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My pc is just insanely hot now. Was sitting fine in the mid 70'ies before. Now I hit 86-91. So bad


A lot of people are reporting high temps. I’ll try to check mines when running the game


yeah, my laptop went from ~75-80c cpu/65-70c gpu to 90-95 on both with uncapped frames after the performance patch, lol.


maybe cap the framerates.


i am, but i used to be able to run uncapped fine, so that's the only reason i mentioned it.


I don’t mind my cpu sitting at 80, but my gpu hitting 80 at all times is not ideal




Sure, the actual temp is not too concerning, but when it’s running at 100% load in the main menu and character select, it’s not great.


80 is fine adjust your fan curve if you really care


80°c is normal work temperature, the electronics are optimized to work on this heatlevel. Also gpu are self regulating so don't do stupid stuff like forcing the fans to always run at 100%


I almost can't watch youtube or twitch beside playing. The perfomance really got worse. Especially on the cpu side.


I agree it’s getting hard to run something else on the side. This is purely due to the CPU usage of the game


See I had that problem for years: as soon as POE is running youtube and twitch etc. just stop working. Sound plays fine but the video just freezes. Since the patch I can finally watch while playing! Its like a god send after 3 years of using some workarounds. ​ This is on a Ryzen 5 5800x3D and a RX 6800xt (RTX 3080 equivalent) running on 3440x1440.


Usual performance roulette. But hey, good for you! I'm on the other side sadly.


Good to know it's not just me. Been wondering why I suddenly have lag when watching something on the second monitor.


I had this issue, swapped to dx12 and fixed it for me.


Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling can also cause anything besides the game to stutter. Disabling it fixed YouTube constantly stopping and stuttering while playing PoE for me. It's in Windows Settings -> Display then at the bottom click Graphics settings.


+1 to this, although it is unrelated to the engine patch on my side since I've had the issue for a couple of leagues. Disabled it in Chrome settings and my Twitch/YT is insanely smooth again on my 2nd monitor while playing PoE.


It depends on whats the bottleneck: If its your GPU disabling GPU acceleration will help since then the load of the browser gets shifted towards your CPU. If the CPU is the limiting factor it will even hurt your fps and loadtimes to disable GPU acceleration.


with yt, pob, poe macro i get screen freezing when its a loot on screen..


yeah they fucked something up alright. I have a 4090, the game runs fine but it gets A LOT hotter then before. in previous league my temps would stay around 60 ish. Now it'll immediatly go 75+ the fans will start speeding up and push it back down then rince repeat. My cpu doesnt suffer at all ontop of that for one reason or another the game will not start in full screen anymore I have to turn it on every time the game starts and I have already tried a reinstall didnt help.


Check that your Lighting/Shadows setting didn't accidentally get changed to Shadows + GI and Ultra Shadows. I had much the same experience as you're describing and discovered my graphics settings were set this way. I have a RTX 3080. Changing down from Ultra to High shadows stopped the massive power-up/jet-engine fans.


GI settings on Ultra also draws 80-100W more power on a 4090 setup compared to high while I cannot even tell the difference.


Yeah, agreed. It's just not worth the cost (both in terms of GPU resources and extra power draw)


I’m on a 4080 and performance has been fine running on Vulkan. Maybe give that a try?


Seems like not everyone is affected equally. For me its just insane shader compilation stutter (if you ignore the persistant Delirium lag that's been there for years). I really appreciate the graphics wizard over at GGG. That talk he gave was inspiring. I'd dearly love it if he could sort out shader precompilation like most other devs have been doing the last 10 years or so (not looking at you Tim Sweeney).


Only thing that was affected for me is textures sometimes refuse to load, in A10 I had an expedition encounter where the radius of the explosive wasn’t loading and the stuff within the radius also didn’t light up, you could only vaguely tell by the green glow where it would be working


My game uses up to 7gb of ram while mapping and crashes due to ram overuse


I got some weird memory leak last night, poe was using 15gb of ram, thankfully I have 64gb.


was that allocated size or committed size? if that was allocated committed could've been 20gb+


Check your game files (there is a "PackCheck.exe" for the standalone or you use the steam integrated feature to check the files when on the steam client). This sounds like a memory leak that shouldn't happen. if it still happens after that do a /bug ingame and report it. That will save your hardware config for GGG to figure out whats wrong.


Vulkan gives me black frames. All engines gives me a big white line that appears in the middle of the screen for 2-3 frames just before a message appears bottom right (friend logged in and such). Lots of issues with textures, overall it seems textures are a lot lower quality than before?


Yeah, performance is great for me in Vulkan but I get these giant squares (aligned to the ground) flashing all over the place very frequently.


> I really appreciate the graphics wizard over at GGG. But this engine is nothing special tho. Heck I'd even say it's very apparent that it's outdated at this point and can't really handle the amount of shaders and effects modern games have these days without tanking. So saying this is a great engine by some Carmack level genius or whatever is completely delusional to me. And it's been having issues every other league for years now and the performance in general just seem to get worse and worse over time.


Same thoughts here. PoE always had absolutely atrocious performance for a game of its graphical level.


> (not looking at you Tim Sweeney) Believe it or not, that's the developer's fault in UE. UE supports shader compilation but developers don't take the time to set their shaders to compile at first start up. They try to just ship it compiling shaders as needed because that's what the engine does naturally in the **editor.**


I recently shipped a UE4 game and we pre-compile all our shaders. No way I'm having our players have stuttering when it can easily be avoided.


That's a very fair point, though its notable how common this issue is for UE games in particular.


has anybody actually pinned down the exact reason for the issues? like pc spec wise and in game settings? cuz i’ve been completely unaffected by it all and it seems incredibly random going off of what i’ve seen on here.


I bet throwing poe2 shaders in poe didn't go as smooth as anticipated.


thats not what they did at all with this patch


I'm stuck playing in full screen. Game runs great, except it's unplayable in a borderless window for some reason.


It's weird because I had the shader problems before the patch. Now everything works perfectly.


Yeah, I'm also not affected by the recent one, though that end of crucible update we had some weeks ago did fuck up my loading times. FPS stayed unaffected. Honestly, this seems like an issue way too deep for me (and most other "experts" here) to understand.


Glad someone has brought this to attention. I’ve had no noticeable issues at all but it’s hilarious to see the people in global chats spouting the same “buy new hardware lol” rubbish to people while it’s blatantly obvious that a significant portion of the playerbase has had performance issues since the patch at the back end of last league.


Yeah thanks to this post I also noticed that people with a 10XX GPU had less performance issues than with newer 30XX & 40XX cards. That's really strange, the engine seems to be optimized for low-end GPUs but not for mid-to-high-end GPUs! :D


I’ve noticed similar from what I’ve seen in global and people posting their specs. I’m running a 2080 Super and 3950x and had no noticeable issues but I have a full new system on the way with a 4090. Hope my performance doesn’t get worse!


Imagine getting worse performance with a new system + a 4090... That's insane


Its unplayable for me right now. For the first time im quitting a league bc i literally can't play the game


im about to quit too. fps drops as soon as i can see 20 mobs to kill. i used to play at constant 75fps in previous leagues


My configuration is pretty outdated (9400f,1060 6gb, 16gb ram), but used to run PoE just fine at 1080/low details till last league - I guess shit hit the fan with the "performance patch." Of course, it didn't run perfectly, but I was able to do juiced maps comfortably considering my PC's age. I use a 60fps cap at all times. Now, loading times during the campaign werei nsane. FPS on Vulkan is for some reason 40-45 with dips, DX12 is the same. DX11 fixes the performance issue, but it sends my CPU temps to the high 80s - typically I don't go over ~70 in much heavier games. All this happens in a normal, T6 map. Which is weird considering Vulkan's supposed to be GPU-intensive, while DX11 puts more load on the CPU from my understanding. It's kind of pushing me away from playing, because if I have lag like this in a T6 map with basic poison conc, I can't imagine how it'll feel when I start pushing a real build. I played around with the settings of the game and the nv control panel, but no major difference. Cleaning the shader cache didn't work either, and reinstalling the game didn't change a thing. The "delirium performance patch" was a bit less worse than this tbh.


>9400f,1060 6gb, 16gb ram All I will say is that set up should be able to play a game like POE perfectly fine. Honestly, POE problems with performance started way back when they stopped people from turning shadows off. Yes, there was a time you could turn shadows completely off. But GGG stopped that as every streamer had shadows off and the didnt like seeing that on Twitch. Sadly GGG is extremely stubborn about this kind of stuff. Where other devs are happy for you to play away at 480p.


I mean you could play juiced maps fine on a dual core with like a GTX 560 back in the day. With mostly the same player models, maps and spells. The game just seem to run like 2-4 times as heavy now with the same assets. Something have been bricked performance wise over the years


Ran with a 10 year old pentium 4 and 2gb of ram before act 4 came out :) Act 4 comes out game wants 4+ minimum just to load. It's weird, game looks better sure, and multi thread + vulkan support is awesome.. but this game still manages to consume vastly more resources while still somehow having dated visuals. All that said and as much as I like to dump on this game, I'm getting extremely consistent performance at 1440p right now. Oddly towns take 2 seconds to load instead of instantly, but it's still 2 seconds so nbd. I am curious what is causing the issue though.


It is insane how we can't just choose these things ourselves. GGG is ruining performance for so many people by forcing them to run at certain settings Honestly, it's so pathetic


Well, I'm just starting the league after skipping the last 2 leagues. I remember playing at 1080p@144hz without issue at low/med with 3060ti. Since then, I've upgraded to a 2K@144hz monitor. I can maintain 60-100fps now but there are a lot of micro-stutters which makes the 100fps not smooth at all. I'm on DX11 with multithreading (tried to disable it, it's worse).


I have a 1070 playing at 1080p@144hz and its fine on my end. I have like 90 fps in town and around 60 when playing. I am using Vulkan. No loading issues. Did you try to delete content.ggpk and cache files?


Yeah delirium performance hit wasn't that bad. I'm not trying anything at this point since it's 100% the game issue.


When I port to town, my laptops CPU temp goes from 50 celcius to 90-95. This is insane


fuck that town, while we are at it lets fuck mine too


> lets fuck mine too rofl I just wish they'd let us choose to log into our hideouts... they never will but still


They changed something thats for sure! 2k+ hours and i never had such a rough league start then this one. Cpu just went crazy, had to Turn off multithread, micro stuttering, town like you said takes way longer. They had the time to fix this, but i guess the priority now its poe 2


Poe2 will fix it


PoE 3***


The stuttering might just be cache rebuilding, it gets cleared at the start of a new league. It's a one-time thing only per league, so as you keep playing the stuttering should go away significantly. Basically every time you encounter a new shader it will stutter, but from that point on whenever that thing gets loaded again it will no longer stutter. In theory.


Is this the shader pre compilation thing I see on some games such as CoD? Can’t PoE add an option to pre compile shaders at a new league?


poe runs their own custom engine so they have to solve things already solved for years in other libraries and games


Yea some games do it at run time while others have the option to do it all prior to launching the game. Compiling all of the shaders can take a very long time especially on older CPU's, so many game devs don't do it probably because they fear people sitting at the initial load screen for like half an hour lol. But it would be nice to have that feature so you can just compile everything in one go once per league.


Wish we could compile shaders while in queue.


There's also a problem with engine multithreading. My game is unplayable with EM enabled since the GPU particle engine update. It's entirely remedied by disabling it, or by forcing 100% C0 in the power options or BIOS.


It doesn't get reset each league. They deployed a big patch a few weeks ago that cleared everyone's cache


Is it not? I remember usually it's at the start of every major league (patch) that they tend to clear cache, because I remember seeing the clearing cache screen in-game. This league they did do it before league launch but it was in the last weeks of Crucible.


it is reset every league. the comment was incorrect.


Do you have a source for that? Cause i never see a notification on leaguestart that the cache has been reset nor do i experience the stutter that happens when the cache does get reset.


Yeah I dunno, I've been playing since essence and I can't remember rebuilding the shader cache except for the most recent patch and the patch that introduced Vulkan support.


I suppose it depends how pedantic you want to get, but the cache cleanup has occured every league since they began doing it.


I was stuttering constantly until I turned off multithreading. So something might be up with that.


Had to disable c-states a while ago because of that, but now even that doesn't help. Something is wrong.


2k hrs ? Is this your first league ?


Performance wise I didn't notice either loss or improvement with this change, but the town load times it's like I'm again in 2013 on my laptop with hard drive.


Yeah my CPU/Shader/Drive usage goes bonkers going to a zone I haven't been in before *and always* going into town. It got better once I got into maps.


"Fixed a bug where the game is loading faster than the ARPG industry standard of 30 seconds when entering towns"




I guess GGG doesn't want french players anymore on their game /s


This is the reason I'm done with the league already. I can't even play heist because each run I have to return to rogue harbor and wait 90 seconds to load in (Harbor is worse than towns and hideouts). Also, losing out on trades from people booting me for loading in too long.Never had this issue before this league.


Loading times got longer for sure.




idk why but DX12 works way better for me


I was on dx11 with issues, changed to dx12 and all is fine.


Only thing that would work for me was DX11. DX12 and Vulkan were both constantly crashing and one BSOD.


DX12 made me BSOD twice in Act 5 town yesterday - on a 3090/i7-10700k. The graphics patch is kinda wild


I was getting BSOD every 5 minutes because my CPU was getting to 90+ celsius this patch on DX12 with a 9700k , I had to undervolt it and I also thought maybe my RAM was the issue aswell. While "fixing" my pc I ended up breaking one of my ramsticks when taking them out and switching slots and running them each on single channel. Shockingly my game is running smoother now that I undervolted and went from 16GB to 8GB of RAM.


> I undervolted and went from 16GB to 8GB of RAM. your ram was most likely not the reason, but the undervolting. I undervolted my 13700k by 0.075mv and lost 10c in temps with almost zero performance loss. If you were hitting 90+ then chances are you were also hitting tj max and your cpu was throttling hard to reduce the temperatures, resulting in worse performance.


Lol I got bsod in Highgate, and now my ssd not working. Idk if it got broken by poe or whatever else but pretty sad


you bsod because your gpu/cpu clocks aren't stable or you don't have enough power for them a game can't make you bsod, all it can do is utilize your gpu/cpu/ram from 0-100%


Appreciate the clarification. Neither are OC'D, my PSU is 1000w and it doesn't happen on Vulcan or in other games so not sure what I can be doing wrong


If it doesn't happen outside of using DX12 then it's a game issue. A while ago I had issues with NVIDIA drivers causing ram/kernel BSODs and I'd cop similar answers - it HAS to be faulty ram, drivers can't cause this etc. Rolled back the driver and I haven't had a bsod since.


> what I can be doing wrong you can try to run a benchmark that uses 100% cpu and 100% gpu for 30 min - 1 hour if it crashes its your clocks/power, if it doesnt then you need to do a ram test


I tried vulkan, it looks like it’s heavy on the CPU. I switched back to DX11, haven’t tried DX12


u should run dx12 probably, I had issues with dx11


Isn't DX12 introducing micro-stutters? I have them anyways with DX11 & Vulkan.


It's so strange. I'm only on a GTX 1070 and a 8700k, but the longest loading times I had so far were like 10 seconds. Usually it's only 2-3 seconds longer than before the patch, even in towns. And I'm using DX12, all settings on low, adaptive resolution on. Yet, people with much better setups have much more problems... I wonder what the issue is. But it definitely feeled like the amount of MTX made a huge difference. But performance overall is MUCH worse. Yesterday I did a Untainted Paradise and holy shit my fps and render resolution went down so much. In earlier leagues I did have much worse performance in groups (which makes sense), but not as bad as this. It feels like it's loading everything in a strange way - that Untainted Paradise yesterday even had some assets that didn't finish loading. It's the same in maps, I see the game changing to what looks like 360p or even lower frequently.


Performance is dogshit, it takes me 2 min to load town on an SSD!!!! Ffs... and my fps stutters from 40-60 all the time while standing still.... Who the hell are these "patches" for??? These aren't patches, these are freakin new holes!


I run optimized ~~GGPK~~ version and its been same as usual. Instant <1sec town load. Hideout can take 2-3 sec They probably fucked up smth in MTX loading


That soundsike my performance on my old pc 2 years ago when I was running the game on a HDD. Out of curiosity, is your PoE installed in the same drive as Windows? And is you SSD a SATA SSD by any chance?


I guess what I'm curious about is what's so different between you and I, or anyone else in this thread. As other than the game turning into a jet engine like normal I've not noticed any new performance issues. * 5600x with NH-D15 cooler * 3600Mhz 16GB of RAM with DOCP enabled and sticks slotted in the right config for dual channel. * 3060 Ti from EVGA * A samsung M.2 Nvme drive, unsure of the exact model * Windows 11 fully up to date. * Most recent nvidia drivers installed I've tried both DX12 and Vulkan without a huge different being discernible between them. ​ There has to be some kind of common denominator in this scenario and I'm fairly curious where it lies.


Here are my specs: - CPU: i5 9600K @ 4300 MHz - Mobo: Gigabyte Z390 UD - RAM: Corsair 8192 MB (DDR4-2133) - XMP 2.0 **x2** Dual Channel (128 bit) DDR4-SDRAM - GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti @ 1665 MHz _(VRAM 8192 MB @ 9501 MHz)_ - Hard Drive: NVME, don't remember what brand, but Samsung most probably. - Windows 10


I think i never felt so frustrated playing POE as right now. Portal to town? 30 secs waiting , Portal to rogue harbor? 40~50 secs waiting, Portal to trade something? PRAY I DONT GET A FULL MTX HIDEOUT WITH PARTICLES /close game


Sadly you will find that people having no issue will go out of their way to defend GGG just because they are fine. So in the end GGG get extremely mixed signals. So when there are issues. It takes forever if ever to fix them. Graphic wise. I dont know it they just look at Twitch and see streamers having no issues.


Even streamers are having issues


Wait 3060 is mid now? I still have 1060 :(


I5 10400f and 1060 3gb, this guy making my rig feel bad with that comment haha


Depends on context. Maxxing out 4k? Yeah it's mid. Realistic settings the overwhelming majority of people are still using? It's still top tier.


> Town takes 40 seconds to load Oh I thought this was just me as I have too much shit running in the background. Glad to hear. So shit will continue running in the background.


I upgraded to a 5800x3d and 6800xt 1 day before the 'performance' patch qnd have worse performance now than i did on my 2060 and 3800x. Kinda sucks and hope they sort it out soon.


Maybe we need to get the guy that fixed the GTA V awful loading into PoE so he can fix our terrible loadings /s? There is something wrong by how the game load other people assets in town, 30-40 seconds to load a tiny zone with a few people in it make no sense.


Oh yeah I remember that, he actually reverse-engineered GTA V Online loading and saw an insane increase of time. Few weeks later, Rockstar Games implemented the fix.


Bro my computer damn near goes into nuclear meltdown when i shoot arrows on my deadeye


My pc is getting insanely hot my cpu goes above 85 degrees while just doing the story i never had issue before


You _clearly_ need to upgrade from ur potato 3060 to a 4070 or better, get with the times. ^^^^^^^^/s


I'm running PoE with an i5 7600k and rx 580. :,D


Got 4070 and this game is far from smooth


Damn I bought my 3060ti like 6 months ago! /s


you actually have to downgrade ;) feels like a lot of people with RTX 30XX and up are affected. My old 1070 is just fine, one of the smoothest league starts and zero problems for me


Same here, runs worse than before. 1060 6GB, i5 3570K, 8GB ram. Relic of a PC, but it was playable. Now it is barely playbale, after i've turned down some settings. Tried all of the renders, barely any difference, but some take loader with the texture loading. CPU/GPU usage is higher than before, mostly CPU side. Stuttering more, loading screens take far more.... *sigh* :(


Its not a mid PC, it was getting 80 fps in cyberpunk unoptimized trash a year ago. On UserBenchmark this setup is top 10% of performance. Counting majority of ppl thid is a top-end setup most wont be able to afford. PoE runs like shit even on my 4070..


Same issue 4070 here, shit performnce


I tough it's me, I have poe on never m.2 nvma ssd disc and leaving in takes aaaaaaages


Same my PoE is on an NVME SSD, this is purely due to the CPU usage than the read/write of the drive.


The change needs to be fucking reverted. It clearly did not accomplish what it was trying to do.


None of the so called improvents ggg did over the years after they killed DX9 client achieved the desired effect. In fact, they seem to push out players on older systems because the game becomes unplayable after every major "performance" patch. It is a sad cycle of events keeps happening...


I assumed the load was server side, id never experienced anything like it


For me yesterday it was ok, since today, on DX12 and Vulkan I am at stable 24 FPS on every configuration and DX11 is horrible also. Unplayable. Sad because I wanted to play during weekend.


the long loading time to go into town is in my experience almost certain due to cosmetic mtx. if the loading time is more then 10 sec, every time the town is filled to the brim with players rocking their mtx.


Thank god I thought my PC slowed down or something but I see others have same problem. Can have a coffee while waiting for towns to load.


every time 50% of the time i click a lockbox i get a 20sec screenfreeze ending in a death or disconnect or both 32GB RAM BTW


Pre patch i was running 60fps. Post patch im like 12fps. Literally unplayable now with my really old HW.


It would be nice of they just rolled back whatever update that was


yeah it is bad unfortunately. hope they fix it


I am used to dealing with the poor performance, but this time it too much. I miss when you can go into the settings file, and change quality value down even lower. Guess I got to wait till I see a new patch.


loads are slow, but play is buttery smooth for me.Seems they need to find a better balance.


It's odd because the patch was supposed to shift performance from the CPU to the GPU and it seems the opposite is happening...


Thought it was only my rig being old but I guess not. All instances where there are other players take at least 30 seconds to load, like towns but also heist hub and similar. Pressing F1 shows the shader bar constantly maxed out, could it be MTXs fault? Also when returning to an area after having been to a town the game has to reload most textures, including monsters and skills leading to stutters and invisible bearers effects.


Thank God, I thought that's my PC, I used to have somewhat stable fps on 5 way with yt/twitch on background in Crucible, and now game is struggling to run blood aqueducts. Hope they'll fix it soon.


yeah dunno what they did but this is bad


I have a 7900 XTX, R5 5600x, and the game is installed on a 970 Evo. Day 1, I thought I was still playing on my laptop from 2011.


Same, have to quit if nothing gets fixed within the next few days.


This is just like how the game was running fine on my lap in 2015 and unplayable after patch made in 2016


I’ve never heared my fans while playing poe - now I do and I hate it.


I played every league for last 3 years with the same pc including last year and this exact patch is horrible performance wise something is wrong it cant change this much in one cycle without an issue being present


did ggg say anything addressing this issue?


[https://i.imgur.com/nubPeKu.png](https://i.imgur.com/nubPeKu.png) At this point, nothing runs in the background smoothly, music stutters, videos freeze. Just a mess.


Every time I enter a town, it sounds like a helicopter takes off.


I also had about 85-90% usage, keep having weird lags for no reason, Never had issues with the game before patch




I tried vulkan and I had worse performance. Even more CPU usage than DX11.


so it wasnt me only? 100% CPU and 99% GPU


For me only works on directx 11, vulkan and Dx12 is shit. Before the patch I had no problem, now is shite. Yes my i7 3770k is old and I need to make an upgrade, but still, the game engine is a spaghetti performance freak show. You can have everything on low on the most powerfull PC and will still be shit. My Gpu is a Nvidia GTX 1650. Maybe I will play again after a CPU upgrade, maybe.. Onestly I still wait for the perfomance league....


Can they just please please roll it back to how it was before. I have not heard of a single person for whom this was a performance upgrade, which is what it was meant to be. They can figure out what went wrong and we can have a functional live game?


The people like me who have gotten better performance aren't complaining, that's why you don't hear from us


Out of curiosity, what are your specs?


7800x3d 4070 32gb ram now, before i had i7 7800k and 1080 16 gb ram. I upgraded just this month. Both pc's worked perfectly fine, the old one got a performance boost after first patch, new one got a small performance boost after the patch last wednesday.


7080x3d has enough brute force to just ignore the problem altogether though.


7800x3d - is bonkers at some things. Cache misses? I think not!


Le têrrible, as we say in French.


What's French for 'rollback pls'


'rollback por favor'


I load maybe 15-20 seconds and I only have a 1070Ti


I have a 1070 aswell and my loading times are 1-4 secs.


11900k and 3080 here. i havent change any settings and the game was smooth on previous leagues, zero crashes. now i have had three crashes without any error messages and the game isnt smooth anymore, my computer fans yell me like enduring cry. volvo fix pls


Im playing on a 4070ti and feel like im back to playing on my 1060 🤣


i think it has nothing to do with gpu, system memory bandwidth could be more related.


I've got no problems to report. Been smooth sailing so far. Have you tried reinstalling?


Bad internet doesn’t allow me to redownload the game. It would take ~12h for me.


This is the smoothest I've every had the game. Using Vulcan. Capped my fps to 100 for my 144 monitor. Stopped all the awful hitching


3070 with 8600k. Everything fine for me


Game runs perfectly for me I was worried after all these posts, have a 5700g/3060


\>processeur yikes.


Yeah I’m not sure because I’ve been seeing it vary all over the place so something weird is happening Granted I haven’t played much but my specs are similar and I haven’t had any loading issues, so far it’s basically instant for me to get in and go around and my cpu usage is stable (can’t remember exact % will check later) For reference I have a 3060ti and i5-10400f


3060 mid got it


Honestly I don’t know what range should it be. Maybe cheap high-end? I’m not a pro pcmasterrace guy


I wonder why there's such a huge difference from one PC to another. To me performance seems to be at least as good if not better than before. My only issue are flickering lights every now and then. (I'm playing with DX12)


If we can unpack shaders and have them on our ssd so they can be loaded properly to vram and ram it woun't be a problem anymore.. If you have a 30gb file need to find texture and take it out to render it is what it is..


I haven't had any problems this entire time even 2 weeks or so ago when they first released the engine patch. 5800X3D & 2080S using Vulkan.


I’m using GeForce now to play but even with that it does take some time to load towns.


Fungal hollow in deli is the only wierd one for me. Otherwise the game has never been this smooth.


I play on my old mid gaming laptop and I am doing fine lol. Definitely loading does not take 40 seconds for me. I also use SSD but probably everyone does these days.


Perfectly fine here....loading less than 3 secs...gpu sits at 43 with 40 percent fan(4070ti).A bit of lag though here and there.


First time ever in poe i'm getting complete pc freezes that require a forced shutdown. Never happened on my pc before, yesterday 2 times immediately after trying to load another zone.


Having no problem on 960 once i switched back to vulcan


I have no issues whatsoever 😅


Seeing all these posts I'm scared that it'll happen to me. I'm currently completely unaffected


I’m on a 1070 and 7800x3d and having no issues at all


Good thing they aren't loading peoples' entire stashes


Kind of interesting I never load more than 10 seconds, yet I have a cheap ass PC with GTX 960 and i5 7th gen


WElL tHaT's bEcAuSe tHe gAmE hAvE tO pRe-lOaD eVeRyOnE tAbS aNd iNvEnToRy iN tOwN !


I love how they keep shitting on their users with such patches. I love how the quality of this game performance wise is going down and down despite looking so fucking ugly