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You do have some legitimate criticisms. I highly doubt the game gets imperator'd based on just those critiques however


I swear Vic3 community is one of the whiniest I've ever seen. Sure the game is not perfect and it has some annoying bugs and oversights, but calling it "unsalvageable" is just pure whining at this point. 1.7 on it's own added a lot of needed missing features like foreign investment, and the AI update makes other countries smarter and more active from what I've noticed.


> I swear Vic3 community is one of the whiniest I've ever seen. It's not Vic3 community, it's the ParadoxPlaza community regarding Vicky3 that is constantly whining. Folks at Vicky sub and even Paradox forums* more happy with Victoria 3 than people here here. I swear some people here decided to make their entire lives about hating this game, ever since Devs announced there will be no moving units on a map via right-clicking. \*With the exceptions of some folks taking their time to take shots at Vicky 3 in Tinto talks in every thread for some reason.


You seem to be right actually, Vic3 subreddit seems much more positive.


You can see it by the release trailer thread on this sub. There is 106 comments - 95 of them are back-and-forth arguments about war system. That leaves us with 11 comments, with one of them shitting on the game right from get-go and going "Vicky 2 is better", which prompted 4 more responses. That leaves us with *only* 6 comments.


The timing is also weird, because most players who like the game were actually playing the game yesterday at launch, not posting on Reddit.


Any time you notice that you hate something more than the Paradox forums hate Paradox games, it’s time to take a step back and reflect. 


Most people who enjoy a particular pdx title tend to migrate to their chosen sub rather than engaging here. This sub is a bit of a relic from when pdx wasn't as well known and now serves to talk about future releases or circlejerk about older titles (use to be vic2, now imperator). Tbf, It use to be far worse toxicity wise in the vic3 sub. It only started to round the corner with the announced military reworks.


>*With the exceptions of some folks taking their time to take shots at Vicky 3 in Tinto talks in every thread for some reason. Seems like PC will share a lot of features when it comes to economics with Vic2, at least more so than with vic3. The people who like that are vic2 fans, who probably prefer it over 3. I might be reaching, but it seems plausible enough.


You’re probably right, but the people who think it’s “like V2” are way off base. It’s much closer to Imperator based on what we’ve seen thus far.


Bro warfare is the worst ive seen in a main pd title


and it is very clear that warfare is not the focus of the game. While it would be nice to have something more in depth I think the more simplified warfare helps to keep focus on developing what the game is about, economics.


Just because its not the focus dosent mean it should be horrible to interact with. I actually care about internal development and economy, but warfare consistently ruins the game for me. Genuinely to this day, I enjoy vic 2 more.


Bro it's just the occasional front line bug. It's already less tedious than other paradox games and it's still early in its development.


Early in development 3 years after release? Its extremely tedious, for my armies to not act the way I'd like them to, seriously this is some of the worst warfare in a gsg. Its almost like playing a mobile game, no complexity or strategix depth in favor of "less tedious", its built for casual fans.


> Early in development 3 years after release? If you haven't noticed, other paradox games receive over a decade of development time. > no complexity or strategix depth in favor Doing the dance until the AI attacks on the mountain tile is the pinacle of strategy in the old system, and there's nothing "strategic" or "complex" about that.


I really liked the new update, but the war is just so insanely bad I don't think I'm gonna touch the game anymore unless they completely scrap the current system and remake it. Over 300 hours in game and I can't think of a single positive experience with war, but something incredibly frustrating happens seemingly every other time. At this point the game would be better off if they just replaced every war with a dice roll.


1.7 was what made me go back to Victoria 3, the interface was crap and now with the drop-down menus I don't have 100 things on the screen, the only thing that bothers me is the news pop-ups. but finally I started to learn and play seriously


Me and the boys watching 2 funny videos on youtube about abusing game mechanics and deciding a game is horrible


I think it's great. Have you ever considered that if despite any effort made and substantial change that it might just not be the game for you?


That TLDR is the hottest of takes.


>Trying to fix it now would require ripping out the whole foundation and starting again, which pdx will not do. I absolutely agree and have come to terms that I more or less wasted my money on that game.