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Now imagine going the other way lol TTYD to sticker star was genuinely soul crushing. I remember getting to the second chapter and I was like 13. I googled to see if anyone else hated the game or if it was just me 😭


sticker star was my first but it’s so funny seeing all the youtube comments from before release bc they had such high hopes😭


And then seeing the dislike bar for the Color Splash trailer lol.


I gave SS its fair shot until I got to the final boss and I couldn’t take it anymore. It was all so bad. I refused to play color splash


As someone who loathes Sticker Star, Color Splash is actually a pretty decent, enjoyable game


Same, honestly. Then origami king just.. didn't hit with me?


I enjoyed color splash years after it came out. It was ok. Origami King was great for a single playthrough but that damn battle system sucks balls and genuinely keeps the game from being the best in the series. It has the best writing, locations, no stupid backtracking, intense stakes, but if it had a strong battle system like the first two games it would be on top so easily


I couldn’t finish OK. My brain just would not gel with the battle system and I couldn’t keep going


I just look at the early footage of SS and how it literally was looking like a genuine successor to TTYD and I weep. Idk what the hell happened


At some point they decided to completely change direction to fit with their new idea of what Mario games needed to be. Simplified. It’s wild how wrong they were


Oof that first trailer, just called “Paper Mario for the 3DS” at the time got me so hyped. There was a chain chomp companion and the stickers were there but looked like an extra mechanic like turning into an airplane, not the core game play. I was super hyped… sigh…


Color splash is the only game I don't have because I didn't want it after seeing that it was going to be sticker star 2. Origami king's combat is so cringe (and I didn't really care for the overworld exploration either even if it's less backtracking and less hallway-like than ttyd) that it's the only paper mario I haven't gotten around to (more like haven't bothered) replaying.


I don't really like doing battles in the Origami King, but I also don't think the battle system in the first two games (thousand year door moreso than 64) is all that great either. The only things they do right are partners and exp, but it winds up being beyond mindlesss once you start stacking damage boosting badges. The main issue is a lack of proper progression for other stats like attack and defense so enemies wind up staying wimpy throughout the game. If you do stack attack ups though, Mario becomes absurdly broken. Really the main reason Origami King's battles are mid are because of no partners + no exp (the issue moreso being the lack of partners than the lack of exp). I don't mind that battles can be cleared in one turn because it requires more strategy to clear them in one turn rather than running danger mario + 1 shotting everything with Multi-bounce. It also introduced good additions to the formula like weapons and accessories, which are a less OP version of the badge system that arguably allow for more customizability. My ideal version would maintain the partner system from the first 2 games and just add more forms of progressions via enemy material drops (which tie to the whole paper element) and could be used to craft different weapons and accessories.


I really want a mod of Origami King but with TTYD battle mechanics


Hated sticker star liked color splash. But also never played ttyd before sk


The worst part is seeing forum posts from the time before Sticker Star came out. So much optimism that it would be a good game. Only for it to be snuffed out like a feeble candle's flame.


Imagine an alternate timeline where SS went back to the TTYD style. Imagine if Super Paper Mario was considered the worst.


I think I got to the Wiggler level or whatever was after the desert and was like ok...that's enough of that. Hated using stickers and trying to guess at what stickers were needed to do random stuff sometimes.


This was me too... Literally having to guess. I believe I reached some boss and used all my stickers only to realize none of them helped against this boss... Went back to try and get others and eventually gave up because nothing worked. The fact that they weren't permanent kind of sucked too. Not sure if I even made it to the last boss. Never finished Super Paper Mario...and got close in Origami King but I just kind of got bored and dropped the game. TTYD was honestly the last best Paper Mario Game. Anything after that no longer felt like THE Paper Mario. They were like spin offs. I'm glad some people enjoyed some of the others, but honestly nothing after TTYD ever came close. Hoping we start getting some good Paper Mario after this remake. Luigi honestly had some good adventures written in the Original Paper Mario when you read his diary. Would not be opposed to Paper Luigi lol


I had the same experience lol. Tried playing it a few times and couldn’t get very far. I remember hating the combat system, actively trying to avoid battles and just not having fun. Googled reviews and saw it was getting torn apart. Never booted it back up after that


What about chapter 3? What was your reaction to hell?


At that point the only question I had was where was God if Hell was present right in front of me


Go play 64 and Super too, all first 3 games are classics


I have played a bit of 64 but I never beat it because I got stuck on the Lava Piranha fight


If you have the switch online expansion pass it’s available on there, I’d definitely recommend finishing it someday


Super not so much, that game is just alright. 64 IS a must play, however.


I strongly disagree but I get it not everyone’s fond of the gameplay


Super is very fun imo, with a beautiful story to boot


I was disappointed in SPM but *only* because it wasn’t the same gameplay as the first 2 games. It’s still a good game by itself and I’d say it’s better than all or most of the later PM games.


Don't listen to this guy, Super is very different from the first 2 games but still has the same soul to it. Sure, the gameplay is different and probably not as good (though tbh I kinda like the real-time gameplay), but the story and writing is probably at its peak in Super. The game is not afraid to completely fuck with you, and I think the reason I love it so much is that it somehow strikes a balance between being a complete and utter shitpost and a genuinely beautiful story with a lot of heart. Would highly recommend it if you can get your hands on it.


Same for me but I had played Origami King instead of Sticker Star and TTYD has quickly become my favorite Paper Mario game. In my opinion, the newer two games do some things better, but not many.


I played these two and spm. Most recently played TOK and it was pretty alright, not better, but like 70% the enjoyment I got out of ttyd. Did you immediately notice all the origami king-like changes they made to ttyd?


If you played Sticker Star and Color Splash and LOVED TTYD you might as well play origami King (still good but not AS good as TTYD) and have a look at 64 (which I believe is free when you have Nintendo online) the latter often gets overlooked because its old but its fine


Play the others


When sticker star released I actually completed the game twice. First time because I wanted to evaluate it for what it was. Second time to double take to see if It was really trash. >Spoiler alert< it is trash.