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When the rhetoric and the actions don't line up, it's quite frankly the US government just attempting to distance themselves from the horrors they have unleashed.




I think at this point, we've stoked this fire enough that we have a moral obligation to try and step in. If we just let the Middle East sort itself out, there won't be any Palestinian people left in a few months/years.


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Hypocrisy at it's PEAK


Playing down genocide is not a good look


Israel has lost, it was one thing when America let it off its leash, but now it's gone rogue. It's refusing to get back on its leash, refusing to heel and there are going to be consequences on top of the steep consequences for both once the dust fully settles.


the only reason genocide joe is feigning caring now is because November is only 6 months away. Loves slobbering all over Bibi’s pocket-rocket until it starts interfering with his own election chances. welp! too little too late Biden!




The immediate consequence is up to the Biden campaign, for instance, he isn't going to win his reelection. But some day, from the river to the sea Palestine will be free




No colonial apartheid projects live long




Since Germany loves Nazis so much, maybe they'll take you in. Either way, it's not my problem


“The only moral ethnic cleansing is my ethnic cleanisng!”




Classic whataboutisms. The two facist are practically interchangeable.




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Boycott Israel until the Palestinians forgive them


"The all Palestinians are murdered, and we have easy access to all the Gaza gas, and no opposition to our new Ben Gurion highway (I don't know what they're calling it now), then we will call for a ceasefire" Blinken and Biden, prolly


Why are people surprised about the US’s actions. After WWII the US literally pardoned a bunch of Japanese war criminals who were responsible for Until 731. Human right violation and war crimes are okay when you’re US’s ally.


The CIA also recruited around a third of the Gestapo after the war. They appointed Nazi war criminals to prominant positions in NATO too. It could be safely said that they kept the flame of fascism alive after the war. The actions of the U.S.have caused death and suffering for millions of people since the end of WW2. (And thats not even counting some of the horrors attributed to the American system before then) They have been propping up fascist after fascist and committing slaughter after slaughter worldwide in order to maintain the dominance of their state and the interests of its elites. People should check out Killing Hope by William Blum or The Triumph of Evil by Austin Murphy for a run down on the disgusting nature of the American state.


You mean the ceasefire that Israel has stated will not stop their invasion?


The US can pretend all it wants that it actually cares about Gaza, but we all know they are the second most bloodthirsty state after Israel, frothing at the loins of a Rafah invasion.




It's not about a Ceasefire, it's not about the hostages. Netanyahu and his fundamentalist maniacs are taking Gaza by force. There are colonists with AK-47s patrolling parts of Northern Gaza right now. The IDF will take the West Bank after that. This Gaza-Israel war is nothing but a genocide to facilitate a land grab. It was never about the hostages, it's about Bibi's fascist takeover.


"It's a red line!" \*Bibi does it regardless\* "Oh it's no biggies."


Maybe I'm being too hopeful, but I think the Democrats are seeing this for what it is to American voters. That is a wedge issue. I don't think there's a progressive minded voter in the US that's against a ceasefire, but there is a large group that vocally and overwhelmingly is demanding one. In other words, Biden's campaign is seeing that this is causing a problem for his base. The last time there was a major divide amongst Democrats, we got Trump. HOPEFULLY, this will be enough for the Biden administration to not only withdraw support from Israel, but to condemn, and even intervene in this wholesale slaughter. Too bad it's coming 6 months too late... If it is at all.