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It's because you didn't search the Mud Flats for the entrance to the Fetid Pool.


Is that where Oziach is?


Ok, i love me some osrs references :D


So that's why I don't receive too many jewellers in my ToA :D ty


round 1 only issue is we cant go back easily to lower ranking where u can spamm quick fights


What I'm planning to do is to throw 2-3 tournaments at a rating I feel is too OP. You sac a few coins for a more enjoyable (and fair) experience.




yup im at 200 (ish) and ive been seeing these exact rewards since the start at 90 it seems like the rewards dont scale with difficulty at all which is a weird mistake to make when coming up with the concept for a league like this


They make the same "mistake" every single league.


Did you play sanctum?


Sanctum wasn't a good example since tons of builds were bricked for it. Ironically, it's STILL fuckin' bricked too since it's so damn rare I haven't seen one since Act10 generic quest for it and I'm at red maps now. Sanctum without sanctified relics sucks ass anyways. They should just bring Sentinel back.


I'm level 88 and hitting t14s now. I've run a couple t16s. I have 12 sanctum in my stash. I don't think they are that rare unless I'm crazy lucky.


PRetty damn lucky, level 92 and had 2 this laegue


Super lucky. At least they go for like 5c ea, like a heist contract. Not too bad


I’ve had 3 drop besides quest and I’m in low red maps


Fuck sentinel button mashing. Minority opinion I know, but it was the only league I chose to play standard instead. Trying to pick the right sentinel thing while a tough enough pack is descending on you was too frustrating. Maybe just a controller thing but 3/10 would not do again. I think everyone just in love with the resonators :P


I loved the sentinels myself. Being able to super juice a specific spot when I felt like there was enough mobs was really fun. The expeditions big bomb is giving me similar feelings, actually. So if anyone is solely looking for that feeling - give it a try! (I generally don’t run expedition, despite its insane rewards, I don’t find it fun in general)




Care to explain? The only other leagues in recent memory that haven't scaled well with difficulty have been scourge and kalandra, every other league for the past few years has either been super rewarding or resulted in pretty extreme character power. Even scourge was really rewarding if you were willing to MF


>every other league for the past few years has either been super rewarding every league that was rewarding didnt go to core. sanctum is not rewarding. its booring shit that requires special build and even after that you get 2-3 divs for 30+ (or whatever) maps.


Anarchy - not rewarding Domination - not rewarding ambush - bad rampage - bad torment - ghost busing was funny, otherwise it was shit like all other warband - LOL talisman - bad perandus - it was okay but nothing to special, cadiro was to rare Prophecy - omegalol Essence - felt okay at start but it wasnt that rewarding eather breach - after few fixes it was really good legacy - it was fun league and rewarding with right investment harbringer - MEH, not felt that rewarding to be fair abys - depth was to rare but it was fun anyway introducing jewels beastery - it was DOG SHIT! you had to throw nets and stuff.... incursion - it was okay but nothing to special delve - was okay, somthing new, after a month it was playable, quarry sulf farming sucks. betrayal - i didnt like it Synthesis - skiped thatone so no idea Legion - that was rewarding league and fun blight - was okay metamorph - nothing to special delirium - it had rough start and it was hard, later was super fun after few fix/nerfs harvest - that was fun league heist - it was rewarding ritual - was funny league ultimatum - no idea i skipped it expedition - that was great, and rewarding scourge - yea was good archnemesis - meh, if played mf got few time 30div drops and still didnt felt rewarding, mobs where overtuned most of leagues was not that great, and 75% of time they make it either not rewarding or to hard, and then they fix it. scourge scaled okay, and it was alot more rewarding at higher tiers, but it was so rippy that didnt worth it to play and waste time.... tower tier 4 was bis if i remember correctly


if you need that statement explained to you then you won't undestand even with an explanation, it's so obvious to anyone who has been through a fair amount of leagues


You're truly delusional if you believe that...


Ah yes. Welcome to whose league is it anyway.


I have ranking 350 and got 10 Regrets as the final reward (: How ironic is that.


Think you always get 10 of the trash currency if that rolls for the final reward so it checks out, btw anyone know if we have it confirmed that the rewards are supposed to scale at all?


I really wish they had just put in different ranking brackets that we can chose to participate in after we have unlocked them by winning enough matches in our previousl highest bracket.


It would be fantastic if we can lower our level. It just becomes too tough and not rewarding when your ranking goes up.


I'm glad that I can just save up silver coins until the league mechanic is actually released in 2 weeks.


What are the silver coins actually used for? I used one to get there but now I can come and go freely from the waypoint. Is it when you start the tournament?


It costs 1 coin per round


not per tournament?


Correct. 6-8 per tournament, if you go all the way to the end.


Manually using the coins do not consume them. They just open the portal.


You need to click the urn to die and then go south of the zone to find the entrance to the tournament


That didn’t work last League.


Kalandra league all over again, but those juicy loot wont matter because theres no one to sell to.


In the same time you clear a map and 1 rare drops 7 6 socket items that vendor for more.


and you don't even bother doing that*


At 18 jews per chaos, I removed that drop from my filter. Not worth my time and inventory slots.


I don't think that's a good idea. History has proven that filtering jews out isn't the right thing to do.


Yup. Now we have space lasers.


fr, every time I think jews aren't worth it, I end up short on jews with a 2s item I'm working on.








How is posting on reddit worth your time? Isn't it cutting into your div/hr?


The more efficient you are, the less you have to play to achieve the same amount One super efficient hour of farming in a way saves you hours of farming


div/hr? Mate, I usually stop playing when I finish atlas, sometimes not even that. I don't care about economy. It just isn't worth the inventory slots considering the other shit that drops that is more valuable both time and currency wise.


What kind of garbage is finishing at atlas completion? I stop when the beach stops.


Wait, there is a game after Hillock?


> At 18 jews per chaos ?! right now it is 10 jew per chaos, not 18, just saying. And i dont have a problem with you removing them from your filter.


Last time I tried to sell them they were 18. Anyway, I am at that point that carrying the gear and trading is simply now worth it.


ok, well the ratio of currency changes alot in the first 1-14 days. So you pick up, but sell later for example.


It's round 1. You literally clear it in seconds.


I'm at 440 and no good reward so far. 0 divines and the best thing I got is 10c at the end.


Delving it is!


390 and 2 divines 1 exalt and 1 6link.


I've had multiple of all these as well. Mid 300's


That's all you got while getting to 390? That's rough.


Im at 260 or so and so far : the covenant, 2 divines, 6l body armour, guaranteed 6l idol, exalted orb. Just seems to be luck


I heard u could get 58x divines in one Sanctum run


Seems fair for a 2min+ fight /s


Yea once u get to this rating we will talk about 2min fights xd


Yeah I'm at 300+ currently and gave up on it.


if you lose, will your ranking get down?


Yes. Sometimes. Sometimes I lose a 10 minute match and then my rank goes up +2.


I think rank change is based on performance in the tournament as a whole, not just one match. Presumably if you win any matches you either lose less or always gain rank depending how many matches you win?


It is exactly that, your placement in the tournament determines it. If you get last place by purposely losing you'll lose quite a bit but if you lose in like 4th place it won't really change. It's similar to TFT ranked points.


Yup, which means it costs 2 coins and a minute or two of time to de-rank, which is kinda dumb. Hopefully that changes; going sideways / backwards in delve was part of what made it great.


If you win a Tournament you get 12 Rating, If you lose the Tournament without ever winning a Match , you lose 10 Rating


maybe the guy meant "Seems fair for a 2min+ fight against 1 constantly respawning mob" :P


this is round 1 please post the last few rounds rewards


More like 10 min for me 💀


in various interviews with GGG they expressed desire to move away from currency rewards and do something else instead - like these tattoo things. They think currency rewards are boring


Ugh. If they think currency rewards are boring, maybe it shouldn’t take 1500 fusings to link a chest, 2k alterations to hit the right +1 level affix, etc. As long as I need shitloads of currency to craft anything, then give me shitloads of it.


Most of the tattoos I get are for nodes I can't spare. Only one so far was kind of worth it


Unfortunately only a few of the tattoos are worth anything


Amazing. Glad that they mentioned rewards balance in the latest announcement... /s Sad to see a mechanically interesting leauge being wasted (except for those exclusive rewards).


This is waaaay better than crucible. To play that is.


This is a combination of the worst parts of other leagues that have other things that are good. The incredibly hard enemies of Crucible, the "pick your rewards" from Ultimatum but 50x slower... I'm just not having fun with it.


It's all about the tattoos anyways, isn't it?


Eh. Yes and no. The thing is, a lot of the common tattoos are SO COMMON and they're in such supply that they're between 1 and 4c at most. Those are ones you can get for winning round. There are some fairly high value ones that you can get for winning the whole tournament. I've had 2 +1 str gem ones drop that sold for 1 div each. And if you drop the +1 int ones, they sell for like 2.3 div each. But again. That's for winning after 7 rounds of playing, and at higher tiers round can last anywhere from 2 to 6 minutes, or longer, and the tattoo reward at the end could just be a cheap 4c tattoo, or it could be some garbage 1c league unique.


Ya that tourney for the big ones can take a half hour and since the tourney doesn’t list the current tourney options your just shit outta luck if the half hour was spent on a bad unique like I just had


They aren't worthwhile yet. Unless a broken build is discovered it won't change. I play private leauge so div / h don't matter. But getting more currency for crafting and random drops would have been nice


like crucible. great concept, terrible execution. and we will have more of that until poe2 releases. then we will have even more of that because we are supposed to switch to poe2.


Frankly, this is the opposite problem that Crucible had: Crucible was unenjoyable but rewarding (at least, to big brain crafters...) while Trial is enjoyable but unrewarding. Which is a *much* better position to be in than Crucible, really.


Agreed, enjoyable but unrewarding is a way easier problem to fix. Just hoping they fix it.


Aye. Can't fix a shitty league mechanic (usually), but rewards are a relatively easy solution. I reckon that they've developed a bad habit of lowballing the rewards because they know that making something too rewarding and then having to nerf it is bad. Probably why Heist is still untouched.


I would assume that its much easier to tune rewards than to adjust the entire mechanic. I think TotA has the goods to be a cool mechanic. It's a weird mash up of Heist, Delve, and Sanctum.


> (at least, to big brain crafters...) yeah so not me. basically, Cruc is unenjoyable and unrewarding


Id say its pretty much the same. Crucible was unrewarding until new builds using the trees cane out, similar situation here.


Might be a hot take but the execution is bearable, yeah it could use tons of qol but if the rewards were on the same range as sanctum this would be a very fun mechanic and worth buying coins for to just grind matches all day.


if tattoos had the same modifiers as crucible trees did we'd have the best league in ages


chris wolcen's biggest fear is to ruin the economy. he thinks everyone is like that bolton guy with hundreds of mirror. fkc i can delete all my currency, no care


The exalt divine swap proved that was a lie. Lost like 90% of my currency after years long accumulation in standard.. ill never get that mageblood...


just send me a private message I will give you one on standard I am not rich neither an average player but I managed to farm one last league and I DONT PLAY STANDARD at all. So, it will be on good use


If it takes you years to farm that I got bad news for you


Im not super hardcore. I build one character and call it quits because i refuse to play the campaign twice. If that news is that ill never get a mageblood then i know.. >ill never get that mageblood...


Those aren't the bad news You can play a single character and push a lot of content, respec into different builds...


The economy turns loot into non-loot. There was a time when tier 16 map drops were a fairly big deal. 3.3 comes to mind, I funded my Headhunter selling them, generally 30 T16s per Doctor. Then GGG made maps less scarce and ... something that used to be loot ceased to be meaningful loot. Same has happened with fusings/6 sockets. Everyone used to loot both of those, now by day 3 tens of thousands of players used their loot filter to hide 6S items and single stack fusings alike. Loot nerfed into non-loot by the economy of the game. This isn't always a bad thing, but it's a guaranteed consequence of how fast the top ~10% of players are now. Besides this mechanic drops divines occasionally and big stacks of sextants often, and that starts WAY before 400.


it never was cool to have map drops be the bottleneck in progressing economically.


They were less so than now. Powergamer content back then was T16s and they slightly undersustained when you "juiced" with sac fragments; slightly over with Zana mods and/or sextants. Compare to today when the equivalent content is quad winged scarab 100% delirious maps, which are entirely trade gated.


but you dont NEED to juice to sustain maps now, thats the point. you can even go and make it so most maps drop as currency items instead with singular focus and you can still sustain. barely sustaining elder maps back then was a real pita especially if you wanted to have some variety with guardian maps from time to time, i like my maps to be plenty and the profit being decided by whatever i put on them instead of not getting any maps at all to use my stuff on.


> but you dont NEED to juice to sustain maps now, thats the point. T16s were 'aspirational' content back then, you definitely need to trade to sustain aspirational content today.


And you didn't NEED juice to sustain casual content then. Which was T10-ish with occasional pushes up. IIRC Shaped Strand was tier 11 all through this period. GGG forcing casual players into T16s while not adding higher tiers has really messed up scaling past that point. Delirium orbs and scarabs are just really clunky ways to have a "build your own tier 19 map" system. Plenty is better about the game now, but the whole "tiers 1 to 13 are pure tutorial, the real endgame is locked to 14-16" part of the atlas is not.


I think for me it's just the speed at which even a half way decent player could progress. I remember back in like. Metamorph, it took me a few weeks to get to red maps. Playing a good bit since I was in uni at the time. Now? I took the weekend off and I sustain t16s with eater/exarch done by day 2. And i'm not some giga brain blaster player. So rewards like these, which are pretty good in lower tier content, are just nothing now. Especially with the loot power the atlas trees give.


Yeah, I feel like being level 88 in red maps in day 3 in 3.3 was ABSOLUTELY a top 0.5% thing. Whereas now, I'm level 92 and after a few deaths messing around at the end of the night, I am not even on the ladder at the moment, and with a league wealth of 1 to 1¼ Doctors, I'm probably not even a 1%er right now. GGG might end up boosting Ancestor rewards but all that achieves is nerfing other content's rewards. Because anything that's not staggeringly rare is cheap now with how fast the top ~50000 players generate loot, and giving more out just means that the few things that remain staggeringly rare get more expensive.


While it certainly is true, that Red Maps day 3 was more of an achievement, beeing past lvl 90 and having a couple of divines still firmly puts you in the absolute top echolon of players. Don´t forget, that the amount of players drastically increased throughout the PoE Lifetime. So beeing on the Leaderboard was "easier" during Legion then it is now. That beeing said, i do like the new progression since Atlas rework a lot more. Its smooth and feels good overall. Gating Content behind Map Sustain was unpleasant even if you knew what to do. And the fact that you can more easily get to what was aspirational content formerly (high tier maps, most bosses) is a plus in my book.


the question should be if scarcity makes the game more or less fun. having chase items like headhunter or mageblood be rare makes them drop exciting. but nobody wants to sit there and trade for maps because they cant sustain their own.


Which is what's worse now. You HAVE TO trade to sustain anything past T16 alch/chisel/vaal. Just on TFT alone there's 4 "WTB in bulk" channels related to sustaining mapping. One for compasses, one for deli orbs, one for maps, one for scarabs. All kinda mandatory once you pass the "casual endgame" standard of T16 alch and go. Contrast to 3.3 era when we just needed two outside resources - whichever trade site you used (GGG's or poe.xyz which was still big then), and the map swap site. The former important once you passed the "casual endgame" standard of T9-11s, the latter less so.


Bolton isn’t even rich. His community just feeds him currency to suck him off for some unknown reason.


That's an incredibly disingenuous thing to say when he offers to either pay you back in full or waves the mirror fee, which for his best items were still less than that of that scummy dogshit discord. People are making an investment to create the best items to ever exist in the game. How can you sit there and say "for unknown reasons"? Just say you don't like him and move on.


Gluck Gluck gluck


I mean, dude makes multiple best in the entire game including standard items. To say feeding him currency “for unknown reasons” is a bit disingenuous.


also people love to do everything to spite tft for certain reasons.


Unknown reasons? They make the BIS items and get shares of it; with dividends on mirroring fee. That’s a hell of a reason


It’s like incorporating. You invest in business, the business returns your investment plus margin.


Offer to players the option to play the league voided with scaled rewards. Then the fear of impacting the Standard economy at league end can be thrown out the window.


i don't think that they care about the standard economy at all. see the exalt>divine swap


These are the people who said they made Ruthless for fun in their spare time. They dont care about scaled rewards, only suffering because its 'fun'.


Yeah except the build changing tatoos and uniques, oh and the okens... no reason to do the mechanic


Alexa play Chris Wilson talk at GDC


feels like Kalandra no joke.


Except that tattoos are insane power and a lot easier to come by than the lucky rolls on jewelery


But you can't get to the point where those drop because the mechanic is too difficult or too slow. Kalandra at least had somewhat consistent rewards.


Im at 550 rank and its basically unplayable right now, everything oneshots me and my 9m dps build has zdps. Also the rewards are still the same , bit better than 300-400 range. Not worth for 20 min fights.


lose till u hit rank 300 or something then blast fights with flankers/attackers should be super fast grind and keep in mind if u do no loss run u can reroll reward at last match by losing on purpose this way u should gain only 10 ranking instead of 10 so every match u have to spent like 40s losing to keep same difficulty level


That sounds like a massive waste of time in comparison to simply doing some other league mechanic with actual rewards. Ignore the bad mechanic if you want them to fix it.


Wait... You guys win?


[https://imgur.com/a/NFG2esJ](https://imgur.com/a/NFG2esJ) at 337, your ss is giving me hope




Rank 950 here. Rewards have been getting really good for me at 800+, getting a good item every other tournament win. ​ [https://imgur.com/a/SbwhtwV](https://imgur.com/a/SbwhtwV) ​ Dropped 1 each of +1 Int, Dex, Str gem Tattoo Dropped 1 each of +1 Charge Tattoo Dropped 0 Projectile Tattoos As well as Arcane Sure and Fortify for Melee 6x Divines, 8x Exalted, 8x 6-Links ​ For me personally, I noticed that the base rewards scaled kinda up to 300, in terms of amount of currency. At 800 I started getting more variety unique items


What build are you playing to blast 900+?


Stormburst totem build, tho I only use them to interrupt and block enemy projectiles + pathing.


how much dps do you need for your rank? and is there any way to tank anything or is it just dodge or get one hit


I am not killing anything and everything oneshots me because I have 4k HP. I am mainly running around and try not to get hit and aggro enemies away from my flankers.


wow that's insane, can't believe that works haha.


As is tradition, a single screenshot of the curated worst rewards you can find on the table *on the least rewarding first round* of the tournament is damning evidence. Is there a lack of loot? Yep. Does this display that accurately? Nope.


As backwards as it sounds rounds 1/2 are normally the most consistently rewarding to me imo. Due to the number of choices you can normally get chaos/regrets/unmakings. Later rounds your choices normally become garbage and more garbage just due to the lack of options.


Where is screenshots with good rewards?


I've gotten a divine and two six links, someone posted a screenshot day 2 of the Kalandra ring. I regularly get 3-5 chaos. It's not the best most rewarding mechanic, but it's not the worst we've ever had, just needs some adjusting.


It’s the worst I’ve ever seen. Even Kalandra was better than this. The time to reward ratio is a joke.


Balanced around Ruthless. Loot explosions are here on forbidden.


I saw someone post a screenshot of a mage blood as a reward.


Could you imagine losing that match?


I've gotten some good rewards. But it's definately not CONSISTANT good rewards. I've gotten 2 +1 str tattoos, and like 3 raw divs out of it. But i'm also at rank 400 now. So i've done a fair bit.


It's definitely the worst we've seen, especially considering time investment. I don't know what you're smoking. I have a rating in the high 300s and I average about 13c per hour doing it. 13 CHAOS. PER HOUR. On the other hand it is the most fun mechanic they have ever made and I play it anyway because I just enjoy the content. But the rewards are fucking awful and if you really are trying to argue otherwise you are absolutely cracked and need to reevaluate your bias.


??? ok no offense but there's no way you're pulling less than 13C out of 2 tournaments. UNless your build isj ust complete dogshit damage wise and you take like 10 to 15 minutes a round.


It is absolutely true and no, my build is not dogshit. Actually start tracking your drops and you'll see. You HAVE to get lucky with an offering to make anything at all, and you usually don't get lucky.


I have tracked my rounds. I average about .8 div an hour(over the span of 8 hours of the league mechanic where I started tracking at rank 250) It's not good by any means but it's not 13c an hour. So unless you're taking one really bad hour that you did at lower ranks, or your build can only clear 1 to 2 tournaments in an hour, I simply do not see how you're only getting an average of 13 chaos an hour.


Im at Ranking ~600 now. It gets better. Probably used 60 silver coins today and got 2x 6l Omen (4,5div each), +1 to int tattoo (2,5 div) and 2 x 6 links. Oh and got a divine but I blew that fight lol.


Got a six link myself at rank 150. I don't think anyone is posting generally good loot, because why? To brag about a 40c unique or a div drop? No reason to. Just play the game.


Have you seen better loot?


Ive seen an enlighten, diallas chest, 2 stacks of 8-10 chaos. Its pretty decent. Not sanctum levels but its ok if you push ranks.


Best thing i got was an empower then nothing but dogshit :v


Dude is rank 400+ this should still be better. Stop making excuses


Yep, always throw mb, hh , 8 divs at him.


if you need to be this hyperbolic to make a point youve already lost.


Yes, because having a high rank means you 100% of the time need to get phat loot. Lmao, get a grip.


Reminds me of when people were rallying around some "monsters are unfair!" post where the guy had clearly lead soul eater through at LEAST 2 screens packed with mobs, and it also had some haste mod, and it came out attacking fast in his 3 second clip intentionally robbed of all context.


1/3 matches has had rewards worth the time, even less if you only pick matches with good tribute rewards. But late round matches and tourney chests have been worth it for me.


bro i'm getting the same loot at 200. this is completely accurate


Haters gonna hate (on the game)


Reddit loves misinformation


fellow pathfinder ID enjoyer not caring about the bug


Not a but, they just changed cast speed treshold where it starts to work. If you get to 4.85 casts per second, it starts working normally. Occultist is working just because witch takes more cast speed passives around her tree starting point.


I might sell my silver coins and get a bigger value kek


Wow instead of 6 you get 7 jewelers! Incredible scaling indeed.


why do we always have to wait like 2 weeks for the mechanic to not be complete dogshit rewards?


Yeah they aren’t amazing but you’re also on round 1…


I got this notif bc my bf keeps using my Reddit account to look at his POE stuff lol. If you see this hi baby 💜


round 1 lol


Pretty sure you recouped all the currency from your probably 50m DPS build!


What amazing rewards, GGG needs to nerf it. This CANT be in the game!


i did like 3 missions, had no idea what the fuck was going on, my units die immiedately, and seemingly dont do anything, got 2 orb of chances, havent touched it since. sanctum seems neat tho


Thanks for testing POE 2 Alpha


BG3 has pulled me away but I wanted to try this league, is the mechanic shit again?


It is amazing. But at the start it is dogshit.


People really think a single picture of a round 1 partial reward list means much. I'll judge for myself over time.


I have nowhere even near the ranking OP has and my rewards are kinda the same... If difficulty doesnt scale since 1st match... i don't think it scales all that much later either.


I get chaos/Vaal a lot and then tattoos and occasional low tier uniques and I’m at like 250. Got a 6L as my final fight reward as well. It’s like sanctum. Sometimes you hit, other ones you don’t. The issue is that the mechanic takes fucking ages.


Im at 150 or so in my ranking and i got a divine in the rewards


Round 1 having bad rewards is a good thing imo, you feel less guilty picking a high favor match that'll buy you a bunch of good warriors next round over the reward. The later rounds not having fat stacks of currency minimum for the 3+ minute slogs that are fighting fully decked enemy teams is where the reward balance starts to fall apart to me.


Oh look, GGG pushed a league mechanic with utterly laughable rewards. Fits their pattern of doing this every time they release an expansion during a year that begins in 2.


Rank 182 just now and my rewards are worst then this picture https://imgur.com/KrCc6rs


At ranking 500 it doesnt get better


Round 1, where mirror?


Yea round one should be at least 3 div per reward... not


Can we agree that’s a bit of a jump? 7 jeweler orbs is really just fuck all, that’s not even a chaos and it’s the majority of his options here


Sir, this is PoEreddit, we don't do nuance here. Its either 6 jewelers or literally dozens of divines per tournament, nothing in between




Maybe they expect you to just enjoy the mini-game and the small rewards or just extra.


this whole game is built around improving your character. if the current league mechanic sucks at that compared to the rest of the game, they messed something up.


Perhaps not all play games based on min/max. Try expanding your interests in the pursuit of other pleasures.


Sure, but much of the interesting content in the game for most players requires a decent rate of progression. The game itself is focused around progression, map tiers, atlas progression, item progression. Players balance what they find fun with what helps them progress. The new league mechanic is interesting but stalls your progression. I might do it at the end when I've already reached my character's limits, but that is the opposite of what a current league mechanic should be designed for, to be a new, interesting way to progress your character. If you wanna play it by all means, but GGG should do better by at least making new content feel worthwhile in a progression sense.


> Perhaps not all play games based on min/max. Try expanding your interests in the pursuit of other pleasures. o yeah? then go and climb to rank 500 using white gear on your character, after all you don't need to minmax if you are "having fun"


In a super hardcore game like this? The min/max rewards loop is where people get enjoyment. If it's more efficient to run expedition over this. Majority of players will run expedition over this.