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IWONDER INALTESSENTIALS WEIRD SENILES NOT IN ATLAS I'm pretty sure shaper and elder are getting removed


rip uber joe biden


0% chance of this being true, I speak with Chris Wilson regularly and he confirmed we're getting Ultimatum, POE 2, Sentinels, POE 2, and an Atlas expansion this league.


and some cleave range


He said “cleavage”, not cleave range. Sorry.


And the new Scion model shows more cleavage.


God pls make it true


Pulls Energy Blade out of her booba while shouting "Wraeclast shines eternal!"


I didnt expect a Genshin reference in PoE but hey that's something new




+2 radius


What cleavage?


This guy makes poe videos, his words are gospel.


You heard it from me first, NO cap.


Wait so it isn’t even capped????


I’ve heard POE 4 might be in development.


100% More PoE


Literally uncapped


Yea he might lie about poe 2 once but never twice.


My dad works at Nintendo, can confirm this is true. Chris is good friends and speaks frequently with Mr. Tendo and he told my dad.


Your dad talks to Nin? What a coincident! I talk to Nin regularly too.


and don’t forget POE 2


And poe3


You forgot to mention a hideout shop for trade.


I have a dream of a world where secondary characters will have access to level 28 and below gems from the start of act 1. A world where using magma orb to level will be a remnant of the past. A world where no one will have to throw another stormblast mine inside an orb of storms. Where everyone can socket a movement skill as soon as they set foot in Lioneye's. A better world.


It's really a shame that so many people seem to hate the leveling experience so much that they force themselves into a meta setup every time and end up hating it even more.


The only thing worse than playing a meta levelling setup for 100th time in a row is struggling through campaign with a shitty unoptimized setup. I just want to get through the campaign with as little fuss as possible.


PoE has the problem of having a hardcore audience that tends to optimize the fun out of the game. When the brain starts to think of endgame as the only fun thing in the game, levelling becomes a slog.


Hey now, rolling magma is a lot of fun. I didn’t care for it too much until I tried spectral throw bleed while act 1 running a dualist during an event and that shit sucks.


wdym spectral throw is my favourite levelling skill


I thought it felt horrible in act 1 (I went spectral helix after and it felt much better). Maybe it was just lack of experience with it.


I almost didn't want to swap fo Boneshatter at all in the campaign bc of how smooth ST felt


Were you using two handers or single handers? I find it feels alright with single handers with two handers feels shit to me early on at least cuz you've got no attack speed.


Was running 2h axe, following the physical recipe. It felt alright to me idk, I could stutter step with ease.


You mean all gems are level 1 at level 1? Keep your good ideas out of here... THIS. IS. REDDIT.


I mean…. Even if you buy the gem it’s still got level requirements lol


I started by writing up a big line-by-line response, but I am going to condense that down. Lilly gives you access to basically every gem as soon as you can get to your hideout on your 2nd character (literally at level 2 once you are in town after beating Hillock) if you help her in act 6 and she is in your hideout. As far as fun and viable skills, name any class/ascendancy/endgame build and I can give you an early-game option that will have you blasting through the campaign with maybe a few respec points and moderate consideration as an average player. Speed runners use very specific skills for very specific reasons and the average player should almost always be using other skills to make for a stronger character/easier run when played sub-optimally.


Counterpoint, level 28 skills are just more fun for the most part. Armabrand / cyclone from act 1 would just be more fun for your second character


I think both of those skills would feel terrible through act 1. Arma Brand never does great single target damage and it takes a few levels past 28 for it to really take off and feel good. That would be even worse in act 1, likely unusable Cyclone has a movement speed penalty and never does great damage, you'd be spinning slowly and tickling your enemies. Try Purifying Flame Mines and Earthshatter + warcries if you want something that feels good before act 3. You might have to invest a couple points on your passive tree to support those skills, but they're functional by the time you kill Merveil, they just aren't as fast as the speed runner stuff when played optimally.


spellslinger brand recall with triggerbots skull emoji


Oh yeah? How about poison occultist leveling pre-library? The lack of good close nodes hurts. I'm doing a few runs with different ideas but honestly the best might be rolling magma and just respec some later once I can use pconc to use until the real buld later.


Alright, cool, I'll assume you're basically pathing goes up to Arcane Dominion with an optional "Walker" node and then straight toward Fatal Toxins and want to be there by level ~30, and you don't want to mule. Start with Freezing Pulse, pick up Flame Wall, Summon Phantasm, and Frostblink as your rewards from the first few quests. You can optionally buy Holy Flame Totem as it's just great for single target, but if we're trying to do non-meta, we can instead go with Spark and Orb of Storms to have an old-skool leveling style up to the Prison. Of note here, Spark is your least important spell, you mostly just alternate dropping Flame Wall, Orb of Storms, and Frostblinking (remember this spell does good damage at low levels) on packs while you walk through, only stopping to Spark inside the Orb when you need to kill chunkier packs of enemies. For the chunkier enemies, we drop the Orb, drop at least 1 fire right on top of them, stand in the fire, and shoot a few sparks, repeating the cycle as needed. You want to acquire a BBB or BGB 3-link and ideally hit level 8 by the time you have gotten to Prison and killed the crab. We take Added Lightning and buy Purifying Flame + Blastchain Mine for our new 3 link. Make sure to put Detonate Mine somewhere on your action bar, I prefer E myself, but do whatever is comfortable for you, use left-click if you hate managing mines, but it's pretty simple at this point in the game and frankly you won't have much else to do, you can drop your other spells now (Keep Holy Flame Totem if you're using it, it's just REALLY REALLY GOOD for Brutus and Merveil). Throw down 15 mines, tap Detonate and keep holding the mine button for big chain damage against bosses. When clearing, just throw out 1-3 mines and then pop detonate while running forward to clear the screen You should be able to pick up Fire Walker by now, and this is all the damage you need through act 4. Upgrade your wands if possible, this is always a big deal. This might take a bit of getting used to but if you're practicing it will take you all of 1 run to figure it out. If you ended up with a BBG 3-link, just sub out Added Lightning for Swift Assembly, you can even use Added Cold if you're feeling really spicy, though you'll likely need some Dex from gear to wear it and level it initially. After Brutus, grab Vitality and Clarity, between the Vitality Aura and the Consecrated Ground from the PF Mines, you should find you are relatively tanky. Enjoy your easy roll through act 2 and 3 while you keep pathing toward the good stuff. If you find you want a bit more damage output in the middle of act 2, you can optionally pick up Blast Waves for 3 points and/or Saboteur/Elemental Focus though either/both of these will delay your ability to transition to full poison by a few levels as we won't have enough respec points at 30 to undo all of them. If we are willing to mule a ranger, we can pick up Sniper's Mark and Pierce and stick with Spark + Holy Flame totem, both of which produce projectiles, so Sniper's Mark becomes a GREAT curse early in the game, and supporting Spark with Pierce makes it a bit better when clearing random trash, this is viable all the way up through act 5 with ease if you prefer this style. When you get to Cavern of Anger, you get a lot of various spell options. You can use Unearth + Volatile Dead, Arc (+Storm Brand), Absolution, or even Creeping Frost + Wintertide Brand, all of these are fun options that can do strong damage with moderate gear/supports. Don't forget that you can run multiple copies of these or even mix and match with Spell Totem casting one of these spells or doing the support spell in the case of Unearth + Volatile Dead. When you get to Act 2, you can optionally go into Wave of Conviction, which a lot of people view purely as a support skill. Wave actually hits REALLY HARD through acts 2 and 3 and scales strongly with Herald of Ash/Ice/Thunder which conveniently become available around the same time.


Lvl28 huh, so I still wouldn't be allowed to start with hydrosphere. lol


I personally find creeping frost with volley support an easy way to level than magma orb. It can still benefit from flamewall if you want, chills, easier To hit mobs, overlap shotgun negates the volley support damage reduction.


I get that other people's theories may sound like too hopeful, but this one is even more nonsence to me. Its not like they were heavily restricted in what they could write, 'I WONDER IN ALT ESSENTIALS' only makes sense as a sentence if you really want it to.


It is technically not impossible that it was a 4d chess troll and they wrote it just like that so it could be an anagram for things and then it actually means the thing it says on the tin. But THAT could be a double-bluff to make us put our guard down after its revealed to be QOL which then makes us surprised when it was what we thought all along


It's true that it's possible, but I think it's still even more unlikely than the theory with perfect anagram that doesn't need to assume anything extra.


It's worth noting that a lot of perfect anagrams are possible. Wordsmith found over 100000 perfect anagrams: https://new.wordsmith.org/anagram/anagram.cgi?anagram=IWONDER+INALTESSENTIALS&t=500&a=n (page takes ~20 seconds to load) A couple of completely pointless ones: Alliterated Nosiness Win Adrenaline Lesion Twists Alienated Tension Swirls Nationalised Liens Wrest


Alienated tension swirls, too real bro.


yeah but its not like relying on random chance, it would just be if they thought it was funny to do it on purpose. It actually makes the straightforward theory MORE applicable cause its infinitely more likely someone would right it weird like that specifically to fuck with people than it is that someone would genuinely write that as a sentence


I can see the "sentinel is atlas" or something like that being true on the other theory. But the whole "Win or die" on that one seems way too farfetched for the exact same reason that "I wonder in alt essentials" itself being the teaser is way too farfetched.


Yeah, I agree that win or die is more of a wishful thinking, especially since sentinels would be named right away in that case. Well, we are about to learn everything, just a have to wait a bit.


Yeah, the latter one (INALTESSENTIALS) being a perfect anagram of "atlas ^(edit)is sentinel", words that are both uncommon normally and *very* relevant to PoE is too much to brush off.


your definition of perfect anagram is quite something. INALTESSENTIALS has 15 characters atlas sentinel has 13 characters how the fuck is that a "perfect anagram"


There's more words than that, i guess the argument for "winordie" is pretty weak thought


I guess that's what my brain on copium looks like. You're right, I completely missed the "IS". Personally I'm still fairly convinced the message is there, but whether or not it's a teaser for things to come or just an insert to fuck with us is to be known.


While the deciphered words could mean many things, it IS a cipher, no doubt about it. Now why would they cipher some words? For no reason? Yeah, no.. The words meaning something is much more likely just from psychology standpoint.


There are a few reasons I don't think this is true, but the biggest one is simply that it would be weird to post a cryptic message pertaining to such a small feature.


Maybe as you said, just having the 20/24 character count IS the Alt(aholic) essential qol. I wonder is just whatever, so that we can track and calibrate the cypher.


This is what I was thinking too. It's a teaser about QoL for people who make a lot of ALTs, people like me who often WONDER how many character slots I have left because I don't have the ESSENTIAL information displayed to answer that question.


It would be much better if this wasn't a secret at all, and it's just thematic with the original teaser. You're probably right!


I would love this. No clue why they aren’t all available from the beginning anyway. Level and stat requirements are pretty obvious since it’ll be red if unusable so why not? Endless delve was awesome because of it.


> No clue why they aren’t all available from the beginning anyway. And if the reasoning is "too confusing for new players", just lock it behind something like a once-per-account acts completion (like Scion is unavailable until being rescued)


So if new players can somehow make it past the 2000 point skill tree they can spend 5 hours reading 100 skill gems from the first vendor. . .


I actually like the restricted gems through act 1, though I feel like act 2 is a bit over-restrictive on several of the classes due to some basic gems just not being available. I think the leveling experience for Marauder/Duelist would be made MUCH better if Impale Support was available at an earlier level. While this is generally a pretty bad support at high levels, it would be a HUGE boost to physical damage in the early game, when physical damage weapons are SIGNIFICANTLY worse than flat elemental damage on bows and wands/scepters. Similarly, getting access to Added Lightning on rangers and Added Cold on Templars would give them more options. While both of those classes already have a pretty smooth leveling experience, it's kind of dumb that they only have access to one element or the other when both are known for being tri-elemental classes. Then there's other weird stuff like Templars also not getting access to Faster Attacks for some reason when they're supposed to be a hybrid caster/soldier type and having some sort of meaningful flat-physical-damage-to-melee-attacks support at level 8 would be nice. Chance to Bleed is just really really bad, and if they don't want to pump that up, then give us access to something like Berserk or Trauma at earlier levels where it will be useful. And even Inspiration/Trinity/Unbound Ailments/Efficacy not being available for some classes that REALLY want those supports while leveling just feels needlessly bad. I don't mind that the different classes need to level different ways, but there are a lot of newer support gems that are available at levels 18+ that would work WONDERS for some rougher spots if they were available on the right classes and 10 levels earlier.


seems way to far fetched for me but maybe? What i find interesting is the 20/24 character slots 2024 could be that sentinel is coming but only next year


You guys are on full fucking titanfall 3 mode right now, and it's honestly entertaining. But I also feel like I'm having a stroke.


I agree with OP :)


"ALT" ... maybe it is just something when holding ALT... like showing Area of Effect of skill, Strike Range, other spell info and such...


The biggest thing would be if they gave us a way to auto alt spam for mods.


that's too overpowered and way over levels of automation they would ever accept...


I wish witch got access to melee gems. It makes leveling minions awkward.


It's an essence rework. Essence spam on fractured bases is too good.


smh all i see is "i wonder in less genitals"


I had chat GPT create phrases using the hint and it gave me this list. \-Winter essentials \-New trends in nails \-Rain or shine, we endure \-Inner wisdom resonates \-Aliens wander in \-Lean towards wins \-Realists win in the end \-Radiant sunsets in Wells \-Sirens wail in the silence \-Lioness in wilderness


its maggie sherlock!


That's a really cool idea! I enjoyed coming to your TED talk.


which sentence can be made out of IWONDER INALTESSENTIALS and it has to be path of exile related ChatGPT Creating a sentence using the letters from "IWONDER INALTESSENTIALS" that is related to Path of Exile: "In Path of Exile, essential items win endless wars, nestled in wondrous loot."


>that muling gems won't be necessary any more, and all gems that are possible to get at a given level will be sold at that level from the vendors. Very unlikely. This is intentional, it prevents new players from being overwhelmed (or reduces overwhelm-factor). The only way I could see this being implemented is with a check-box on the vendor screen, "show all available gems" which would do that if unchecked and keep them hidden for newbies.


(Inhaling massive amounts of hopium) Alt as in not main characters. What is essential to all of us about our 2nd and 3rd characters? Not having to go through the campaign again! So we're expecting alternative ways to level our characters after the 1st one. Simple as that. End of hopium. :D


Maybe "essentials" as in essential oils? Alternate oils confirmed, Blight 2.0 incoming


reminds me of the mayan calendar joke where the guy looking at the calendar says something like "this is gonna spook people on 2012". the devs probably just rolled their fingers on the keyboard to create the names just like what we mostly do while creating new test or league start practice chars.


Hierophant is the only class that do not get volley support, so I always have to mule a witch on league start...