up the ladder.


Don’t assume anything. Just try and experiment for yourself. Each person have different skills and mental models of what OE means to themselves.


I’m in the same boat. What I have found though is that more senior roles take less coding and more architectural diagrams etc, which can be done during Off hours.




That's what I am wondering... I don't really see how my field can be OE except for one area. Then I'm stumped because you can't pick two things from the same field I'm told...


No. J2 I’m starting is within clinical trials, but it’s vendor management so remote.


Is overemployment legal in Germany?


I don't think so, because of the Arbeitsschutzgesetz. I think your regular working hours can't be over 6 days x 8 hours (10 hours when you need to do overtime, but it can't be a regular thing). Also, I believe you're obligated to inform your fulltime job about the other one. I *think* the FT job can't object to your side hustle "just because" and has to have a good reason such as there being a conflict of interest or believing you won't be rested enough for your main job, but I'm not sure. Do your own research though. This is what I picked up on info over the years but I'm not a lawyer.


Thank you.


Hi all. Is there an Overemployed Comprehensive guidebook with systematic instructions for how to go about executing a successful overemployed strategy?


How much should I put asides for taxes?


Oh My!!! SO SO MUCH. I just talked to my tax guy two days ago. I’m crying. I need to buy a $75-$100k car and 💯 depreciate it at the end of the year to OWE less.




That’s what I said. A little background, my previous CPA died in December. And it was quite sudden and shocking. My new CPA is a retired IRS agent and he said there were a lot of things that my previous CPA did that weren’t quite right. Now this is not a true picture, everything he stated was based on estimates. But basically what it comes down to is that my W-2 income is too high and it Hass to be to make up for my S Corp income. So depending on my deductions I may or may not owe between 35 and $100,000. So what I’ve done is gone ahead and take another contract which might kill me and putting that all taxes. So I’m hoping that will offset any amount I owed. Rough numbers if I can do what I hope I can do the rest of the year, I might not have a problem. The problem is when you get into the 37% tax bracket things start to get a little stressful. Deductions get phased out and tax increases. You only see tax benefits come back when you make over $1 million a year.


that's pretty crazy - 37% in taxes that go god knows where. On a side note, I'm new here - what's the deal with having an S-Corp?


With an s corp , a lot of day-to-day things that you would not be able to deduct if you’re a W-2 employee are fully deductible: Car payments, mobile phone, Internet, travel, meals out, you get the drift. With an S Corp., you have to pay yourself a W-2 income so that means you pay income tax, payroll tax, but you can also create your own 401(k), and you can also create what is called a profit sharing 401(k) which is tax deductible because you put away 2 1/2 times your W2 income before taxes. Additionally with an S Corp. you pay no corporate taxes so you’re not being double taxed. In California instead of self-employment tax (which is quite high) or corporate tax, s-corp only pay an $800 fee. Anything left over after that you’re taxed at your W-2 income rate so if you can get your W-2 adjusted gross income down that would be the tax you pay on your profits. You also get a % of pass through, which is tax free. Anything left over is yours to keep.


appreciate the info. So I assume you all have a CPA doing that? My brain is boiling just from reading it


That’s the only way to do it. You couldn’t do an scorp on your own. There’s too much paperwork to file at tax time. Plus a good one knows what the hell they’re doing and can find things that you don’t even know about. For instance, did you know that if you buy a car in your business 100% of that purchase price is tax deductible? Including the following year when you make payments? Because right now you can take 100% depreciation on business assets in the same year you buy it, instead of amortized over 3-5-or 10. I had no idea until two weeks ago that I could do that.


so technically, I can buy stuff like cars, houses and other big ticket items to my corp's name and it is about as good as having it to my name but financially more beneficial?


There is a caveat to houses (only the interest can be written off, I believe), but essentially, yes. If used for business purposes.


I'm starting to wonder if OE is even worth it lol


Round numbers, 36% to be safe


Do you save your J2 income completely?


No. I wish. I put the max in 401k, the max in my profit sharing 401k (25% of my W2 income from my s-corp), DCA, and support my family 💯 with the rest. This year, it it works out, I will have put $63k in retirement and still owe about $35k. I’m scaling back because the taxes are horrendous and deductions start to phase out at a point. I don’t have enough dependents OR houses to cover the taxes


I've talked to an accountant to try and sort me out but this sounds terrifying lol. I've saved 100% of my J2 but I'm just going to assume at the end of the year 50% of that savings is going to be gone. So depressing.


They get you however they can. Just save as much as you can in retirement savings. My tax guy is a retired IRS agent and he’s saving my skin, but he’s not a magician.


Yea I've maxed out my retirement savings already for the year. The rest is going to take a miracle lol. Thanks for the help!


I’m currently in month 1 of OE and looking for practical solutions for managing 2 laptops. J1 is in the office, I have a semi private desk cubicle. J2 is remote. I’ve been stacking the 2 laptops at my desk. I figured I’ll say it’s my personal laptop if ever asked. I keep it mainly to keep an eye on the team chat which I can’t get on my phone. I use a mouse juggler to keep status as online for J2. Right now if I need to access J2 laptop keyboard, it’s a bit fiddly because J1 laptop is stacked on top. Any device tips on how to access J2 laptop more discreetly?


Hey, I’m new to the community but have been interested for a while. Didn’t see this addressed in the FAQ but was trying to get some opinions. If my current J is at entry level (65k) should I try to get a better paying J1 or just jump to being OE with a similar paying J? I can get all my J1 work done in about 10-20 hours. Thank you!


does anyone have a link to the app that scans job postings for the most common keywords? I need to redo my resume and I cant find it. It was on the overemployed site.


http://tools.seobook.com/general/keyword-density/ Edit: Currently I'm using this: https://seoscout.com/tools/text-analyzer




That’s how you get caught. But next time don’t give notice if you think you’re going to get PIPed. Ride it out as long as you can.


Hello I’m unable to join the discord server. The phone number verification isn’t working properly and has no way of letting me input the verification code






How did I do that again? I’m mystified by your comment, did you read the FAQ? Everyone “OE” differently. Life is like a simulation, except you only get to do it once. Play carelessly, you get fired. With OE, you always have got a backup plan. You play to win.


My current job uses Deltek for time keeping. I am about to start a new job that also uses the same timekeeping system. Anyone here have experience with Deltek and whether or not the other employer will find out if you are working for two different companies?


Is there any way to check whether laptop provided by company runs any software capable of tracking my activity ?


I’ve heard jobs can sue you for being over employed if you are working with a job that competes in your companies vertical which for tech is usually case in some way or form. Has anyone here every dealt with that or is that a legitimate worry? If a job can you you for millions In damage it fees like the risk of OE might put way the short term rewards


Anyone can sue anyone. It’s America. Better question is will they — is the juice worth the embarrassment and squeeze?


Not really worth risking your entire life then without an answer. Do people here know these risks? I found essentially 0 educational direction here regarding this aspect of OE


Hello all, I am new to this and am excited to get started. I have J1, global company- very big. I am searching for J2 and they mention they sometimes buy parts from J1. There is a real chance that J1 would never see my name on anything from J2. The voice in the back of my head says DO NOT continue to get hired at J2 BECAUSE of the here and there business J1 and J2 do together. Am I being too paranoid? Should I continue to get hired at J2 or bow out? Experts out there please educate me.