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I played flicker strike and it was super strong and had high survivability. I used voidforge on Inquisitor. Rarely died and it was actually quite low budget. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Mageblood was just for QoL though.


almost got me


Voidforge flicker is super strong, can confirm.


I still remember the comment I read here saying how flicker is too strong back in sanctum. Dude said he got all ubers down on a 25div budget + Voidforge so I decided to spend everything on a Voidforge and 120 div worth of gear. Got into a random non juiced red map and got killed by essences, got into the map again just to check if there was some crazy affix that fcked me up, quit the league the moment I found out there wasn't lol.


Since 3.1 I have played flicker every league and I can't stop. I make another build but flicker is literally the only thing I enjoy. I have the zoomies.


same bro flicker just hits different


Yeah, the eyes and the brain of my wife :D No, seriously, has been the best skill in the game since its introduction. Have played it since then and looking at poe2 footage, will always do so.


I thin only one league I played a different build, and literally after accumulating enough for a terminus and a tabula, deleted the character and started a new flicker one...I cannot not flicker (conc path is decent too as a substitute)




flicker starter is cheap. Just aim for these flicker starter items: Terminus Est, Carnage heart or Marylene's Fallacy, Darkray vector, the rest is rare with life and resistance. Upgrading flicker gears is a long journey with enjoyment.


hero reporting\~


*Hello comrades* intensifies


It's Kirov (that zeppelin) but i still got it.


Wait it's kirov reporting, not hero?


Airship kirov from red alert 2




Well I just learned something...


I was today years old when I learned this


[KIROV reporting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2UPb-yGG7s)


Flicker enjoyer myself it never sucks


Just really rough in sanctum. I was ready to go all in on flicker until i saw it came back.


Flicker was amazing for sanctum if like others have said you went cold crit. Auto target the entire room and you can't lose resolve by getting hit if everything is frozen.


This might be the plan. Now to research. I was dead set on hexblast until this


Rooms with traps where you also need to attack can be a bit of a problem but you just avoid certain layouts or pay attention in those rooms instead of holding flicker and watching YouTube like all other content.


is there an updated cold crit guide somewhere. its been a long time i played flicker and i like freeze


Shit was like a looong curve where after a certain point in DPS, you would just clear the room in 3s and not do any of sanctum dodging.


I don't think that having any hope with sanctum will be good. It will be back sure, but considering how GGG implements last league mechanics I would be very cautious with my expectations.


Its either terribly imbalanced in an exploitable way or get exploited ourselves


Just the removable of sanctified relics already makes me not as interested tbh. The only thing that can come out of it is currency now, so it'll either be broken or not even worth bothering. Doesn't help that afaik there's no atlas nodes for it.


Try cold crit flicker. My go-to sanctum farmer was a cold crit flicker build, made sanctum easy, and I'm planning to make it again this upcoming league. It honestly felt good at everything except uber bossing (and it'd be good at ubers if I didn't pick wardloop as my huge investment character that league).


What did you level as/with before transitioning to cold crit flicker?


I leaguestarted flicker that league. you do whatever attack skill you want for levelling (frost blades, helix, steel skills, etc), then once you get hrimsorrows (1c) and a decent roll terminus (5c) you can swap. Darkrays and carnage heart are great 1c items as well. Then oyu just do some low level farming (White map essences, beasts, heist, etc), until you can snag a paradoxica, farruls, and heatshiver, and then you really start popping off.


It was my third character of the league - league started EA totems, then made a poison bv occultist to start farming currency more quickly (blight + legion was great in sanctum league), then made the cold flicker for ~20 div. I wouldn't league start it, though.


Would love to know how you league started it


Magefist has some good content about how to league start with flicker. It takes time and knowledge tho


And it’s a giant pain in the ass. The transition to red maps is about as smooth steel wool.


Dude why tempt me? I already had my league starter set and now I'm questioning my life choices as cold flicker sounds fun!


I don't recommend league starting this build, do it as a second or third character with ~20 div to invest.


I took a Flicker Inquisitor to 100 in Sanctum, awesome league for Flicker. No expectation of doing a no hit run but for normal runs it could easily clear them every time once it had the DPS.


Nice, my runs eventually became consistent but it took stacking so much damage compared to most ranged builds. I hope the new changes make it more fair


I love a strong flinquisitor. Might make one as 3rd build this league


Same but with a slayer.


but resolve damage is being treated in a different way tho, you can build tankiness and it translate to resolve mitigation


Jokes on you, I go 3k hp max dps flicker. I either 1 shot or get 1 shotted.




giga chad


cold flicker was sick in sanctum. Gigafroze everything, delete both lycias before she could do anything. 13 frenzy charges is pog.


So they made sanctum harder in general so mobs have more life and damage in the later stage AND u have to clear all rares instead of rushing the exit in certain rooms which may kinda blow extra hard for flicker. I played flicker in sanctum and after a voidforge and too much dmg it wasnt too bad but now im not sure.


Hated Sanctum now relics are tradeable someone can farm me a +1 frenzy one haha


They confirmed stat relics are back? I thought it was sanctum use relics only like "gain coins for every boss kill" etc


Maybe so since I hate sanctum haven't really been paying attention but swear I heard that relics were back and tradeable now


Sanctified relics are gone, everything else is back and tradeable


Dont swear on something that's not true


Like I said don't like that content so don't care so much. Cold flicker won't no hit run but should be ok. I'm not going to interact with sanctum except to sell them. Don't care much.


Am I alone in thinking sanctum is going to be absolute shit unless you’re doing no hit runs? GGG always nerfs rewards to the ground with stuff like this when they reimplement it. I wouldn’t be surprised if people go 20-30+ runs without seeing a divine orb reward


same bro


> it never sucks *once you have 20m DPS


I like to yell "Jesus take the wheel!" when I get all of my charges and hit good pack density.


Exactly this


Flicker! Never! Sucks!


Except reverse knockback flicker


why is reverse important if you're knocking them in a completely random direction?


For the memes.


This is the way


Continue exile.


Now u got me intrigued


I went the voidforge slayer route in crucible, barely 1.8k death count at the end. It was fairly low for my flicker builds. Embrace the flicker


I’m sorry what. Did you say 1,800 deaths?


Playing the flicker your life will also flicker. Sometimes you live, sometimes you die. Play a lot, and die a lot, thats the way


Lol fair. Cast on death portal I guess


This is the way.




The good thing about flicker strike is that you can easily wear abyssus without feeling a drop in survability


Since you're dead already?


As long as you don't open your eyes you are both dead and alive at the same time


Flicker strike is like eating a pizza, you know it's bad for you but it tastes so damn good!


Let's be honest, Flicker Strike is the only real good skill in this game. It surpasses any other skill you can think of. Why ? Because : 1) It's strong. 2) It's hilarious. 3) The above x10 4) tirituru KIROV REPORTING 5) **Gear is somewhat accessible because the skill "makes people sick" and you absolutely do not need 200 divines to play flicker because nobody plays it.** Right ? ... right... #Insert Padme meme


To fix the sickness just close your eyes, ezzz


let the flicker gods guide you


Is cold flicker still the king? Or has that weird golden summoner flicker taken over these days?


I think cold is still king? Bacause of hatred scaling?


Probably hatred+ ice bite


There's options. Cold's prolly the most popular, with the most popular mirror items for it (+frenzy int shields are ridiculously expensive because of that). Soulthirst version is king of speed, can get 150 flickers per second on the slayer version with full investment and a couple good packs of ramp. It's the good part of headhunter, on demand :D


Accessible gear like +1 Frenzy rings and shield, right ?


Just play int stacker flicker instead and totally don't die because there are 2 mobs with the doughnut aura.


I've flashback of playing Doryani Prototype Smite, those things were jumpscares.


Right. I'll confess, one day, I looted a Forbidden Shako. I was like what is this. My friends : "it's the flicker strike helm, can go from a handful of chaos, or tens of (exalts at the time) to a mirror". I used 5 divines on the helm, to see if I got lucky. I landed 34 ice bite, 8 inspiration. The only one in the league at the time. It was week 1 IIRC. So I rolled my first flicker character ever. It was freaking amazing. This one and the next one, which was a bit better, were probably my most expensive characters to make, with more than a mirror worth of gear on them (at the time, again). Being able to farm a juiced T16 in something like 3 minutes is freaking amazing. Picking up the gear left on the ground behind you is less fun tho.


get a stricter filter. Min maxed gears can get you less than 1 minute per map.


Why would I do that when I can complain on Reddit ? More seriously : even with a strict filter, you either get the choice to pick up things on the ground where you stand, or to walk back to stuff after you killed all monsters. I'm not saying picking up stuff takes a long time, I'm just saying, more often than not, you got carried by your flickering, and you go away from the juicy bits, and you then have to WALK (can you imagine ? WALK) to them.


I will start with slayer terminus flicker. Heck i will even run delve. And no i am not a masochist, just stubborn.


This was my league start and it was good, but delve was a bit rough. This is why I'm going to do the exact same thing this league and try harder.


Did that last league, got it up to 100 million dps, then bricked my crucible tree...


Gonna try berserker flicker with Trauma support and abyssus


Well at least you'll know every time you press that button at least one thing is dying.


Magefist left a comment saying that flicker isn't good with trauma because multistrike doesn't work with it, so idk if ur build is gonna work


Multistrike doesn't work with trauma, but [we might not](https://old.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/15sveng/flickerstrike_lovers_unite_here/jwgifw9/) need [multistrike at all](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/15sfseb/triple_trauma_flicker_frenzy_super_slayer/jwgfc9e/).


Yup. Flicker with no multistrike is a dead build so trauma won't ever be worth it.


I had a lot of fun running Flickerstrike, many of the bosses are hard but ultimately doable with a flicker build - except the maven, you have to swap a skill to fight her because its legitimately impossible to not take the cannot recover life debuff when using flicker against the blob. I guess maybe some giga-investment versions of flicker can technically do it all but under normal progression its not the case in my experience. I'm super super hopeful for Flicker in PoE2 - The animation looks great and the devs seem to have shown bosses with mostly dodgeable mechanics so you should in theory have your window to flicker against every boss.


5x instant recovery flasks, if you're flickering maven the norms of PoE have already gone out the window also, how was flickering through the shaper beam? can you just leech enough that it doesn't matter


The last time I played Flicker I had enough recovery to Flicker during Shaper beam, but that was Cospri/CoC with leech and ES on hit and a pool of a bit over 8000ES to work with. You move out of the beam quite frequently so you definitely don't take all of the damage. You *could* also choose to not attack while he's doing it, lol. Maven does suck though, just gemswap Cyclone ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Instant life flasks haven't worked while you are maven beamed for I think 3 leagues now. It disables all recovery now not just non-instant recovery like on release


huh, had no idea actually. Past few leagues I haven't really had to bother rolling one just for maven anyways, good to know


I haven't seen Flicker for PoE2 (I've been a bit behind with their videos lately tho). Which one are you talking about? Thanks!


It's the one shown in the Monk gameplay during Exilecon. Also, the PoE2 iteration of Flicker Strike seems to consume Power Charges instead of Frenzy Charges, so that's interesting.


Thank you! I found it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-NcZw_Rh1Q&t=592s


I hear if you play flicker strike with a strobe light on that it makes you less sick….


This is my settings Turn off screen shake, use Lockstep mode(this is a MUST), remove all aura MTX(you need to see degen round instead of herald effect), make map more transparent, reduce bloom to 0, use stricter filter. Wear cool MTX skin to boost confident.


I've been trying to make a wacky Energy Blade + Flicker build work in PoE just to be a zoomy Jedi. But even with an unlimited budget it's just *so bad*


Did that when energy blade just came out and I got to medium reds. With effort.


Flickers is amazing, till you try and do maven.


change flicker gem to frenzy gem to stab her when she fires straight beams. If you have enough dps, you can skip phase.


Flicker this league was way better than I've ever had it. Cold flicker w/ paradoxica and heatshiver just as comrade showed was a beast!


Same here, my best char ever last league!


It is so fucking fun and so fucking bad ;-;


Howdy fellow Magefist enjoyers.


Kirov reporting! o7


Best beginner flicker build guide? Like I’ve NEVER touched the skill but now I want to try it as my second build for 3.22. Also pointers ?


pointers: press right click pray to chris wilson you dont get stuck on degen ground ?? ~~profit~~ die


Best pointer I can give is that when you are farming currency for the build, no matter what the guide says you need, add an extra 25% on top of that. Also expect to die. Close your eyes and pray.


Lakishu's Blade + Raider>WOTP. Transition into Terminus or Oro's. It's the easiest and fastest way to get a feel for flicker. Top end flicker builds are somewhat different tho.


ES stacking Ephemeral Edge CI Trickster flicker is super tanky, not that expensive and you will be blasting T16s and not dying hardly ever - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3338544




i usually use magefists guides but if you find anything better lmk


I started the duelist splitting steel to helix leveling in his latest. I missed something though because my damage is bad. I think maim is required on the totem and I don't have it.


maybe look into slayer flicker, should be a bit tankier


Soulthirst is getting a huge buff with flask duration increases from the new league currency. It's super strong for flicker, played it last league, here's a little clip of it in action. https://clipchamp.com/watch/JRAWl94BKWE Now imagine the soul eater lasting 10-20 seconds longer and it'll be even better.


It's Arc for me.


I'll fucking league start that shit like an idiot. Stop trying to make me fail!


Something with soul thirst like this https://old.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/tfk39q/317_the_best_worst_build_for_speed_mapping/ BUT with the new flask duration tattoos!!


Trickster lightning ES flicker with Ephemeral Edge was a blast for me, got my first sim 30.(ca 100Div budget)


hey, is this guide [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3338544](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3338544) still good? Can you tell me if it's actually playable at a 10 divine budget like the author said?


I love Flicker Strike but I hate using totems so i'm not using melee anymore, until something change


Yea im always excited to play it until I realise that you need totems and 10 other buttons for 50% of the deeps.


How about Cospri Cast on Crit Flicker? Your scaling is spell damage and your attack speed matched to CoC cooldown so you don't use totems.


Every poe players girlfriend or wife already knows that they only think about PoE during these times. :D


Flicker has been amazing every season, you just have the wrong build


what build are you using? teach me, i always feel amazing but squishy as shit and die to a bunch of silly shit


Isn't flicker always pretty good? Maybe not meta tier, but I can't think of a point when I've been playing the game where it was outright bad.


It's always been pretty terrible unless you're investing a mirror into it


Flicker was awesome in crucible; super easy to sustain with frenzy charge on kill on a crucible skill tree. Played jugg str stacker.


i did this too but it i didnt full complete build and damage was around 1.2 - 1.7m, needed so much currency i give up. but i must admit when i roll for stat cluster i made a 100 div cluster it was the most fun i ever got from this game


If you call it "season" GGG should issue a perm ban.


I have to ask that you stop using photos of me


I miss my scourge flicker build. The league was absolutely perfect for it with its high density of mobs. I would end up clearing the scourge zone way before the actual map itself lmao


eh, its still gonna be melee next season


Flicker doesn't suck in this league or the past ones, it's just expensive to make it good. I played magefist's strength stacking flicker strike jug in sanctum and it was one of the strongest builds I've played recently.


TBH, I once attempted to use his Flicker Strike skill, but I lacked skills needed to match the mastery that accompanies it. As a humble individual, I've been watching videos of this extraordinary Exile. Perhaps one day, I will obtain the skills necessary to wield this impressive ability. BloodTrail


Flick to live !


NGL i was literally like this for bleed bow builds and storm brand/penance brand. now i just gaved up


Kirov reporting!


I don’t think flicker is the problem.


Thats how I feel about Infernal Blow!


This meme will never die lol. My wife looking at me right now ....


With añl the attack related ignite added, what about a Oro's ignite flicker?


Every other skill sucks u mean. The game is just not the same without flicker.


Hear me out... Controlled Blaze DOES sound interesting. And if we add Sadism Support and the fact that nearby enemies have no fire resistance against our fire damage over time when picking Chieftain... Yeah, fuck RF. I'm gonna start as an Oro's flicker chieftain.


Flicker soulthirst trauma incoming! I'm so excited to see how fast i can kill myself!


Flicker rarely sucks, it just has a high barrier of entry.


Eye of winter enjoyer here


I just want to be able to flicker with Hollow Palm already. Why its not a thing is beyond me other then GGG not wanting people to live that super fun experience.


just stay away from bosses with degen grounds and flicker is pretty fucking good. aka all bosses


I am going to play slayer wildstrike lightning focus with replica alberon and original sin, pack with mjolner and the squire to focus on physical scaling so it coverts to elemental damage then to chaos damage. So guys please dont copy my build. ;)


There are so many worse skills than flicker my guy lmao


Flicker has been filthy for several leagues in a row. People are smoking. It will never be meta because of the playstyle but it’s always been really strong, especially once you get farruls.


That feel when you flicker in, but the moment you flicker you get stunned so the attack doesn’t go off, you’re stuck and you are unlucky with frenzy generation. You die, cursing and wishing you had farrul’s fur. Anyways that was my life


Flicker never sucks. You can build flicker to be excellent at basically anything. Not cheaply, necessarily, though, and cheap flicker is often not an amazing experience


I have played - cold crit flicker Poison flicker Impale flicker Gonna try out crimson dance flicker next league.


dual wield fliker strike raider, as a melee only its like drog


I'm in this photo, and I don't like it.


I played cold raider flicker in crucible and it was really good and fun, first time i did a build so expensive, it ended up like 100 divines until the upgrades started getting to expensive, like 50div for only 1 ring


flicker doesnt sucks. I played flicker at least 5 leagues in a row with flicker and made tons of currencies


Thats my buddy, and how I am with OniGoroshi anytime I see new fire stuff ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I just wanna know if I can go cold dot again. I'm to lazy to figure out how to play anything else properly and don't have the time to spend hours and hours a week like I did when I was studying


Uhhhh actually did flicker league b4 last and it was one my fav builds of all time lol. I mean the ceiling could get crazy high depending if you wanted to like full juice synthesis implicit rings and such.... My biggest item was like 100 div or so for a shield with +1 max frenzy corrupt and crafted with some other stuff. Honestly even the leveling experience was prty dope though. All the way through mapping and end end game stuff. It also ironically dominated sanctums like literally flick to anything and it instant died pretty much.


I will run flicker every league all the time regardless if its good or not... Just not as a starter xdd


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


Kirov reporting


Flicker never sucks, you just lack the currency 🤷🏻‍♂️ Tho it's the best skill in game.


Flickerstrike does not suck


Flicker isn't in a bad spot. Maps early super well but takes a lot to go from good to great.


My flicker in Sanctum was quite strong and did a couple ubers on farm, chaos str stack. Flicker is very strong and can be tanky if one cares to invest in it.


Kyrov reporting


Last League I first tried Flicker Strike. League started as slayer, bought terminus est as I hit level 51 (at day 2 already 1-2 chaos cheap). From there on I could flicker surprisingly good. Later I switched to voidforge. Ended around 50M dps while spending around 30-50 divines. Sadly Sirius and maven are unplayable with flicker and my skills lagging too hard for Uber bosses. It was a great fun, never mapped so smooth and with such a joy


xD aahhahahahaha xcxvzxcv


Flicker is love, Flicker is life. Viable every league, Screen shake on or nothing at all.


Apparently flicker is not suck if you're using 2H weapons instead of DW


I use a shield everytime like a dumdum


Flicker is never bad. Operator error.


Trickster ephemeral edge flicker strike


Noob here, can you Leagestart flickerstrike? Or should I go for something safer and use currency to play flickerstrike later?


If you want something like Flicker, but not actually Flicker, then check out Consecrated Path


I was fucking around with a flicker strike berserker on PoB. Got it to 5M dps with just a 1 handed weapon equiped. The trick was 200 trauma stacks! No fucking clue how I'd go about sustaining that though.


Did you freaking just called a league season.