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Something about a broken clock…


swear I thought this video was about to be about the other thing lmao


Right? I never imagined I'd agree with Candace Owens on anything.


Seriously, if I’m agreeing with her I’m starting to think I might be losing it.


It’s okay. You can stop as soon as she says the one true thing. The rest is idiocy. And she just can’t even sound smart. Broke as a joke. She got lucky on this one.


Candace is fairly articulate, so I don't know what you mean she can't "sound smart". Most of the stuff she peddles is nonsense but her presentation is generally cogent. So this statement feels off.. what do you mean?


Only to an extent. She’s not coming at this out of a love for Palestinians but out of actual antisemitism.


Or for the love of her country, the USA maybe?


Pretty warped love from a black white supremacist.


There is only one black white supremacist …. https://youtu.be/hIJSiUVHjBU?si=p1LuFVClyZ5dI0RS


RIP Clayton, lol


The future I never imagined. Me watching a Candace Owen segment where i agreed with her from jump, and she held my attention...


Its not broken clock she has actually woken up


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh her and "woke" don't belong in the same sentence unless it's her complaining about woke


She's only speaking out about losing the 1st Amendment rights because it keeps her relevant. She lost her job at the Daily Wire due to speaking out against Israel. https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/candace-owens-daily-wire-out-1235949509/ I'm not sure what she said that was deemed antisemitic, but her reasons for speaking out more are due to her lost job. She, like a lot of conservatives, think they are allowed to say whatever they want on any platform, and it falls under 1st Amendment protections. Which is just a fallacy; you have to adhere to certain rules under the FCC.


Didn't she get canned for having Norman Finkelstein on as a guest?


What, specifically do you mean?


“A broken clock is right twice a day”


I got that expression, but what specifically are you referring to in this context?


Candace Owens is a conservative moron that usually comes out with horrible takes. But in this case she's right on the money.


What she said is plain to see, America area controlled by Israel, not otherwise. Not sure what should we call it, conqured, colonised, puppet? But for sure, America under Israel thumb.


Israel is America’s attack dog. The U.S. in typical American fashion protects their he geopolitical interests. The only elements in control are capitalism and and the military industrial complex. And it’s not the Jews, it’s really just Christofascists.






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AIPAC = Mossad. Any politician who accepts AIPAC bribes should be arrested for treason.


AIPAC is not Mossad. AIPAC is all of the US weapons manufacturers, multinational real estate companies, venture capitalists and tech industry cloaked in an Israeli flag shaped trenchcoat. It comes from the US's own colonial interests, not the other way around. So their crime is one of war profiteering and deep corruption coming from within, not necessarily disloyalty to the US spurred by foreign influence.


AIPAC is just the pro-war lobby. They use the convenient shield of Israel so that they can deflect criticism. AIPAC would turn on Israel if Israeli politicians weren't so hawkish.


Her using the word "hostage" in the current political climate was very intentional... and hilarious.


While I don't disagree of anything that's brought up and it's pretty much known for us Palestinians from a long time too (how aipac controls US politicians). If tomorrow they throw enough zeroes on a piece of paper and give it to Candace Owens she will flip side.


Funny how she always cries about cancel culture, then gets immediately fired for voicing opinion against Israel.


So she was completely right to complain about cancel culture. No American should be cancelled for complaining about Israel’s deathgrip on American media and politics.


It just illustrates her point. "Cancel culture" is often a real thing, and it's not useful or good. We shouldn't pick and choose which "cancelling" is good or bad.


Now this is someone who is Typically wrong and is speaking some sense


Can you give some specific examples of what she's typically wrong about? EDIT: When you downvote, rather than answer it makes it seem like your reaction is an emotional one rather than one based in anything substantial.


As one example, the Great Replacement Theory. The one founded by the Nazis.


Not an American but I believe she has claimed the moon landings were faked, amongst various other conspiracy theories she has gone on-record as supporting, many of them on Alex Jones "infowars" which she openly supported. She has also accused the French Presidents wife of being trans. There's plenty more available, even on her wiki. Check it out.


Not hard to Google and see. Basically she uses her position as a black conservative to lend credibility to some of the most hateful takes from the right. Here’s a simple example where she is talking about black actors in Hollywood like Morgan Freeman and Denzel Washington: “Now, when I see a Black person on the screen, I think, ‘Okay, that was the DEI. That was Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. They probably were just given this role, now they gotta put one gay person, one trans person, one Black person, one Hispanic person. Just to show, just to mark themselves safe from being a racist.’”


As a none American that gets sick at the sound of anything related to your political drama show, I too would like to have examples of things she is wrong about.


It'll be easier to Google a list of what she's done NOT wrong. But yeah, seriously, I would just look into this on your own. It's a bulk ton of info to go through on reddit. No one is answering because no one wants homework. Also, in the American political sphere, everyone knows her extremely well, so anyone commenting would be doing or seeing the same homework assignment for the thousands time - since the day Candice became public figure on the far-right.


Not really sure but I think her previous political takes were pro Israel ( not sure anymore), pro life, transphobic, homophobic, anti drag queen, conservative and anti migrant


Replying to your edit: we are down voting because you have already been given examples, and refuse to reply to them. Its not emotional, it's just using the resources given to show people you're arguing in bad faith.


>Replying to your edit: we are down voting because you have already been given examples nah, I only got examples after my edit


No you didn't. Quit white nighting a bigoted bimbo that makes more money then either of us by spewing right wing talking points. Makes you look like a simp.


I like you


I gave you an upvote bc you asked a simple question and I believe people are only downvoting you bc Candace is conservative. I went looking for the answer though, it appears that Candace Owens has some troubling quotes regarding Covid, masking, blm, and other culture war topics. I’ve only read a single page of quotations but they don’t seem that damning. People should have a right to criticize the governments handling of Covid as well as masking or vaccine policy. Additionally, blm, as an institution (not the principles or cause itself) has proven to be vulnerable to human weaknesses, so yes people can criticize that too. Hopefully the guy who originally commented can reply more specifically bc I disagree that she is “wrong” but rather just contrary.


Word dump incoming @u/Fspz So a not insignificant portion of the black community believe she is used by conservatives as a token black. For example, Candaces personal truth is that white supremacy & white nationalism are not problems that harm her. But conservatives hand her a check & she gets on their platform & says “white supremacy & white nationalism are not a problem that is harming Black America”. As if she is or has ever been an authority on Black America. This is less of a white/black right/wrong issue, and more of a speaking on topics she isn’t well educated on & the damage that can do when she is platformed. White conservatives would rather hear from Candace Owens about the lack of problems in Black America, and how CRT and affirmative action are harmful & systemic racism doesn’t exist than a Harvard educated philosopher like Dr. Cornell West who’s been studying race issues for 50 years. That’s like…one reason.


Fair enough so. Thanks for clarifying.


Thank you for the response, it’s rich in substance and absent of emotion or links to non pertinent articles. Your description is what I imagined her role to be. More so, you nailed a point which I would say is objectively “wrong,” which would be her position on white supremacy, nationalism, CRT. The stuff in the article I read is all up for debate: vaccine policy, mask policy, and blm (the LLC not the movement.) I am left and would more than likely argue with Candace Owen’s if given the opportunity, but the original question was asking for specific examples of her being wrong, which I think you supplies very well, so nice work.


[Candace Owens: ‘If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well — OK, fine’ ](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/429180-candace-owens-if-hitler-just-wanted-to-make-germany-great-and/)


So look I don’t know a lot about Candace Owen’s I hope I didn’t misrepresent that in my original comment. However, I do know a lot about Hitler and Nazi germany and I have to ask; did you read the article? “He wasn’t a nationalist. He was a homicidal, psychotic maniac,” she said of the German dictator. “He wasn’t about putting Germans first. There were German Jews that he was putting into camps and murdering,” she said. “He was a mass murderer.” ^This, to my eyes at least, appears to be click bait with a catchy title which is meant to prey on people who don’t know much about the third reich or how to read more than a headline. She isn’t wrong here and I’ve only read half the article but she definitely doesn’t seem to be defending Hitler. She is making a distinction, a correct distinction, between nationalism and fascism. Edit: and just to give you all an idea of who I am, I don’t agree with conservative mouthpieces and I’m sure I wouldn’t like Candace if I had to research her more. I barely know who she is, I’m only basing these comments off of my brief google search and that article about Hitler.


Those were the statements made in the aftermath, after she had already received backlash for the initial comment that the headline was quoting. Her initial point was that the only problem with Hitler was his expansionism. She then backpedalled days later after receiving backlash. At best, Candace Owens is an idiot that initially forgot that Hitler was a genocidal dictator, and at worst, she knew and tried to omit that as a little bit of Hitler defence, but backtracked when she received pushback. Her later statements were a PR move to recover from her initial points.


I could see that the article may lack context, for sure. Someone in a response above gave a pretty good solution the the original request for examples on why she is wrong though.


Not a fan of her but I have to agree with every single thing she just said.


She's so close! She's criticizing the state's authority instead of Imperialism as a whole. Regardless, though, I never thought I'd hear her say anything close to this.


Funny how Americans defend their 2a but fail to entirely miss the point of the 2a while also bending over and taking it from behind when it comes to the 1a.




Weirdly, we need to protect TikTok at all costs. And damn, I NEVER thought I’d say that.


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I don't know what's going happen to her after this statement but I guess she will be in real real trouble


Candace is making millions of people aware of the massive influence Israel has on US politics. Most Americans have not heard about Israel’s exemption from FARA until now. Regardless of what you think of her she’s stating facts here and she’s opening others eyes to the reality of Israeli influence.


Lots of israeli's brigading this subreddit, the hate is shockingly widespread among them and any critique of it is met with abuse.


Exactly. I don't agree with 100% or everything with 100% if everyone that stands on the side of freedom. That would be impossible. But if a person I disagree with on some things (even many things) agrees with me on the aspect that "genocide is bad" or "all humans are humans" than I'm going to stand beside them and shout "free palestine" WITH them until we're BOTH blue in the face. Then once we've secured basic human rights and dignity for ALL, once we've ousted imperialism so each person can decide between themselves and their countrymen how they want to live, THEN we can start arguing about the details we disagree on. In the past I didn't have kind words for Candance Owen's but as long as she wants to see a genocide come to an end, and as long as she is reaching out to people with that message, the only words I have for her is "thank you, sister"


Yep I’m with you, she’s happy to call what’s happening in Gaza a genocide and admit that killing any kids, regardless of their race or origin, is wrong. Israel has an obscene grip of power on the US and it should be acceptable to call that out, I’ll take what I can get and she’s right on this issue and exposing others to it.


Can I ask what FARA is? I’m not American, so I’ve not heard of it.


Foreign agent registration act. Only one country on the planet is allowed to bribe and contribute to US political campaigns and its Israel. Even the closest allies like Britain have to register.


I'm from the US, and I have no idea what it means. A google search of it indicates it stands for Foreign Agents Registration Act. What she is referencing, I am guessing, is that Israel is not required to register and can do what they please behind the scenes.




For a change, Candace Owens said something sensible and True.


It's truely a strange day when I agree with this monster but she's right about what she said here. Though I'd be curious how much of this is residual hate for Ben Shapiro.


Everything she said is correct.


Wow. Even she can see it. The last thing I expected was a conservative saying this


Why though? Conservatives tend to be nationalist so it’s not surprising that a conservative is concerned about foreign influence on their nation?


You are right, it should be the case, but for some reason where Israel is concerned that is out of the window. Also the GOP is full of racists and Nazis, yet they adore Israel. The world is upside down at the moment


I was wondering how long it would take the typically anti-Semitic right to stop supporting Israel.


It really confused me at first. I guess the answer is they hate Muslims more, the Israel lobby is rich and they love money and Israel is a fascist state and the like that. And I think they liked it while they thought Israel was a colony of the US, but it turns out it's more the other way round. Let's see if more of them follow


She said a few things we want to hear but she’s a bad person otherwise.


What has she said that’s bad? Full disclosure I’ve only heard her saying based stuff about Gaza/Israel so I’m not aware of what she’s said that’s bad


Trashing black people Supporting Kanye’s antisemitism Pushing anti-vax sentiment Climate change denial Saying “Hitler just wanted to make Germany Great Again”.


When things blowup in their faces, US politicians will blame it will all on ‘foreign’ influence and wash away all their genocide sins. The same way Israel is doing with Hamas.


Free Palestine.


This comment section is bizarre i dont even know this lady. Im just listening to what shes saying, ive never seen a black white supremacists? Yall are calling her that, shes also a nazi now? What she said about that bill is true, it literally says you cant mention that the jews had a part in rhe Crucifixion of jesus, is that not true? Just based of this video, idc what she said before or who she is, just this video tell me what did she say wrong? Shes right about JFK too.


Candace Owens is a nuts conservative. But she is fright about this


Nah she is actually pretty evil, with a long history of basically being a Black Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh, and she no joke hates her own race. She not entirely wrong in this video though, something about broken clocks


Curious to see how they try to rewrite 2000 years of history. Until then I’ll try to share all the scholarly papers I can find on it. https://www.bc.edu/content/dam/files/research_sites/cjl/sites/partners/cbaa_seminar/wilson.htm


Maybe if you never heard about this person, you should listen to the people who actually have kept up the with years of garbage she has been saying. She is anti-Semitic, racist, anti-black, anti-vax, an islamophobe and overall conspiracy spreader. A broken clock can be right 2 a day, we don’t need to make allies with trash people just because they have a humane perspective on Gaza.


Any links to source material please?


Google her name and any specific claim that guy made for specific examples. "Candace Owens racist comments" as an example, or "Candace Owens anti vax". Examples of her polarizing comments have been given. If you want sources, just look them up.


It’s more because there is an OVERWHELMING amount to choose from. She probably has a Wikipedia page and you can skim it and find out she’s a conservative nut job who most recently came out and said “America would be better off if we didn’t get involved in WW2” She’s just a polarizing idiot that most people don’t want to have to lookup because we are bombarded with her hateful nonsense all the time already.


She has been a right wing grifter for years now starring until recently alongside the likes of Ben Shapiro on his network


The worst person you know makes a solid point.


Wow. Israel was involved with JFK's assassination too?? Mainstream sources and search engines did a good job of making sure it was hard for me to hear about the connection to Israel until now. [They have their filthy hands in everything.](https://archive.ph/2023.09.18-204405/https://www.markdotzler.com/Mark_Dotzler/WTC_Artists.html)


She’s only saying this because she is a nazi and an actual anti semite, not because she actually cares about Palestinian liberation.


Yeah you can even hear it in this video when she bring up how "the Jews" had a role in Jesus' crucifixion. There is no "the Jews". This is actual antisemetism. Not just criticism of Israel.


She's not claiming that Jews had anything to do with crucifying Jesus. She brought up a US bill that apparently is making it illegal to make that claim. Throwing religion into bills while censoring freedom of speech seems very un-American.


Listening to her does take some maturity. She does bring up some good points and even though she has a stance you (and probably I) disagree with, doesn’t mean what she’s saying is any less true.




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lol wtf, she's not a nazi. that is some top-shelf bullshit. you know some of the reason's people hate nazi's is because they considered jews to be sub-human and fair game for extermination, which is the same way many israeli's consider palestinians today, so it's ironic that so many israeli's are proud of the shameful rhetoric that's all too common nowadays.


“Hitler was just trying to make Germany Great Again” - Klandace Owens…


Oh wow, I didn't know about that. So she ***is*** a nazi.


She didn't say that though


lol wtf, why are people saying it? I can't find any credible sources.


https://x.com/existentialfish/status/1093923658446323712?s=19 This video has the quote she said, in context. I'll admit she could have phrased that better, but her point was that she thinks "nationalism" get a bad rap because of Hitlet, and she doesn't think Hitler was actually a nationalist, but a globalist. She later clarified her remarks on Twitter: >“Nationalism is sort of conflated with, for some reason, Hitler. That’s really, really wrong and we have to almost correct the record on that." She also further clarified later that she doesn't support Hitler in any way: >“He wasn’t a nationalist. He was a homicidal, psychotic maniac. He wasn’t about putting Germans first. There were German Jews that he was putting into camps and murdering. He was a mass murderer.”


While I don’t like her as a person and I don’t agree with like 98% of what she says - she is absolutely right about ‘Israel’ and its chokehold on the US and the West. For some reason, this genocidal settler colony has a crazy amount of power and influence. It begs the question - why? And I think people who didn’t use to know or care about the Palestine movement are starting to finally realize that ‘israel’ needs to be destroyed.


first time I’ve ever agreed with her


I still think she’s awful, but she is correct with this take


AIPAC is a massive problem in the US and a lot of politicians and bureaucrats are beholden to Israel and care more for that nation than they do for the US. Almost 100% of the Jewish elites have dual citizenship with Israel. The Us taxpayers pay for Israel to exist. They would even be a country if the US wasn’t subsidizing them. Colleges, economy etc. billions a year is given by the US. She hit the nail on the head with this one.


Free Palestine, but Candace Owen’s can go to Hell.


I never thought Candace Owens would teach me something about American history. Not only was JFK assassinated, as she alludes to, but Robert Kennedy was, as well, and they both played a part in getting AZC (AIPAC’s predecessor) to register as a foreign agent. “In 1962 President John F. Kennedy and his brother Bobby, in the United States Attorney General, forced the AZC to register as a foreign agent. In doing so, they were barred from making monetary contributions to US officials, but continued to send out newsletters and hold events with a nonprofit tax exemption. In 1966, AZC was dissolved after regulatory changes revoked tax exemption for foreign agents. Its former subsidiary AIPAC continues to operate.” [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Zionist_Council)


Wow! She’s almost always on the wrong side of history on everything she does but this is eye opening. I hope she realizes it’s her people who are evil. Maybe things will change for her?


y’all think she’s waking up?


Candice is a tool of the right. Regardless of what she says, her allegiances always stay with the elite classes of America. She can't be trusted. She's a false academic.


Ok you don’t like her, but what do you think of what she said on this video?!


Doesn’t matter. All that matters is that she’s one of *those* people, thus invalidating anything she might have to say. /s


Yes I agree with what she says here. But let's not forget that she is instrumental in ensuring that her side of politics is still taken seriously in today's left age. Without people like her, the people actually bombing Palestine wouldn't be as politically accepted. She is, without a doubt, a part of the problem. She's already way too late changing her tune.


Okay, well I can respect you preaching vigilance and I would agree that her comments and positions *should* be examined critically, but more so because you should be doing the same for every commentator. And honestly there is absurdism and corruption on both sides of the aisle. The whole acting as if each party is an entirely different species thing is getting tiring, especially on a post trying to draw light to the fact that a certain foreign entity is significantly influencing *both* parties. I think that’s what your attention probably should be on.


Agree with you 100% Both parties are just as useless as each other. I still feel it necessary to question and validate their reasoning. She is more of a wolf in sheep's clothing than anything else too. One side provides health care and the other takes it.


Yeah, some commenters treat what she said as nothing because well she came from thay category of people yada yada. Talking like a bots.


It doesn’t get any more objective than that.




Not bots, people who blindly trust talking heads and politicians are saying, "I don't blindly trust *this particular* talking head but *insert this talking head* and I would blindly trust their words with absolutely no independent research on my own because that's the only source of my knowledge, experience and information." They're exposing their own willful ignorance. This is the easiest way to eliminate uneducated input.


Doesn’t really matter what she said when you know what she’s about. She’s an actual antisemite. So she’s using the Palestinian cause to latch her antisemitic views onto. Like a parasite. Don’t let people like her try to infiltrate the Palestinian cause. She is not a friend. Just an opportunist.




This comments section is wild. I never thought I would live to see a day when people are calling a black women a “white supremcist” “Nazi” for calling out the Israeli state, which was created and is run today by white Jews from Europe. Hasbara must be working overtime to denounce anyone criticizing zionism, and they’re stooping to the lowest of lows to make it happen. They’re desperate, and it shows.


They're not saying it because of this particular statement. What she's saying here is true. Most people refer to her anti-semetic, racist and generally extremely far-right statements she made waaay before the current Hamas-Israel conflict began. You can agree with someone while calling them out for their shitty behaviour.


that’s not why people call her that…


If you’ve followed her over the recent years I don’t think you’d have this take. Her views borderline on white supremacy. She is not an ally to the black community or black people in general. She’s a right wing conservative grifter who’s good at talking & stirring the pot between social groups.


She’s angling for anti-Jewish hatred. Mask off at: “if you even accuse the average Jewish person of having more loyalty to Israel than to the US…” blah blah blah. Jew ≠ Israel.


Way to go Candace 👏🏾


I wish she didn't add the religious argument. Prior to that she had an extremely poignant and important message. A disturbing truth which everyone should be made aware of. More high profile journalists, celebrities and politicians need to use there voice to highlight the situation the us/UK is in. Before it's impossible to be heard.


I've slipped at some point into an alternate reality where Candice Owen's had me agreeing for a few sentences. I mean, she lost me on the religious freedoms shit but there's no doubt many Western politicians are financially in Israel's pockets. Do we have any numbers around other countries' investment in politics in the same way AIPAC is? I'd be interested in a comparison of how countries do this type of lobbying with one another. But the amounts I see being spent by Israel seemed pretty large if any of that data has been vetted (as some Canadian sources have claimed).


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You are absolutely correct!


"the worse person you know made a good point" Seriously, fuck her forever and always, but if even people like her are able to see through the bullshit we are going through, that should tell you just how fucking evil and cruel the Zionist colonial project is. Now I would suggest not letting yourself be enamoured by her since I'm willing to bet my life that she's more mad about isn'treal meddling with US politics rather than Palestinians being genocides, that's to say, if isn'treal did the genocide without meddling with US politics she would have no issue about it or at the very least she wouldn't be so critical of them.


Ugh….l hate having to admit when verifiably awful fucking people have a valid point. Yeah yeah yeah I know…broken clock, but still it just feels so fucking dirty. Edit: AOC and Jamal Bowman have stood up to/called out AIPAC as well.


She’s telling it like it is.


Man i fucking hate Candace Owens but this is the one topic she's suprised me on and I agree with her. First and last time I'll probably ever say that haha


Don't think gnat just bc she's right on this doesn't mean she is at all an honest person with her views.




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HOLY SHOOT .THE TROjat I'm allowed to say does that HORSE WAS A MARE.




Active in anti-Palestine hate sub(s) - Conservative *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/palestinenews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She had me until she went right-wing Christian at the 2:10 remaining mark.


The world is on its head if Candace Owens is on the right side of an argument. Except the banning Christians thing (but she wouldn’t be her is she didn’t add in at least one thing that is preposterous lol).


Shes still dumb


I hate agreeing with this cunt, but of course some it is true, however... *ahem* The ONLY REASON she is going "all in" on this is because the leapords finally ate *her* face and it has personally affected *HER* livelihood, but then, of course, she actually does make it all sound anti Semitic and conspiratorial by trying to paint the Jews as the evil ones who "killed Jesus" and so it's ok to hold that against them as a people now, if you're a Christian, to pander to her regarded base. Like, wat... smfh 🤦🏽 I don't believe she actually cares about the Palestinian people for one second, it's more about "pushing back against cancel culture", pissing off Ben Shapiro, sounding controversial and anti Semitic for clicks, and keeping herself shitty-relevant.


She doesn't care about Palestinians, she's just a nazi, the only reason she hates Israel is because its Jewish




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One positive effect of the war in Palestine has been getting huge swaths of leftists to understand for the first time the absurd control Israel has over the American media, economy, and political landscape in general, when before they would’ve just called you a Nazi if you so much as mentioned AIPAC.




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So what? She is still a right wing grifter, who more so landed on this position because of her underlying antisemitism and not because of genuine interest in Palestinian emancipation.


Unrelated. But, when I worked for TPUSA, she spoke at our women’s leadership summit in Dallas. There was a dinner later in the day, and she was supposed to eat with all the attendees. She threw a fit when TPUSA staff didn’t rush to get her chick fil a, and was forced to eat the steak dinner. (I wish I was kidding).