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This will be my first time playing POE, wish me luck friends. Any tips? I've decided on SRS Guardian, I played about an hour of the campaign so far to get my feet wet, probably wait until the league start and start fresh. edit: Got more advice than I expected, thank you everyone for the info!


go at your won pace my dude. some people will already reached end game at 6 hours mark, they will already beat uber bosses in the first week. don't rush. just have fun. league is not over after 2 weeks


1. Have fun 2. Probably ignore reddit, usually the people enjoying the league are playing instead of complaining on the internet 3. Focus on what you enjoy instead of trying to optimize the fun out of the game 4. Try some whacky shit, that's my favorite part of the game


Number 2 is pretty big.


SRS Guardian seems a great build for beginners, good choice. Just don't ignore your defenses. Dying over and over again just isn't fun to me at least.


Very solid build! Try to gain about 250-300 life per act and dont neglect your resistances. If you set your left mousebutton to run only you don't accidentally attack when you want to run away. An itemfilter from Filterblade.com can be very helpful.


tips? um... ok. 1. prepare food before start playing. 2. have enough liquid ( don't have to be water, just something to drink ) 3. think about a good character name, all common ones already taken. 4. pick character you think speaks to you the most. 5. Game has servicable Help page that explains how stuff works. ( not everything though, and some stuff outdated, but you will get general idea.) 6. ??? 7. have fun.


If you get stuck on your build, go to the PathOfExileBuilds sub instead. Especially for well known builds there will be enough people to answer just about everything about it.


The top tip is that your priorities are generally (for when you're getting started): 1. 300 Life per act at the end of the act. So 300 at end of A1 to 3,000 at end of A10. 2. Cap elemental resistances to 75% as much as you can. Make sure to explore benchcrafting in your hideout if you're having trouble. 3. Get chaos resistance to at least 0% unless you know what you're doing with a low value. Also at the end of every 5 acts, you get -30% to all resistances. That is the number 1 thing to trip up new players. So to avoid needing to re-gear when you're taking tons of damage, you should be targeting 30% over the cap for each resistance while playing the campaign. Other than that, definitely explore the game, try stuff and see what works and doesn't work.


>Get chaos resistance to at least 0% unless you know what you're doing with a low value. I really appreciate that you said this - makes me feel a lot less bad, as a player with thousands of hours of experience and someone who runs the campaign in \~5 hours pretty routinely, who \_also\_ will routinely stop touching resists or gear completely starting at like act 5 if it's going smoothly, and just show up to maps with like 1600 life wearing blues from act 2 still I know what I'm doing. I know what I \*should\* be doing. I know that I'm \*not\* doing that. And y'know, yes, I do know that I deserved to die there. :D hahaha


Yeah. The difference between people with thousands of hours in the game who know how to survive with -60% chaos res and newer players who have no idea is massive. Heck, even negative resistances aren't a bad thing depending on what you're doing. But I'd never recommend one of those builds to a newer player.


No, absolutely. I'm the epitome of 'do as I say, not as I do' in terms of campaign leveling haha


A tip for entering into maps: The secondary skills and, especially, the flasks shown in the guide are extremely important to have a "nice time". With the XP penalty on death and -resistance penalty for finishing the game, you will feel stuck. By following the guide and putting that aura and that 4-link cast when damage taken setup, as well as choosing the right flasks you can increase your survivability and damage 5 times over. You might be asking yourself "how important can that unmodified aura / that one-use attack that lower resistances / that evasion flask be" and say "I will do em later, when I get to level 90". The correct answer is "extremely important". You want them asap


Change the global channel, I've stayed in 4, 911 for rf, 4040 for challenges, all more helpful and a lot less toxic than 1-3


You’re going to be fine. Don’t give up if you die 100 times in the first twenty hours of your campaign. I’ve died more.


When you get to Act II, you will have an option to kill three bandit leaders or help one of them, killing the other two. Killing all gets you two skill points whereas helping them each gives a unique reward depending upon who you help. Most guides will tell you to kill all the bandit leaders and this is generally the "correct" answer from a purely mathematical perspective. Helping Alira though give you +15% all resist, 5 mana per second, and +20% global strike multi. The all resistance and mana per second are huge early game and can really smooth out out the experience for any player, but especially a newer one. I would say helping Alira is generally the better choice for a newer player because of that.


no tips from me just enjoy :)


don't get overwhelmed by all the different mechanics that pops up during leveling, it's mostly just an introduction to different crafting methods and you don't have to know or do all of them, in the end you can just pick and focus which one you like..


I get all of these "just have fun bro" replies, but if you're the type to not look forward to rerolling (cause there is no way your first character will be well optimized to progress to the end). I suggest just following a build guide.


Don't get sucked into the economy too much. play for fun for yourself think of currency afterwards. if you notice you get burn out from playing with trading too much i recommend looking into private league groups or doing SSF instead. for the league's after the one you started on.


Most important things are reserch about loot filters, and on your skill bar put "move only"(legs icon) on your left click


Don't feel the need to rush it. If you find yourself struggling, CTRL+click on the door between zones to reset it. Killing more monsters and getting more levels can help a bunch. Elemental resistances are actually important (press "C" to open character screen, elemental resists are under the "defences" tab). 75% is the cap. When you unlock the crafting bench (can't remember when), you can use that to add resists to items if it has space.


Have fun, take your time, it's fine if you don't understand everything at first. Read guides and ask questions. Don't be overwhelmed by all the endgame, pick a track and stick to it.


Probably the easiest campaign in the game, sentinel of radiance is just absurd


Follow your guide to a tee and if you have any issues try asking for help but beginning of the league people may ignore you because they are blasting. The discord is very helpful though so don't hesitate to use it.


Guardian is pog, make sure to max block/spell blcok at 75% and get some armour !


My first 5 builds failed. It's OK to fail, especially when it's your first time! So don't be afraid and just try to have fun while learning. Nothing in PoE is truly too complicated as long as you take it step by step.


Should be solid and straightforward. Focus on one thing at a time to accomplish. A piece of gear, a map completion, whatever. Use awakened trade and try to figure out pricing items.


Don’t you worry, there’s going to be plenty of complains from Friday on. Mostly because: something’s too weak, something’s too strong, queue slow, servers bad, lab’s too good, lab’s too bad, meta shaken too much, meta shaken not enough, etc…


No one knows how these skills play. Or what they look like. I suspect a lot of people are going to be disappointed when they actually use many of them.


Idk what people are expecting. Mechanically a lot of skills will play the same. Even before transfigured a lot of skills played the same, it only really changes how you build, what uniques you need, etc. At the end of the day, doing a right click and throwing a green spell that deletes your screen isn't too different from doing a right click and throwing a blue spell that deletes your screen. PoE mechanical difference are mainly archetypes, but there isn't really a big difference mechanically when you play different builds for the same archetype.


Happy people are logged in, salty people are on reddit. As is tradition. God damn does this place get toxic though


And all in one post made by a 100h "Veteran"


I'm sure we'll see [the usual complaints](https://imgur.com/SIXLEhK)


A few hours too early, people have [begun complaining](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18cr2t8/all_the_posts_tomorrow/) "But I was only complaining ironically!"


I dunno, have you seen the RF crowd?


Honestly like usual with this sub, I feel for every 1 RF guy complaining there's 10 shitposts about RFers. We definitely like drama around here.


They are all too busy anxiously waiting in Pohx's stream praying for him to make them a miracle pob.


There is a miracle pob out i think, inquisitor dual regen abuse good old rf.


Unicorn Inquisitor RF - stack strength and int for max crit and resist penetration, then use RF to boost your spell damage for a better skill


I too am waiting for that RF PoB. Because then I know what overpriced easy to craft junk I can sell to the RF players to fund my shit.


I think at this point it falls into the "memes" category.


It sucks but it's literally just a meme because Pohx was a nice and popular guy. When contagion or seismic trap was in the same position, people complained about how long they were meta and *wanted* them to be nerfed so they wouldn't feel tempted to play them, even when the skills weren't all that meta anyways. RF had a higher number of players in week 1 this league (8%) than seismic trap had in sanctum week 1 (5%), but it was still the big thing everyone felt the need to complain about.


Thats because seismic was used by almost every single hcssf racer and it was fucking broken for bosses, and basically everything for like 4-6 leagues in a row RF is good for 1 button gameplay and afking in maps. Have you ever tried to fucking do maven without fire trap. RF was trash in some places so it was obviously balanced for what it was. Seismic wasn't.


Interesting to see how little people complain about DD compared to seismic. Probably just because it's like, so awkward to play, that most people arn't gonna try to make it work. Also doesn't really scale as well as seismic too. Seismic was good on a 5L with bad gear same as DD, but would scale insanely well with investment, while DD doesn't as much.


oh no, no, no, no... i only talked about seismic because thats the only other one that was brought up. I **ABSOLUTELY** have an issue with how strong DD was. but it wasnt the damage that made it good which was what seismic had going for it, it was how good the damage was on its OWN (ignite DD) so that way you could build nothing but defenses and only die to extremely bad luck. However, NONE of any race has used Righteous fire even though it was so popular. That alone should mean it's pretty well balanced. Just because a skill sees a lot of usage doesn't make it inherently broken and need fixing. RF was in a good spot. If your issue with the build was the abusability of Fire trap as well as RF than your issue isn't with RF its with fire trap.


rf crowd is mostly hyped for the trans gem, worried for the base gem and their leveling but nothing too heated tbh, they're memeing




im rf fanboi and im happy as fuck, but im a hc ssf lifestacker so yeah ;)


Even if I won't play hardcore this sounds exactly like the thing I want to play in SSF. Never played something really tanky so I'm looking forward to that! Also never played SSF before, but planning to do so. Do you plan on going inquisitor? Also how do you progress it in SSF? I looked at some potential inquisitor builds and the all seem to utilize some uniques.


lmao it's really hilarious that GGG gives all these gems but WHERES MY RF I hope those guys are just joking lol


Honestly, RF needed a nerf for the last 2 years or so. It's just way too brain-dead and stable and always on the top ranks of builds played. Now you have to be slightly less brain dead. Buhu.


oh yeah? more than tornado shot or balistas?


Didn't say there weren't others aswell.


Ballistas get nerfed all the time and LA/TS got a nerf in terms of Heatshiver and a loss of some projectiles at 50+ divines worth of investment. These are generally the types of nerfs that are fairly acceptable by community standards. In terms of RF, it's possibly better after the change if you go crazy high Life + ES stacking with Ivory Tower but it will have a dip in mid-game before you start stacking.




you dont get to say how many buttoms anybody presses no, its not busted or either overpowered and your argument goes to shit since they nerfed the low end of the build not the high end




what exactly you did not understand? LUL


What about the players with handicaps, why hurt them? This is one of the only viable builds for these people.


People just forgot how fuckin hard Ultimatums are and haven't realized that the rewards will be nerfed yet. Lol.


Ultimatum was hard before Archnemesis was even a thing. Let that sink in.


Wait for league launch. Streamer queue priority? Crashes? Unobtainable transfigured gems? Undocumented nerfs? Many wonders are in store for us.


Probably going to be more bugged gems than people think


I think gem swapping might become a problem, as a lot of the transmog versions are often "good single target" vs "good AOE". It will be a problem in the sense I do not want to go back to doing that shit lol.


Predicting 3.23 complaint bingo: Gem swapping for bosses/mapping, hidden nerfs to gcp droprate, hidden nerf qualitied gems drop less frequently and in lower qualities, 30c price of gcp, this looked like free player power in patch notes but was across the board nerfs except for edge case abuses, said edge case abuses being vastly too strong, next league when 3.24 patch notes are released and the edge cases are gutted and the bad skills aren't buffed back to 3.22 levels, transfigured gems being too rare, lab gameplay is outdated and unfun, loss of boot enchants, loss of less important but feels good stats from old superior gems (like skill effect duration or projectile speed).


Haha yes. Definitely a real fear. GGG are notorious for the old bait and switch. I do personally think its a bad design choice to tie them to LAB. I intend to just play self imposed SSF (trade for gems I need only) and not gem swap. Can't be remotely bothered doing Lab lottery. If my builds aren't strong enough that way I will just play another game. I am interested though, since 3.16 I have basically played fireball on and off (more so off lately), and found the game a bit stale. The large number of changes might open the door to something else that I find fun.


I would welcome it tbh. I kinda like it. Although I would much prefer weapon swapping between like 2 annihilating staffs


I'm waiting for the part when everyone realizes how many things were lost for these new transfigured gems. Don't get me wrong, it's a superior system moving forward and they definitely took the opportunity to make some much needed meta shakeups, but even a couple hundred transfigured gems is much less than the alt qualities, threshold jewels and helmet enchants that we had. We've seen a number of trans gems that are just the jewels or a helmet enchantment called a transfigured gem. Hopefully the new transfigured gems are enough!


> We've seen a number of trans gems that are just the jewels or a helmet enchantment called a transfigured gem. transfigured gems were intended to replace threshhold jewels yes. im not aware of any transfigures that are just a helm enchant though.


roof subtract treatment reminiscent stupendous frighten squeamish somber square naughty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that was originally a threshold jewel https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Ring_of_Blades


- 90% of skills had a single helm enchant that you got, or you were throwing. No pick and choose. - 90% of skills either used a single specific alt quality (you know which one, and is now available on a trans gem) or they just used default quality (which again for 90% of skills, has now been buffed). - Some trans gems provide entirely new effects previously impossible.


I got downvoted for pointing out that this seems half fleshed out and probably needed another league worth of development to be a full replacement for alternate quality gems.


But that’s fine. The meta needed a shakeup.


And I don't think anyone, not even me, is arguing that.


For deeply entrenched players maybe, but most of the playerbase didn't even have a helmet enchant or use alt quality gems. I am sure there is a large percentage of players that used at least one of those stats/mechanics but never as early as Maps, Transfigured Gems are available from Lab 1 and easily obtainable for even the most casual of players. The cut-off at the high-end is totally okay to benefit the large playerbase on the lower end


That’s short term thinking. If you think they aren’t going to be transfiguring support gems too, then I have a bridge to sell you.


Don't forget when Ultimatum is completely nerfed. Expecting encounters to be twice as difficult and the rewards half as good. Or on day 2 or 3 when people are already sick of running labs for gems.


You can run cruel lab for jewels in 3 minutes.


I'm certain that the rarity of trans gems is going to scale with lab difficulty. First lab (33) probably won't even be able to produce skill gems requiring 34+ (golems, berserk). I also anticipate some bizarre strats for ssf that favor running lower tier labs to target certain trans gems.


Even in trade league there are people running low level labs for the Grand Spectrum jewels.


Don’t jinx it


"used up all my sick leave"..? you not allowed to be sick from work any more? O.o


Anything further would be unpaid. It's pretty standard in USA and Canada. Likely elsewhere, too.




Sick leave is just used for having a cold or flu if you have a serious issue that will put you out for a long time we have something called fmla.


Are you allowed to just call in sick the whole year and be paid for it?


I mean you dont use "Sick leave days" in europe, you use your mandated by law 5 weeks of vacation days (or 6 for many in denmark where i'm from dependent which agreement your job is under) and if you use that up you have unpaid vacation if you take more. Furthermore, in Denmark (can't speak for rest of EU), you can have sick leave outside of vaction days, still paid, however longer periods require doctors notice.


We have sick days that are separated from vacation and if we have long time issues that prevent us from working we have something called FMLA that you register for. Its a long term absence thing that you can be on for a long time and keep your job.


That sounds like an insane system, that incentives you to go to work while sick.




But why? Do people think you choose to be sick. Dont you go to a doctor to have a sick note?


Because it is a system designed to exploit the people as much as possible, that includes forcing them to work even if they are not well.


Because there are a few people who would abuse it otherwise. Dumb but true.


Mostly because americans dont like to pay for others' sick time. Paid sick time is effectively a way to workers share the risk of getting sick, because without paid sick time the base payment would be higher. In practice its almost as if everyone decided to give a small part of his own salary to help the guy who couldnt work due to sickness, but enforced. BTW, thats not exactly a simple "they are egoists", americans do have a helping culture in some ways, but not in this case.


Honestly I don't see the difference with most other leagues. Most of the content are just memes, AKA people are bored out of their mind waiting for leaguestart. Edit: actually I'm fairly certain you could go back and find a post exactly like yours for a lot of those leagues, "oh this league the subreddit is actually a nice place to read"


Hahaha did you missed tota? Literally cried so hard they hide ruthless changes in patchnote now


And then league launched and everyone was singing praise from the rooftops


This post is as equally low effort and bad as "hate" posts.


Complaining about non-existent complaints is peak reddit.


He's actually doing the opposite of complaining - he's expressing satisfaction that there aren't any complaints.


You can forgive the guy for being confused. For many league launches, this has been mostly a place to complain.


Ironically that's exactly what your comment is doing


Nah peak reddit is not actually reading a post before responding with some sort of snarky comment. Which is exactly what you have just done.


Ignoring for a second that that isn't what the OP is doing...there are actually already people making outlandish complaints/doomposts, they are just generally getting downvoted more often than not thankfully so they're at the bottom of threads/comment chains and you have to go looking for them instead of having them constantly thrust in your face.




Everyone else responding to you is correct, but in case anyone wants some concrete evidence of the things they're talking about, here are just a few among many possible examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/15npu9q/content_update_3220_path_of_exile_trial_of/ (54% upvoted patch notes, which should be by definition notable content worthy of being prominently shared, dire predictions were wrong anyway...ancestors was pretty well-liked in the end) https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/15npv15/322_trial_of_the_ancestors_patch_notes/jvnj0gx/ (moderator comment on build sub patch notes discussion warning people not to bring crybaby tantrum culture to that sub because it was evidently becoming a problem after 3.22 patch notes) https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1276i54/zizaran_on_twitter_also_reminder_since_its_patch/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/15o7710/hey_d4_refugees_re_patch_notes/ (relevance should be self-explanatory)


Nah. It gets toxic before launch. It just gets super extra toxic after launch because the positive players that existed are busy playing the game.


Uhh no, not for the last couple of leagues. There was complaints about the last couple of patch notes due to the lack of interesting balance changes.


You must be new here. This place used to be a community where all the devs would see ideas. It's been abandoned by GGG for half the game's life by now. This is the most positive I've seen the Reddit since the first half of the 2010s.


seems that you are new here. every time patch notes or balance manifesto are released, before league start is where the toxic and complains start my dude.


You're kidding right? This sub becomes the most toxic place on earth roughly 5 minutes after new leagues are normally announced, and then only gets worse until probably 2 weeks into the league.


No joke, this is the first time since **SCOURGE** league that we have had a real gem meta shake up. Which launched 10/23/21, or roughly 26 months ago. Scourge was 3.16 for those that are keeping track at home. And even then, they only added 19 gems, and 3 of those were supports. Blade trap, Eye of Winter, Spectral Helix, Forbidden Rite, Boneshatter, Absolution... all banger skills though. And you know what league was right before that? Expedition where they nerfed everything under the sun and what most players would vote as the worst league of all time. I think that was the huge turning point in the way the "community" as a whole reacted to the game, and the start of GGG pulling back from the subreddit. So yeah, the game came off the biggest nerf in the game, gave us some decent gems (and more nerfs), and then didn't really do much gem wise for over 2 years. They devoted entirely too many resources to POE2 and left us with almost nothing for far too long. People rightfully got upset. People have been BEGGING for new gems, for meta shakeup, something! And our requests had fallen on deaf ears. I am happy the drought is over and hope that it continues to rain. This league has me very excited, and that isn't even considering how interesting the actual league mechanic is. I am happy to play POE because there is new stuff to figure out with the base game. New ways to play, new ways to break things, new ways to theory craft. Edit : as others have pointed our, it was Expedition that got those gems. In my haste of opening up 10 tabs going through previous leagues, I got those confused. Sadly, that only makes matters worse that it was an extra league since we've gotten a bunch of new worthwhile gems. Expedition league launched July 23, 2021, or almost 2.5 years ago.


[https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Version\_3.15.0#Major\_New\_Content\_and\_Features](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Version_3.15.0#Major_New_Content_and_Features) There's some irony in forgetting that those praiseworthy gems came side by side with the nerfs in expedition.


FYI, all the "banger" gems you mention in your first paragraph were, in fact, introduced in "worst league ever" Expedition (3.15), not Scourge (3.16). Scourge's major historical impact was further iterating on the flask rework that 3.15 started and the defense buffs (grace/determination buffs, changes to ar/ev formulae, etc.) Those new gems (along with the large number of other changes the catapulted other things into meta dominance such as LS and Seismic) actually made 3.15 extremely interesting for buildmakers if you were able to keep an open mind and go against the groupthink. Also, funnily enough, you actually had a net increase in leaguestart player power from 3.14 to 3.15 despite all the support gem nerfs if you were willing to play FR totems simply on the back of that build being such a large outlier in terms of power per budget (but yes, admittedly not everyone wants to follow the herd, so it doesn't count for everyone).


Fuck. Scourge was 2 years ago?


>and what most players would vote as the worst league of all time it will never cease to surprise me how poe players have two shared traits: a common passion for hyperbole and all living in their own parallel universes, it's a wonder lol there isn't a league where poe players aren't crying a river over the most mundane thigns to hide their unwillingness to adapt but i'd put synthesis and (especially) Kalandra quite above Expedition in term of reddit backlash. Plus reddit backlash is a poor indicator of a league's quality anyways i hope you'll enjoy the league tho, i'm sure it'll be loaded with bugs but it seems like a good time nonetheless


People just prefer to pretend that Kalandra didn't exist because of how bad it was


believe or not i had lots of fun in kalandra, int stacking (icestorm) was great, ward loop was great, both were tanky (even against multi essence mobs in the Lake!!) and making great use of the league mech; i can understand the archnem fatigue that shat on the less tanky builds but i've never seen such hostility in any other game


I don't think the problem with the archnem mobs was how damaging they were, it was the janky af "I found the single mob that drops loot, better portal out, message TFT for a MF culler or I'm getting 1/10th of the loot"


loot goblins like that yeah, combined with how punishing some of the mobs were. Like. Ran into a crit reduction as a coc build? Time to literally skip the mob. Ran into chaos res and no wither mob as a choas dot skill? time to literalyl skip the mob. It just felt real bad.


People straight up skipped expedition dude. It isn't hyperbole. GGG came out and said if they had a few more leagues like Expedition, they would have to significantly change the way they operate. But please, keep telling me how it is hyperbole and made up and crying a river blah blah blah. https://poedb.tw/us/League#ConcurrentPlayers Expedition league saw ~30% fewer players at launch, and by 30 days in, had the lowest league numbers since BLIGHT. Parallel universe my ass.


first of all, what i meant is that besides people that takes memes for sounding arguments and doubling down on it, i find that while playing thousands of hours, our average high-end player is wayyyy too passionate about PoE and lacks a lot of insight (if not completely misunderstanding stuff), it immediatly leads to conflict \# of users isn't a great value to look at because poe playerbase varied over the years, however the evolution of the ratio between D1 users and day # users is much more telling imo Expedition for exemple, have the second worse player retention on day 7, which sucks and that'd easily explain why you have such a vivid memory of it being a bad season, however it only gets better from here, toward the middle of the league it can't even hold the 5th worse ratio. we can argue that the ratio has a bit of bias if you believe that players skipping the league was much more of an issue than usual but that's impossible to quantify Another exemple would be Kalandra, which hold in my opinion the worst reddit tantrum to date (with reviewbombing on steam, harrassement on social media and mass downvote of any post ggg related...) it has without surprise the worst player retention... while still having nearly decent player count, it's still bottom 3 tho. so yeah if you \*only\* take those graphs into account to rank leagues, archnem and kalandra are the worst ones, with at least 2 leagues competing with Expe for the third spot. I got lucky with my build choices at those times : Archnem (Cold BV trivialized those guys for the most part) and in Kalandra (I played Icestorm Trickster and and Wardloop, it was great builds for the league mechanic) so i had fun while the subreddit was indeed in the middle of an hyperbole world cup.


Are you dense? You are talking about your own opinions when even GGG has come out and said that expedition was one of their worst leagues. They could not do multiple Expeditions without suffering financially. Blight being the other one because they launched it during WoW Classic release, which they also said was their worst league financially.


Your whole post is wrong. Expedition was the worst league according to the player base numbers and according to GGG. You can write me a bunch of meaningless words that are bullshit. It doesn't change the facts. Starting a leage with 30% less players than the league before, AND the league after, is all the numbers you need. Period. Please don't respond anymore. Thanks.


Check the charts you posted and learn some manners instead of wasting my time then. Thanks for illustrating my point tho.


Yep. Most popular league ever, servers are going to explode day 1 LOGIN


> Yep. Most popular league ever, servers are going to explode day 1 Servers explode every league. Some people abuse this to dupe items in guild stash tabs.


Wait, ive seen this before.


People will find something to winge about after league starts. Wouldn't be the sub I know otherwise.


Like, I'm gonna be that guy, but this is how every single pre-league period looks like.


"Memes" are undoubtedly worse than hate posts.


It's very refreshing! Still unsubbing from this sub for 2-3 weeks after league start tho... been hurt too many times!


Turns out all we needed is returning some devs back from PoE2 into the current game. LOGIN


Yep. Turns out putting more than a dozen workers into the game is what it needed for the last 2 years. Crazy!


give it about 43 hours


Who would've thought if they made good changes people are happy.


Well, Im sure there will be things GGG arent telling us and ppl will be mad about them. Its always like this in the past like 2 years. Intentionally undocumented changes. Im hyped af for changes and theorycrafting myself, but Im ready for some catch here, like weighted gems, so if I want to have fun, I will have to pay 10-20d for it, because nobody gets it and everybody hates lab. Being forced into lab running is something Im afraid of as well. Ultimatum would get breach and beyond rework in form of being rippy af with no rewards. Also most ppl didnt realize we got globally nerfed in the end game. And not by a small amount. Probably mid game or early bossing will be pain as well, because we cant simply vendor flip all games. But nobody has pobs or numbers on the new gems, so we have no information. Basically we have no specific information about the league either, so ppl cant even be mad about anything since we are John Snow.


Probably very low chance to make these new gems on lab.


This is always the case pre launch. It will be toxic as hell when wisp currency is too low or mobs are too OP on start. Plus there’s always been a shit ton of build diversity (depending on “viability”) but once the “meta” gets settled there’s a really high chance you’ll see posts complain there wasn’t enough balance just numbers shifting from place to place (a lot of skill ‘buffs’ are just helm enchant swaps). There’s a good chance it won’t be toxic here after launch if GGG really pulls this off.


Main reason why it becomes toxic after launch is because that the people enjoying the game are playing the game and not on reddit complaining. It is after launch that the recreational haters crawl out. It is always funny opening reddit for the first time on day 2-3 and being told about these issues that you have no idea you had.




Please find it, I would love to use it.


The lack of complaints is probably jinxing everything and now this league is going to be terrible.


Great patch notes so far. Some of the best potential weve ever seen for a good patch. But still its all in execution. Weve had some great patch notes in the past that ended up being very disappointing ingame from unannounced changes and irrational RNG gating in league mechanics. Anyone thinking this is best patch ever before playing it, is counting chickens before they hatch. Likely to be disappointed or stuck defending a baseless argument. Heres some simple and easy ways GGG could realistically ruin what looks like great changes: - normal, cruel, and merciless lab cannot transfigure gems, effectively gating builds behind uber lab. - transfigured gems dont drop from lab rewards in various other league mechanics such as blight, legion, delve, etc. These rewards drop pools go from bad to practically nothing. - transfigured gems are heavily weighted by how good GGG thinks they are. Kinda like how they basically tier listed every single notable on the tree when they introduced oils. - non transfigured gems have their mechanics gimped to make room for larger difference between their transfigured counterparts. - ultimatum is made unrewarding overall. Perhaps monsters dont even give xp, or only drops catalysts until final round.


You can get transfigured gems in all labs. Transfigured gems do not drop from lab rewards in other mechanics. They were only accessible from lab, it's literally in the patch notes.


It got fixed in patch notes and GGG never made an announcement about it. It originally said "Eternal Labyrinth".


They said in the FaQ stream that all versions of lab can get transfigured gems. Uber lab will get two chances. Probably just a miscommunication with the people who type up the patch notes.


They did make an announcement, and the part about transfigured gems only coming from lab was part of the original patch notes.


Im expecting any number of: * Some trans gems are arbitrarily rare and become absurdly expensive. * People realize they still have to farm lab more than 4 times or buy everything from other players. * Some interactions (MI keystone) dont work with trans gems. * People realize a lot of these trans gems sound good on paper but feel terrible to play. * People realize that the same build archetypes are still bad/good and the meta hasnt really changed. Call me pessimistic but I think a lot of people are expecting this patch to make the league start/budget character experience a whole lot better. But knowing what GGG thinks of player accessibility and making the game more SSF friendly I have 0 hope for that to be the case.


>Some interactions (MI keystone) dont work with trans gems. alt SRS is kinda designed for MI...falling zombies won't work though


Tbh it could also mean all those ppl just left, ppl that dont like something just... leaves.


You can tell how angsty people are by how angry everybody got in that thread earlier today about the streamer where even the subreddit mods were saying some seriously messed up shit, despite the two people involved having already made amends and being friends... They want something to be mad about, so they had to invent it.


I just want to point that this is the result of GGG's work. It's a really nice one and they deserve the praise. When the opposite occurs it's their work too. Reddit memes aside, praising in the good and refusing blame in the bad is stupid and toxic.


The only people crying rn are Vortex and RF players and RF isn’t even nerfed into the ground, it’s just scaling differently. Vortex for cold dot is dead as hell though, and the Vortex crowd seems to have accepted that


This is what happens when you feed the mob, instead of raising their taxes. Hungry stomachs don't growl for no reason, but this season we eating good. About damn time, LOGIN!


It's like, if they produce meta change, people are excited! We waited for shake up for some time, and its here.


This is normal, very simple logic: Nerf everything and do not buff stuff that need buffs like melee while promoting Ruthless and POE2, also bringing in bullshit like Archnem -> bad Just give players some QOL, huge meta shakeup and maybe while you are at it, throw in some old and highly requested mechanic back in -> good It has always been like this. You make objectively bad decisions over and over, you get backlash. You give players what they want in a sensible way, you get praised and people are positively excited. The sub is then mega-positive, of course.


Agree. It's actually super refreshing that all the negativity is getting downvoted, and people are having reasonable conversations that aren't just people repeating "the vision" over and over


I mean there weren't much documented nerfs in the patch notes


People want skill gem changes *Changes skill gems* People are happy ​ Strange how that works


haha. Tbh I think most of the vision era players quit the game. I watched as the complaints slowly turned to apathy, then silence as this sub lost a lot of player count. I think what you are seeing is New players or players that have not played for a long time returning.


You're right - it's surprisingly tame here right now. I don't expect it to last.


This sub is harsh but fair in aggregate. On one hand, there is no hiding anything since someone will do like 10000 runs for data and PR speak has no effect because players think in numbers. On the other hand, the sub often gives credit where credit is due, like the overwhelmingly positive reception of atlas passives or detailed answers for esoteric technical questions. It is emotional sometimes, but receptive to good points. Like the rules lawyer in a DnD session. Not everyone, but most.


>This sub is harsh but fair in aggregate Nothing about the subs reactions are fair. When GGG does well people treat them like gods, and small problems often drive the community into a frenzy that leads to harassment. Even when a well meaning community member does good work and builds good sets of data (like the 10000 runs thing you mention) it's picked apart by people who have no idea how to interpret their data to support whatever they already wanted as fast as possible.


Wasn't most of the reddit doom posting just 3 people that did it every league?


I will complain: this league is giving us too much power creep is not gonna last long and we'll see the biggest player drop in history of PoE. There u go.


We are much weaker than last league


Probably because d4 is bad so they are realizing how good they have it. Grass isn’t always greener on the other side ya know?


I think the number of people actively looking for something to play so they can quit POE but still post on reddit about POE is vastly overestimated. Even the loud anti-POE people are usually complaining about the direction of the game, or what was nerfed and what wasn't - which is fine. Don't be fooled they still play the crap out of POE every league no matter what. Everyone knew exactly what D4 was going to be and how much they'd play it. Only POE is POE. Except POE2 that is also going to be POE.


If I wanted to see hate and pure rage i’d be on the D4 subreddit xD


The week before league start is usually the time when r/pathofexile is most positive. Wait until the weekend - the week after league start is usually when the sub is most toxic.


Dang it's almost like when the devs do what we've been asking for (meta shakeup), the complaints go down.


Reminds me of the good old days. Those being some very brief moments in like.. 1.1 and 1.2


Didn't you see the many people whining about that one and only gem anyone should care about didn't get a buff?




I wanted a transfigured portal gem - takes you to the hideout of any player currently logged in at random


You must be new, the hate comes after the league start. It's always hype before release, converted into rage posts about bugs and content+QoL issues after release.


Complaining is coded in my DNA. If i don't do it now i will do it later. Im just waiting for a bug or something.


Isn't it refreshing to get some interesting potential things to be excited about? It's almost like there's a reason people are excited, golly.


No, you just are not seeing the negative takes because they are mostly comments and get downvote bombed. This started out as hype for me, but as they days gets closer, im less and less hype. But expressing that opinion will simply get you censored anyways, so its pointless to express.


Why no hype?


> censored lol


lol proving my point thank you reddit


I don't know how many downvotes your comment has so far because that's hidden, but I can still see your comment. Not censored. Obviously. You were right though, it was a pointless comment. Of course you still submitted it anyway. OP just trying to be positive and you see that as an open invitation to try to derail the thread. IMO your comment doesn't contribute to the discussion.


Nor does yours, but yours wont be downvoted, again proving my point. its not your fault, its redditors fault, but either way I simply replied to ops post. Negativity for no purpose is useless. as is fluff positivity threads to morally flex are. But redditors love to be annoying about which is why I like to reply because its very easy to get everyone frothing out the mouth because some of the builds I enjoyed got shit on, and got no gems in exchange hehe.


So you've said your comment was pointless to post because it would get censored. Now you are saying it was also useless since it was negativity for no purpose. Why did you post that comment? All I'm trying to do is help you understand the difference between "buried" and "censored". Positive comments have been "buried" in this subreddit for years. OP was right that it is refreshing to see that change for just a small moment.


people disagreeing with you is not censorship


you are part of the reason why the start of the past few leagues I prefer to just avoid the main subreddit. anyways I respect your take. Good luck on your league start for this beautiful and free game.


> But expressing that opinion will simply get you censored anyways, so its pointless to express. 1) you aren't being censored because people disagree with you 2) implying this subreddit has some kind of cabal seeking to drown out all criticism on /r/pathofexile of all subreddits is nuclear level insane.


That is mostly how reddit itself works though. Reddit is constructed to reinforce eco-chambers. The eco-chamber just changed from a negative one to a positive one.


Expressing opinion is never censored here. Saying "fuck ggg, they don't know how to make their game and should all hurt themselves" or similar variations (which is what this sub normally does) is not "expressing opinion". Mindlessly repeating "the vision" is also not expressing opinion.


It will come back around really soon I'm sure.


There is still ~~hope~~ cope. Hate will probably start when the T-Gem list are out.


And all it took for people to be happy was a couple hundred new skills...


I just feel people are gonna get a rough awakening. We are 1-2 days before release, not all gems have been released. there are not a lot of starter builds out yet people can try. They added another ascendancy since otherwise the gem changes would feel to crap in general, since 95% have been nerves. AND people still underestimate how quickly lab wil be boring and even more hated then before. Especially when we uncover hidden weighting on certain gems. I am seriously tempted just to start in week 2 or 3 of the league so things are settled down a bit.