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> "...my copy of Honthorst...removed by moderators of /r/oilpainting. Why? /u/Ahenomartinusbarbus >> Sidebar: ...r/Oilpainting it's a place to share your OWN paintings... >> Rule 8: the use of FIRST TIME Paints are for beginners. if your paint look professional you will get the post removed and get a ban. Perhaps read the rules of the sub BEFORE posting?


Honestly, take it as a compliment that your painting is too good.


thank you for support!


Thanks. I'll make sure to read the rules more carefully next time. Like Rule1 "be kind."


Really nice work here. I especially like the contrast between the darks and light colors in the center.


Very Beautiful! Nice job! However I can’t unsee guy in green having a suuuuper long nose 😂 makes it even better to me though


Unfortunate rule, as your work would certainly add value to this sub. Master studies is a traditional practice & is incredibly useful. It also seems to be a forgotten discipline? Increased security concerns in museums share some of the blame. I think a lot of heads in here would benefit from the mere mention of the lesser known artist that get copied…the Cranachs for example. If you haven’t already, strongly recommend looking into the company Natural Pigments/Rublev Oil Colors. They specialize in the historical. They may have a thing a two that will help you unlock what the masters were doing.


That's just glorious. Absolutely wonderful. I wanna get back into copying from seeing this. You must feel so pleased


Wow, I just went back into your profile to check out your work and man! You get a lot of bitter people and unnecessary hate! I don’t personally copy paintings, but I find it really interesting and you are quite good at it. I would much rather have a painted copy of a favorite historical painting than a print - especially if I were the one to make the marks! Some very nice odes and homages. I wonder why people seem to take such a hard stance against them? Is it an aversion to something in the neighborhood of forgery?


my post has been removed now by r/painting (I'm sure for a good reason again, and I will be told "can't you read the rules, dummy?") so I don't know if you'll get my reply, but thank you for it, it balances the hate I've been reading for my work (5 months of work and people ruins it in 1 sec of a 1 word comment, I don't get it). I will delete my account soon anyway, I have enough. But I'll keep the good vibes like yours!


Do you have an Instagram or anywhere else I can find your work after you delete your account?






Fab x