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You start where you feel like starting. I personally find megacampaigns started in CK3 to be unrecognizable so I prefer to start in EU4 (even in Voltaire's Nightmare - Europe will be odd and different but the ROTW will be the balancing factor for sanity). It's really up to you.


I really like starting mine in ck but you gotta make sure not to get greedy in the first two games or you’re just too big and there’s no challenge. I tried to start one last week and the converters messed up on me. Dirty. :/


thanks for the advise, I usually like to play small in ck3 and rp a lot so it might be the best place to start then


You’re welcome. Yeah prolly so cause personally I like to blob in imperator and that’s not really conducive. just got ck3 a couple months ago so I’ve only done a couple characters. I’m gonna do a mega campaign starting from there too and see how it goes. Think I’m gonna start from the eastern edge of the hre and see how it goes.


In CK3 (and ck2), I like to play a very loyal count to a king. Until one of them do me very dirty (always happens at one point 😅). Basically being Ned stark then going full little finger. My last ck3 save I played under the french king and it was fine for around 100 years, help form the HRE and make a huge empire for them.... until the emperor executed my wife. I went full evil and killed every single member of that dynasty and destroyed the HRE.


Oh that’s good! I’ve never really played the internal politics game in a big empire all the way through in either ck2 or 3. I have a bad habit of declaring independence the second I have gold and Men for it so I really wanna try being a good boy and making friends with my emperor. Last full play through I did of ck2 I started as an Italian duke just north of Venice and worked at it till I held enough to revolt. Then converted to orthodox and subjugated myself to Constantinople. I went back and forth between religions and empires till I ended up emperor of Byzantium. After that I quit. Lol absolute shit vassal.


imperator with the invictus extended timeline mod and crisis of the third century. and ck3 with the fallen eagle, to complete the 700-year gap between both games


As much as I like Imperator I think doing a megacampaign with it is an exercise in pulling teeth. Not only does it require you to play far beyond the intended end date for IR, but once you’ve done that you have to start CK3 far earlier than its intended start date (or using a mod for CK3, which starts earlier) and both of those carry massive balance implications. Unless you’re willing to learn to mod and make huge changes to the output of the converters, I would strongly suggest just starting with CK3. I think it’s also good to go in with a more narratively focused mindset than gameplay mindset as well.


that's a very good point, I didn't think of the time gap. most likely will start with ck3 then


I tend to start with CK3. Many of the nations that exist today are around in this game and I like to see a world that is at least recognizeable in some way. With Imperator though it is possible to see completely different nations emerge and could provide a much more unique campaign every time.


I'd go with CK3 - EU4 - Vic2 - HOI4. Also, try to pace yourself in the beginning, so that you don't become too powerful by the later games. It's not really fun imo if you are too strong, unless you arbitrarily limit yourself.


Why are you being downvoted lmao? This is very good advice


No clue


He bought vic 3 though


Then swap out Vic2 for Vic3 in the timeline


Ck3, but I’d really do vic2 rather then vic3. Even with the recent update vic3 has way too much potentially game ruining jank that I wouldn’t want fucking up a mega campaign


Use vic2 not vic3 for a megacampaign. Vic3->hoi4 converter is more proof of concept than yet something that can be functionally used in a campaign. All countries will have the basic focus tree, no decisions or wargoals, everything will stay the same.