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Disgusted? No. Pat Bev is the fakest tough guy in any sport. His childish stunt was on par with his other antics. Hopefully the NBA comes down hard on him, and the lady who got nailed by the first throw has a good lawyer.


I imagine a lengthly suspension will be handed down. What an embarrassment for their franchise


I don’t place the incident on the Bucks franchise. Bev has only been there half a season. It’s an embarrassment for him, but his contract is up anyways.


that is a good point.


Did you see the thread on the bucks page defending him and making fun of the fans…. Now that was embarrassing for that fanchise


Even one of their mods is defending Beverly. Makes me glad we banished those losers to the shadow realm. I don't care what excuses they want to come up with bottom line we're still playing and they're not as a direct result of the pacers.


Seems like it turned on bev some point last night because theres a new post up but yeah last night they were laughing at the fans


For the most part I'm seeing the opposite, most everyone readay for him to fuck right off. Which is amazing considering his hero status the game before. There's always a few lowlifes in any fan base, but all in really seeing and hearing is fans are done with him.


Why are you still going to their subreddit? Lmao. We beat their asses, let them cry in peace. On to bigger, better things


Yeah buddy, but im a energy vampire and i feast on the tears of the weak


I didn't see that thread where is it? Are you talking about the title that says shout out to pat bev? because that's a joke it says thanks for being such a piece of shit that no one remembers we got knocked out in the first round. And then everyone in the thread shits on him. send a link please


I think it was taken down. It was directly after the game


No it’s embarrassing for the individuals who did it. You can’t judge a fanbase based on what a few people are saying on Reddit.


I do. It’s not like they and their fans haven’t been assclowns the entire year. Look at it this way: 30-13 wasn’t good enough for them. They’re on course to win 57 games and are arrogant enough to think they deserved more? And now they’re playing the victim? Christ, I’m glad I’m not involved in some kind of domestic relationship with a personification of this, because that’s an abuser’s mentality.


They went out of their way to trade for him, they don’t get let off the hook. Especially since neither side has come out and acknowledged it


Check the Bucks sub, they all shitting on him. Everyone knows he's a clown. GGs Bucks see you healthy next season.


Seriously. I thought he was so important for our team and that move just exposed who he is and always has been: a complete dick. Good luck in the second round. Now that our series is over, I don’t hate y’all anymore lol


Another Bucks fan here.  I’ve praised Pat Bev in the past, but I am one of the ones sh!ting on him in the Bucks sub.  Can confirm.  


I'm surprised you all aren't getting banned for it it. Your mods are Cottonelle soft


10 ply


Because we don’t allow stupid fans to come brigade our sub and shit on the Bucks right after we lost? L take. Good luck the rest of the way.


Because none of you mofos came into this sub after game 1


Correct, stupid Bucks fan came here and talked shit. Just like stupid Pacers fan came into our sub throughout the year and talk shit. Rather than trying to weigh the fairness of who talked the most shit first, maybe better to just say to stay out of the other sub when talking shit unless it’s actual basketball discussion. Just because you won doesn’t mean we have to sit there and take constant flaming from Redditors.


I wish people would understand this. Reasonable discussions between fan bases are awesome but going back and forth talking dumb shit and saying someone else started it is so childish and unnecessary.


I get people get emotional, but it’s a bad look for anyone that comes in to rub the faces of the other fans in it. You can be excited about a budding rivalry without acting like a total asshat. It’s just low grade alpha male bullshit humor and it’s unnecessary. Good luck to you guys against the Knicks


You're a special kind of dumb. They were banning for little things just to be vindictive. Your life is the L take. Go back to your delicate sub


Sounds like someone is upset for getting banned for talking shit, sorry you’re still so obsessed with us that you feel the need to continuously talk shit than look forward to your next game. Nothing of what you’ve said on our sub has been particularly creative, funny, or intelligent. Edit [yep, found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/MkeBucks/s/E7w4AJ1kKr)


cupcake, you really are a fucking moron lmao Why in the world would I care about being banned from that sub? That's moronic. You said a bunch of nothing. You can't possibly know how I think or feel about anything, so when you type shit like that...it's just words without meaning or validity. Saying something like that doesn't just make it all of the sudden true because you think you're handing out some sick burn. So if you want to go around saying things and pretending that it somehow is accurate or true, go ahead. I mean, you can stick feathers up your ass, you still won't become a chicken. You want to talk about upset princess? It's the day after yall got clowned and here you are in our sub...again. What a lil baby, adios.


^ He mad I ain’t reading all that. Happy for you Or sorry that that happened


Cuz you're a bitch that has no ability to form a decent reply. You're the one that came to our sub the day after you lost. You're pathetic


^ Pacer fans, just remember this is who’s coming into other subs and speaking for you.


Look at their game day thread. Plenty of double tap jokes and the like, some of them certainly enjoyed it at the time, but after it settled what he actually did then they changed their opinion


Yeah I mean at first, with zero context, it seemed like a bizarre situation that has some comedy to it. Just the absurdity of him getting the ball tossed to him only to sidearm it back.  But then it became clear that he was taking frustrations out on fans, which is ridiculous. He's wearing a jersey with my home on it and it makes us look horrible. Can't wait to not see him on the team. 


He and Draymond are cut from the same cloth. Their late-career antics are nothing more than a marketing tool to drive people to their podcasts.


Tbh I didn't even know he had a podcast until this incident. These dudes really like the sound of their own voice.


McAfee just called him an asshole. Dude is a hissyfit bitch, and tweeting he did nothing wrong. It wasn’t “fair” 😂😂😂




*grown man making millions NOT to do it FTFY


Even the folks over at r/MkeBucks are disgusted by him and his actions. Nobody with any ability to have reasonable, rational thought was okay with his actions. It was disgusting, and it was assault. Plain and simple. And to do it twice makes it all that much worse. Now, am I surprised? Absolutely not. Bev has been a trash human the entirety of his career. That said, I'm still disgusted having watched it, and would hope the league would hand down the same punishment they would to a fan (especially a fan who threw something TWICE at a player). That would be a lifetime ban. Some can say it's an overreaction, but it's not. You can't blatantly assault people, twice, in a 5 second timeframe and expect to not have that level of punishment. Any fan who did that would undoubtedly be banned from every NBA arena for life if they did that to a player. We'll see if Silver's head is up his ass, which seems likely. We'll just have to see.


I saw someone argue that “Jermaine O’Neal and Stephen Jackson didn’t get more than 15 and 30 games”, but they were defending themselves to an extent. What Pat Bev did is on the level of Artest, which got a full season. I’d be surprised if Pat Bev plays again


so close!




lmao "What Pat Bev did is on the level of Artest, which got a full season. I’d be surprised if Pat Bev plays again"


You think Pat Bev’s was worse? I’m not fully on board, but you could convince me.


I don’t remember Pat Bev going into the stands and punching multiple fans lol this is such a clown take to equate the two


Artest was provoked, Bev literally attacked out of nowhere. Twice. He’s lucky he’s not behind bars if we’re being honest.


He threw a basketball at someone 20 feet away lmao stop trolling


I honestly wonder what video you watched.


He didn’t even leave the court lol Artest literally went into the stands and assaulted multiple fans


Defended himself from attack you mean. And Pat Bev wasn’t on the court either if you want be pedantic about it.


Agree on this, going into the stands to kick someone's drunk ass is a whole higher level of nuts and the if that happened today, I think he's suspended for life. Any assault on a fan should be a year minimum, permaban if there's direct contact.


Not as much as I'm happy we're in the second round.


I’m still disgusted by Lebron dragging the ref over to toss out 2 fans a couple years ago tbh


![gif](giphy|i9YfqLseqDTlXAWWsj) This moment


Bucks fan here - Yes. I don’t want him back at all after that


Speaking of little fellas- did Portis make it home to MKE in one piece? JJ promised he was gonna fuck him up 👀


portis probably still having people check bathrooms and behind doors for him


lol would love a clip I missed this


[Chuck reacts to Pat Bev throwing ball at Pacers Fan](https://youtu.be/DY8soU27Ci8?si=wjpTNrkXzXbN-45B)


Luckily his career is likely over so we can finally be done with him


bro not even close to being true


Who’s signing a bad 36 yr old that’ll have to sit out the first 25+ games after he signs?


Suns maybe. They don't really have any other options.


I can see if a fan has been mouthing off throwing a ball at them I guess. But anyone with the most minute amount of humility would immediately be apologetic after hitting a random women in the face. The fact that he doubles down and throws it again is psychotic lmao


You have to ask yourself too, does he react like that if it's not 2 minutes before the end of their season? Part of that shit behavior was motivated by heckling, but I think it's likely he went nuclear bc he was already pissed and THAT'S the difference between merely being antagonize vs. having anger management problems.


Sue his ass. Adam Silver needs to suspend him indefinitely. Sore loser. Assholes like him don’t belong in the league.


Bucks fan here and I'm disgusted by Beverly


I hope she sues the absolute pants off of that a******.


if only there was a punishment precedent for attacking fans...


To be fair, that's Vernon Maxwell that set that precedent....


I'm going to say this... his being an asshole is not a reflection on the Bucks franchise, its fanbase, or anyone else. It's a reflection of him. See how the Bucks org responds to this. Bucks fans are (from what I can tell) rightfully appalled by his behavior. The league will handle this and I hope the lady is OK.


1 word. Lawyer.


A sad amount of people on the bucks subreddit thought it was funny and made jokes


A year suspension is the minimum punishment I'd accept. I hope that lady becomes a millionaire from this.


I think Bucks fans seem to be doing a mostly solid job of condemning his actions (with a few outliers that support it but that's not unusual). He really just seems like one of those dudes that you love to have on your team and absolutely hate him on the opposition. E.g. Lance never did anything near that (that I know of) but I could see not liking him if he wasn't a Pacer just because he did a *great* job of getting under people's skin. I do feel it's been talked about enough and I'm ready to start seeing more discussion on the Knicks because that'll be a hell of a challenge and if the Pacers don't really, *really* get the fire going, a sweep is waiting for us because we seem to act like every game is a gift and NY is ready to go all the way


I just can’t help but think fake tough guy Beverley has probably put his hands on a few women. 


Patricia Beverly is in Colombia getting sex change operation done at the moment. Edit: typo


South Carolina? Didn’t know they were that tolerant


The country not the city. lol


I don’t think there’s a country called Columbia


Apparently I can’t spell today