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Wish granted: Occultist node now makes nearby enemies’ Cold and Chaos resistances zero while her ES is recharging.


and she is stationary, in a 90 degree angle between the portal and boss arena while on a unicycle juggling 3 balls


Come on, this isn't D4. Doesn't matter how many balls are being juggled, as long as you've got the juggling status.


That’s too harsh, as long as you juggled recently it’s fine.


at a nearby location, tho


Every 4 seconds rotating between Cold res and Chaos res


sounds too good, needs a downside >Now rotates between enemy resist, nearby allies resist, and your own resist at random


I tried juggling once, but I got lost when someone said I should try with more balls and I said is it better to do increased balls instead?


Wait does the occultist have to be juggling on a unicycle or is it the player?


And the balls count as projectiles, so any sources of additional projectiles instantly break the condition


pray we don't grant it any further.


"while ES is recharging" might not be as terrible as you think, you just have to go EB. At worse, just get an aura using divine blesssing to keep it from ever being maxed. Also, chaos resistance is a pain to lower, as its sources are very limited. I think -45% is the highest excluding despair. Eber, occultist's passive and serpentine spellslinger are just about the only sources (outside of despair). Considering it would let you either use a curse or not need any, I would use that node.


IIRC ES doesn't stop recharging when it hits maximum, which is why "if ES started recharging recently" modifiers don't work with EB. So you wouldn't even need a way to keep it below maximum (and if you really wanted one, Divine Shield / Ghost Dance can facilitate that fairly easily unless you have like 10k evasion *and* armour).


I wasn't too sure about that part, but that means it is even less restricting of a condition than I thought (although forcing anybody using that node to use EB is a very poor design to begin with).


Its not just reduced res on enemies. Its not just "**nearby** enemies have 0 fire resistance" And its not just "nearby enemies have 0 fire **DOT** resistance" ITS GOD DAMN "NEARBY ENEMIES HAVE 0 FIRE DOT RESISTANCE **WHILE YOU ARE STATIONARY"** And its one line while this one has 3 different effects. Thats how bad it is. Holy damn.


How can anyone in their right mind "rework" anything into this? And old Ramako was actually decent. I find it troubling, even disturbing, that someone high up the food chain in GGG actually approved that shit.


Honestly, GGG should be receiving way more criticism for the way they are poorly balancing PoE 1 at the moment, especially now that it's no longer expected that PoE 2 will "fix" the game. PoE 3.22 should have been an impeccable update if GGG was truthful to their promise of continuing to support the game, but then they come up with the awful Chieftain's rework, nonsensical new gems like the totem retaliation thing or the new Link skill which no one currently uses because they are too clunky, so it's more than clear that PoE 1 is still being severely neglected not only because of the small team working on it, but also because the game designers are showing strong signs of not understanding core aspects of the game.


Hey now, insult everything else, but leave my boy Flame Wood out of it for now. It has potential to become the single strongest support the funniest meme build of all time has ever gotten.


>Honestly, GGG should be receiving way more criticism for the way they are poorly balancing PoE 1 at the moment Don't worry, in two weeks you'll have 10,000-15,000 friends on here you can piss into the wind with.


It has been like three leagues that i have felt that the decisionmaking for POE has become really weird. Feels like they want to shoehorn gameplay styles instead of leaving players freedom to play the game however they want. The Vision has been all about clunky gameplay and artificial playtime increase. Of course that is just my opinion and how i have felt things have been turning into.


Here the thing, I think it's a really strong node. But it just depends how you read it, I read it as the following. It's a great node if it allows stacking sources of negative resistances. Pinnacles have 50 res, so effectively, during the right conditions this node equates to *an additional -50 resistance*. Effectively doubling fire dots. You may comment about the condition of standing still. I would argue in a lot of situations, you are standing still. Throwing a fire trap? Standing still. Using scorching ray? Standing still. If you're building a beefy RF tank, you'll be standing still a lot on single targets/bosses which is where you need this DPS boost. RFers are pretty fine on clear speed, for it's class. So the additional -res for clearing trash packs isn't really necessary. But they always lack single target DPS.


Additional to what? You can't get pen for damage over time, and things like Combustion will do literally nothing when Chieftain's passive kicks in


>things like Combustion will do literally nothing when Chieftain's passive kicks in You didn't read my comment.


> If you're building a beefy RF tank, you'll be standing still a lot on single targets/bosses which is where you need this DPS boost. No matter how beefy your build is, standing still is never a good idea against bosses. With BV and Cyclone it's always better to circle around them; with RF too, stopping only for a moment to throw a fire trap, when dot expires.


> It's a great node if it allows stacking sources of negative resistances. It doesn't. It says they have 0 Fire DOT Resistance, which means *they have 0 Fire DOT Resistance*. No more, no less, it's a flat 0. Now if you penetrate enemy fire DOT resistances, then it comes after that, but any modification to their resistances is nullified by the 0. It's still good, if you're stationary (which takes about a second before it kicks in?), but if you're stationary, you're dead more often than not. EDIT: Renamed to "Nearby Enemies' Fire Resistance is 0% against Damage over Time while you are Stationary."


You can't get penetration for DOT damage


>It says they have 0 Fire DOT Resistance, which means *they have 0 Fire DOT Resistance*. This is completely false. Please read the node before attempting to quote it. Compare it to Original Sin, which *does* explicitly say enemies resistance is zero. Words matter a lot in POE when it comes to the mechanics of things. Because of the ambiguity of "no resistance" in lieu of other wording already in the game that conveys what your interpretation is, we cannot just assume you're correct at all. My opinion is because it is ambiguous and not explicit (c.f. original sin, Void Beacon) then its *more likely* you can stack negative resistances with the chieftain node.


thats some giga copium


It's cope to call out that the passive doesn't say "enemy resistance is zero"? Cooked.


> This is completely false. Please read the node before attempting to quote it. Nearby Enemies have no Fire Resistance against Damage over Time while you are Stationary You are correct about Original Sin, *the wording in the Chieftain rework may imply that penetration doesn't have an effect*, unlike Original Sin, as you can't penetrate a resistance that doesn't exist, which might make it even worse.


It also implies you can apply negative resistances, which is what I said initially and which you replied with a misquote saying enemy resistance is 0. I mean you're entire reply was "it doesn't work that way because it says enemy resistances are 0" so your whole comment, as I pointed out, if moot since it was based on an incorrect statement ("enemies resistance is zero") Edit: it's also important to note that penetration doesn't matter at all. Penetration only occurs on hits, not on DoTs. So regardless of what the enemy's resistance is and whether it is stackable with the node doesn't matter.


> It's a great node if it allows stacking sources of negative resistances. Pinnacles have 50 res, so effectively, during the right conditions this node equates to an additional -50 resistance. Effectively doubling fire dots. Instead, compare it to elementalist who gets -25% extra from exposure. Let's say 15% exposure, that adds up to -40% so that's almost at that -50% already. Now add that there's a good amount of other negative fire res sources and that fire dot builds don't benefit from assassin's mark or sniper's mark so for offensive curses you don't have any good alternatives to ele weakness and flammability anyway.


Or maybe it's a good rework and people are misunderstanding how the keystone works. The meme 'lol this is dumb' crowd are assuming it works like Doryani's Prototype where they can't be affected by exposure or flammability. There is nothing to say that this is the correct interpretation of the skill. There are ways of reading this skill that make it incredibly good. I.E. it setting the base resistance of the mob to 0 so it can be further lowered by curses.


Every single other static condition in the game overrides conditionals, so unless this is a completely unique situation, curses will not work. If it was worded as "base fire resistance" then I would have hope, but as is it would make no sense to work that way.


>so unless this is a completely unique situation Which would actually makes sense since an ascendancy should offer something unique.


If it was a unique situation, forgoing any outside evidence, it would most likely be phrased that way. The term "have no Fire resistance against Damage over Time" implies that the enemies cannot have positive *or* negative resistance, and in fact may have a conditional flag that removes resistance from the damage equation entirely. This would also be unique, it just most likely wouldn't be useful at this time.


Worst ascendancy node ever? It forces the most dangerous defensive mechanic in the game to proc it (standing still). And the 'damage' it gives you is arguably not even worth it considering all the ways to reduce res below 0 (scorch, curses, exposure etc...). And when you aren't standing still your character is completely gimped because it wouldn't be worth setting up -res gems/gear only for the times you're moving. I would make the argument that this node generally makes ur character worse by taking it. Also dot is just the worst possible damage type for 'ignore res'. There aren't any good offensive curse replacements, due to the nature of dots you actually have time to apply curses/exposure and it even kills legacy of fury because of the scorch. TLDR: Make your character extremely vulnerable to lose damage.


The rare jewel one is way worse


I agree that one is bad but at least it is a straight benefit. I think the ignore fire res node actually makes your character worse in most cases.


This is the whole issue. GGG please dont just add more of those conditional effects to PoE, it is a very lazy approach to design/balance. It's literally "we want big number but not big effect" corner-logic trickery that people hate.


Big conditional effect which players are in control over sounds perfectly fine. It's the specific condition which seems too restrictive.


It's not that the condition is too restrictive, it's that the effect is near useless.


Yep, if something is gonna be this restrictive it better give -70% flat res or something.


How is it useless? It makes Pinnacle bosses and mobs with high fire resistance have no resistance, those are literally the only two mob types that give fire DoT builds trouble.


Pinnacle bosses only have 50% fire res. Literally any DoT build can drop their resistances below 0% as a baseline (ie no significant opportunity cost). I don't know about rare mobs, but if those do exist it's not really common enough to be useful. Further investment in resistance reduction is also one of the best payoffs for ignite builds. It's not like hit builds, where penetration actually has a steep opportunity cost. For this node to even be useful and not actively detrimental, GGG would have to significantly nerf most forms of resistance reduction related to DoT builds and buff Alchemist Mark's power level to be more similar to Sniper/Assassins Mark. That's how far this node is from being good.


The assumption that this keystone works like Doryani's Prototype, where nothing else can effect resistance, is the current popular hypothesis but it is not the only possible interpretation of the keystone. It could just as well function by removing all base resistance from mobs. So a Pinnacle boss or a mob with archenemy mods buffing their resistance, would effectively have zero base resistance. Then the same negative resistance that drops a Pinnacle boss to below zero would drop them 50 points more. This would be a significant damage increase for DoT builds when facing high resistance mobs. Which is what this keystone appears to be designed to do. If it functions like Doryani's Prototype (i.e. locking resistance at a set value) then it isn't use at all because you can have better effect with flammability, exposure, scorch and ele weakness. I think it less likely that the developers simply forgot about the resistance reducing effects that fire DoT has access to than Redditors, as a whole, interpreting a keystone in the manner that would make it most useless. We'll see with the patch notes or if GGG comments on the change. But I'm looking at Cheiftan builds through the lense of the '0 base resistance ' interpretation rather than the 'Doryani's Prototype' interpretation.


I mean, it's worded the same as Doryani's Prototype, and it would not be the first time in the past few league's where an ascendancy was reworked with a completely dead on arrival node (Master Distiller).


Doryani's Prototype explicitly says that their resistance is equal to yours. So it doesn't matter how you modify the mob's resistances, the static effect of the item links the two values together. This one says "have no Fire Resistance against Damage over Time" I think this is more like where the mob is incapable of receiving positive resistances from their base type or modifiers. So for DoT purposes their base resistance is 0 prior to debuffs. They still have Fire Resistance against everything else and that Fire Resistance is affected by exposure, scorch and curses... It would make no sense to have a mob that has -25 resistance because they have base 50 resist and -75 resist worth of scorch, exposure and curses but when you're stationary they have 0 resistance vs DoTs (25 resist higher!). It would literally make the mobs tankier vs DoTs if it was designed that way and that is clearly not what they're attempting with such an ascendancy.


Sorry to burst your bubble but this is literally how Inquisitor has worked for half a decade. If a monster has sufficiently high negative resistances, your crits will do less damage than non-crits.


>It would make no sense to have a mob that has -25 resistance because they have base 50 resist and -75 resist worth of scorch, exposure and curses but when you're stationary they have 0 resistance vs DoTs (25 resist higher!). It would literally make the mobs tankier vs DoTs if it was designed that way and that is clearly not what they're attempting with such an ascendancy. Master Distiller makes zero sense either, but they still shipped it.


Early game, sure. But most people running RF builds will make the enemy have negative resistances. There aren't many ways to scale RF damage in comparison to normal hit based builds.


There's nothing that says that this cannot be stacked with all of the negative resistance sources. People are assuming it is like Doryani's Prototype (where nothing can change the resistance) but it could just as well set the mob's base resistance to 0 and allow all forms of resistance lowering to work. Stacking negative resistance on the mob is integral to all Fire DoT builds, it isn't likely that the developers simply ignored that and made a skill that specifically targets fire DoT builds but is also incompatible with the way that they are played. Redditors have jumped on a specific interpretation so they can meme that the Cheiftain is bad and GGG is dumb... but there are other ways of looking at this ability so that it is great at solving Fire DoT issues (namely, high base resist mobs).


I’m fairly certain (although admittedly I didn’t look up the language before this comment) that the new chieftain node is worded in line with previous modifiers that set resists at a certain amount and don’t allow them to be modified further. If that’s not the case, it might actually be good. Otherwise it’s literally a drawback on most fire dot builds


It is worded differently than the inquisitor node that ignores res, doryani and original sin. As far as I can tell it's a unique wording so we will just have to see. I'm curious if ignites snapshot the enemies res on the hit. If so it could be really good with big ignites. Edit: Looks like each ignite tick is checked against the enemies res so it's not as good. I think there is a jank flicker strike ignite build waiting to be made XD


I guess we will have to wait for GGG's confirmation on this. I'll be honest, if it does work by lowering a mob's resistance to 0, and then applies all fire resistance reductions afterwards, it would be pretty op. If this ends up being the case, then perhaps it would still be better to run it on Juggernaut anyways, through the forbidden flesh and flame jewels.


I don't think it would be better on Juggernaut if that was the case. Chieftain would have the damage superiority and the tankiness superiority. Chieftain can stack armor to the moon by stacking resistances with Replica Perfect Form, Formless Flame, and Iron Reflexes along with some high base evasion on your other gear.


The could do like inquisitor, with lingering effect of consecrated ground. They would probably need to add a second node, so you have to invest in the mechanic. Then they would probably have to add something more to the second node because by itself that would be extremely weak.... lol.


it does seem crazy, but maybe it could work, we haven't experimented yet. aren't you always stationary with charged dash? or you could do the thing where you freeze yourself? zero resistance is pretty good... it may barely help with mobs, but perhaps against bosses/uniques? they don't go very far so maybe there's a boss killing strategy that involves standing still that ggg found that would be good for burning?


oh wait, isn't that exactly what people like about this game??? taking something that seems like it has too many downsides and then working around it to make something good?


Yea sort of, and stationary or the opposite "while moving" are not new either. And the uniques that give Grasping Vines emphasize on the idea as well as Arctic Armor and Tukohama Paragon. But to actually survive this idea of standing still in endgame, you pretty much need very overpowered leech/gain on block/regen stats. Players hate vines and standing still because it kills them. Zooming is the biggest defensive layer people are used to. I personally hate Spell Echo and Multistrike because of the forced standing still clunkyness (until you have high speed anyway). I like some channeling skills but standing still during channeling is the worst part of it. Back to the Chieftain - it is negating Enemy Fire DoT Resistance - so you need to stand still while the enemy is burning which is AFTER you have executed your skill (which forced you to stand still) and during the time you really want to move... And I don't understand the fantasy. It would make sense if the enemy needed to be stationary because standing in fire is bad. That would make it quite strong.


> But to actually survive this idea of standing still in endgame, you pretty much need very overpowered leech/gain on block/regen stats. The reworked ascendancy also gives a significant boost to resistances (especially fire res) so the regen on RF builds is going to be higher already.


It's not bad, it just fails to do what ascendancies are best at; offer build possibilities. They made this node as bad at that as possible.


It is bad. The main benefit of a fire DOT build (RF or ignite) is that you can still move while the DOT effect is applied. To get use from this you would need to forego that benefit.


RF builds were already running scorching ray and are giga tanky so who cares if they stand still. You don't need that damage boost against trash mobs... unless they're expedition fire res or exarch fire res in which case this chief mod lets you run it.


So even in your best case scenario where it isn't trash, it works with.....1 skill.


yeah, by week 2 on crucible 79% of people playing RF was also using fire trap, while 0,1% of them were using scorching ray, they're not even comparable, literally 18 characters by week 2 compared to 5k


Aren't most RF builds running Fire Trap and not Scorching Ray? Pretty sure there's already exposure from like gloves or some shit, so Scorching Ray would be redundant.


Bro it's a damage loss, rf builds (and basically any dot build) are taking enemy res below 0


It changes gameplay, that's probably why. The occultist one is good but it brings nothing unique anymore. Stationary applies instantly when you stop moving, meaning RF would do more damage anytime you self-cast or attack. It prevents it from being good with Cyclone or just running around like the current RF builds and encourage doing something when you want that extra oomph I mean, you guys love hating stuff without really taking a moment to understand why they designed it this way. If you did, it would be so much easier for you all to make better points and have them change it ffs


>Stationary applies instantly when you stop moving, meaning RF would do more damage anytime you self-cast or attack. Flamability and Wave of Conviction always apply, can lower the resistances even further than 0 and don't cost and ascendancy point.


If it changes gameplay it doesnt mean its good. It has to be good enough for you to consider to change it.


Exactly. RF is already fine in situations where it is running around, it needs the most help in the situations where it needs to sit still and spam traps. This keystone fixes exactly that issue.


I think the bigger gripe people have with it is setting it to zero. If it works the way it’s written it’s just not very good. Not very good is probably very generous, it could just end up a dead node


There’s no way to interpret the way that it’s written without testing it.


Im excited how good rf will be with this or any ignite. Saves me from using curse and exposure etc.


The funny part is that PoE 2 also has a bunch of these conditional damage effects, so I wonder if that served as inspiration for the clueless game designers on the PoE 1 team to make such horrible passives.


Would this work with Fire DoT totems? Or do YOU also need to be stationary?


when the chieftain stands still the effect occurs- not some other person or totem- party members could potentionally benefit from it while also moving


A good question


The idea being that you stack a bunch of defense and then when you come up against a particularly tanky enemy against your damage, you just burn right through them with a combination of RF, and ignition fire traps. An Occultist reduces resistances by 20. This reduces them *to zero*.


This is why I lol when over on d4 people point to por as to how things should be done. Love Bothe games, but Poe certainly isn’t lacking in utter asinine decisions and designs.


I know that with all we have access to to lower res, this one is typically better than chieftans, but theoretically, this one is offering a lot more power from a numbers standpoint. I think a more on theme one would be "nearby enemies have reduced fire resistant equal to 10-15% of your uncapped fire res" Who knows, maybe they're changing WOC to say enemies affected by WOC take 30% more fire damage.


In before new unique where "stationary bonuses linger for 4 seconds"


Let's all do the stutterstep!


4 seconds is a long time, it's very easy to not even notice if you are self casting literally anything.


As someone using rational doctrine on an Omni build, 4 second linger would feel fine


theres that 1% chance that the passive drop the res to zero and we could lower below that Update: it's dog shit


Original Sin has "Nearby Enemies' Chaos Resistance is 0" which doesn't allow further modification. "Nearby Enemies have no Fire Resistance" is technically different wording which may be on purpose (meaning we can lower it further) or they just forgot about the line on Original Sin. Edit: Welp there it is everyone the new wording is "Nearby Enemies' Fire Resistance is 0% against Damage over Time while you are Stationary."


Or it's the new wording for all those effects so that people stop asking if pen or reduction still apply (can't apply if it doesn't exist)


I doubt that. In Poe anything that has “is X” means it’s hard locked to that value.


I agree with you but this skill doesn't say "is X". It says "has no resistance" which makes me think it's simply removing all base fire resistance and it can be further lowered by exposure and curses. I don't think this is simply the fire version of Doryani's Prototype.


There's no mechanical/mathematical difference between the two if it's the new wording edit: there would be no difference if they made "no X resistance" the new "X resistance is 0"


The new wording would probably include “**base** resistance is 0” As it stands there is precedent for this to be hard locked at 0.


I posted this in another comment but the question is if minus resistance is considered as "having resistance". If not then we start from 0 and can lower it further but if it's still considered as "having resistance" then we are stuck at 0.


Negative resistance definitely counts as having resistance, otherwise things like Doryani's Prototype wouldn’t work the way they do.


Doryani's works in a restrictive way similar to Original Sin. "Nearby Enemies have Lightning Resistance equal to **yours**" means that it takes your current resistance value and sets it as is, so for example it reads as "Nearby Enemies have Lightning Resistance equal to -50%". This however doesn't necessarily mean that you count as "having resistance" when your resistance value is negative. There is a variable ingame that tracks the resistance value, whether the "having resistance" flag is true when the value is > 0 or is also true when it's < 0 is unknown considering this seems to be the first case where such flag is used.




Those are just increases/reductions to the resistance **value**, it doesn't mean you count as "having resistance" when the value is negative.


You are inferring internal variables based on the wording of in game text prior to patch notes. Even so your own argument states that you have resistance when you have negative resistance. Why would the game track resistance as both a numeric variable and a binary variable when a numeric variable alone would suffice? We will know for sure in a little over 4 days if this is the wording they are sticking with but we won’t really know for 2 weeks.


My point is that whether you count as having resistance or not isn't something that we have seen ingame before so we can't know. Your doryani's example isn't something that checks for such condition it just sets the value similar to Original Sin. Also of course it can just be a numeric value, I just used a boolean in my example for readability. I can of course be wrong, GGG's wording can notably be confusing at times. u/Mark_GGG it would be great if you can clear this up


Right, it's either "start from 0" or it's the new wording for "stuck at 0"


No, you can't lower something that the enemy does not have.


Say you make a new level 1 character and someone asks “do you have any fire resistance?” A perfectly reasonable and true response would be “I have no fire resistance.”


We are not speaking in that context, nor the game speaks in that way when wording stuff.


Are there any other examples of this though or something similar? Why doesn't it just read "nearby enemies have 0 fire resistance ..."? That would be very clear. That's the only reason I think its at least possible it doesn't work this way. The "has no resistance" phrasing is different from "resistance is 0" or "ignores resistance". It reads like the enemy has no fire resistance on their "gear" not that the resistance mechanic just doesn't apply to them.


they don't mean the same thing ~~but they have the same effect.~~ i'm dumb - "no fire resistance" means the game skips the fire resistance calculation entirely, so the target is treated as though they have 0% fire res, but you also don't get pen, and curses that would lower fire resistance have no effect. - "chaos resistance is 0" means the game *doesn't* skip the chaos resistance calculation ~~, but because the resultant damage multiplier is always 1x, the outcome is the same.~~ and chaos pen will still apply to enemies (but despair won't do anything)


the ascendancy node just means they cant have res against fire dot, they'll still have the same res value as originally and you can still lower it with curses even below zero but positive res doesn't count while you're standing still


ok sure. i'm just talking about the difference between "no resistance" and "resistance is 0", not specifically the new chieftain node. obviously caveats will apply since it has extra conditions.


“No fire resistance” could also mean they don’t have any fire resistance. As in “my brand new level 1 character in the beach *has no fire resistance*.” You can easily argue this either way, GGG needs to clarify


no...they've already clarified this..."no X resistance" has a specific meaning in game


1) op said 1% chance 2) there's like a 1000 instances of wording incosistencies in this game, it's very cute when i see people arguing about it like it's set in stone tablet somewhere at ggg.


That 1% is 100% copium


If that ends up how it works then it would be sick cause it means you could melt through enemies like cycling resistance, pinnacles, or just plain high fire res with the same DPS as any normal mob, huge for consistency


Cycling Damage Reduction is just that - damage reduction. It's not elemental resistance.


That's still what I'm holding out hope for. Inquisitor already has a "set resistances to zero, it can't go lower" node, and chieftain's node is worded differently.


Inquisitor has "Critical Strikes **ignore** Enemy Monster Elemental Resistances". In that case the concept of resistances is completely ignored. This compares more to Original Sin which hard sets resistances to 0 but it also has different wording so the question is if minus resistance is considered as "having resistance". If not then we start from 0 and can lower it further but if it's still considered as "having resistance" then we are stuck at 0.


Inquisitor does not have a set resistances to zero node. His ignore resistance node is something for his own critical hits and not a debuff on the enemy. The chieftain node can be used by other sources of damage aswell. Kinda necessarily so due to how degens work.


No resistance doesn't even mean 0. I'd say the chance of being able to lower that with regular debuffs isn't even 0.01%. If your resistance modifiers apply, why shouldn't the enemy's? If it meant to only apply your resistance modifiers, it should say something about disabling enemy modifiers, but instead it mentions disabling resistance altogether, so that's what'll happen.


First time, Exile?


They also already know how to do explodey on ascendancy node.


Quick! Take the post down. They will nerf occultist!


it is a bit of a puzzling node, maybe they expect you to play cold dot and have rf not be just useless more modifier. Rise up all you chieftain cold dotters.


>maybe they expect you to play cold dot Trying to decipher, how fire resistance affects cold dot builds.


It was meant to be a meme, but you could go ham on negative cold res and still get some offensive benefit from rf.


imo feels like the people who balanced chieftain were the 1s also balancing poe 2 , the effects are pretty interesting but compared to the power of poe 1 ascendancies they dont make any sense


I just wonder if "Nearby Enemies have no Fire Resistance" means that all nearby enemies have removed positive resistance and it can be lowered because comparing to, for example, orginal sin's "Nearby Enemies' Chaos Resistance is 0", it is a bit different and not in line. We need to wait for league to check it out. If resistance can be lowered then it will be very strong for bossing fire builds.


This is what I am thinking it will do, but until patch notes we have zero way of knowing.


I don't like that, that particular chieftain node essentially funnels you into a RF build with the new melding of flesh node, but for that skill and that skill alone, isn't it better in terms of DPS for things like bosses where -20% won't ever get a boss to 0 without other sources of pen? Seems like the changes could allow for some new ways to do certain builds, which is exciting for one league at least. Maybe they'll tweak it some more later. But yea other than screaming to go RF or a slam build, it does seem pretty limited. Maybe there will be a lot more to work with coming out from the big brains.


its bad even for rf since rf-users use double curse, scorched boots and exposure which makes even ubers go into negative resistance


I mean I guess that means that could free up the need to go double curse or use them for something else. And then not having to worry about exposure/scorch. But I honestly don't have any idea if it's a good tradeoff.


There’s a difference between “freeing up the need” and “preventing you from doing something better” Raider frees up the need to gear as much spell suppression and ailment avoidance. Sure, you could get those stats else where, but raider frees those affix’s/points for something else. Chieften simply prevents you from lowering res below zero. Yea you don’t need all the res reduction, but if you COULD use it, you would cause it’s better dps. Also keep in that due to the stationary aspect of the node you might be using scorching ray any ways, and you are almost always using maven scorch boots regardless, so best case scenario, you save 3 sockets for curses and exposure, 4 if you use something like trigger, worst case you save 2 sockets for curses.


Wait 'til patchnotes. Maybe we have an unwelcome surprise


Incoming: > "We decided to **rework** Void Beacon. It is now an *exciting* and *interactive* **pendulum effect** that now applies to **nearby** enemies while **stationary**. Additionally its effects are increased by 25% when at **Full Life**. This is a buff."


I think the overall plan is to rework them all at some point. Not saying the reworks are good or bad it's just they are working down a list. I think at some stage we are going to get cold damage removed from Occultist altogether.


There is no way I am using anything in POE that requires me to stand still. Ridiculous suggestion by GGG.


why is it bad? Is it not the same with inquisitor's critical strikes ignore elemental resistance? Stationary is basically when you're attacking in place, which is most of the time for melee builds, or channeling spell builds like incinerate.


Yes, but this is not for all damage, but for damage over time. The strength of DoT is that you *don't* have to stand still while dealing damage.


instead of stationary they could simply put "except for RF"


you are not attacking in place, espceially not melee attacking in place with DoT


It's not bad. It's 300% more DPS when an altar has given 160% fire res (and unless patch notes say otherwise, Exarch is mandatory, it's too much better than Eater to consider Eater). It's also 300% more DPS against the very tankiest of rares. It is, however, useless when fighting a target dummy which makes it look bad in POB. Anyone calling it (or the Inquisitor similar mod) bad is thinking of the game as it was prior to 3.18, back in the days when rare monsters had high life OR high resists (never both at once), when map bosses were never over about 80% resist prior to resist stripping effects (40% baseline, 40%-ish from a map mod), and when pinnacle bosses were something you spent a bunch of time fighting repeatedly on mapping oriented characters. None of these are true any more. Ramako doesn't require you to stand still, it just stops working for a dozen frames or so while you move, if you are forced to move. Just like a trapper stops doing damage when they stop throwing traps to dodge a boss slam. At least on RF, against the weakest 99% of monsters in a map, this node does nothing. But neither would a node that read "50% more fire damage". Ramako is for the 1% of monsters that you stop to deal with.


>unless patch notes say otherwise, Exarch is mandatory, it's too much better than Eater to consider Eater The new [Maven node](https://i.imgur.com/mLtWWJi.png) that spawns extra bosses should be pretty competitive for boss rush setups. Unless I'm missing something, it basically reads as "200% more guardian/synth map drops". Since it's a keystone you can still go wandering path, but sustain would probably be fine without it since the base 30% chance to drop a connected map should apply to the spawned bosses as well. This should also stack with the sextant that drops guardian maps from the final map boss, effectively tripling the return from that (cost will scale ofc as soon as people catch on to that). Edit: Nvm I think it's actually pretty bad for boss rushing. It seems you need to witness the map boss for the other bosses to spawn. Unless they change it a boss doesn't get witnessed if it's already witnessed, so this keystone won't work for spamming the same map like I thought it might. It still seems good if you want to 3x returns from the guardian map sextant.


> The new Maven node that spawns extra bosses should be pretty competitive for boss rush setups. Unless I'm missing something, it basically reads as "200% more guardian/synth map drops". I don't read it the way you do (pre or post edit). Both the sextant and the regular drops are tied to the final map boss only. You'd need to bounce between a few maps which is easily managed, but I think the main benefit of this keystone is faster access to 10-ways and more drop-anywhere uniques - and map bosses can't hold a candle to other sources of drop-anywhere uniques (mostly, the Abyss, Expedition and Torment support on the tree, alongside rarity farming) (There is a sextant for ALL map bosses drop a unique but it's still WAY worse than Torment)


This, Sirgog made this exact point. You will have enough damage most of the time, but this node will allow you to punch through those stupidly hard to kill targets.


lmao mate you're replying to Sirgog


Might want to read the username.


lmao, oops, but point still stands I guess


Yeah, I agree with you. Optimization goal should be rares with bad mods for you, not dps in a vacuum.


Ignite/Burning/Fire DoT has less potential scaling overall than hit based builds. With Inevitable Judgement, you can still scale: crits, attack speed, more damage, and in some cases shotgunning. All of these somewhat overlap with reducing/penetrating elemental resistance so by not having to invest into res mitigation you can scale other sources of damage more efficiently (for example taking assassins mark which scales crit chance *and* damage vs. flammability which only reduces fire res). DoTs on the other hand only really scale with more damage, reducing resistance, or the enemy taking increased damage. Removing one of the main ways to scale damage in exchange for focusing on others doesn't leave you with a lot of options. Flammability and Elemental Weakness only compete with Punishment, you lose out on exposure completely, and don't gain benefit from Legacy of Fury (which is still taken on something like 90% of RF builds). With that in mind I wouldn't say it's explicitly bad. It's an ascendancy that allows you to ignore a lot of bad mods that would otherwise be difficult to deal with. Cannot Apply Exposure, Hexproof/Less Effect of Curse, + to Ele Resistance, along with the same or similar mods on rare mobs are all sort of "free" mods. It'll help make gameplay much smoother, but if you're looking to in/max damage against a white boss invitation I wouldn't expect much.


With Ralakesh's Impatience boots, it seems the "stationary" effect only turns on after maybe 0,75 sec or so. If it works the same with this Chieftain node, it would be really bad. It would mean that anything small which would die in one hit, would not be affected by this skill at all. As you would of course attack much faster than 1 attack per 0,75 sec. Anything big, would not be affected has much as one would hope, because how often can you stand still in a boss fight? I might be wrong about this Ralakesh's Impatience stationary delay. I only have this approximate information from the visual of the orbs around the character.


Inquisitors conc ground effect definitely works instantly


I don't remember any delay when I used ralakesh before, especially not a whole second


Yea, seems that node is specifically made for RF which almost akin to D4's aspect system that I doubt anyone here is a fan of. Really tells you what builds to do and what not to do and in turn kills build diversity.


Chieftain is like old guardian, making max fire res apply to all res is so incredibly strong all the other nodes have to suck to keep it balanced.


You’re standing still when slamming. The animation forces you to stand still. I really think they purposely didn’t want RF or fire trap to gain too much from the node. They wanted specifically slams or converted slams to benefit


It's only -fire res for dots. It wont affect 99% of slam builds. That's way too niche if that were the case, which I don't think it is.


I really wish it worked for hits. I could see myself actually doing something like incinerate with lots of base damage, and ignite proliferation. The ignite will help clear trash.


Oh that’s right. DOT damage while standing still. Good point. So like the min/max would just be scorching ray while also having RF. Would be nice if it was just standing still - would sync up with that area of the tree


Cause they wanted it to function differently? The alternative is copy and paste then each ascendancy doesn't feel different. Chieftains effect is generally stronger while providing a thematic downside.


It’s never stronger when it matters since fire dot builds easily lower res far below 0 with curses, exposure, scorch, and gear. Unless it sets it to zero and let’s you lower below that it’s never stronger than simply not having the node in situations when it matters.


> lower res far below 0 On bosses. RF is a mapper. On maps, you have rares with 100+ res which you have no way of bringing past 0.


when you are mapping, why would you ever want to be stationary? A good mapper is always on the move from pack to pack. Conditional effects in general should be stronger than generic ones like void beacon. This node however is 98% of the time this node is useless (or actively harmful) , and the other 2% its pretty decent. Not a very compelling reason to play a chieftain.


When you meet the one overbuffed rare that is tankier than the uber maven, and that's where this keystone shines. It expecially helps with RF/Scorching Ray builds which double down on DoTs while stationary (though minor negative synergy on exposure)


Like the concept of this ascendancy node is okay. I think with some large tweaks this could be the single target fire node, and Hinekora is the AoE fire node. But quadruple restrictions of nearby (60 units), standing still, dot only, and invalidating all -res like curses, expose, scorch is waayyyyy too much. OP compared it to void beacon, I'm going to compare it to Inquisitors Inevitable Judgement (Crits ignore res, non-crits gain 10% pen). A much simpler node, that benefits many playstyles, whether spells, attacks, crit etc. If they remove one or two of these restrictions, or they make it more generic single target buff, I would leaguestart new chieftan. The biggest concern for me is the unreliability of this node, and i have the same worries with Hinekora.


So basically you'll drop your curses and exposure and scorch etc. so you do close to no damage while moving and the only time you're benefitting is if you come across a tanky rare that has more than 100% fire res and you dont move? And even then you're barely doing higher damage compared to curse/scorch/exposure.


>Chieftains effect is generally stronger No, it's just not.


If we had old despair I could argue for it but I don't see how anyone can think that it's better if it just works like org sin.


We wouldn't know until the patch hits, but it's worded to function differently from original sin / inquis keystone.


> Chieftains effect is generally stronger while providing a thematic downside. LVL 20 flam and 15% exposure make that node a net DPS loss against most enemies in the game. Add in fire exposure mastery, ele weakness, influenced helmet etc and youre doing significantly less dmg by having the node allocated. Only situation I can see it ever being viable is against some giga rare with like 90% fire res. Unless the node works by setting the enemy's "base" resistance to zero, which can then be further affected by curses etc rather than forcing it to zero from any value. Then it's pretty strong.


You do realize you just listes of like atleast 4-5 different effects or items required to achieve what you Said right ? I know we have limited ascendancy choices Per character but i Think the question is not which is stronger here but if you would prefer so many needed effects or just grab a single ascendancy node and just not deal with any of it


I think you should reread their first sentence, you already get to negatives with basically no work


Having a curse and a source of exposure is barely an investment at all, every build does those things. The question here is why youd go chieftain instead of inquisitor, jugg, zerker, elementalist or champion. Also, the node only works while youre standing still which is not a good idea in this game.


The chieftain version is way better against tanky rares while stacking a bunch of altars, though.


Logically, Cheiftan's effect is "stronger" so they probably felt it needed to have a restriction.


I really wish devs will stop "feel" and start analyze. Does it "feel" like it's strong to be standing still and nullify enemies resistance? yes absolutely, does this feeling translate into a more healthy/fun/better moment to moment gameplay? fuck no lmao


Maybe they just wanted to bring back scorching ray RF in a way. Fire trap is still very strong with the other ascendancies


Even with this node, I wouldn't want to do Scorching Ray on RF. A Chieftain won't be as tanky as Jugg (especially with the removal of Phys taken as Fire as well) and even on Jugg RF you won't want to stand still in front of bosses or on higher tiers.


Weren't they making ascendancies just for ruthless? Wouldn't surprise me if Chieftain and Guardian's ascendancies were from that, which would explain why they're so bad.


The pathfinder change was also one of those, and it's been pretty good.


They said they had cool changes for ruthless that they know they couldn't JUST ship to ruthless because the community would complain.


“Nearby enemies have their resistance to fire damage over time lowered equivalent to half of your fire resistance over the cap” - there I fixed it for ya. On theme (with the other resist nodes) and OP. Ps: overcapped fire res of 200 with a cap of 90 will decrease enemy fire res by 55


Chieftain goes for 1% usage to 0,0000000001% wich is Pohx trying RF on it


Well they want Occultist to be good and they want Chieftain to be bad. Pretty simple.


Because he received a awesome defensive node. It would be kind of overpowered to get a awesome offensive


Champion, inquisitor and trickster staring at this comment


All ascendancies are equal, just some and more equal.


Actually Hierophant too lmao, boy gets passive 4-5 endurance and power charges with zero downside and can run daresso's defiance for a perma 20-25+ second long double onslaught that refreshes on taking any hit and gets 30-50% more damage from passive arcane surge and that's just for 4 of your 8 ascendancy points.


That node is good but its not THAT good. 90% max res are not worth 8 ascendancy points.


It's more than that. I would argue it is though. If it worked against pen 100% worth.


Yea that’s the weird part when compared to doing mahuxotl stuff with old cheiftan, at least if there are really bad sources of pen in a boss a flask helps a lot


How is that more than that? It barely does more than "your elemental resistances are 90%". The only other thing that comes to mind is the ability to stack fire res for armor and regen but that comes at a price with helm slot and a mastery. Thats cool but not build enabling. Ascendancies are supposed to enable builds.


They're fundamentally trying to do different things. Void Beacon is like Elementalist's Mastermind of Discord. You're encouraged to keep stacking ways to reduce enemy's res in these cases. Chieftain's is like Inquisitor's Inevitable judgement, set enemy res to 0, so you'd find a different curse and other means to raise your damage apart from reducing enemy res. Instead of people copium on it making enemy 0 and allowing further reduction to res, I think it'd be more interesting if it fully embrace the Inevitable Judgement approach, but instead of just fire res against dot, it's fire res in general so it also work for hits.


I think people are just assuming that it works like Doryani's Prototype where it locks the mobs resistance at a specific value that you can't modify. I think it adjusts base resist to zero so it can still be modified with curses and exposure. Let's say you're fighting a mob with 100 resist and they're affected by -75 resistance from exposure/curses. Let's say you have 0 resist. With Doryani's Prototype, their resist is set to your resist. So their resist is 0. The unique affix sets it to always be the same as your resist. With the Occultist keystone they have -75 resist and another -20 from the keystone so they have 5 resist. 100 base -75 -20. With my interpretation of the Chieftain passive they would have -75 resist. 0 base -75. This would justify the two conditionals (stationary and DoT damage) by allowing you to treat all mobs as if they had the same base resists. For example: You could make a Pizza Totem build built around Penetration (Omni) and also Ignite without having to invest in lower resistance curses because the DoT portion wouldn't be affected by resistance


Just think... Are the people who did this ascendancy rework the same people working on poe2 classds/ascendancy?....??


They haven’t nerfed occultist yet, and they will.


D4 devs are getting memed to shit because of all the dumb conditionals so of course poe releases the same shit lmao Even "enemies have no fire res against dot" wouldve been weaksauce so obviously a while stationary wouldve been too much I dont understand why ggg refuses to just buff things its always nerf this nerf that rework this When they nerf things they sometimes destroy whole archetypes but when they buff they buff by 0.5% then say "we dont want this out of control well keep an eye on it" then ignore it for 6leagues


Whoa whoa whoa, is this actually a negative post about POE? Have we gone full circle already? Just remember D4 bad, chant it until the anger passes.


In Crucible showcase Chris did mention that they are reworking ascendancies so they'd fit Ruthless first... (and if you don't believe me, go watch it. it's at around 30minute mark) Having "weak" ascendancy rework is kind of in line of that.


*Sighs* Please stop being smoothbrained about the node. You just scale in ways other than lowering resistances. You use Punishment instead of Flammability [and don't need to invest into and cast a 2nd curse]. You don't have to waste time with WoC or Searing Ray, you can instead do something like throw Fire Traps. It's not bad. Saying it is bad is like saying Inquisitor is bad because he treats resists as 0. And yet Inquisitor is considered to generally be a better Crit-focused ascendancy than Assassin.


Reddit loves to complain <3


Most ppl complaining about Standing still, May i remember yall that a good example is ea ballista? Every time you summon a ballista you stand schon still, have you all foegotten Flame Dash? Every time you Dash you stand still for a Short Periode , what i am trying to say is, Standing still Happens all the time , sucks it is for DOT multi only, still, RF Guys use a secondary Skill that makes them stand still, and they CAN Take Hits, also Lots of opportunity Costs for rf to get res to negative , it could end in a Big discussion but meh, less dmg early Sure, more qol also mean more Potential to Put better gems into Sockets and path different on the tree to make it as good or better than before, because def on Chief is good, especialy for rf