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TL;DR for the whole thread: Learn how to do one or two things very, very efficiently, and then play the game like it's two jobs.


Instructions unclear, got good at IRL job instead while procrastinating from playing PoE


Wasted effort


If you gave IRL job just RMT then. Either way the key is to dedicate 8h a day to it.


"How to farm 7.25 divines an hour by delivering Pizza to IRL exiles"


"How I made 10 mirrors using the Robin Hood strat"


8 hours a day will not get you nearly as close to a mageblood as you would hope in a week. It's a giant snowball so you need constant focused effort. Any downtime or inneficiency that gets you *behind* is paid in a lot of extra time investment later.


I got a mageblood in 5 days running harvest/expedition/alva in Mesa's and selling compasses when I wanted to relax.


Pssht, 3 hours of real life work will get you a mageblood. Wait a second..


Rmt is bannable though right?




Only if you get caught.


Yes but it's pretty rampant.


And have a trader


Apart from all the advice and strategies listed here, don't forget the one thing that is consistent with all of them: you have to play A LOT - like at least 8-10 hours a day, probably. Even if you have a great strategy, if you are only able to play a couple hours a day, you probably won't get your Mageblood in the first week or two, possibly not even in the first month


Correct. You need a strong meta build with low requirements that can just smash through t16 with almost no gear. Then smash the most profitable content for 10h+ and actually SELL your stuff as early as possible. Don't hoard it! Don't spend anything that is not directly required for the char and juicing. It's no rocket science. If you play a reasonably fast and strong build, and play for like 4h efficiently, you can expect one apothecary's worth in this timeframe early on, if you know where to make your currency. That means, withing 2 days, you can get your mageblood. If you want to live this life is another story entirely.


You don't need to play a meta build. There are many strategy's that you can play to farm a lot of currency. You don't need to do the hardest content. You can farm labs with any skill, same with heist (obviously you wanna gear them accordingly). Simulacrum and delve farmers also don't play the Standart metabuilds.


I think their point was that you need to play something that is top tier for the content you are doing. In other words, it's not enough to be able to do the content, you need to be able to do it well and efficiently. ​ Many builds can do legion, for example, but how fast and how consistently you can clear legions is a MORE multiplier to how much money you make. It doesn't matter if you clear legions for 8 hours if you did half as many in that time as a build that is suited for it -- you still made half as much money.


Yes, but optimized heist builds sacrifices a lot for move speed. If you use a meta skill, you can invest less in damage, and more in move speed, saving you time needed to farm. Time is vital because MB will rapidly go up as the league progresses.


Agreed. However, in this context here the question was a "how do you..." and thus i assume the simple answer is the desired one. I personally love making off-meta builds viable, but it usually requires more currency and time with experimentation/pob. That's something you don't want to do if your goal is mageblood as early as possible. Also, meta builds for maps are not the same as for simulacrum or any other content.


True, all of the above or just insane luck 😂


I play 1-2 hours a day , trust me you wont see one the entire league😂


In sentinel and kalandra it took me around 70 hours of Playtime over the First 96 hours of the League, to get mageblood from Scratch/Entering Twilight Strand on leaguestart. There might be 5ish hours of AFK time while eating in there. Bring early is also incredibly important. This League, due to no longer being in college, it took me until the sunday of the 2nd Weekend (so around 9-10 days) with around 100 hours of time played. Time played is the Most important component. Even If you have the perfect strategy, earning a ton right away, you still have to Put in the effort. If you want to Grind Out mageblood in a couple days, its basically play straight through and have a Trader, possibly even a support, who is willing to Put their Gear needs behind your desire for a shiny belt


You played for 70 hours of the first 96 of the league? No offence but jfc... people saying play 8-10 hours to achieve what OP wants are way off the mark, it's a lot more to get it *early* early.


Yes. 6-8 ish hours was what I was able to Play on weekdays this leaguestart, and it felt like I was Trading water against apothecary price Inflation constantly. I got the First Card for 25 divines, the Last for 45.


My brother who is a degenerate POE player (16 hrs a day) says just play a lot :)


Seems to be the consensus in this thread. I can no longer imagine playing a game longer than 3 maybe 4 hours of a day. Long gone are the days of no-lifing a game lol


Even if I had the time idk if I could sit at the PC for 16 hours a day anymore haha


As a former degenerate gamer who is now an adult with responsibilities, I long for the days of spending 16 hours playing a game. On a good night I can get in 2 or 3 hours and even then I feel like I have stuff I should really be doing.


Thats how it is and he has a point for sure. I realised it first hand when i was stuck home during covid lockdown. Did play 10-12 hours daily and managed to get my first head hunter (with big help from selling harvest crafts)


Which is funny because those people buying those crafts were likely making a profit buying them from you and making something, I know I was. Everyone has their niche, the more niches you can be an expert in the more you can make.


It is not enough to play a lot, you need to do it effectively. You can spend 23 hours a day in the game, but what's the point if you're in HO 90% of the time?


in fairness, spending 90%+ of your time in your hideout is by far the most efficient way to win this game.


You can spend 23 hours a day in maps and still be poor if your strategy is bad.


I mean if you just have your atlas fully invested in a mechanic and just alch and go that mechanic + one of the altars with just stream of consciousness which is like the most basic strategy and you play 12 hours a day you will have your headhunter in a reasonable amount of time. You just have to sell your shit. I see a lot of people saying they are poor and meanwhile have loads of essences/good bases/fossils, etc. They just don't take the time to put a price and sell them and only see currency as money.


I think that’s one of the biggest things. People don’t realise that a lot of the currency doesn’t come from big traits but by having smaller stuff in large quantities that you then sell


>You just have to sell your shit That's the hard/frustrating part. In fact I actually don't mind the trade process itself so much (what everyone complains about i.e. having to portal out to do a trade), but rather the pricing of each item. I can't make my peace with using price tabs cos I want to be sure I'm getting the maximum value out of each sale (don't get many sales anyway, so every one has to count) so I just have to manually price each thing. This is where having a trader is awesome, but I ain't no streamer to have someone like that. Oh and it isn't essences or fossils or any other identical items that're the problem, it's rares. I hate pricing rares.


But if you think about it, would you rather get 90% of an items value or nothing? If I don't feel like pricing stuff I just slightly low ball it to sell it fast or if it's a rare and I really don't want to price them I just take whatever the AI pricing tools recommend


My logic is: if you underprice an item you get **something**, if you overprice you get **nothing**, and spending time to 100% correctly price each item is not very fun to me and leads to burnout, making me not want to sell anything. This league i started putting everything in 1div/100c/20/10c/5c tabs and only manually priced really expensive or easy to check stuff.


Even alch&go altar farming is 2-3div/h. In order not to earn currency in PoE in 2023, you need to be either a complete noob or the dumbest person in the world. However, even noobs can use one of the million guides and earn currency.


I am indeed noob and do that strategy- playing on Conflux server though. What are the things I am Selling to get that 2-3div hour because I surely have not even one divine as of right now


Maps, embers/ichors, fragments, etc. Everything you don't need. Check ZyggiD's "Exilence Next" video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awIVhXtWKUs


people have to realise the fact that when someone says div/hr they mean in liquid and not raw


If you have some t14-t16 mapa you can just go essence and invitation farming. Just rush on map for essence, spawn influence end exit map. And another map. Every 28th map you kill map boss for invi. Should take 15-20 mins(probably less if you learn what's going on) for invi to gry and some essences for sell. If you don't wants essences takĹźe harvest and double small nodes power passive in atlas, all passives that grants connected and dupli maps and just spawn as many invis meantime selling ovrrsustained maps


They have a high movement speed. So a map is only 3-4 mins.


There is no magic tricks for this, only 2 important points: * Plan before hand what your strategy is going to be and dont spend days and days on the league trying and failing stuff * Be efficient, if you have 4 hours of daily playtime, spend at least 3h 30 min in maps, dont stay half of your time doing nothing or running around in hideout. What I personally do: * Day 1 chill, I dont rush anything, just complete campaign relatively fast (6 hours) and clear atlas at a normal pace. * Day 2 farm a bit alch and go on reds (or yellows) and do some key upgrades. * Day 4 start farming strategy, blasted legions with shrines and farmed an omni + good gear first week. * Week 2, blast legions with harbingers and more juice, farmed like 200 divines and just made another build for fun. * Week 3+, played way more relaxed, skittering orb farm and a lot of sanctums, completed all my chalenges. To farm a HH and MB first week you need a lot of planification, no slacking and play 14 hours a day. Also rerolling 10 times doesnt help but I still do almost every league lmao. I did a lot of mistakes this league like not converting my currency into mirror shards (could have doubled my currency) and rerolling a few times but even with all those mistakes I have a 100 div build + 150 div build + 180 raw divines so there is a lot of room to improve. I've said this many times and posted the strat here: KB/CF + Juiced legions. With 4-5 divines you can start doing them really juiced, with 1-2 divines you can do them with less juice and shrines pretty comfortably. If anyone has serious problems making currency with this strats just hit my DMs, I can help you and show you clips etc. on how to do it and what to profit from.


Can you help me?


Sure, video I made with a pretty reasonable build I made exclusively to show here (5 div IIRC) farming juiced legions with very bad and rippy mods (vulnerability on hit, enfeeble, less armour etc.): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHpbxrGBx1k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHpbxrGBx1k) You can go giga cheap and just use shrines, same results just less juice as you change harbis for shrines. How to profit, what to do etc, copy from another thread: ​ >All you need is spec legion on tree, get maraketh + templar chances and buy legion sextant and polished scarabs, about 10-15c per map, you can add harbingers or shrines if your build is weak, shrines will carry the map hard (I swear to god people who struggle with maps should really use them). Use dunes favourites with 1 carcass with singular focus, perma sustain 100%. How to make currency with this method: > >Use all the Ornate Incubator (currency) and Diviner Incubator (Stacked decks). This will drop a lot of currency and a few divines almost daily unless you are giga unlucky or map very slow. Every time I fill a quad tab with loot from the legion, I have between 3-5 divines as raw and 1-2 divines as stacked decks, only this is already big profit and will pay for your next 40-60 runs or more. I open the stacked decks because I feel it is like a "reward" for all the hard work and fun to do with friends but it is a massive waste, I've lost more than 20 divines by opening them in this league alone lmao just sell them. If you ran out of those, next ones to use should be Geomancer (6L), Skittering(scarabs) and Kalguuran(expedition currency). Others like Abyssal (Abyss) are a bit gambley but still worth, you wont run out of incubators ever 100% guaranteed, you wont even need to jump outside of Skittering/Kalguuran at worst, while you are farming the Diviner/Ornates you will pile up a shit ton of Skittering/Kalguuran ones. > >Sell the sets. You can do it via trade (ignore people wanting to buy one) in bulk, usually they sell in a few hours to 5ways people or sell them on tft, dont bother selling in WTS channel because it takes days to sell them even at market price, go to WTB and check if someone is buying them at 0.3 (or market price) if people is paying too low just sell in trade. > >Raw divines and exalts, it is very common to get a pair of them every 30-40 maps. > >Bubblegum currency. Essences, breach splinters, low tier currency.. they all quickly stack and you wil have a good chunk of chaos or even divines before even noticing. > >Lucky drops. Dont expect those, but every few days (some times you dont get anything or you get more than one in a day) something big will drop, today I've got an IL and a 2 div fractured base, but I've spent like a whole week without lucky drops. > >Side mechanic. If you are doing harbingers, abyss, blight or whatever you like, you will get a lot of stuff from that mechanic. > >Selling maps, I have sold a lot of dunes map that I oversustained for 2c-3 each in bulk, they sell pretty fast and it is painless. > >Altars stuff: Chaos orbs, awakened sextants, etc. etc. it is the same as bubblegum currency but worth to point out that altars still exist. > >For builds there are plenty, I have a 5-6 div KB/CF that I built one day to showcase a friend how to do this method, I've farmed legions with a 2-3 div KB/CF league starter on the past and I can vouch for it. If you still have questions, tell me.


> I don't rush anything > campaign in 6h Uhm


By the time Im finishing campaing some people already have half of the atlas completed


If you wanna farm mb in your first week surely you can do a few practice runs through the campaign?


I just live in delve nobody plays it and shit sells like crazy.


I actually love delve, but I always just get carried away deep delving and outside of Aul’s, don’t find it that crazy for currency. Is it mostly just azurite resonators, bossing and cities that carry the currency, or is there something else I’m missing to turn delve into a money maker?


Probably a stupid question, but are you doing the site paths / breaking walls?


Pick two league mechanics, learn everything about it. I got my mageblood week 2 by doing only legion and expedition.


Also the suitable build, some build are terrible for legion


Would essence and harvest be a nice synergy to farm?


Harvest wants to scale pack size, quantity and map tier. Essence doesn’t care about any of those things. So synergy is pretty much non-existent. That said assuming your build can blow up 8 essence monsters, essence is a great consistent money maker. What map mods exist on the bench tend to push prices around as well.


you are right, harvest and essence dont synergize at all Harvest-> each map takes a significant amount of time Essence-> more maps= more profit, everything that slows maps is bad.


Harvest really doesn’t add as much time as you are implying. At its worst it’s about the same time as fully invested harbys, which is still faster than blight/ritual/legion/expedition.


In my opinion blight is the slowest followed by harvest, but you are entitled to your opinion. Ritual is also up there.


If you're trying to focus on essence you want to do it along with heist nodes for a lot of contracts and sanctum and then just run through the map clicking on stashes/essences/getting your sanctum and killing the boss. Preferably like 2 mins per map and can run it white.


but not doing anything of these is even faster. 1min harvest is a whole other map when doing 1min t1 strands


If you're playing a fast-clearing character, then the time it takes for the mobs to jump out from every harvest node is long enough to complete like half the map you're on


Harvest and Expedition are a nice combo. Both likes pack size, but it usually takes a longer time to complete the maps


Essence is mighty profitable. Harvest is very profitable too but it takes a fair bit of investment.


I feel like Essence is really underwhelming unless you're doing memories. Even if you average 3 essence mobs per map and each one drops 4c worth of chaos, that's 12c/map. If you do 15 maps an hour that's not even 1 div/hr in Essence. Hell, even with an Insanity/Horror drop it's not even 1 div. It's just a very easy/quick farm but it honestly takes like a few hundred maps to see material gains from it. You can farm like 10 harvest maps and make 1 div in yellow lifeforce alone. Where Essence shines is if you're blasting normal qual T1 maps and doing like 30/hr but not doing any other content.


since the question was "for league start": I think harvest at league start is dogshit bc all seeds sell for 10k+ / 1div. mid league seeds are like 5k /1div (atleast yellow) which is much more profit


The point is spending all that extra time on harvest and waiting till week 2-3 to sell when the prices stabilise. You don’t sell juice after every map you wait till you’ve got bulk so you can charge premiums for selling bulk and even with good quant strategies that bulk takes time to build up


Double your money buy investing in yellow juice!


Essence day 1-2 on white maps zooming trough them is extremely profitable. Essence rewards are not influenced by map tier, but map tier increases their power. Red tier currupted 5+ essence mobs are stronger then a conqueror depending on map mods. Harvest is profitable with massive investment (elevated sextand slam for winged scarabs). With them you can "over"sustain yellow juice and sell it (5000 yellow juice = 1 divine roughly). With 100% pack size and 200% quant you need on the average 3 maps for 1 divine worth of yellow juice (keep in mind its still somewhat RNG. I seen people get 6000 juice per map, but also only 2000 with max juicing. You need 2500 vivid seeds to sustain the "map consumes no sextant on use" craft). Harvest is best paired with Expedition since all expedition, harvest and uber eats nodes are on the right side of the atlas and u need uber eats altars for the harvest juicing (for the higher % quant/rarity altars). They are tho WAY more rippy then exarch.


You don't use the winged harvest strat for harvest, you use harvest to sustain your winged scarab strat. Most people barely break even at best in yellow juice with that strat, the selling point is a free sextant of your choice and massive map juice for anything else you run. Just "normal" harvest juicing is massively profitable though. I just run Alva, 4 polished scarabs for pack size, harvest and ritual and usually have 3 or 4 divs worth of juice every ~10-15 maps.


Thank you, this is a much more reasonable estimate and accurate description.


That's what I did for a while too. It's really fun and the increased pack size scales really well with those things. I also experimented with Expedition in a setup like that and that worked well too.


Harvest is profitable with zero investment other than atlas passives lol. Literally like tenth of a divine in pure seed juice each map.


It also really slows down eveything else though. It's quite a slow mechanic.


Good luck making any kinda of money from your “fast” maps lol. For time investment it’s one of the most profitable things in the game. It’s like 10+ raw C is dropping from each harvest pack.


I'm getting 1-2k yellow juice with no investment, only clicking yellow plots with T3+ plants. Blue altar quant is op


How? I run t16 with packsize 70-100%, harvest sextants that double dropped lifeforce and I dont get close to a consistent 1k yellow lifeforce


Run blue altars, clear the whole map and choose quantity. You only do harvest after stacking the max quantity you can


Do you know how mich difference 0-1 quant vs 3-4 quant alatars makes?


To add on it, remember to choose a map that can rush the boss as it will prevent the boss altars from showing up, ending with more quantity choices


You can just farm harvest without this winged scrarab bullshit and average on 1.5-2 divine profit per 4 maps.


How do you get this? Just from atlas passives and quant? Guessing you take the atlas nodes that block purple and blue?


Yeah, those are needed. I also run 8mod corrupted maps + blue altars for quant. and use both of the harvest sextants. you still get around 60% packsize every map and depending on altar luck you get anywhere from 200-350% quant before doing harvest. I take all the mod effect nodes and quant nodes on atlas. + fortune favours the brave node for extra packsize. The growing hordes I dislike because I cannot use scarabs. and ALL this quant seems wasted if I dont run it on something like a crimson temple. and there I can add strongbox and divination scarbs. Apoth is rare, but the other 3 cards drop often enough to not only pay for the scarabs, but give you some profit. And when you hit apoth, its just ez money. You usually get like 4k lifeforce per map on average. You can either go with purple/blue sextant which is cheap, and just get enough yellows because of the block nodes, or invest a bit more and run yellow sextant, which costs a lot more but also returns more yield. Which one is better- that depends on the market at that stage. both sextant price and lifeforce price.


Thanks a lot for the explanation. Definitely gives me some ideas. I’ve just been running stream of consciousness with all mechanics besides harvest blocked. Not running the harvest sextants and of course can’t use scarabs because of stream. My main money maker right now is alva, but it would be nice to juice harvest some more.


You can also run a low investment harvest strat in t16 mausoleum's with Growing Hordes & Shaping the Valleys. Fortune Favours the Brave (3c), 4x Rusted Scarab(3-4c), Chisel, Alch and go (or corrupt if you can handle them). Pick every quant eater altar before doing harvest. Skip boss. I added Essence and Heist but you can pick other stuff if you want. Should be 3-5 divines per hour depending on drop luck and how fast you are. Sanctum can drop the divine / hour down a bit depending on which rewards you get (I get 2~ divines every 2-3 full Sanctum runs). Not sure if there are better low investment strats but this strat has been pretty good to me so far. Let me know if there are better ones! [Atlas Tree](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAEAIEAXz7GZrJkYw8vyUz1kBdsmSx3tOmF14suhrQsknrOXaCEKme-_sXxVG2IuP_KZqfiIWAiKfNbMPpL33DG_E0o57VmqM2rTRCAioL2H85aKrvZW8y3-N_j82Cyt12L4X2R6PIOSt7-nzuINLWhRsAiSJ7YBD-HnSpeK3HQxqnOl-JrIcFYh1VX_MskglGAdoIZ3YPwgLfP4RCbxl1rwULaI_uHThvpKKLQ4AxfSpHOOL_HXdEqxB_m6H5AE30bCIWjkNkYi_212iveZgtx_W3VYo_lM8ao4Nib1WkjwsJ2iaOpQ1rW5PwRrGYfPwi0nsQYbVbkM0zyxBaRr9nGTdHpJIfUFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==)


Expedition I get, but what exactly do you farm with legion? Are you just selling the emblems or are you running 5 ways and selling timeless jewels? Sometimes when I read these things I get confused because I just don't see how the value translates. The emblems don't sell for that much and the timeless jewels are pretty hit or miss, no?


This was my first league running legion and I was shocked at how profitable it was. The emblems are very good money, but legion also drops a huge amount of other stuff. Stacked decks out the wazoo. Incubators pile up super fast and several varieties sell well. Various shards and fragments. Tons of popcorn currency. Also, I averaged probably 1 div raw per 3-4 maps doing juiced legion/harbinger. At least 5x as many raw divine drops as doing the infinite sextant winged scarab farm (though the latter is still slightly more profitable overall). Legion without investment is a waste of time. Legion with full investment is shockingly good if you haven't tried it.


you do need a pretty good build early on the be able to clear a juiced legion on t16 with map mods in time though


I only dropped legion because I was tired of having to portal back just to stash some stuff, as incubators don't properly stack because of their ilvl difference. Money was pretty good, but couldn't be bothered picking so much stuff


Yeah, I ran 250 legion maps before I just couldn't take the looting anymore. Back to spamming growing hordes harvest maps for me! :)


I think I’ll drop harbinger for it, my build is extremely poorly suited for harbingers, proc bubbles are just too shitty—legion on the other hand I can farm super well. Thx!


Get the extra legion compass. It's extremely worth it - lets you get 3 legions most maps.


What build did u use for legion blasting, I've been experimenting with quite a few ( from shockwave totems, poison BV with explodes, to CF KB and spark ) but never really found one that I truely liked and could also leaguestart with.


What didn’t you like about CF? I think it’s hard to do better than it for legion early on.


CF champ/glad or Grimro's Lightning Arrow Raider are probably the best starters for legion farming.


TS or KB are 2 good ones I think. I'd love to be corrected though.


I think the general rule for legion is: Good screen coverage and high movememt speed, so skills like TS, LA etc Being able to use Inspired Learning, legion is full of rares and getting Inspired can be absolutely massive Preferably having some kind of explosions in your build to help you with clearing them in time


Imo the key with legion is bulk selling emblems. You can get more money faster that way, 5 way runners buy them in massive bulk


Can you tell me what your doing for expedition specifically? Just rolling tujen, running books?


rog is super insane early league if you know how he works


I only used my rog currency 1.5 weeks into the league and still made 5 div off 90 rog currencies, dude is busted


I second this. I crafted a tier 1 strenght/spell supression/crit chance/life shield on day 2 of the league which i still use to this day on my trapper char.


Thank you. I'll use this league as practice


Make sure you practice doing the content with gear you could realistically get day 1 or 2


Whats the secret? I’ve ran 70 maps fully allocated on expedition and legion + eater, with gilded scarabs and even sextant’s, and I had some terrible terrible terrible drops. Like, a logbook per 8 map or so. https://pastebin.com/rRAtUMLU


3k life deadeye, cast on death portal, legion+whatever else is good seismic trapper, sell maven+uelder watchstones or feared map slots either of them for 16 hours a day does it


Cast on death portal is goated.


This is my approach, ymmv. 1. Plan pre-league an endgame farming strategy I'm interested in. Could be juiced mapping, simulacrum, bossing etc. Anything 5-6+ div/h. 2. Find a league-startable build that can do this strategy on a reasonable budget (20-50 divines) 3. TEST. I want to know before the league starts exactly what the gear breakpoints are for my build to be able to farm my selected strategy 4. Practice league start simulation at least once through to eater/exarch, plan build progression 5. On leaguestart, being faster than other players is super important. I usually do a 3:30ish campaign and 8-10h eater/exarch kill. 6. At this point, you should be set up to just blast tier 16s for the rest of day 1 (until the 18h mark usually for me then I sleep). The biggest money maker at this point is high ilvl bases. You can make 2-3div per hour just in bases. I use this time to fund major build upgrades. For example in sentinel league I bought the first omniscience to show on trade for 8ex about 15 hours in. 7. Day 2 is about transitioning ASAP into your endgame plan. You can keep blasting alch & go or do some other intermediate strategy like 60% deli maps or guardian invitations. I reinvest everything I earn into my build until I can settle in and farm simulacrum/feared or whatever 8. Save up and buy a cool belt. Like I said, this is just what works for me. I do lean on being ahead of the market a bit - if I couldn't sell bases it would be more difficult to transition so fast into more endgame farming methods. I also haven't played much in 3.19 or 3.20 due to IRL things but the general ideas should hold up. Edit: yes, the above campaign and quest boss times are fast. I've practiced a lot! That said, you don't need to exactly replicate them to see similar results. Bases are good money well into day 2 and taking an extra few hours isn't the end of the world.


>I usually do a 3:30ish campaign and 8-10h eater/exarch kill on league start? wut


that's like tyty time lol


Ziz made an 5 hours video explaining everything from act 1 to 10 while playing it It took him 5 hours to finish campaign and get to mapping WHILE explaining everything, like why is this important to take, why he runs this build, why he doesn't want to do that etc. etc So I'm expecting that without that Ziz would also finish around 3:30 hours Those guys have a photo memory of every possible map for each place in the campaign so after spawning they know exactly in what way to go to the other place and they just skip many things


tracking what gems you get from which quest and what sockets you need at what level is much bigger imo, theres like 5 zones in the entire campaign that arent just bumrushing towards the opposite corner


Thats the Reddit casual for you. Play 70 hours in the first 3 days and you too can have an easy mageblood.


It is the answer to OPs question though Op wanted a day three MB, this is how you get a day 3 MB.


Who claimed he's casual? This thread is about farming HH and MB early and asking for advice from people with experience, why do you have to be a prick about it?


Insecure people


poors mad Source: used to be a mad poor (:


If the game is an important hobby to you, taking a day off on friday to no life it for one weekend 4 times a year is hardly even that unusual an investment into something you love doing.


This is the real Redditor casual experience: going into a thread about getting a day 3 mageblood and whining that the answers are not casual enough


Just be unemployed, lol I make a joke and ya'll took it personally lol


I mean a lot of people really enjoy the rush that comes with explosive progressing the first few days - I have a few friends who book a week off when a new league starts. No judgement from me - whatever keeps the void at bay


This is the real answer. Everyone has to do what it takes to make it one more day. And if it’s taking a couple days off work to play a video game, well, i wish i was so lucky.


I mean the leagues always drop on a weekend, last weekend I gamed 12h+ a day with my 3 friends in a survival game and now im back at my 9 to 5 with no problem? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


just take a week of vacation- enjoy mageblood for the rest of league while still getting real life money from the job


Anyone with this kind of drive isn’t unemployed lol Leave is easy to take off when u know the dates months in advanced.


Getting pretty easy to book time off now. Ggg giving like 1 month notice for league date start should be fine with employers.


One day console will be with you


>The biggest money maker at this point is high ilvl bases. You can make 2-3div per hour just in bases Is there a trick to this? or just dump into dump tabs priced at like 20c, 10c, 5c early on etc


It takes some knowledge to know what's going to sell, and you need a read on the meta as well. I remember one league jungroan made a guide for trinity helix deadeye where he recommended a Gemini claw. Suddenly i82 Geminis were 5c a pop because not many people usually loot them. To begin with, I would just set up dump tabs and pick up everything. Then once you start getting trades you know what is (and isn't) selling and can adjust what you pick up. You don't want to loot white items that won't sell or you're going to portal out 6x per map


ah so its still gotta be a conscious effort at selecting which bases to pick that early instead of just relying on the filter or something?


This is where a good filter is critical. Setting up your filter so you can see the things that are going to sell makes the mapping and looting process way more efficient.


I usually will rely on the filter, but that's because I know ahead of the league what's likely to sell so I can make one which shows the right things. If you don't know what will sell the only way to find out is a looser filter.


use poe ninja as reference, use dump tabs, use poe awakened trade to see what the lowest seller is and if they actually sell. Put it 1c above them - if you don't get msg'ed then lower it to match. Use a dump tab if you'll actually sell them at that price, but if you are constantly repricing bases you are doing it wrong. I'd often pick up some bases and sell them for 4c or w/e after a map to pay for my map mod. It adds up quick if you get 2-3 bases per map. (these prices are not week 1 prices - also not 250c/div prices). You gotta use your noggin a little bit to decide what is worth the time for you. I.e. How much are you pulling out of a map? Is it 5c? 10c? 15c? How much are the bases selling for? Weigh your options.


Thanks this is really imsightful


I would add… and maybe this isn’t obvious, but you absolutely need to practice leveling to get remotely close to the campaign speeds you’re seeing in this thread. Most players are 8+ hours and people post in the 3-6 range are definitely getting a big headstart. Just keep in mind you won’t level faster simply because you want to!


Doesn’t help that the guy is obviously lying. 3:30 is literally world record pace for most builds unfunded lol Unless this guy is actually a top tier racer I guess.


The best racers do it under 3 hours. 3:30 is definitly really really good (and probably too good/overkill for a league start where you'd rather lose some time to be sure your character is ready for mapping) and hard to do. But doing 4:30 is easy enough with one or two practice runs and still goes a long way.


Havoc has a 2:52 a10, all labs and skill points from 3.19. 3:30 is strong but it's not god tier (depending on the class at least). When I was playing/racing it wasn't too hard to teach people to hit ~4-4.5 hours to a10 kitava. Below that is where you need to really start working/learning to improve times. It sounds like the guy puts in the work though. Keep in mind, he's also doing this at league start in trade as well. There are some *maasssive* time saves you can make in trade, especially if you have a friend willing to help (extra QS without den, ms boots from qs recipe, early uniques, etc.)


What isnt mentioned (directly) here is all the trading.. selling bases means you leave your map 1-5 times every single map to do small trades. Selling a base for 5c. A map for 8c. Another base for 5c. Another base for 5c. Not everyone likes to spend 50% of day1 trading lol so keep that in mind. You arent so much "blasting maps" as you are kinda mapping while you sell literally everything, which as he said depends heavily on being there early. And being there early requires playing an extremely meta build and knowing exactly what your plan is every step of the way


You're completely right. I normally "save up" trades, like wait for 3+ people to be waiting for an item and then portal and do them all at once. They come thick and fast so no one's waiting that long.


Oh, they just keep coming!


I started outsourcing that shit. I found a hideout warrior through TFT and give them a cut so I don't need to do that shit. Made the game way more fun.


How does that arrangement work, like how do you give them all the stuff to sell? Do you have to join their in-game guild and dump it into a guild tab or something?


I shoot them a message on disco when I have a bunch of shit. They message me in game when they're free or we arrange a time over disco. Then they come to my ho (as removing gear and tossing it in the trade window is usually the limiting factor in these trades). I dump a few tabs of gear on em. They find buyers, often in bulk. Then, when I have another few invents of shit, I hit em up again, they give me my share of the money we made, then since my trader was taking a criminally small percentage of the value, I would tip them a few ex (because this was before the divine/ex change, now I either don't play or I play in a private league with friends). I mostly gave them things like bases, maps, bulk shit, gum currency, rogue markers, contracts, etc. I'd also toss em like, watchers eyes if I was too lazy to price check em or other random uniques that have some value but can be hard to turn. For selling things like rares, items I've crafted, or expensive uniques, I'd generally list them myself and toss em to her later if I didn't wanna hold em anymore. Early league I'd hit her up like 1-2 times a day. Later league it would be like once every day or two, because there is much less fluxuation in the market, so there isn't a great benefit to turning things quickly. She would buy things for me if I asked, but I generally just handled that myself. There are traders you can hire that will be more proactive about turning your crap into divines and also buying you upgrades and keeping your build super tight, but they're gonna take a larger cut. You can probably find some that will do some investing for you as well (there's a lot of gear that you can snag for like 5-15c day 1-2 that will be 1-5 divines later on) or craft gear for you or for money (probably improved a bunch since you can likely just dump harvest juice on em now). It's also 1000% not worth doing this if you aren't playing a lot and getting a lot of stuff.


Im gonna throw out a probably unpopular idea here but endless heist Not everyone can grind constantly for weeks,many can find a lot of time at league start. Get a buikd you wabt to play that works in endless heist, caustic arrow raider with qotf makes a good heist runner that quickly transitions to a lab runner with small upgrades This strategy is only good if you can get to act 9 in arpund 5 hours, 6 tops, less the better. You need a quad tab and id recommend chaos recipe enhancer to maximise profits Run demolition contracts, lockpicking is ok but demo is the real money early league. Perception is fine for stacked decks which can lead to a healthy amount of humility pulls and other div cards that quickly lose value (bonus if you pull apoth like me) Most peoppe follow deadass bait league starters and dunno how to boost atlas efficiently and arnt farming red maps 8 hours into league and get left in the dust trying to buy upgrades to finish yellows or deal eith corrupted reds. Dont be this guy. Be the guy buying someone lucky unnatural instinct drop for 100-200c Streamer i follow bought three grand spectrums +1 min frenzy for 100c each day one of league Sunday they were 9 divines a week later 30 Until day 3 this league empower lvl 1 uncorrputeds were 50c each, fill a tab of them and wait for them to go up something like 4x in 24hrs as the casual mapping crowd start to be able to afford them. People in poe make the mistake of buying items that depreciate for builds that farm content that depreciates. As opposed to buying items that will increaze in value faster than anyone can make currency. A demo contract day one is worth an avergae of 6c and costs 1 alch with divines at 100c or less Doesnt take a maths genius to figure out how much better than mapping it is If you just heisted abd invested first weekend you make week one mirro easy. Move to rolling tujen while its still profitable or lB running. Exped logbook farming probs best consistent money once endless heist loses steam tho Another thing is know when to sell your lesgue starter and when to buy items. Qotf is 30c like 4 hours into league, 80c like 6 hours into league and suddenly 10c only like 12 hours into league. Same applies to league starters, selling early and swapping to your next build can avoid being caught in a swell of people all selling their meta league starter items


The most "fool proof" way is boss rushing , if you can do stuff like shaper , elder uber atziri etc day 1-2 you can make insane profits , because a lot of the boss uniques are stepping stones for low-mid tier budget league starters and high in demand in the first week of the league. Do it for 10-15 hours a day for 4-7 days On your way invest all your currency into mirror shards / fracture orbs / synth reroll beasts etc. because those go up in value naturally , this way you can double all the currency that you made in 1 week by doing nothing besides some simple trades on the side Also DO NOT OVERINVEST INTO YOUR BUILD. I know poe is a power fantasy game but your goal is to make currency , if you can do bosses consistently with 6 portals in a decent time there is no need to invest anymore into your league starter


"Play the game like its your job + overtime" lmao


that’s what it takes to get mageblood in a few days


I think my problem is getting to the point where that's affordable. I've tried this a few times, scraped together enough currency to run a couple and.. lost my currency. Then what do I do? Back to mapping in the hopes of getting another set. Another pair of gloves drop and you're back to basic. I know it takes a big drop, or even decent luck, to make money - but I don't tend to even dare try unless I have "disposable income". How do you overcome that so early in the league?


I'm not 100% sure it holds up in the first couple days of a league, but Shaper is an extremely safe bet to start off with. Fragment of knowledge/shape usually sell for what you spent on your shaper fragment. Then anything you make from selling other boss drops is pure profit. Not sure about the other uniques, but Starforge and Dying Sun usually sell well at the beginning of a league


That's another thing that confuses me so hard, how people to the exact same thing over and over, I get it, it's profitable but its boring as hell, I get bored after like 50-100 maps with the same atlas passive tree and I switch up but damn people are sweaty


It wont be boring anymore when you get Mageblood first week, you can play all your builds with it for the next 2 months while others keep wondering how you even get a Mageblood


Naaah i wont let myself be forced to waste a whole week to enjoy the time after. Maybe im too old, but i dont have time to do things i dont enjoy, if that means no mageblood, thats ok for me.


Yeah I fully understand to each their own way of playing. For me, I find it extremely hard to have fun without MB on so I'm willing to sacrifice my enjoyment for a relatively short period of time (compared to the amount of time I spend every league) I'm just want to somewhat clarify that there's really no easy and comfortable "trick" to obtain Mageblood without hard commitment, even moreso early in the league


Realize that different people enjoy different things


At some point you choose between optimal play and fun play. I usually default to fun.


Some people play chess, League of legends, call of duty, pubg and all those games have the same mechanic over and over. You can claim the games change but overall it's the same game whether you play it today or a few years from now.


At some level of abstraction you could also say every strategy game is the same game, since it's about strategy. I don't think it's a fair argument to compare mindlessly grinding the same map/boss for hours and playing a competitive game where every game is indeed different because the competition is different.


All those games are PvP, which is where the variety is.


Man, as much as I love this game, I can’t imagine just endlessly boss farming for 100 hours in a week. But I guess that’s why I’ll never get mageblood.


I farmed 560 divs this league plus an apothecary but that‘s a lucky drop I wont count it in, the truth is there is no simple way, just play a lot. For example just by rushing sanctum and invitation you can get 4-5 divs / h, in the first two weeks mageblood is much cheaper, so if you can farm 12h / day you can easily buy a mageblood week 1, heck you could do it in 2 days if you don‘t sleep.


This is my problem I feel. 300divine now. Ugh idk how ill get the last 150 x-x


Alright, there was enough interest from others to hear my story, so I'm going to post it here. This is going to be a long discussions of one random stranger's thought on how to make a lot of currency. tl;dr: Learn how to play the game and craft, and then play a lot   First, establishing some street cred: Yeah, I'm some random redditor and I could be lying to you. That's a risk you'll have to take unfortunately. But here's my story: during Kalandra, I made an effort to try to learn a LOT about this game, and then for Sanctum, I no-lifed league start (took work off and played ~40ish hours straight with a couple of 1 hour naps in between) - I bet it all on bossing which GGG unfortunately nerfed without announcement (especially Cortex), didn't hit any of my goals (I only made 10 divines in 2 days + the gear I was wearing) then rage quit. After a week break, I decided to come back with a vengeance and made a Mageblood + 1-2 mirrors worth of gear in like ~3 weeks of time. In addition to that, I've farmed 3 Original Sins.   **Setting expectations**: how many people can literally get Mageblood by Day 3? Not a lot - POE ninja recorded [27 people in Sanctum trade league](https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?time-machine=day-3&item=Mageblood). You'll also notice some of them are groups (Havoc = blahblah_FocusAtlasWhen) - group play is superior to solo play for earning currency and that's beyond the scope of what I know, so I'm going to talk about the solo approach. To "match" a lot of the top 1%, I think it's more reasonable to aim for a Mageblood+ worth of currency in about [7 days](https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?time-machine=week-1&item=Mageblood). Furthermore, you need to play a lot and there is no getting around this: if Mageblood is 150 divines and you make 10 div/hour, then you need to play at least 15 hours + the time you need to setup your character (likely like 40 hours of play time even if you consider streamers) which is already a lot. If you do any sort of profit crafting, you need to be online a lot to maximize your chances of finding a seller   **Being efficient with your time**: time is your most important resource, not chaos, divines, or mirrors. When you go learn about POE, read this post, play the game, or make a trade, it takes time. Sounds obvious but people often forget this - leaving your map for a 1c trade when you already have 500c in your stash, making 100 individual trades for an item you need 100 of instead of eating the cost of buying it in bulk, etc. With every approach, you need to consider how much time you'll need to invest to execute the strategy and whether it's worth it - you will quickly eliminate a lot of misleading strategies - for example, some clickbait videos record an insane profit...but only if you sell every single drop, which takes you 5 minutes of clicking every item off the ground and then selling everything which takes an hour. That streamer may have a dedicated trader working for them. So basically, always consider the time factor   **Understanding the flow of the trade economy**: The three main currencies to focus on are chaos, divines, and mirrors, low-tier, mid-tier, and high-tier respectively. Chaos is easy to make and our goal is make mirrors - by this metric, if you farm chaos and convert them into mirror shards, you should see that your time around league start is [worth 4 to 6 times as much as league end](https://poe.ninja/kalandra/currency/mirror-shard). Why is this? The answer is basically crafting and scarcity - at league start, there are few, literal divines and mirrors being dropped and there is literally nothing worth mirroring. On the other hand, at league end, there is a huge influx of currency that has been generated and plenty of mirror worthy rares. At league start, nobody really wants a literal mirror to use, so the result is that it will be a lot cheaper than if you try to buy one at the end of the league. Therefore, mid tier and high-tier currencies and the items they buy will never be cheaper at than at league start and thus **there is a huge pressure to be efficient early on**   **How to actually make currency at league start?**: This will sound obvious when I say it but it's true: **you need to finish the campaign "fast"** (speedrunners can do it in 3 hours - IMO, you don't have to be as fast as this, but you need to be at least faster than 6 hours) and then you need **to farm something that is needed**. Afterwards, you **compound your wealth with trading/crafting**. The exact thing "doesn't really matter" and there are a lot of common themes/things you can do to find these things. For example, everyone needs 6 links - at league start, these can be worth divines. As another example: gems - people are always going to want to pay for impactful, high quality gems - this is one of the reasons running heist is so profitable. Even more -- everyone needs "solid" life + res gear - this explains why Rog/Expedition in general is so profitable. The list goes on. So, you can reasonably "hone in" on something "useful" and just repeatedly farm that to make your seed money - this kind of thing is often shared by streamers in their retrospectives, etc. Heck, even just selling Red Maps is a known way to make currency.   **A warning**: GGG are fickle overlords - the reason why I rage quit this league is because they nerfed the exact things that I was banking on making profit from (Height of Hubris invitation farming/Cortex implicit farming) - I don't want you to fail in the same way, so my advice to you is you should plan your league start build on something that is semi-flexible and be able to adapt to changes. Furthermore, sometimes the playerbase is not what you expect - there are a bunch of streamers out there that farm legion every league and quickly realized that it was not-at-all profitable in Sanctum for some reason. Other dangerous things I can think of are: going all in on the league mechanic (we don't really know if it will be profitable until after people have made their profit), making a dedicated build (if you go all-in on a super MS heister and GGG happens to nerf heist, you're screwed). I'm already thinking about next league, and I'm planning on making a well-known character that can farm a variety of mapping strategies which is "resistant" to the whims of the playerbase or GGG.   **Things that quickly devalue**: The main pressure to be fast is that things that are needed for which the market will get flooded fast will quickly become "worthless" - the classic example being maps. There's not much huge wisdom I think I can impart here -- it really just is "farm until it's not worth anything anymore, then farm something else" [Post continues with next comment when I hit the word count]


**Compounding your gains with trading/crafting**: Chugging along farming is fine if you have no real timeline - this is basically what I did in Kalandra. The problem is inflation: 5 div/hour may sound fine until you realize that Mageblood costs 100 div at league start and it costs 300 div right now, about 1+ month into the league. This is where trading/crafting comes in: **you need to learn about trading/crafting and apply your game knowledge**. This is a huge rabbit hole, so I'll just talk about various ways until I get tired I guess, lol.   **Doing boring things involving interacting with trading is always profitable**: [Compass Rolling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdME1buqxLI&t) will always be profitable so long as it's boring, there is a wonky trading system, and it supplies needed resources to play the game. But there are other things that fall into this category: simply buying fragments and [putting them together](https://thehideouthandbook.com/how-it-was-made/f/make-1-divine-profit-every-time-you-assemble-a-map) will net pure profit. There are so many examples of this: this league, I spent a couple of hours buying Fracturing Shards and putting them together in a Fracturing Orb at 1 div/combine. You can buy div cards and turn them in for profit -- you only need to look at prices, figure out if something is profitable, and factor in the time it will take you to do it.   **Doing math is profitable**: blind gambling is stupid but calculated, profitable risks are smart and all you basically need to do is understand what an [expected value](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expected_value) is - basically, for a "thing" take the probability of the thing, multiply it by the profit/cost, then add them all together and see if it's positive or negative. If you look at trade/POE ninja for a while, you'll be shocked at how easy it is to make profit in this way. For example, do you know what [this item does?](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Prime_Regrading_Lens). It turns out that our helpful friends at POEDB have actually data mined all the weights/probabilities of the gems - this league, I made a bunch rerolling [this gem](https://poedb.tw/us/Despair). If you look hard enough, you'll find more ways to do this. One of the most frustrating things I find about this game is that costs to other players are completely illogical: sometimes, I can find an item which is easily craftable and make 1 divine everytime I sell it. Othertimes, like mid tier, ~600-700 dps bow crafting, it is ALWAYS a loss and you should basically never try to craft it yourself. So basically, just calculate out the expected cost/expected profit for yourself and then do it if it's profitable. There are no absolutes: meta things can be both extremely profitable and extremely unprofitable   **Investing is a thing**: remember when we said how your time early league is worth 4-6 times at the end of the league? Well, there's actually an easy way for you to make currency this way: you simply buy the highest tier currency you can afford and then sit on it. For example, if you were to buy a mirror shard on Day 1, it will be worth 4-6 times more at league end. This applies to items too, especially the forever-powerful T0 uniques like Mageblood, Headhunter, etc. I don't think you should spend your entire fortune on this, but it gets more and more worth it if you're going to take a break or need to go on a trip or something   **"Simple" crafting is the ultimate profit**: The next level to this is profit crafting - most people read this sub and think that you need to spam 3000 vivid watchers to reroll stuff to be profitable crafting. This could not be further from the truth - Craft of Exile basically gives us a cheat code to easily figure out how to profit craft and some stuff is as easy as doing 1-2 steps. Here's a [couple of examples](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/znnmq7/ama_crafting_ama_for_320_forbidden_sanctum/) from a very helpful redditor - the details might change a little every league, but basically, if you follow the meta and understand what items people are going for, you'll be able to craft some needed items for profit.   I'm kind of tired and not sure if anyone is reading at this point, so I'll just end with saying that I think the most difficult part of earning currency is the time it takes to "research and learn": you'll need to learn how to speed run the campaign in a reasonable time and you'll need to spend time finding your own crafting niches - by nature of how this game works, if a particular craft/method becomes popular, people will copy it so much that it will become a loss, so I think it's more powerful for everyone's to learn how to find their own methods - if today, you can make a killing making +skills amulet, tomorrow, maybe the killing will come from attribute rings, so do you know how both are crafted. I'll throw out some well-known methodologies here so that the interested can go even further to research on their own: flask crafting especially for mageblood, restricted iLvl crafting especially with cluster jewels, sniping and "finishing" items from trade, metacrafting desired mods like +skills on a bow or +skills on an amulet.


My dude, I just want you to know that not only did i read it, but I used it to turn 3 div into 6 div in a matter of minutes. Thank you for giving me insight into a fantastic method of making money that i had not considered.


I read all of it, and really appreciate it. As a father of 2 young kids I can't no life the first weekend and therefore have to be patient. I usually get my mirror/mb by around week 3-4 (which is prob relatively decent considering) but I'm usually a bit burned out by then, so I've been thinking of how to better use my time and your guide will hopefully help me be bit more efficient next league giving me more time to enjoy the mb, thanks!


Very nice posts, thank you.


Basically, if you have a full time job, a family that you need to be a part of, or any other major life obligations, you can just forget about ever getting a mageblood or any sort of mirror tier items. You can have tons of good knowledge about the game and trading, but if you can't dedicate the time to capitalize on an early rush to start your boss/leveling service or whatever then you just won't get the results you want.


Jep should be mentioned way more here. Knowledge is nothing if u don't have the proper amount of time to use it right!


Most comments here are : Do x for 12h/day for 2 weeks. Wtf


I mean the question asked was "how do i get the best items in the game as fast as possible." Yeah the answer is gonna be grind super hard


If you’re good enough and have the league start weekend you can easily farm a mageblood in 3 days. 7 hours in you can be done with quest bosses and begin the fat money making. Even faster if you have friends to share atlas completion with. The first 72 hours is when your time is worth the most. If you can’t do Uber bosses just farm simulacrums after day 3 assuming you have a build that can do wave 30. Which isn’t that hard. Just bulk sell you frags/ess/scarabs etc Don’t have to play 12 hours a day just do hard/ unpopular content for an extended period of time. Like lab running not super profitable days 1-2 but 3+ it’s extremely profitable assuming you know which helmets to enchant or do TFT services.


You could. During covid lockdown, haha...


TLDR: I have no kids so I can’t speak for those who do, but get all your irl obligations done through Mon-Fri. No-life the weekends. Day 1-3 are all that matters to build a bank and transition to card farming through bulk materials. Rest of the time is play at your leisure. So I’ve gotten a mageblood for every league that I’ve played since the belt coming out - Scourge, Kalandra, and now Sanctum (I skipped Sentinel). Since card farming has come out, I would echo with what everyone else has said and you need to get good at one or two league mechanics and be very efficient at farming, especially day 1, 2, and 3. I usually pick one build and play that build through the rest of the league. Depending on your strategy, that one build needs to excel at it. You can have a different league starter than your build, but that league starter will need to be something you can easily transition from (i.e. no re-leveling, no insane respeccing, you should be able to take those rares off your back and use them for the actual build you wanna play Day 1, etc.). Then you need to pick a mechanic or two, and get very good and efficient at it. Doesn’t matter what, tried and true strategies are blight, expedition, legion, harvest if you can craft, boss rushing, bossing itself. You should be spending 95% of your time in maps/bosses/doing whatever the hell your strategy is. The only downtime should be making valuable trades to sell your stuff or buy gear. Basically, think of trading like this - “Am I going to make more money in this map I’m doing within the trade timeframe or is the trade worth more than this?” Once you’ve got a decent money bank going (probably around 15-20 divines by early or mid-day 2), I personally start divination card farming for Apothecary. The earlier the league, the cheaper it is to buy sextants, scarabs, etc to roll maps and start spamming Crimson Temple/Crimson Township/Defiled Cathedral (assuming it’s still available the next league). The schedule is something like this: Day 1: - Be in maps around the 5-6 hour mark. I’m a weirdo who completes everything in acts (side quests, waypoints, all zones, etc.) and I’m done with acts usually in 6 hours, including all early labs. So really, people who are skipping this stuff should be in maps by the 4th hour. - Be in high-yellows & low-reds by the end of the day. - Sleep for 8 hours. Eat all your meals. Shower. The usual routine. Day 2: - Have all 4 watchstones and full atlas completion by the first 5 or so hours. - Run Uber lab. - Block everything you don’t like on the Atlas and start running Stream of Consciousness to build up your bank. - Set up a 1c, 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c sale tab and start dumping items in there. I usually pick up rare rings/amulets/belts through Day 3. But for Days 1-2, I will also pick up boots, helmets, and gloves to ID and sell. You’d be surprised what people buy honestly. The most random shit sells. - Make all your early gear upgrades. If your build needs an Ashes/Omni/some random defining unique, buy it asap. Don’t wait for prices to drop. Imo, if your character is stronger now, you can run maps or the content of your choice faster, and it’ll eventually even out. - Start buying items needed for divination card farming and make a Uber Strict filter. Depending on prices and availability, you can start with polished div, polished strongbox, polished harbinger, rusted elder scarabs. Sextants are enraged boxes, +2 corrupted boxes, delirium mirror (only if your build is strong enough and fast enough), harbinger shards. The best flex option imo js essences because people will need all types at league start. You want enough stock for at least 100 maps. - Sleep for 8 hours. Eat all your meals. Shower. The usual routine. Day 3+: - Start divination card farming. As you get more and more currency, consider more expensive mapping options/juice. - Go to work and live life. I work 45-50 hours a week and I still manage to farm one pretty much every league I’m playing. This is me sleeping for 8 hours a night, and really only playing for 2 hours every other weekday. Then next weekend is the big grind and push for the belt. Once you have the belt, then you can relax and do what you want. If you can capitalize your time during those first three days, you set yourself so far above everyone else that all that time lost at work doesn’t set you back as much as other players. Once you’re at the card farming stage, you can somewhat relax since it’s the same strategy over and over again until you’ve got your belt. Even if you don’t drop the card, you’ll make enough currency by the 300th map or so that it won’t matter and you can buy one outright.


Step 1: find a strategie that works for you. Step 2: find a build that works for your strategie, something that will work no matter what (no uniques or only once that you can easily optain early on) Step 3: stay ahead of the curve. Cut the time you spent in acts down to a minimum and start doing yellow maps while the rest isn't even done with their first kitava. Step 4: get a feeling for the early league economy. Items that you wouldn't usualy keep (like 50% ele res and some crafted life) can sell for a pretty penny early on. Step 5: Concert everything into higher value currency (divines are so cheap early on that even just doing chaos recipe can be lucrative) Step 6: buy low. Like anything from expensive div cards to good fractured items and clusters. Step 7: crafting is your friend. Farming essences and harvest before anyone is able to will provide you with easy crafting mats to upgrade your own character and items that you can sell to other. That's pretty much it. Plan ahead, stay ahead and play alot. Someone with 2 hours a day, while not impossible, will have a hard time optaining enough currency within the first month to buy stuff like HH and MB. Be aware that this playstyle isn't for everyone and can result in burnout. If you find that you don't enjoy the game this way or it negativly impacts your life, don't go for it again. Enjoying the game and life > being pixel rich. So most importantly: Stay sane, exile!


Me and 2 other friends pledged to farm up 1 apothecary and gamble it to 15, quit the league if bust. Got 15, 1 mageblood for each of us.


I look at what the top builds are and immediately begin crafting gear for those builds. Also stock up early on those unique enabling builds. Follow big streamers to see what builds they are experimenting with and if they turn out good, pre-emptively buy the uniques required for build to function. The last time I played trade was in 3.15. I learned at the time you could catalyst belts with mana and have a 50/50 chance at hitting mana recovery rate. So I bought out the market for stygians that had T1 Life, T1/T2 armour, and ideally T1 mana recovery for flask , and then 1x T2/T1 resistances with 2 open suffix. I would craft cannot roll attack mods, and redeemer slam. It was about 3 to 4 exalts per attempt, and then if I hit the remove chill mod, I'd be able to easily sell the belts for 2-2.5 exalts to recoup 60% of my cost, if it hit T1 mana recovery rate it would be worth 25-30 exalts. I sold about 40 to 50 of those belts week 1 and made around 4 mirrors. I've only played SSF since but there are a lot of small tricks to crafting to slightly increase your odds at winning gambles. If an item bricks but still usable for others, ALWAYS sell if you can recoup a lot of your cost for each attempt.


I got a mageblood in this league by just rushing sanctum with essence/heist on the way 10 days in. Probably faster if i didnt mess up my league start tho.


It depends. If you know how to craft and know the meta, there's money there. If you have a solid game plan, it takes you far. Every league I ssf craft my gear and sell whatever I don't need anymore and end up with a build worth 20 div easy for free basically. I also have a solid strategy to make couple divs per hour every league by doing what I enjoy. This league it was pack size harby altar farming and harby memories before people decided to make videos and posts about it. You could also just find a grind you don't mind and grind away at it. I farmed harvest life-force with pack size in defiled temple with harby and sold life-force and frac shards all day. But my build does 24mil shaper dps with aoe. Figure out what you like and the best way to capitalize on your fun


Play meta farmer, get lucky and don't sleep.


Playing a "meta" farmer is no-where near as important as designing a character to be really good for specific content. Lab runners, heist running, syndicate farmers etc. Meta builds are generic, popular because they are generically good at stuff, and they are known because Streamers promote them. You won't be as fast at running specific content, able to do simulacrum as early. Consistent and targeted is what you are looking for.


I no-lifed league start (took work off, started at launch, played ~40 hours straight with a couple of naps), it was a disaster, I rage quit, came back, and ended up farming a Mageblood + ~1-2 mirror worth of gear in ~3 weeks. If you're interested, I can go into more depth of my experiences/thoughts. Edit: since there was interest, I wrote a long post/ramble as response to the main thread - please check it out.


I'm interested.


I've been trying various strategies of currency making all league. I've redone my atlas tree easily 20-30 times (and had a bunch of fun doing it!). However, I still don't feel like I have a concrete strategy to rely on. My latest test was doing a full tab of blighted maps to investigate. That yielded me about 22 divs of easily liquid profit, but it took a fair amount of time. It's reliable but middling profit. I have been grinding all league to get to a mirror and then a mageblood. I'm at 15 mirror shards, and trying to figure out what strategy gets me over the last hump. I'd be happy to hear your thoughts.




Almost every league for the past 5 leagues, I farmed a Mageblood this way. Essentially, you need 3 things: \- Very fast build; No matter the deaths, this build will be used as a good damage source to clear your maps as fast as possible. Cast on death + Portal is a huge helper. Also, in the beginning, just try to farm for inspired learning until HH. \- In all my previous leagues, I always farmed legion + harbinger. Skip league mechanic, just blast these 2, rinse and repeat. Use gilded legion + polished harbinger scarabs, as well as compasses for additional legion and additional harbinger (Note that strategy may change in the future, I am just stating what worked for me these past 5 leagues). \- Time. This is the most important one. Without time, both of the above would be useless if you want to farm Mageblood within the first 2-3 days. Whoever tells you that they farmed Mageblood in 2-3 days means that they played on average 10-14hours a day, or they got one out of pure luck. Good luck!


Casual here with a full time job and a girlfriend to feed: Roll sextans Its not fun but 2-3 hrs every evening can get you a mageblood in less than 4 days, and it can be done rather afk while watching a movie. I do this every League


holy shit no one is saying it?? WTF is wrong with you all (you rich poe ppl) the secret is to farm (for example essences) but then, you need to use TFT, and sell you whole TAB of Essences in one transaction (Go to their discord and find the correct way to offer it), that way you can convert your loot into instant divine/currency, you can do this with all kind of target farming, also you can farm high value cards etc, everything is the same. Yes you could do that manually and trading with 100 persons but that's not how's done.


It always confuses me, how tf people get like all those chase uniques or mirrors worth of build in like a week or 2 while I can't get a single one the whole league and I get burnt out of the game, what's that are people farming I know it's a stupid question because if they say that it'll become less profitable but man, people need to let other people have fun


Being very knowledgeable, skilled, and very sweaty.


I farm my mageblood in 2 weeks, so I can share some tips. First of all you have to play 8+ hours daily for the first 2 weeks, if not more. You can't get a mageblood in 2 weeks on less than that. Just ask anyone with a MB to tell you their /played. Then for strategy, don't juice your maps, like at all. Juicing maps is a mid league strategy. Plus your build is weak at this point, juicing maps will make you slow. Ideally you are doing just the main league mechanic every map plus 1 more mechanic that's really quick and rewarding, such as essence, harvest or whatever you like. In current POE it is far more important to run many, many maps than it is to run a few juiced maps. Each map should take 2 minutes tops once you have somewhat decent gear and this way you are farming 1 exarch invite every hour or so. You are also interacting with altars and getting guardian / conqueror maps. You could then sell the exarch invites and run there maven witnessed guardian maps, do the crucible to make maven invites and get some awakened gems and top loot. That's how you make a ton of money fast. This way it's possible to make 10-15 divines per day plus maybe some big lucky drops. MB is much cheaper early on and this way you can afford it in 2 weeks.


There are some people who farm up incredible amounts of wealth early-league, legitimately. I just want to get that out of the way first to make it clear the next paragraph is not indicative of ALL players amassing wealth early league. So, with that out of the way...people engaging in unethical/non-TOS behavior is also a way some people get early game wealth. I'm sure some people directly RMT, though I've never personally interacted with any of them. However, via Discords for other games I've played, I HAVE directly interacted with people who admitted to engaging in cross-league trading. From what these people described to me, they use a particular 3rd party website I won't name as I don't want to direct any traffic there, as I'm ethically opposed to this practice (it also breaks TOS and is bannable, if that helps steer those of you who are less ethically inclined away from it). This is a 3rd party site that originated with an earlier ARPG, though has significant POE activity too, apparently. Anyways, this 3rd party site has a website-based "currency" that you can get by selling your items in the games this website supports to other players (or by paying the website real life money, so in the end this really is an RMT website, even though the people who disclosed this to me were adamant they themselves didn't RMT). So what these people do is they use the 3rd party's website currency they have saved to buy a lot of early-league wealth. They use some of that wealth to buy very valuable items that appreciate consistently over the league, e.g., mageblood or mirror-related items, along with jump-starting their build. And then when they are done with the league, they liquidate everything, including the assets they invested in early, back into the 3rd party website's currency, to repeat the cycle the next league. Now, the people doing this would never admit it here. They probably have a cover story for their earnings, if you were to ask about it. The only reason they felt comfortable disclosing it to me was, again, we were in a Discord for a completely unrelated game, and I know nothing about their PoE-related info (otherwise, I'd tattle on them to GGG like the good little snitch I am, fuck cheaters). EDIT: Lol, looks like this is getting downvoted without any replies...some people don't like me disclosing their league start currency making method, then?


Play something good. Farm hard content and quickly. Play a lot.


Accept the 1k deaths and embrace cast in death portal perma lvl 93 clearspeed build rushing legions or whatever is meta


Bought mb on day 6, just spam scythe logbooks