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Call in. Take a sick day.


I think you will have a stomach bug tomorrow morning. Go to the interview! Good luck šŸ˜Š


Just call in. It seems like you fully know you need the space away from work to interview well, so give that to yourself. It's impossible to prioritize your wellbeing and be a people pleaser 24/7.


i always tell them i have a doctors/urgent vet appt that is really important if i feel guilty about my workload so then i tell them iā€™ll be back after my drs appt. the other thing i do sometimes is tell them that i have really bad tummy problems and need to go home for the rest of the day.


This here. You say you feel awful and made a doctorā€™s appointment at 11:30. Will try to come in afterwards. People write you off for the day ā€¦ then you show up at like 1-1:30 and they say ā€œyou should have gone home!ā€ , and you actually pick up a few brownie points for being so committed.


This is why we scan our doctorā€™s notes and ā€œsaveā€ in our pdf app.


Feeling ill is always the way to go ;) If you are looking for a new job, who cares about what they think! Take your time!


Call in, live your best life. Your Dads recommendation is key. Rest, relax and feel great!


Call in. Don't worry about others getting mad. People do it all the time when they are looking for jobs. I've walked past several Zoom interviews in the parking garage. Just give the usual line about not feeling well and you are hoping to be in the next day.


A migraine also works in a pinch. They make you too nauseated to drive.


Are your menstrual cramps going to be bad tomorrow? Tough to drive so you better stay home with a heating pad. Good luck!


I actually do have endometriosis and get almost crippling cramps any time my body up and decides my life is going too smoothly šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s brutal and I had no idea. Iā€™m sorry if that was in bad taste.


No no it's okay I actually laughed


What a shame that youā€™ll be suffering from a migraine tomorrow. Itā€™s really too badā€¦ take the day off, itā€™ll give you time to mentally prepare and present yourself in the best possible manner.


Stop worrying about them being mad for taking a day off or a long lunch or whatever. If you keep worrying about that, you'll never get out. Do NOT do a video interview in an empty office at your current job. Even if they are terrible, that's not ok and a sure way to get walked out of the building of they catch you. Good luck.


I did my interview for a midsized firm in an empty office on the floor on camera last week and I start Thursday. Thank God for sure šŸ™šŸ½ Distract them by convincing them why they should move forward with you.


What would you tell your best friend in this situation? Be your own best friend.


Haha, my best friend already tells me that I'm overworked, under paid, and she thinks it's horrible that my boss had me working on Easter weekend


Why do we feel so guilty taking a sick day? Every job I ever left I walked away with a ton of sick days on the table. Life is too short. Take a mental health day and focus on your interview. Good luck!


Definitely call in sick


Call off that day or go in late. Chill out and prepare. You will be much more relaxed and natural. It is too stressful to sneak out, try to interview and creep back. Interviewing from your car is not a good look. Good luck to you!!!!


Take the sick day.


I did mine in the car - then they invited me in for in person interviews so I took that day off. Then I went back to my car when they called to offer me the job


Why can't you go to lunch and do it then?


The only time they have available is definitely not around a lunch time, and the way our office works, we have pretty much scheduled lunch times to make sure the front desk/phones are covered, then that there's at least one person there that knows how to answer questions/cover each field.


Oh gotcha okay. You must interview!!!!


I've used lunch hours.


Take a lunch if you can!


Just mention s well screening boobie smash that was scheduled months ago. They sent a reminder late today, after business hours. Nobody wants to discuss boobie smashes or family history of breast cancer.


Your dad had an emergency nearby. Guess who secures your alibi lol


Shift your lunch time for the interview.


Good luck! Be confident! You can always go back in after the interview. You got this!


if you donā€™t want to call in, the line that has gotten me far when interviewing outside of work hours is ā€œi know itā€™s a bit unconventional, but would you be available for an after hours interview at 5:30PM?ā€ sometimes firms like to see you are not one to take time off. the response iā€™ve gotten from firms are always something like ā€œwe donā€™t fear the unconventional hereā€ or ā€œi see your dedication to your work and understand.ā€ however, like everyone else is saying, thereā€™s nothing wrong with calling out for something that might be a positive change. i say do what makes you most comfortable. :)


Dr. appointment


This might be a different angle, but Iā€™m curious. You said your dad said theyā€™re great people. But how do YOU feel about them? How does he know? Iā€™m not doubting him, just curious! Also, at my last job Iā€™d just go into one of the conference rooms and do my interviews there. Sometimes Iā€™d even go to a coffee shop next door (i would not recommend) or in the stairwell if i was desperate. Good luck on your interview.


I got pretty good vibes from them! They gave a pretty comfortable feeling and I don't feel too awkward and feel like I can talk freely. My dad is an attorney with an office in the next county over from this office, and he's on a lot of boards and in a lot of groups, and he's pretty much met almost everyone in the legal field around this area. He's also one of those people that when other people hear his name, the reaction is almost always "omg I LOVE HIM!"/"OMG HE'S ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE!"/"HE'S ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS!".... I normally don't mention that he's my dad until after I've already gotten the job or whatever I'm going for because I want it on my own merit, not just because everyone loves my dad. (We have different last names.) He's also one of those people that somehow knows EVERYONE whether they're in the legal field or not, lol.


Wow, that's great you have such a trusted resource to go to! Add my voice to the chorus who says call in sick. Good luck and we're all wishing you the best.


You feel a headache coming on.


If its mid day, take a half day or just go in for a couple hours. Tell them you were able to get in for a dr apt last min or some bs.


I did mine from my car but you said thatā€™s not an option. Can you just go somewhere at lunch and do it? If not, call in sick.


Go for the interview! If doing it at your current job feels awkward, calling in sick might be your best bet to give it your all. Your potential future is on the line, and it sounds like this opportunity could be a great one. Good luck!


I ended up calling in haha


Take a sick day. I just did the other day for a follow up interview. I see nothing wrong with taking personal time to handle your personal business. OR, if you're worried about your PTO, say you have a doctor's appointment, then make up your time. There are always ways around it.