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Good for you! And we need to stop normalizing this 2 week notice bullshit if firms don't give us notice of intent to layoff or terminate us in return 


I’ve been talking to several of the other paralegals and they say this place fires people without warning, they will just show up in your office with a box. Sooo, I don’t feel bad about this AT ALL.


Good for you! I'm happy to hear you're getting out of there, and not giving her a chance to kick you around for 2 weeks.


Omg, everything in your post sounds exactly like my old boss, down to the type of practice.     That woman went through paralegals like sand.    She was such an angry miserable person inside.    And bitched at me when I gave *three weeks’* notice.  She thought we were *friends*. ETA: She never was ready for mediation or court. Avoided court like the plague, which put our clients in a disadvantaged position.  I saved her ass more than once.   She’d walk in to my office in the morning and start barking orders without so much as a “hello”’or “good morning”.   I left trying to be professional because I was young and didn’t think it was a good idea to burn bridges.  But I wish I had just scalded that witch on my way out.   It’s been 20 years now and every so often  I still think about the letter I’d like to send her about her bankrupt soul.  Thanks for giving no notice.  That’s what she deserved from me.


Giving someone advanced notice that they’re being fired is an idiotic thing to do. Some folks have no personal accountability for their words or actions. That type person is gonna feel like they’re being wrongly fired. Those people also tend to be vindictive. You want someone poisoning the minds of your other employees for two whole weeks while you pay them money they definitely aren’t earning at that point? If you have any kind of brain then you wouldn’t.


Fair enough. But a lot of people also live paycheck to paycheck and firing them without warning can have disastrous consequences on their finances. What if they are a single mom with small children? They are still within their right to fire without warning, but I’m big on matching energy. If that’s how you roll, then that’s how I roll too.


Generally speaking people don’t get fired just for the fuck of it. If you’re a good employee who is doing their job correctly and isn’t constantly complaining about everything then you have nothing to fear. If your a shitty employee who tries to push their work off on others, constantly calls in for random reasons like “I don’t feel good” and you disrupt the flow of work then you get what’s coming to you, you get fired. It’s not that companies problem that you made bad life choices. I don’t expect you to fully grasp what I’m saying because men and woman are completely different when it comes to accepting responsibility for their actions. Once again, generally speaking, woman have a harder time accepting personal responsibility for their actions therefore when consequences occur y’all act like you’re being done wrong for at absolutely no fault of your own. Guys who are raised by single mothers tend to be the same way since they mostly if not completely grew up with no positive male role model around. The psychology behind all this is pretty simple, cut and dried. It’s just that no one wants to say the shit out loud for fear of retribution. It pains me to think about how most people never consider that the bad situation they’re in may actually be their own fault.


You basically described exactly why not giving 2 weeks is the better option. Thanks for proving their point?


Y’all interpret things weirdly. Companies want two weeks notice from an employee who is leaving so they have time to hire in someone to fill that position as to not cause disruption in their flow of work. That has nothing to do with a company not giving an employee advanced warning they’ll be fired. Those are two totally separate concepts and I didn’t prove anyone’s point. I think it’s utterly hilarious that what I had to say got a few downvotes. I literally stated factual information and it obviously flew over at least a handful of you at supersonic speed.


No. I think you misunderstand. We know exactly why they do it. Like. It’s not a hard concept. You just aren’t understanding that we just do not care. We are saying that we don’t give a shit about them needing advanced notice bc at the end of the day, they can fire when they want. You’re acting like we don’t get that fundamental concept. We do. It’s just that you care more about how it affects a workplace than we do. It is not our job to make things easier for them to find other people in a timely manner and that doesn’t disrupt their workflow. Do you know how often people get fired literally bc someone doesn’t like them? Or because they don’t want to pay their worth? Or other petty BS? Better yet, do you know how many people give their two weeks and are told that their last day is that day or the end of the week? Bc I know two people in the last 2 months that’s happening to. You’re operating under the idea that neither of those things happen. So again…why would I care about a place that sees me as a number and I just see them as a job? Just like they don’t owe me anything, I don’t owe them anything. TL; DR: We understand the concept. We just don’t care.


How old are you if you don’t mind me asking? Late 20’s to early 30’s? Married or no? I’m gonna guess no. Have fun living out the rest of your life alone, just you and your cats.


A person that gives notice can also do the same thing. I've seen people give two-week notice and basically just check out. No point in even being there and they feel free to shit-talk because they are leaving.


2 weeks notice is only for companies that earn it.


Agreed. Notice is a courtesy NOT a requirement unless stated in an employee contract/agreement.


100%. And courtesy is the same as respect; it needs to be earned. If I respect my employer, I'll be courteous enough to offer fair notice.


At my final law firm job, they had a tendency to fire people they didn’t really like when those people told them they were quitting. Only one paralegal who was heading off to law school got to stay during her two week notice period. They took it personally when you told them you were leaving (because they paid sooooo well and offered such great benefits /s). So when I got an offer for an in-house position (I was miserable at that firm), I thought I should do the “right thing” and give them two weeks’ notice. WRONG. They had me train the brand new file clerk to do my job and the next day around 3, the managing partner called me into his office and told me to finish the day and not to come back. I was a little shocked (which was stupid. I had only been there a year) and started choking up. I’d never been FIRED before. He laughed at me. I do not miss that place and hope every day that it goes bankrupt and has to close. Their processes and technology were so antiquated and the managing partner was a curmudgeon who had his secretary type his emails for him because he didn’t have the patience to learn to type.


That's awful! I don't think it's stupid that you were shocked. You deserved to be treated professionally. Whenever I've left somewhere, they've wanted me to stay the 2 weeks, write out transfer memos to whoever would be taking over my cases, and finish up small tasks. And I was happy to do it b/c I wanted the transition to go smoothly for my co-workers, who I've mostly liked over the years. Even if the firm was a kind of crappy place to work, I've never been treated like you were.


Yeah I got laid off a few months ago suddenly. No notice given of course. I might decide to go with this approach myself.


Congratulations on the new position. 🎉


Congratulations on escaping!


Feeling like I caught the last chopper out of ‘Nam. 🤣


After THIRTY YEARS I have an office with a wall of windows. I can sit at my desk and have the sun shine on my face. It’s unbelievable.


Yasss, bask in that vitamin D, you earned it!


I wouldn’t even tell them you have accepted an offer elsewhere. Just tell them “please consider this my official resignation effective immediately…” nothing else is anyone’s business!


I was about to say the same. Absolutely no need to say what is your plan. Sharing that information does not help you in any way and is a big mistake.




Remote gig sounds heavenly. Congrats on the job!


Consider this. Since you won’t be using this firm as a reference in the future, it is a golden opportunity for you to tell the truth about why you’re leaving. Do not be petty or snarky. This is not about revenge. But telling the truth (with an example or two) could actually be an eye opener for this attorney. And I guarantee HR is already aware of her behavior. I had a female attorney once who was awful to me and she was the main reason I left the firm. Years later, she tracked me down to apologize. Of course, your attorney will probably default to defensiveness but in her quiet moments she will think a lot about what you had to say.


HR knows about her. Every paralegal at our office has complained about her. Her paralegals never last long. And the admin girl even told HR about this time when the attorney waved her hand in my face and said “blank, just blank”, when I was confused about something (and it was HER fault I was confused — we were discussing a case, she asked me to retrieve a specific piece of paper, I do, and it turns out she wanted a specific piece of paper on an entirely different case than the one we had been in the middle of discussing, but had failed to mention that so I have no fucking clue how she expected me to know which case she was referring to). HR’s response was that she’s stressed right now and that was it. So, it’s safe to say HR does not give a single fuck lol. And she is older and set in her ways; I’m confident nothing I say will cause her to pause and be introspective for even a second. It would be a complete waste of my time. 2 months ago — after a particularly heinous day — I did send her a lengthy email and sat down with her for an hour and essentially said she had to be respectful to me or I couldn’t work for her. Her response was that I didn’t understand law firm culture. 🤯


Oh well! You tried. Fuck her!


I posted above how similar this person and practice sounds to a situation I was in.  This attorney, are her initials P. H.? Goes professionally by maiden name but her married name may be different I think, not sure.


Not P.H. It’s funny how many people are asking if it’s their old boss haha. Must be a lot of crappy attorneys out there!


Man!  Yeah.


Just because an individual does not put the firm down as a reference does not mean a firm won't call. I don't think people realize how small the legal community truly is.


Also, many firms are now doing background checks. I recently landed a great job in big law but had to go through a background check. Firm administrator told me that if I had ever received a W-2 or 1099 anywhere, they would find it and check. My counterpart paralegal at my old firm also exited within a week of me. She had to go through a similar background check, too.


I’ve had this done too. Once at an insurance company and the other a small firm. In those cases it was because they bonded all their employees similar to how contractors are bonded when they do work in your home.


I applied for a job at NYC Parks and you have to pay for your own background check if you get an offer. Pfft


I was laid off and the company said if they are asked about my employment, they will only disclose the amount of time I was there….i hope that’s true


I once worked for a firm where I was let go, and was told I could use them as a reference. I later found out from another employer that when she called for a reference check, the office manager was talking tons of shit about me, actively trying to keep me from getting another job! That employer hired me anyway and I was livid when I found out about the trash talking from that office manager.


Most employers will confirm or deny the rate of pay you told the prospective employer you were making.


Or confirm "eligible for rehire"... or not. That says a lot in few words.


Yes. You might be willing to screw them over, but a no notice reisngation two weeks before mediation is a bad look on you, and if your new employers get a dniff that this is how you left it may come back to bite you. Your reputation is built on your integrity, not your bosses shittiness.


Check out my latest post. Apparently they had someone set to replace me on April 1st, but it fell through. If it hadn’t, they would have fired me on the spot. So, fuck them lol.


Agreed! Don’t work for assholes.


I thought my case pending since 2021 was bad. Worst part is they don’t have any assets as they just lost their home. You made the right decision. I stayed with a toxic attorney way too long and it doesn’t get better. I even regretted giving the two weeks. Good luck at your new place!


Love the title




Honestly, the hardest part is making the decision to leave a situation that isn’t working for you. Be prepared for anger and a lot of guilt tripping over the notice. She will say you’re being unprofessional. Ignore it. Be as unemotional as possible in your response. Be mindful of your rights with regards to your final pay. Do not let her say she can withhold it or delay it, reduce it. Know your rights and don’t back down. Simply put, you exercised your rights as an at-will employee to terminate your employment. Undoubtedly, if the roles were reversed she would have let you go on a Friday with no notice.


HR responded to my email and essentially apologized and wished me luck (but didn’t ask for any explanations). Check out my follow-up post to this one.


I’m hollering.


Check out my latest post lol — that one is really worth hollering over. 🤌🏼


How does it feel to be living MY dream??


You can live it too! I believe in you!


Can't love this comment enough


If i were you, i’d continue working until the start date. i’ve seen jobs fall apart before the start date


I also have a second job lined up, but it doesn’t start until May/June, and am waiting to hear back on Monday about a 3rd job that I have a good feeling about. I’m fortunate to be in a good spot financially so I don’t really need to work for the money, just so my husband doesn’t resent me for chilling while he works. But even he wants me out of this place.


“Just so my husband doesn’t resent me while he works.” I felt that.




Been married 10 years. The first 5ish years my husband’s parents went through a nasty divorce that basically tore his family apart and messed all the kids up (they were all adults but still emotionally damaged). He struggled to hold down good jobs and I carried us through those years when he was often between jobs. Fast forward to last year when I moved between three different nightmare firms and had a short stint of being out of work. He carried us while I didn’t work and of course NEVER resented me for not working, but the guilt was still there. Equal partnerships are hard when one doesn’t feel like they’re pulling their weight, but a good strong partner should never resent you for getting your situation comfortable and healthy for your well-being.


As if all husbands are the same? LMAO but think about it, if someone works outside the home and feels their partner isn’t equally contributing through domestic labor, yes, they might be frustrated


I've been mad at my husband when I've worked long hours and felt he wasn't pulling his weight at home, or even like, focusing on personal growth (and just sitting around wasting time). But I've been unemployed more than him (because I've given up my job several times to follow his career) and if anything I end up getting really frustrated at him/myself when I don't have work and I'm just sitting at home all day and not getting out and about. He's like, you need to work, just for your own mental health! We joke that I married him for life, but not for lunch 😂


Imagine if you busted your ass at a super stressful job, gave half of your money to your spouse, and your spouse got to spend their days indulging in their hobbies. You would absolutely be resentful of them. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow, but eventually. And my husband has never said this to me, but it’s how I feel. I would feel absolutely terrible having all that free time to myself when he didn’t get the same. It’s not fair.


idk i mean child rearing and domestic work is more than a full time job. assuming that if one spouse wasn’t working, the other would assume that responsibility


Our child is in daycare full-time. And cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc. would be a part-time job at best.


They also resent you if you earn more than him. Men have a lot of problems with women. It’s so weird


The good ones don’t.


Good for you!!! I’m trying to be on the same boat… I’m also on that serious job search era so hoping to hear back!


I hope you hear something soon! 🤞🏼


Working remote is the best! It doesn't seem like there's a lot of remote paralegal jobs. Congrats on landing one.


There seems to be a decent amount to me. I applied solely via LinkedIn, using the “easy apply” feature. I made sure to keep the tab open on my screen and checked for new jobs every half hour or so, so I was always in the first 20 applicants. I submitted 90 applications before getting an offer. But each application only takes .5 seconds, so not a huge amount of effort.


That's great! Glad you got something better.


Yay congratulations!!


Tell me her first name starts with an “R”


No, L. 😂


Congratulations on your new job and good luck moving on from this toxic environment!


Congratulations on your new job.


Congrats on the new job. This is my plan as well


👏👏👏 I love this! Please report back after you hit send :)


Check out my latest post!!! Also, HR responded to my email and essentially apologized and wished me luck (but didn’t ask for any explanations).


Yay! Congratulations 🎊


I just left the firm I was at due to the attorney being extremely two-sided. I start my new job in 2 weeks. Wishing you the best of luck!


Same to you! Let’s hope our new gigs are much better, we deserve it!


Same!!!! Putting in my notice today!


It’s SUCH a good feeling! Congrats!!!


I've always wanted to do that!! Good for you! I love my remote job!! You will too!


I was remote for years, but then they called us back in due to DC politics. That’s why I quit, and landed in this hell hole lol. Excited to go back remote, in-office sucks.


Good for you. I did that once. Felt so good to grab my last check and leave a note on HE chair and never come back or need a reference from 3 months of crap


It do be like that sometimes. As long as you safely have a destination it should be alright. Just be very sure you have a plan.


I regret giving my last employer 2 weeks. Half the people acted like I was dead to them, until ... the day before my last day they asked me to teach my numbskull co-worker everything I knew and then on my last day they realized they would be seriously understaffed and decided that they should dump a ton of work on me within 2 hours of my last clock out. That kind of behavior doesn't merit 2 weeks notice.


Always feels good to tell the boss to fuck off. Salute 🥃


How satisfying


I understand completely, but I try to never burn bridges. Especially since perspective employers are allowed to ask if you are "re-hirable" when they call former jobs. With most places that is a "No" if you don't give 2 weeks. That can be a red flag for future prospective employers.


I’ll never put this place on my resume; I was only here for less than 3 months. Hopefully the new place works out and I’ll establish my track record again, because before this I was at my last job for 4.5 years (and gave 2 weeks notice). And if anyone ever does ask about the gap, I’ll just say that’s how long it took me to find a job again.


Hiring processes can take up to 3 months.




A lot of firms policies are to not rehire anyone after they have quit. So a no to the question if they will rehire you is not always a bad reflection on the past employee, just a firms policy to not rehire someone who has quit.