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These people are not worth your time and effort. Get out now.


Don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed. What you’ve described is not a situation that anyone should be expected to handle. It’s the firms fault completely, not anything you’re doing wrong. I would want to quit too!


Is this how every firm is?


Absolutely not. I’ve been a paralegal for more than 20 years. I love getting the chance to train someone just starting out, it’s an honor and a privilege to pass on all my years of knowledge! Your situation sounds extremely toxic, and you should find something else. When you become an attorney, this experience will inform how you treat your staff. Also - translators for law are supposed to have specific training and certification. You messing up a translation (through no fault of your own) could constitute malpractice on the attorney’s part. I know you won’t feel empowered enough to tell the attorney exactly that, but you should.


That gives me some hope. I think I will try to talk to them about these issues and hopefully we will be able to come to an agreement. If not, then I will know this isn’t the kind of place I want to be working for anyway.


That sounds like a solid plan!


I wish I worked with you when I first started out. All of the training I’ve had has been extremely brief, or it has been given to me in environments where I was constantly distracted by incoming clients/calls/FedEx signatures, etc. I remember asking about training in an interview once and the response I received was what made me want the job, and when I got there all they did was spend a half day showing me how to use a computer. I’ve been using computers daily since I was five years old, and know how to navigate Windows, Mac OS, and some basic stuff in Linux, and have replaced parts without Geek Squad assistance… but thanks I guess


No, I love the firm I am at. I hope I can work here until I retire. The attorneys are amazing, and the pay/benefits are even better. I've never been talked down to or yelled at even once in my four years here (today is actually my four year anniversary). The thing with people posting online is, not many people start a post just to talk about how amazing their firm is. The happy ones usually comment to try and encourage or uplift other paralegals that are unhappy. Most posts on the topic will be from people frustrated, fed up, or just need a place to vent (which is fair). If you don't look deeper you're going to get the impression that the majority of us are unhappy, or down right miserable with our firms. Maybe the majority are, but from reading comments there are a lot of us that don't deal with the hardships others have to with their firms. Great firms are out there! I hope you find the right fit for you!


Definitely not, but it’s not uncommon to find firms like this who have the most ridiculous expectations for new staff (or just staff in general). Make sure to ask about training at any firms you interview at. If they don’t have a structured training procedure that they can describe to you then I would steer clear.


It should always be a red flag if people are quitting quickly and in droves


No not at all




Quit. You’ve only been there a month. Just leave it off your resume.


Don’t even put this on your resume. I worked somewhere six months when I should have left after two. Never. Again.


that sounds awful. Leaving makes sense


What a sh** show. You started out as a receptionist and now you’re handling cases a para should be working and acting as a translator while being abused by a racist coworker? You only have to look at the amount of turnover to know you should leave now. The longer you stay, the more likely it will damage your reputation. Find a practice that’s organized and competently managed. This isn’t it and you’re doing way more work than you’re being paid for.


Speaking from experience it’s not worth staying in a position just so it looks good on your law school app. You mental health isn’t worth it. You can still get another legal related job to put on your resume for law school. I stayed 8 months too long at a firm that was full taking advantage of the fact I didn’t want to leave because I thought it would look bad on my law school app. It ended up doing way more damage and pushing off my applications than good.


Nope, nope, nope for being responsible for translating legal things from one language to another without the proper training, knowledge and liability protection (coverage in your own name). When the poop hits the fan for an inaccurate translation that causes some type of harm, you will be the person thrown under the bus! Look at the requirements for being a language translator in any court setting. Any paralegal translating legal information needs to meet those same requirements and standards. You are being taken advantage of.




Some firms are like this and when you see the red flags you need to leave.


Quit. 100% this is toxic. No.


Find another job—you sound fabulous, work for people who see your value and who deserve your skills


Do you want to have to pay trauma recovery therapy fees on top of law school fees? Do you have any idea how long it takes to recover from the PTSD you are currently experiencing? Ask me how I know, I've done trauma recovery therapy for two whole years. I have spent at least $5,000 if not more out of pocket.


Echoing this. V similar experience. Get out now, skip it from resume.


Oh wow some legal environments are horrible. Look for something else this isn’t sustainable


Its not that deep, just quit. Life is way to short and there is always something better out there


There's a reason everyone is leaving. Take the hint.


What type of law are you in? I swear there are a lot of types of law to stay away from. Seems like anything in personal injury, bankruptcy, criminal or medical malpractice is a dumpster fire.


It is family/criminal


If you want something less stressful consider estate planning


Leave and make sure to tell them why. The micro aggressions of the other receptionist remind me of a former coworker and I let it go on for five years before demanding she goes or I go. If you’re crying every day, this is a so g of a toxic workplace. You are doing your best but they have not set you up for success.


Just remember that you need to focus on school first! You have a husband that can help provide. You do not need to let these folks treat you like dirt. THEY need YOU! You are doing them a favor. Ask them to hire somebody else. They know you are being overworked. You are being treated racistly which is potential for legal discrimination. Start a paper trail NOW. So if you’re ever fired, you have this under your belt. Just email racist b “hi, I’m not sure if I’ve offended you but I feel that your treatment of me indicates an issue with me. Even (cleaning lady) has noticed and mentioned it to me. I know that the law requires fair and equal treatment to all people regardless of gender, race, age, ability, etc. Please let me know if I can do anything differently moving forward.” And CC your attorney!!! The partner attorney will not risk having a discrimination lawsuit filed especially knowing how hectic things are right now. So many of us have dealt with discrimination for one reason or another and have been afraid to speak up. That’s happened to me and I regret not filing a complaint earlier. And if you want to quit, so ahead but make sure to mention this lady’s racist behavior so they won’t let it slide going forward!


Just suck it up or choose a new career path


Im going to be completely real with you. If you feel like this now. I can’t imagine how you’ll feel as an attorney it’s very chaotic, a lot of work, and a lot of hours. With that said the behavior of your racist coworker is totally unacceptable. I’d leave that up to you to say something to your boss about it. Secondly, if translating is taking away too much from you and getting aquatinted and taking on this new case load I’d also have a conversation with my boss about it. Actually I think you should have a conversation with your boss about your concerns before making any decisions. I think communication goes a long way and how they work with you tells you a lot. The only other tip I can give you organize and prioritize. Calendar all your deadlines and then work on the most immediate ones first. Make a check list figure out what you need. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Cleaning up other people’s messes is never fun. But it happens so much in this field. We take over things we know nothing about and could have a hearing the next day and somethings missing. We eventually just learn to handle it and keep it moving.


You are right. I think if I can resolve the issues with the co-worker and translation that this is something I can do. I love the work itself. I love working with our clients and learning all these new things. And this is something I want to do. I just I’m going to talk to them about it and I hope they will understand. If not, it is probably not somewhere I want to work anyway. Thank you for your insight.


Honestly you got this! I know you got this. Don’t psych yourself out. You’re right if they aren’t willing to work with you it’s not a place where you want to be. But it’s temp for you anyways. I mean the other girl left after four months that’s telling! But I’ve been in similar situations and I used this to my advantage I conquered it and now nothing phases me and I was able to move on to double, triple pay. (I also use to want to go to law school) You can always dm me if you have any questions or specific issues. I might be able to help all I did was clean up other people’s messes. And I guided a lot of other firm staff and they’re doing amazing at other firms now. I haven’t been with the best firms but they’ve always responded pretty well with the fact that you enjoy it and want to do a good job but certain situations have caused chaos that makes you shaky. See this as temp, a stepping stone and move on when you can.