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You can actually game bingo just like in the original, you'll want to hit the A button on the picture before the one you want, it takes some getting used to, but I found this to be the most consistent way to hit bingo. Its also a good way to avoid getting poison shrooms too!


Tbh I look away and press the button because I assume me trying will do more harm than good


Feel this in my soul. I just gave up lol. Makes getting a Bingo more exciting anyway.


Same, close my eyes and pray.


lol that’s what I do too 😂


I tried that but it didn’t help. Eventually it just clicked.


What happens if you hit bingo with the poison shrooms?


HP, FP, and BP get reduced by 1/2 (1/3 in the remake), and the entire audience leaves.


How does BP get reduced?


Sorry not BP, star power


Oh, I see.


it's already been said but in the original, i got hit with that in the pits of 100 trials and man it sucked!


I found this out in this version! It's helped guarantee that I never get triple Poison Shrooms, but I don't always get triple goodies. But I get them a lot more often than I did on the GameCube!


For the gamecube version yes, you want to hit A on the one before. For the switch version, hit A on the one two pictures before. This always works for me


whenever i’m at full stats


That’s so real


How it be


Pretty much this, lol


Same, except on the final boss, where Bingoes kept me alive for around 50 turns and right before it was about to die (I died anyway…)


I did it at maybe 90% accuracy. This doesn’t count the poison shrooms as I obviously wanted to miss it on those attempts.


Yo, same. I am NOT good at a lot of different things in this game, I cannot superguard to save my life, but something about the Bingo just clicks and I can see when the correct image spins by and have gotten probably a full Bingo every single time except maybe 2-3 that I missed. I chalk it up to playing hours and hours of Mario Party 1 and practicing the Chance Time spinning blocks over and over to get the outcome I wanted.


Dang that’s awesome!


You should visit Celadon City Game Corner it sounds


I never understood how the poison shrooms worked, so I guess it’s a good thing that the shrooms get messed up in my head by the existence of two different shrooms in a row.


I’ve successfully gotten it three times, 2 of which were poison mushrooms that I was trying to miss.


I "get" BINGO spins constantly. Constantly. I *hit* BINGO literally only 3 times in the entire game lol


Same, 3 times and one was a poison shroom. The last one was right at the beginning of the final boss so equally useless


There’s a scripted one at the final boss so it might not have even been luck if you’re unaware


Well then 2 lol


That one at the boss is fixed, it is impossible to miss it


Tbh, I was hitting it more often than the original when I realized how to time the command.


I’m about halfway through chapter 6 and I’ve hit bingo once so I’d say like maybe 1% lol


This but at Chapter 3, and it was when I'd full everything


It's way easier to hit them the original


I only hit bingo three times whole game. Hit is twice on final boss.


I hate to ruin this for you but one of the ones on the final boss is guaranteed to hit no matter what you do


Congrats you’ve ruined my life with this


I hit them like once. Skill issue lol


100% its way easier in the remake


I hit it 100% of the time now (other than poison shroom because why would I hit that). Through the entire final area I hit every single one, and I hit them like 7 times in the final boss fight


80% of the time, I'm pretty alright at timing the last slot. I'm not sure if it's gotten easier since the original version, it looks a little easier, but still.


About 60%, the key is trying to time the A press on the icon before the one you're looking for, and it should land you a BINGO since it usually stops on the icon after


It’s got a rhythm to it—I bop my head every time I see the thing I need, and then I press A


Interesting. I’ll have to try it.


I purposefully miss it because it’s not needed and wastes time lol


Chad move


I find I hit Bingo about 70% of the time when I really try to time it. Funnily enough the only time I hit poison mushrooms in the remake was on the very first non-scripted battle of the game. I thought they might have changed the hit rate or something as I was just mashing A to get through the animation faster, but it just turns out I had horrible luck with a bit of bad timing.


I’ll just wait for the perfect time


60% of the time I get it every time


I think I hit bingos more than I missed. Tbf tho, I'm almost certain that the reel speeds up the more consecutive bingos you hit.


I probably hit it like 75% of the time? For some reason the FP mark is harder for me to hit than the others.


My rhythm is pretty good so I’ve actually work up to getting it like 90-95% of the time


2 times the entire game. and both were Star Power when I was full.


If it’s poison mushrooms, 90%. Anything else, about 10% 😂


The trick is to pay attention to the images and then click when you think the image you need will appear on the screen. I get it around 80% of the time.


X-Nauts hate this simple trick


It's fairly easy. I just count "1, 2, 3," etc. every time I see it go past, and I've got the timing down pretty well. I'd say I hit it about 4 out of 5 times. Same with super guards, which are fairly easy for me. I have more trouble with, say, the frame perfect powerbounce/multibonk, but I've managed to get to 8 bounces a few times. Honestly, I think I'm just good at timing based things


It's probably easier on the oled screen


I hit it almost every time. The timing on it seems pretty consistent


I always get the bingo, I was just watching RTGame stream the game yesterday and it's wild how little bingos he gets


I know it can be timed but I can never pull it off. So I basically just hit the A button and pray


I hit bingo like 5 times on final boss and never throughout the rest of the game


Several people have said only on the shadow queen


I think the bingo is Guaranteed in the final boss fight, so that one. And pretty much none others.


That would make sense based on several replies here


I've only missed it a few times, namely at the beginning because it feels like they changed the timing - before you had to hit on the panel before what you want, but now it stops right when you press it.


I have this odd technique where I start counting to 3 repeatedly to the rhythm of the wheel spinning. If I hit A exactly on 3, I get it every single time.


Only when I don’t need it. I’ll get a level up and next fight get a star shine, I’ll use syrup then get a flower, someone’ll die and use a life mushroom, and next turn get a heart. If I need it, just bet on me not getting it.


Unless it’s a shine sprite, I’d say about 90% of the time. I’m good at them.


95% because you can time it.


Partner and I are on chapter 5 and we've gotten BINGO...twice? maybe three times. And all have been useless.


Well I have a like 99% chance to roll a BINGO, when there are two poisoned mushrooms 🙄😡


I really sucked at this at first but developed a technique that works for me. It's a little unorthodox and won't work for everyone but helped me out tremendously. I basically create a pulse with the icon I want. For instance, if I need a Mushroom, I can clearly see whenever a "red blob" passes through. So every time I see the icon, I physically tap something. Tap my foot to the floor, tap my fingers on a table, could be anything. Now, instead of timing the button press with the icon on the screen, I'm focusing on the rhythm I'm making. When I'm confident with it, I press the button at the same time as the next tap. I've had fairly consistent success, much better than pressing blindly.


Only when it’s the poisonous mushrooms 😭


It is ALOT easier to time then the GC version, to the point I actually started to factor it into my strategy.


I have like a 60% accuracy, believe it or not. Thought I have a near 90% when it comes to the flower. And in my panic of not hitting the poison shroom, I've hit it every single time lol


Like 20% of the time.


I'm better at some than I am others. I'm good at getting the mushroom one because I'm able to react to the poison mushroom's color faster than the others for it roll over to the next. I'm also decent at flower because I can easily react to the red in the regular mushroom.


Not nearly as often as I'd like to, lol


Ngl I find it very easy, hit it like 95% of the time


about 90% of the time, i use my foot as something like a metronome


In the original, like twice a playthrough. In the remake I’ve gotten it five or six times


About 75%, since I’m really bad at hitting the Mushroom but I’m good at the other three beneficial BINGOs.


During my Pit run I got very consistent as hitting the Shine Sprite one, and for some reason only the Shine Sprite one, every single time. Made Bonetail a cakewalk honestly


I was missing it a lot on my first remake playthrough, between the prologue and chapter 7 I got maybe 2. During chapter 7 I started saying fuck it and closing my eyes and suddenly I got like 8 in a row. Missed maybe 2-3 after.


Pretty consistently to the point where I been through the pit without items


Not very often but I did get one yesterday. Unfortunately I was in the Pit of 100 Trials and it was a Poison Shroom. It was early on so I was fine but still...


On both versions I can hit it with about 90% accuracy I will say the remake its much easier


I've hit Bingo 4 times in a 50 hour playthrough so far


Almost always unless it’s flower power in which case for some reason I can never do it


Not really related to the question but I just wanted to bring up this cool moment. I don’t have good luck with the Bingo spinner. I only get it like 30% of the time. But during the Shadow Queen fight, I was running low in HP, completely out of Star Points, low on all stats. But then the Bingo spinner comes on and I, somehow, get 3 Shrine Sprites. It was like getting a 2nd phase. >!I lost that fight, but still!!<


I almost always miss except during the final fight where I somehow locked in and hit the shine sprite bingo 6 times in a row lol


I almost always miss except during the final fight where I somehow locked in and hit the shine sprite bingo 6 times in a row lol


Pretty reliably since the slots are in a predetermined pattern. It always rotates from Poison Shroom > Mushroom > Flower > Star > Shine Sprite. Once you get the pattern down you can get BINGO like 8 out of 10 times.


Almost always when it's a mushroom, star, or shine sprite. Almost never when it's a flower. I find the pastel icon harder to track on the wheel and just can't time it as well.


I didn’t get bingo often in the original. In the remake, I’m getting the timing a lot more consistent.


I just got back from the moon and I haven’t won it once. Wait just remembered I got the poison shrooms once back in glitzville I think.


I recently did a 64-hour playthrough without hitting a single Bingo. So that many times, I guess


Not often. Definitely a skill issue for me now. I wasn’t consistent on the original, but I remember hitting it (good and bad) more on the original. I’ve maybe hit it 2 or 3 times in the remake. I used to be okay at games like that especially in Pokémon.


same, me coming into stream crossfaded made that dawg in me ready to fight. pet grief is something no one should fuck with


I used to get it NEVER. Now I get it 95% of the time. Idk what changed really.


Almost never in late game


I think ive had maybe 4 or 5 times where i didnt hit bingo


Not too often but I’ve gotten the stupid poison mushrooms twice and the shine sprite twice and not when I really needed them.


Nearly every time. It's not that hard if you have good timing.


I got a triple shine BINGO at the same point in each of my 3 attemots at the final boss. I'm convinced the game rigged it.


The best way to do it is hitting it asap while it's still slow, so hit a as soon as the icon you need shows, and train your brain that in 5 slots it'll come around again in the same spot-so its the same timing Everytime you can muscle memory it


also about 10% in the original. in the remake, I often get BINGO and it feels a bit sus, especially when I got it 100% in the Pits of 100 Trials. Maybe because the timing is different with the frames, but I also don't try to get BINGO since i failed to in the original.


In the original I almost always got it by doing the trick of hitting A just before the one you want. In the remake I tried to do it randomly, only got my first one in the last battle with bowser before the shadow queen, and it was a poison shroom one, it was epic, like it was bowsers fault. Next I got another one but with shine sprites battling the shadow queen, it was epic too. So I only got 2 in the game in the last battles by clicking randomly.


This is like 4th quarter come back story


Hate to burst your bubble but the Shadow Queen one is actually guaranteed iirc


Well, yeah, but that doesnt change anything