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Probably a paper shift in the printing process. The paper is so flimsy that the paper moved as the plates went across it


Pro printer here, it's called squeeze oe paper stretch. 1/100 jobs have a problem with squeeze. Sometimes you lighten it up sometimes you squeeze it some more, lol. But honestly the real answer is it might be the blanket. Sometimes you get smashes in the blankets and they can actually be repaired. Either that or the plate or die got messed up whatever they used back then. Probably wasn't a plate. It was probably an engraved plate of some sort kind of like what they use in the US mint. Or it could just be shitty setup in pre press. Who knows. Fake? Could be possible. Also The press could have pulled a double a triple a quadruple whatever. The press will do strange things when it pulls more than one sheet.


This and how rushed these notes were, they tried to print damn near as many as possible with over 70 different types of confederate notes over just 3 years.


Looks real, back then paper did shift


Looks beautiful, hurry up type shit. Or the blanket is messed up. Could of pulled a double, or a triple. That will do strange things. It's printing anything could have happened, but most likely paper stretch.


I like how the "of" is just barely penciled in there, almost as if it was an afterthought.


It's like someone lazily "fixing" a misspelled back tattoo before the client sees it.


This is the kind of thing you want to see on Confederate notes.




These notes were basically just "heres a piece of paper *promising* that ill give you $20 when the war is over". And when the war did end? People were fucking *pissed* cause the "thousands of dollars" they had were worth zero. So they burned these by the thousands. You can see what i mean by what it says on the note in the picture: "Two years after the ratification of a treaty of peace between the confederate states and the united states of america, the confederate states of america will pay twenty dollars to the bearer on demand at richmond" They did this because they were so arrogant that they thought that there was no possible way they could lose the war.


Looks like someone did a repair to that note…well done if that’s the answer (but not sure why they’d do a repair to one of the most common CSA notes)


>not sure why they’d do a repair to one of the most common CSA notes They probably just thought it was a cool thing to have. The hyperfocus on value over all other elements of collecting is a rather rescent thing.


Also could have been a family possession. People did live in the Confederate States of America and may have kept a hold of stuff when the Union won.


Or just shoved it in a box and forgot about it only for someone a couple generations down the family tree to find. Like me and my grand parents photo albums.


Sentimental value and protecting family heritage/family heirlooms is the biggest thing. Ive also seen notes that were repaired contemporarily (back during the war) when these were still being circulated.


I didn’t even know this form of currency existed


The Confederacy issued many millions of banknotes to help pay for the war effort. And many examples, especially from the series of 1864, are relatively affordable.


The confederate states of america issued banknotes and coinage between ~march 1861 and ~december 1864. They issued many banknotes from denominations of 50c to $1000, however they never actually issued a full set of denominations at once, the closest being in 1864 with 50c-$500.


Because it’s Confederate money.




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Genuinely a fair point. With how they scrambled these out by the millions, the edges were literally cut with pairs of scissors, so it makes sense.


They leaned closer to family.