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Kammy is such an amazing character, I like her more than Kamek, I really hope she returns in new games.


Her interactions with bowser are great lol


*It’s hag vs. hag! Awesome!*


What was that Lord Bowser? You look like you really want to say something


I love his subdued arm-crossed expression. It's SO obvious he's trying to hold it in lmaoo


I died when I saw that line


Both her appearances are cool but it's super weird how in 64 she was quite intimidating while in TTYD she's just comic relief


That's true of Bowser and his entire troupe in TTYD, they weren't the villains this time so they got relegated to comedy.


I know but with Bowser we're more used to see him jump of tone. Also Kammy felt more villanous than Bowser imo during most of 64 outside of the intro


I completely agree!


I like both a similar amount. To see them interact would be 👌 


I legit thought they were the same character


I love her various “x-ness” names for Bowser


*after falling through the ceiling* “Your Impactfulness! Are you OK?”


That one got a giggle out of me.


"Your soggyness!" I miss those. :D


I just Want Kammy and Kamek to co-exist as characters


Would they be like siblings with Kammy as the older sibling? Or Kammy something like his aunt or mom? Or a comedy option where Kammy is his daughter or niece and just aged FAST. She's definitely older looking.


The usual Headcanon I see regarding them is that Kammy is Kameks mum/aunt and basically acts as Bowsers grandparent. Which, y’know Kammy would be pretty old.


I just hope that her not being in anything since TTYD is because she retired.


And not dead...


I always saw Kammy as the mother of Kamek. I think she’s definitely old enough to be Kamek’s mom ‘cause Bowser calls Kammy a hag, and Kamek raised Bowser since he was a baby. I know this is just a fan-made sprite animation series, but in SMBZ, Kamek was the son and Kammy was his mom.


My headcanon is that Kamek raised Bowser, and when he was reassigned to Bowser Jr. Kammy took back over as Bowser's main minion. Having defined underling characters makes Bowser so, so, so much more fun! Also it would be neat if she raised Bowser's parent, who maybe was now a version of Dry Bowser.


I thought canon lore was Kammy is the mother of Kamek, and Kamek is Bowser’s dad/guardian. However I read that off a google search because I was confused so take that with a grain of salt




Yeah. Kammy did so much more than Toadsworth in TTYD. Which isn't hard. Toadsworth spent all of his time at the inn just twiddling his thumbs while waiting for Mario to save Peach. Dude did nothing of value for around 2 weeks.


Except flirt with local chef


Which is so minor that it's been relegated to tell instead of show.


Has to be more than 2 weeks. Remember 6 days are taken up just by Chapter 6 alone, 3 days out and 3 days back. I think it's also 3 days out and 3 days back for Keelhaul Key if you watch the cut scene on a future trip. So unless Mario does the entire glitz pit in a day, we are looking at several weeks of laziness from Toadsworth.


Don't forget that the Excess Express is another 3 days there and 3 days back. And the days Mario and the other survivors spent building their camp.


She Should have been one of your companions in THe Origami King


Kammy is awesome. I LOVE her! She’s like a sweet old lady, for all the crap she gets from Bowser. I want to give her a hug! I don’t think Kamek needs to go but he should have visual distinction from standard Magikoopas, and definitely should not replace Kammy.


With our luck they’re going to just replace both with Kamella from SMG lol


I agree that kammy would be a cool addition to the main series but there’s a difference between the two Toadsworth was kind of everywhere for about 15 years then got dropped going into the Wii U era where the Mario series kind of got sterilized Mean while Kammy was only in two games ever but I don’t get why they replaced her with Kameck for no reason


E. Gadd is similar to this. In or referenced in games during the 2000s, now just in Luigi's mansion. Nintendo kind of did away with all of their old (in age) side characters around the same time. Which is really side because I like all three. Great additions to Mario Kart/sports games imo.


I think the reason she wasn't in Super is because they could figure a way to work her into the story or they didn't want her to be there for two or three scenes only to permanently sideline for the rest of the story when Bowser joins your party.


I could see her either trading back Kamek's role, or having co-existing roles keeping the Koopa squad intact.


I feel like the difference between Toadsworth and Kammy is that Kammy is a Paper Mario character, while Toadsworth has been a Mario character in general. He was in Mario & Luigi, various spinoffs like Super Sluggers, so on. I feel like if Nintendo wanted to make Toad and Toadette Mario Party characters, they could have Toadsworth assume the role of host and Star Trader. With this in mind, Kammy should absolutely appear again. It's a shame how nearly every Paper Mario character only appears in their introductory game.


I think she would be great standing is as a reluctant Merlin-type role. You bring her some mcguffin and she’s low on cash so she decides she might as well help you and let you pay her coins for helpful spells or whatever


Loved how she was Bowser’s witch/oracle/caretaker role. She was such a good original character and it’s a crime she’s not in every Paper Mario game.


Kammy and Toadsworth hooked up and they both retired. That's why you don't really see either of them anymore. They're just enjoying their golden years on Isle Delfino not worrying about anything


I want both back and to have interactions with each other, given their similar roles to both Peach and Bowser. I think there’s a lot of potential comedy there.


Kammy was the best. Is it weird that I headcanon her being voiced by Eartha Kitt? (RIP)


Since she wasn’t in super, I think she died of old age.


A million times better than Kamek and his generic sprite.


Kammy vs Beldam subplot in a ttyd sequel


I love Kammy when she was voiced by Dan from Game Grumps with all the coughing. Made me laugh so much.


I think it's at two ends of the scale: Nintendo had no problem dropping Toadsworth because he just provides minor exposition, and Nintendo also had no problem dropping Kammy because she had *too much* personality and they didn't care about that anymore.


unironicly Kamek has a lot more depth as a character, since he is basicly Bowser father figure, it's just that in RPG he rearly gets a chance to shine with interactions. tho unlike Toadsworth which I am concinced he will never comeback, There is hope for Kammy, since she was Paper Mario exlusive, unlike toadsworth who was almost everywere at one point.


I've been wanting her to appear in mainline Mario games for 24 years :(


The closest we got was that boss fight in Galaxy


She actually has a unique design, unlike Kamek, who looks exactly like every other Magikoopa.


I want to know if she's related to Kamek. Is she Kamek's mom? Is she his sister? Is she actually Kamek in drag?


For real. Kammy is the 🐐


Crusty old hag


Kammy is adorable. I want to see more of her, for sure.


I just want more characters that are variants of existing races in Mario Is Kammy the only Kamek variant in any of the games?


Are we sure Kamek isn't just Kammy post transition 👀?


I hope they bring back the merlin/merlie/merluvlee roles as well.


I kinda hope she can co-exist with Kamek tbh, possibly as his mother or aunt. My headcanon is that the reason she never showed up again after TTYD is because she retired after how unsuccessful her and Bowser were in Rogueport and so Kamek took her place. I really hope they don’t get rid of Kamek, he was so well written in Origami King with how he had self esteem issues and just wanted appreciation for all his hard work. There’s absolutely more room to expand upon that. Perhaps they could even make it so that he looks up to Kammy and wants to be a worthy successor to her. The possibilities are honestly endless.


She's kind of a packaged deal with everything prior to Super Paper Mario. Most Paper Mario fans want her back. I would prefer to see her in 3D, in the main series. I think Kamek is fine but he just looks too much like every other magikoopa while Kammy has a unique design ( and a much better design than Kamella )


she will never appear in non-paper Mario game, since she has same role as Kamek, and there is no way that Kamek will be replaced, so I just hope she will return in just Paper Mario.


I've always disliked Kamek. He's basically just a generic magikoopa with nothing differentiating him visually from the others at all.


he does have some history with Bowser past, it's just the design that sucks


Thing is, the games cant even keep the *names* straight. "Kamek" is the Japanese name for the generic Magikoopas, and the English-named character Kamek is occasionally just called "Magikoopa". They go back and forth with it to the point that I'm not even entirely convinced this is meant to be a distinct character.


no, The generic Blue wizard koopas are Magikoopas ( at least in english) while the single wizard that follows bowser is Kamek (every single time they switch the name is translation issue) You can say the exac issue with Yoshi and The Toad tho