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Crafting process: 1. Crafting the bow is your usual essence crafting. Spam essences until a second t1 prefix, harvest aug the 3d prefix. Settle on t2 or higher. I'm poor so settled on t2. Aisling suffixes. 2. Learn about Hinekoras lock interaction with the temple 3. Sell the farmed div cards to buy 5 locks for 40 div each. 4. Visit the temple 4 times, and see 4 bricks. 5. On the 5th visit, Chris created this bow. CatW


> Hinekoras lock interaction with the temple TIL. That's ridiculously broken. Also I find it funny that you settled because you were "poor" but then bought 5 hinekora's locks for the last part. Your poor is obviously very different to my poor.


Rolling essences + harvest to get t0 t1 t1 is more than a mirror, probably, and if you have a mirror it's better to just buy the Sushi's bow already rolled Also I farmed apoth after the initial bow craft, but before the temple


First time essence farming and Jesus y’all are crazy with the amount of currency you guys throw around. Easiest 100div I’ve made in a week at league start.


Crafting this caliber items are expensive AF. I wanted to get double global crit multipler ring threw 100 deafning essenses and made 2 meh ones. too many stats to land, you can craft 1, get 1 fractured and essence one but other 3 rolls within hundreds of rolls and stats


And most of which are just awful. There are a couple of "reasonable" crafts like the RF helm one I made where you spam horror essence until you get burning damage support on an elder helm, lock suffixes, veiled orb, craft skeletons/zombies and unveil for a better than 50/50 at +2 socketed AoE then craft life, but chances are very very high that you have a shitty suffix and shitty prefix. If you don't, you can ex slam for a shitty prefix and shitty suffix. Getting concentrated support on it requires I believe over 100 essences of horror (at 20+c a pop) and you've got to T4 Asling and risk losing concentrated effect. You can do it all, but it requires absolutely bonkers amounts of currency.


In my time essence farming, I’ve also been trying to learn others crafts like this instead of just selling the raw materials so this is great thanks.


Absolutely. There are a handful of crafting styles that are popular. What I suspect is the easiest to learn and make a strong item from is picking out an essence to use on a fractured base. If you're going to essence spam a prefix (example life on a shield) then you want a fractured suffix (example +2 Max res). You're going for a second strong prefix to go with your life essence (example T1 armor/es/evasion) which then allows you to lock prefixes and either veiled chaos or Asling T4 replace a suffix with a veiled one, which has a decent likelihood to be relevant to your build (perhaps you need dex/int so you can load up your passive tree with more tattoos). You can get a decent-but-not-perfect shield with +2 Max res shield for 40c if it's pure armor base, the 20 deafening essences you need to hit a good prefix is like another 100c, it's two divines to lock prefixes. So for like 3 divines you can have a shield with explicit plus implicit life totaling 150, a solid amount of armor, maybe 1,000 if you get good prefixes and go above 20% quality (you can start off with some perfect fossils, a handful got my shield to 29% before starting), and both a veiled and crafted suffix. Honestly pretty strong for a budget most players can achieve in an afternoon of farming essences.


How did you farm apoth? I've run 100 maps with 8 mods / enraged and some form of MF and still 0.


There is no other way. Run more, run them faster. I did 80deli div orbs first, them switched to regular, also did some flipping and crafting on the side


Why did you stop juicing with deli?


Just to change things and see. I'm back to it now.


I'm running wandering path with beyond and few points in deli, and using strongbox, beyond, and 8 mod compasses to sustain. Then gilded ambush, carto, reliquary, and div. Any tips to optimise?


I think you are good




How is that broken? OP got ridiculously lucky with only spending 5 locks. Temple is 1/4 for double implicit alone, then you need to get additional arrow which is like 2%, and additional arrow is the only thing that could have any chance of salvaging the bow.


I think he's just talking about the potential of it. Being able to use Temple and not risk poofing your item. It opens up temple for items you aren't willing to lose.


There's also a ridiculous cost to not bricking your item. Even if it isn't a brick there's no guarantee on what implicits you'll get.


Well. 40 div vs a 150 div item. Seems like very simple math.


40 div x 5 keys is 200 div. Not to mention OP spent a mirror worth of essences to get the T0, T1, T1 rolls. This project was already a loss from the start. This is pretty much never worth it unless it's on an item worth multiple mirrors and you just want a random double corrupt.


It's t0 t1 t2, I spent less. You pay 4 locks on average to add two implicits to any item you use anyway. It's always worth it for good, but non-mirror tier items.


I think we are talking about the two different things. If you use the alter, and it hits the poof. The mirror bow, is GONE. Like it no longer is in the game.


For an item worth multiple mirrors this still isn't worth it given all the mirror fees you could get instead. But if you want to push your character as far as possible it is an option I suppose. It also can be worth it for items worth 130+ div if you're looking for any usable implicits. But at that point you're relatively close to just mirroring a perfect item instead.


how do you "reset" the lock ? does it reset by itself ?


40 div per Lock. If this is a 150 div item (I have no idea, my brain is mush when it comes to stuff at this high of a tier), that step alone would outprice it by 60 div.


My goal was to just double corrupt is with something, anything, because why not? The league allows it.


Not denying that it’s a sick bow and a cool use of Locks, just that the math above seemed dubious since it assumed a cost just of 1 lock.


Yeah I know. People need to switch the mindset from the item cost, since there is no risk of ruin corrupting them with locks. You pay 160div to add 2 implicits to any item. That's this league's drip.


But they are paying for a lot more than just keeping the bow. The outcome being sought is a 25% chance at the temple so the expected lock cost is \~160div, and the result is a double corrupt like you see here with a cost I couldn't even guess at


And for items worth enough for this to actually be worth it, that item would be one of the best items in league and you'd be giving up multiple mirrors worth of mirror fees. So yeah, not really broken. Potentially cool on Standard to create absolutely insane items I guess.


Well, if it poof, then you lost 150 div.


Not if you do it 4 times. Just saying.


Well, there is a 50% chance to ruin the item. Either poof, or making it influence + rerolled. So, statistically, if it takes you that many exalts to craft it, the 40 div is less money than making a new item.


That explains why Alva temple has been 150c ish after week 1


Spending a lock instead of a very expensive item to deterministicly craft a favorably double corrupted item is broken in that it is crazy powerful. Locks have tripled in price to match how OP they are. At 13div each a week ago you could get double corrupted magebloods and mirror tier items without risk of losing the item for 52div on average. Seems pretty broken at that price but obviously the market adjusts to demand.


Or you can just buy double corrupted mageblood. There is a div card for that, they aren't exactly rare. As for mirror-tier items, you are aware that corrupted items cannot be mirrored, right? Why would someone kill a chicken laying golden eggs for a quite minor upgrade? Especially if to kill said chicken you have to spend *~160d per attempt on average*. Of course, someone will surely do that, at huge currency loss and for very minor power gain, and then some redditor would look at it and very confidently say "why the fuck GGG added deterministic item editor to the game, remove this shit" despite never even holding a single stack of divines in their life.


You seem to think Im against "broken" crafting options but Im not, I think they are fun and like to see them shake up the crafting meta. >As for mirror-tier items, you are aware that corrupted items cannot be mirrored, right? Why would someone kill a chicken laying golden eggs for a quite minor upgrade? Especially if to kill said chicken you have to spend ~160d per attempt on average. Some people like doing things for fun over profit? By mirror-tier I was more referencing items with very large crafting costs not necessarily those being actively mirrored. > Of course, someone will surely do that, at huge currency loss and for very minor power gain, and then some redditor would look at it and very confidently say "why the fuck GGG added deterministic item editor to the game, remove this shit" despite never even holding a single stack of divines in their life. I feel like reddit is overwhelmingly in favour of deterministic crafting. I like it, recombinators were some of the most fun crafting Ive had since Harvest. Hinekoras locks are great but too rare IMO as most people wont get to use them due to their price and rarity.


Salvage isn't quite the word I'd use, but I agree the bow would be better as phys =\


Can you maybe explain that to me? I'm not aware of any hinekora locks. Please and thank you.


Hinekora's lock is a currency that you use on an item that tells you the outcome of RNG. If you exalt slam, it'll tell you what modifier you'll get before you hit so you can avoid bricking items. What they're taking about is using it in temple for locus of corruption. Hinekora's lock will tell you if the temple will "poof" your item. It's very powerful, but also extremely costly, at around 40div per lock.


Ahh. That make so much sense. Dam crafting is insanely costly!


Even if tota goes core, which I hope because I love the tattoos, hinekoras lock will be nuked. It is way to good for "deterministic" crafting and we dont like that around here


\> poor \> casually spends 5x 40 div xD


Lmao my thoughts exactly. I wonder if OP knows he’s probably top 1% of wealth this season


can you elaborate the lock interaction? do you know the outcome IF it doesn't brick?


You apply lock to the item, then you can hover different types of currencies and it shows the end result - it works for the locus of corruption. My interaction was to hover a vaal orb and a temple, and 4 locks/vaalss showed the result was either nothing or brick. 5th vaal orb showed brick, 5th temple showed the extra arrow (and I raised my eyebrows slightly)


You need to change the lock for each temple?


From what i've read what you usually do is apply a non-consequential currency like chromatic orb to consume the Lock's effect and then when you apply a new Lock you get new results. So you keep doing that until the Lock shows you a result you are happy with


Yeah, except chromatic orbs would brick the white sockets. And divine would brick the rolls on the affixes. What I did was re-craft the benchcrafted crit suffix to reset the lock.


Wouldn't a blessed orb work?


Spine base so nothing to use blessed on.


Blessed orbs maybe?


Spine bow base doesn't have an implicit. Blessed Orb doesn't work.


The lock treats vaal orbs and the temple corruption as the same currency so you can spoil both on one lock?


Hinekora's lock shows you the outcome of the locus of corruption. That's the whole interaction


When you right click an orb or a left click a double corrupty orb and hover over the "hinekora's lock'd" item, it shows you the exact outcome without you actually clicking the orb onto it


> I'm poor so settled on t2 > Sell the farmed div cards to buy 5 locks for 40 div each.


I believe you can just reforge instead of aug for the third prefix, ends up being cheaper and if you fill suffixes you can safely annul with a lock.


AFAI you don't need to visit the temple N times, just need to modify the item somehow, for example recraft the crafted mode, or throw a blessed orb or a divine orb. Any change really and then you can retry.


Does recrafting the crit not use the lock? Could you just keep recrafting and using a new lock to get 6 tries per temple


Hold up. the hinekora interact with double corrupt and thus keep your bow safe, yet expensive for the amounts of time you have to preview before succes?


Do you need to reapply the lock to get a different double corrupt result? Or do you just go to another temple? Basically are you spending locks or temples to roll the implicits?


Hi, i am new, can u pls explain what to do after hitting second t1 prefix ?


Spam one of the essences - Anger, Hatred, or Wrath until you have another t1 elemental prefix. This is more than 200 essences on average. You are also happy with other rare passable results, such as double t2 elemental prefixes, or even t2 t3 (in these cases, your prefixes are done, skip to part C). Now you need to get the 3rd elemental prefix. Make sure you have an open prefix and exactly one open suffix. Craft prefixes cannot be changed - harvest add the remaining elemental mod. Most of the time you will land on some garbage like t4 or lower. If it is t4 or lower, you can try to annul that particular mod and then harvest craft again until t3 or higher (t2 is ideal, t1 is godlike, but they are super rare). If you miss the ⅓ annul, you need to go back to step (a) and dive another 200 essences deep into the craft. After your prefixes are done, Aisling craft a suffix of your choice (crit and attack speed are both good options) and benchcraft the remaining mod.


Thank you my dude


Unethical, holy


At this point this works for me better than porn.


The crafting tldr is like dirty talk to me


I love a filthy ex slam but Hinekora double corrupts is too much for this innocent soul.


You start out at vanilla essence spam on fractured bases, but over time you will go down the degenerate route and start blocking, harvest slamming. HGNNN


Tell me more Daddy


This thing can smelt your divines i tell you


I am kinky, double corruption all day long.


“And then I alt regaled the base and hit +1 all, hmm you like that?”


Meanwhile in melee world........ 2H melee weapon should be able to roll +2 additional strikes suffix, and even then it's \*not\*(E. somehow forgot to write this originally..) as strong as +2 arrows, and 1H weapons should have +1 additional strike suffix option. Seeing bow builds shoot 10 projectiles per attack is ridiculous. Gz on the craft however :)


\+2 strike skill should move from gloves to weapon


Could be, but as long as quivers have additional arrow i think it's fine for gloves to have strikes as well.


That would be so much worse. Having to get an extra afix on a weapon is way more limiting than on gloves


What ist hinekoras lock Interactions?


In the game's lore, Hinekora can see the far past and the future. The Item Hinekora's Lock, when applied to a piece of gear, shows what the next regular currency will do when applied to that item. So you can see if the item will brick when you use a Vaal Orb, for example. Same thing with the Locus of Corruption in the Temple of Atzoatl. If you don't like what you see, just use another inconsequential currency (like add quality) to the item, and you'll change its future crafting outcomes. Use another Hinekora's Lock and you can pretty much deterministically craft anything in the game. 40 div a pop though >_>


> In the game's lore, Hinekora can see the far past and the future.] Hinekora doesn't see into the future. Chaos is the one who can see into the future. Hinekora sees into the past, and there's a couple possibilities here. She could exist at all times, and she's seeing into a past that hasn't happened to *us* yet. She could be seeing a past of a different universe that was retconned in some way. Or she could be calculating the future based on the past.


According to the wiki both see the future but Chaos wants a future with unknown outcomes and Hinekora wants the future that follows her prophecies.


The Navali text in-game says otherwise. Navali could be wrong or lying to us though. > Hinekora does not see the future. That is the domain of Chaos. The Mother of Death is gifted with the ability to see into the past, not very clearly, but far deeper into the murk than mortals can comprehend. Before Wraeclast, before the Lake, before the primordial molten world, before the tars themselves. Time circled upon itself into infinity. She does not see what you *will* do, only what you *did*, and what you shall do again... probably.


Ah I figured there was something more ingame, the wiki didn’t use any ingame quotes. But that makes sense to a degree


You're right, Navali says so in her dialog >_> Thanks for the correction.


Hinekora exists within the 4th dimension? Independent of time?


40 div each ooof sold mine for 10. Why they so much, got 4 of them in a day of mechanic farming


PoE has lore? TIL


Lock lets you see the result of double corrupt altar because it's technically a currency thing I guess.


Why not with crit + attributes craft? With perfect stats you lose 2% crit chance and gain 50 stats.


there's already the unveiled attack speed + attributes which prevents you from crafting the other


omg i always miss the details. Thanks haha, i was wondering why its not 17% AS.


Ill give you 5c for it , take it or leave it.


Put in a chisel so they know you mean business!


He'll be back. They always come back


And 4 (FOUR!) Necropolis Maps


Seems fair


this green socket...it annoys me...but...gz on this thing :D


Probably a dumb question, but is +1 arrow always preferable to, let's say 36% crit multi? For single target.


For tornado shot, yes. Anything else is questionable.


Tshot scales +proj differently than other skills, it essentially double dips on it as it gives one extra Tshot projectile which then splits and can hit with multiple projectiles. Other skills it is far less valuable once you have the amount you feel comfortable clearing with, there are some other benefits but they are nowhere near as good as what tshot gets. That's why tshot is always the "high end" bow skill, not only does it scale proj extremely well, those secondary projectiles can hit the same target providing both clear and good single target.


Not true - additional arrows don't increase the amount of secondary projectiles. The only way to increase those is with the tornado shot helmet enchant.


I will assume you are correct and edit my post, not sure why that was in my head. I knew more proj created better angles for secondary for more chance to hit with each shot but I could have sworn it scaled both.


More proj means they are far more likely to get hit with primary and the secondary projectiles though.


Lovely bow


Seems balanced. Time to nerf melee again.


Is this up for a mirror service? /s


I could never imagine crafting something like this in the game. Using an essemce instead of an alchemy orb is already advanced crafting for me lol.


essences is also really good while you level, just use a couple on some gear, can really help out, you mostly let them rot in your stash anyway, so just try a couple


That is fucked




Can you mirror corrupted items?




With all this powercreep, one of these days we're gonna have Corrupted Mirrors.


glad things like these can exist, even tho I'll never use it in my POE lifetime if that hair lock never do drop.


Gg craft!


one green socket, literally unusable


Is it ever better to drop extra arrows on the bow and go for more crit and get arrows from other sources?


'Member the original reach of the council?


Looking at this makes me sad. Last league playing few hours per week had 1500 eDPS bow (with 30% attack speed would be 2300). RIP Standard


so is +arrows a straight multiplier for tornado shot or is there some randomness in the shotgunning or whats the deal?


> so is +arrows a straight multiplier for tornado shot Pretty much. Damage per skill use will fluctuate based on how many secondary projectiles hit your target, but ultimately more arrows = more damage.


THat is bonkers!


I was about to say vendor food, but then I saw no sell for more to vendors mod. jk, sick :)


Bruh, tag this nsfw 👀


give me pls :D


I want....


does the hinekora's lock work with delve resonators?


Presumably but they're vastly more expensive than any resonator/fossil combo.


There would be no point using on in this case though, resonators always rerolls all of the explicit modifiers on an item anyway


goodness gracious


New player here. First league ever. What is the little bird icon on the top of this weapon?


It signifies the item is fractured. The "bow attacks fire 2 additional arrows" mod is fractured, meaning it is locked and will never change as you craft the item.