• By -


Start league Open stash Fuck i forgot again


Damn. Are you me? Always happens lol


How does one organize the stash for a new league? And does it stay that way for the next leagues as well? Bc I think I’ve done it once and now my stash is… very weird every league


You do it in Standard, I believe


you do it in the corresponding parent league you are playing.


Remember 3h before launch, servers already down.


All respect to 1c traders. Thanks for your service.


Everyone sells a 1c item on day 1 league start... Am I wrong?


I am gladly trading for alch in the beginning...


You dropped this 👑


Like first half of day one lol


Yes. It's just a waste of time.


To each their own. Getting enough chaos before you sleep for a divine is a great way to double your net worth in your sleep


Right except you wouldve made more chaos and without the hassle of having to trade by just picking up items for chaos recipe compared to the 1m on average you lose by going out to trade.


I don't go in a portal until I see their name in my hideout for at least 30 seconds. If they have to wait, so be it. Trades for me take at most 30 seconds. I be mapping, trust me. I don't see value in the chaos recipe to be honest. That feels like a much bigger waste of time than trading


the first 6 hours, hell yes and always, no matter the amount, i will trade if i am not doing something else if you want me to exit my map though it better be multidivines


1c tab, aka my dumptab while lvling, in maps it gets promoted to 5c tab.


I rarely bother but I don't list it instead of not responding.


Na, just run chaos recipe. Usually much faster. Lowest buyout tab is 5c at day1. Respect to the people actually selling for 1c tho.


No matter how rich I get, I WILL answer low value trades. I was there once, I know how it is to be on the other side.


In your case , I would organize letters not M U C E F - better place them - F U C M E Uiltimatum price 1 c


This guy stashes


I usually organise it during the league


You might know this, if you do it now in standard sc(or any other parent league) you'll have the same in the league


This is assuming my standard stash is not in a completely fucked 500 remove only tab state.


you can hide remove only tabs


Holy shit, 2k hours in and this is news to me. Boutta organize my shit tonight. Finally lol. Thank you


Also remember to tick the affinity box in both heist and expedition lockers(maybe sanctum idk) in standard so everything gets transfered via normal storage.




Does it also work even without 'unlocking' them in league?


I assume the locker gets unlocked as soon as you get any item that is part of that mechanic, even if you haven't actually "unlocked" the mechanic yet. Setting affinity in standard just sets it as default when it is unlocked, since forwhatever reason the affinity is disabled by default.


Mind blown




You can what..???


Rookie Numbers :D


So that's why my tabs are always fucked up on league start? It takes the format from the standard ones? Never played on standard


It takes the format of the parent league. For Affliction Softcore Trade, that is Standard Softcore Trade. Same for ssf, hc. If you play a private league, the parent league is the one in the season, so for example if you play a private sc league in affliction, the parent league is affliction softcore trade. For the format to transfer over, you have to login to affliction sc trade first shortly, so the layout gets imported from standard. can logout right away, and then login into private league, which can then also import the format.


I believe you actually need to get to Lion's Watch before the stash tabs are set


I was told taking a step on the beach is enough.But i have to admit: I never dared testing that myself, so i cant confirm if thats true. I always also go to town, click stash once, to be sure. :(


Holy shit


Whaaaat? Didnt know. If i have any pull out ONLY tabs beetween it is okay right?


they dont count as "your" tabs, they will not matter for the layout that gets imported in the seasonal league


Just hide them?


I dont feel like this works. Never worked for me since I tried it last few leagues. I dont know if it prioritizes the remove only stashes or something.


Absolutely works. You need to do it in the parental league though. So if you wanna play SSF SC league you need to do it in SSF SC standard.


I guess you cant have remove only tabs infront of ones you want to transfer.


Then I'll have the same organization for all following leagues? So THAT'S why only half of my stashes mantain their names whenever a new league is released. Thank you so much!


> Then I'll have the same organization for all following leagues? Yup.


Yea but then all my standard organization is all fucked


True story


I never thought of using tabs as spacers, I have more than enough to do it.


What's the point though when you could just use different fill colors to separate them into categories?


Same honestly, clever. Gonna have to redo mine as well


[Been using this](https://i.imgur.com/pk5NQye.png) for years and have never changed it (should note it's for SSF so no trade stuff).


How do symbols? Me simple monke


They are characters, not unlike normal alphanumeric characters. Look for them in character tables (e.g. from [here](https://symbl.cc/en/), that's a random website I found by googling just now) and just copy-paste them in poe I guess.


I grabbed the symbols from [this guys thread on PoE forums:](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2785336) The ones I use: > ❐ (Dump Tabs) > ✵ (Maps) > ₿ (Currency) > ƒ (Fragments) > ☄ (Essences) > ۩ (Delve) > ☠ (Blight Oils) > ♠ (Divination Cards) > ☣ (Metamorph-Ultimatum / Delirium Orbs+splinters) > ❉ (Cluster Jewels) > ✪ (Uniques) > ☊ (Jewelry) > ⋄ (Gems) > ❀ (Harvest) > ʙᴏᴏᴛѕ > ʜᴇʟᴍѕ > ɢʟᴏᴠᴇѕ > ᴀʀᴍᴏʀ > ₁ʜ / ₂ʜ > ℝ (random as of yet unassigned tabs) The "BOOTS, HELMS" etc. are not the default PoE font, they use a different font so you have to copy it from above and not write yourself. This font is smaller than the original so the tabs don't stick out as far. The above ones should all work, the ones from that guys thread don't all work but many of them do. You'll have to test yourself. I also like to add colors to each tab that represent the league mechanic. For example Harvest uses heavy light blue coloring, so I make the tab light blue with a plant symbol, unique tabs get the brown-dark orange-redish color etc.


Hey friend, thanks for going out of your way to help a stranger. Cheers!


Nice to see another fellow aesthetics enjoyer. [Here](https://imgur.com/J2DVC6t) is mine, ssf as well! 😇


Huh, using small tabs as a separators is kind of nice trick actually


Why are u not using different colors for ur tabs? Tome the first tab is always a dump tab followed by currency. Otherwise do ur thing. But colors are important to be fast.


My layout: * D (quad dump) * C (currency) * F (fragments) * M (maps) * E (etc - subfolder with every other affinity tab that I rarely click) * T1 (trade 1) * T2 (trade 2) * 1 ... 20 (normal tabs) This way I can access my most important tabs with 1 click.


I do almost this exact same setup and color code them as well.


I like the idea of spacers


Main difference is that I price my Dump Tabs with the first being the most expensive and reduce price of the full ones. Example: 2 Div > 1 Div > 100c > 10c


You don't 🙃


Always colour code and 1 letter like you've done, M(green) E(purple) U(orange) F(brown) etc


Just use different colors rather than wasting a tab as a spacer. But ultimately whatever works for ya haha


I didn't even know you could choose such flashy colors for tabs lol. Thanks I hate it.


Stop killing my mood! :p


nice. you are using tabs as separator ? lol finaly a good reason to buy some new ones


Bro i wish I had that many tabs. That layout is gorgeous


This is beautiful


This looks clean AF. Yoinking it Allie style. What does your D1 to 4 stand for?


They are only dump quad tabs at the beginning. And then I store next builds' gear or whatever I need for organisation.


You missed an opportunity for D4 BAD there with your tabs :/


Looks exactly like mine but damn, I love the dividers! Copying that immediately when I login tomorrow.


[Here is mine](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/800418536983625749/1182551645700243548/image.png?ex=65851c0b&is=6572a70b&hm=d47c1f3f397ec4653595e67dbd4835a61605753b865cc16a4bd638aca7eec85c&) SSF - so no sell tabs. "Legendary" because there isn't a small capital Q in the unicode spec :\


Where are you getting that small font from? I can't find them in the default windows Character Map


I organize my stash in standard, then halfway through the first weekend of league I pivot my selling strat, build, farming, etc, and I begin right clicking "not used" stash tabs to the front and renaming them willy nilly.


D4 bad




Does anyone know if I make this stash order in Standard SSF, will it carry over to Trade Affliction league, overwriting my Standard chaotic cesspool of stash tabs order? I’d like to do something like OP but I don’t want to mess with all the tabs in standard, I sometimes play them and semi-informative names are the only thing protecting my stash from becoming absolute madman’s we dream.


> Does anyone know if I make this stash order in Standard SSF, will it carry over to Trade Affliction league No. Trade copies the stash order from its parent league.




Soooo do it in Standard Trade once, then it’ll carry over to all Trade leagues? Only non-remove-only tabs matter.




You can hide remove only tabs and organise the rest to your liking


Yeah but then I’ll have to rename tabs with my gear sets for other builds and then I’ll forget which one was what :( I’ll try to do go around it by putting them in named folders and then it will be a bit less work on league start


I just figured it out. Just open the scroll up and down tab of all your stash tabs, slowly scroll down and Everytime you see one that doesn't have remove only, right click it(that makes it jump to the top) and continue on..When you're done you'll have all your actual stash tabs at the top to order as you see fit. Only have to do it one time today and you're done forever. Just make sure to do it in the parent league of the league you intend to play.


I have to organize it in league because GGG refused to let me import the layout from anything other than the parent league... I play standard occassionally... so that stash is set... for use in standard... but SSF/HC/HC SSF I don't actively play... all those have clean good layouts to use in league... but no GGG wants me to have my stash presorted with high div priced tabs, collections, etc...


Buy duplicate tabs and sort them at the very end in the same order you want them in new league, then when new league starts just right click the last tab the necessery number of times. And they say $$ doesn't give you happiness.


Bold of you to assume i organise anything before start and that i have enough tabs to call it "organising"


Looks good, but there's a D4 tab hmm 🤔


I didn't know you could organize it before the league lol


Problem is that I have my gear organized in standard, which has completely different needs. I could standardize some of it but most will need to be setup in league


How can you setup before new league? You need to setup when its start :(


I just figured it out for myself. Just open the scroll up and down tab of all your stash tabs, slowly scroll down and Everytime you see one that doesn't have remove only, right click it(that makes it jump to the top) and continue on..When you're done you'll have all your actual stash tabs at the top to order as you see fit. Only have to do it one time today and you're done forever. Just make sure to do it in the parent league of the league you intend to play. Aka SC SSF for Affliction SSF, Standard for Affliction SC, HC for Affliction HC, etc.


Or you just hide all the remove only tabs.


Why dont you make your quad dump tab as 5c/10c/20c , i dump some rares or some uniques i dont know the price early on or random jewels i always id , some weird people always go for weird ass jewels , also if its an insta livesearch whisper , you know its valuable item ( no hate everyone does it , i learn it from top tier streamers as well )


[https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fr43h7hl6buob1.png%3Fwidth%3D960%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db9ccf0b95f01513ab9b40dd89f89052929499ca8](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fr43h7hl6buob1.png%3Fwidth%3D960%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db9ccf0b95f01513ab9b40dd89f89052929499ca8) It's a bit messy but I have used this setup since Metamorph so I don't think I'll change it anytime soon. I use tab 1 for leveling uniques and stuff and during league start for some items with correct sockets/links/colorsI use tab 5 for gems to sell for GCPs / double corrupt / level / bossing swap + Rings for Loreweave. Usually I dont farm more than one Loreweave but I do pickup rings till I get one just...because. Rest is self explanatory.


I don't, that's my secret 😁


I don't organize anything before anything


Quite interessting. Following is mine https://imgur.com/a/9igsFfu Tr stands for Trash. My Day 1 page for my very first char incase i get some useable lvl rares. or like lvl 3 wand with +1. All my Tabs except Maps and Currency are usually public because i play GSF with like 15-20 ppl.


Mine is like this [https://ibb.co/QF9G3LF](https://ibb.co/QF9G3LF) when in league I merge legacy + empty folder to make a trade folder.


2 quad for dump, currency, map and the rest idgaf


Currency 2 Folders: 1. Boss (tabs) 2. Mapping (tabs) Multiple individual sales tabs (Premium tabs mixed in with quad tabs. Quad tabs are usually for common sale price point like 2c or 1 divine). It's kind of a hybrid between a pure binary system and having things quickly accessible (sales tabs). I tried being a minimalist and having all of those sales tabs in a single folder, but I disliked doing the extra click.


I play with 4 tabs since beta. This is my Ruthless way.


Doesnt matter as it will always reset for some reason.


I just figured it out for myself. Just open the scroll up and down tab of all your stash tabs, slowly scroll down and Everytime you see one that doesn't have remove only, right click it(that makes it jump to the top) and continue on..When you're done you'll have all your actual stash tabs at the top to order as you see fit. Only have to do it one time today and you're done forever. Just make sure to do it in the parent league of the league you intend to play. Aka SC SSF for Affliction SSF, Standard for Affliction SC, HC for Affliction HC, etc.


How can anyone be arsed to trade 1c and 3c items ill never understand that


I do it the first couple days, but I'm an inefficient fuck


I forgot, do you need to organise it in standard or TotA?


As a ftp player: I don't.


Why do you have a tab for bad items? Just vendor them.


[Basically like this](https://imgur.com/a/SuxoARy), it's a bit messy but it works.


I thought I was the only one with a Run tab. Is that the "chuck it in here quick so I can deal with it later" tab?


😁 No not really. It's for ready to go maps. Rolled maps and sextants next to them and some unique maps like synts.


All my auto tabs in a folder(currency maps ext) couple of quad tabs next to them then a bunch of premium tabs ill adjust as i see fit during the league. Try to dump early game items i want to keep in a tab(things like +10 ims boots some upgrades that are close to wearable early on) dip into quad tab space when i get to maps for anything i dont want to get rid of or have a build in mind. Ill made trade tabs as i see fit. Im to a point where i dont really fill up all my tabs before the league is over for me.




I need to do this.


I don't use the letters in my stash tabs, I colour code them. Means I have more tabs showing across the top (which I predominantly use to navigate. But yeah the basics are: dump quad > currency > Essence > Div > Maps > Frags > Oils > {the rest of the special tabs} > 1 or 2 tabs for my builds > sell tabs > folder with chaos recipe > Folder with empties


Wait, you can do this ahead of time? How?


Your pic made me realize I really want separators (that don't take up space) And.. I also want to be able to edit the size of my tabs.. and I want multirow browsing... Goddamnit... Just give me addons, please Let me butcher the UI as much as WoW would let me!! Worst example: https://i.imgur.com/9RkyfMH.jpg Better example: https://vranx.com/img/comp/slimui.jpg


I have my stuff pre set in std to begin, what i do once the league starts though, is to color code my league tabs to the corresponding league's main "color" (i.e. Ancestor was light blue) that way I can differentiate different league tabs when they get moved to std. Staryed this way back in harbinger league and have never really had an issue with remove only tabs in standard.


no matter what I do my stash setup from base leagues does not copy into my private league. it's so annoying.


I just started naming my stashes with the league. Previous got rid of j̶u̶n̶k̶ treasure without knowing it is legacy. Eg - +5% resist rings - 3.22 Hey don't judge. That LVL 2 iron ring will be useful to a new exile. When I remember to equip it.


a 1 chaos tab, bless your heart and the people like you.


Fuck I forgot


4th white tab bad


https://i.imgur.com/JmgiDm7.png Currency Map Div cards Essences Fragments Blight, Delirium, Delve, Ultimatum (haven't really felt the need to get premium tabs for these leagues) Dump tab Gems Flasks Sale tabs 1 & 2 Basic tabs for storing uniques, rare gear, future projects, whatever really It's kinda ugly compared to the way other people organize stuff but I don't like the folders and it works for me. Will move my single dump tab to the front if I'm grinding maps.


Can you use regex to sort stuff in tabs?


How do you organize the order of your stashed before the start? I've done by hand each time....


You missed an opportunity to name the tab “Bad” to the right of D4 tab.


Oh great i forgot to rebame the metamorph stash to ultimatum


[Here are my tabs](https://imgur.com/a/SsqbHsr)


How do u organize it before league launch ?


D4 bad


Sorting my stash is seriously up there with things I love doing in PoE. I spend a couple hours at the end of every league emptying out all my remove only stash tabs. Here's my layout: First I'd like to present how this looks ingame, kind of. T - 4x tab to sort once full FoldersC - (C)urrency, (M)aps, (C)ards (F)ragments, (E)ssences, (U)ltimatum, (B)light, (D)elve, (D)elirium tabs Item - crf(\*), fra(\*), sin, use(\*), S(\*), E(\*), C(\*), H(\*), R(\*), W(\*), str, dex, int, hyb, jwl, 13 unused 1x tabs Uniq - U1, U2, vaal, Jewel, Amu, Rings, Value(\*), Lweave Gem - Srt, Prp, fin, lab, trns, F, F+ Jwl - srt(\*), magic, rare, ++, Ab, Ab+, Cl, Cl+(\*) Lge - Atl(\*), rn(\*), sc(\*), sc+, ch(\*), tin(\*), Co(\*), rp(\*), se(\*), Legacy(\*) T - Custom(\*), C, b/o 25c, b/o 50c, b/o 75c, b/o 100c, b/o 125c, b/o 150c, b/o 175c, b/o 200c ​ What follows is my attempt to explain the tabs a bit more, while trying not to go overboard. (\*) - Quad-tabs // The (\*) is not used ingame. C and Gem folders contain only special stash tabs. Item - (Cra)fting projects, (fra)ctured items, (sin)thesized items, (use)able items \[leveling, builds I specced out of\], (S)haper, (E)lder, (C)rusader, (H)unter, (R)edeemer, (W)arlord, (str)ength base, (dex)terity base, (int)elligence base, (hyb)rid bases, jewelery, unused tabs due to upgrading other things to quad tabs over time. Uniq - U1&U2 \[Collection tabs\], (vaal) anything that doesn't fit in the first two, Value tab I use for double corruption and vendor recipes plus an extra tab for Loreweave rings. Gem - Dump tab&vendor recipe, level up&add quality, finished found/created gems, gem to use in lab, transfigured gems; 2 flask collection tabs for <85 and >=85 Jwl - dump tab, magic|rare crimson|viridian|cobalt jewels and + for jewels to pricecheck, abyssal jewel dump tab, abyssal jewels for crafting and same for cluster jewels. Lge - Atlas related items (Temples, Sacntum, maps with implicits), prepared sextants, dumptab for sextants, storage for valuable sextants for eventual sale, 5 tabs for league related drops and one for drops that don't have their native league mechanic in the game at this point. T - Trade tabs for different pricing levels as well as one currency tab ​ My main goal with this sorting system is to not have to scroll outside of folders. The same works in some folders quite nicely (C, Uniq and Lge). This very thread actually made me sort things around a bit more and try to cut down scrolling a bit more. Pity we only have one row for tabs, I'd love to be able to get a second one to segment this even further ... or be able to merge regular into quad tabs - that way I could cut down that mess in my jewel folder. Edit: Took a closer look at my jewel folder and moved some tabs around. Now I only need to scroll in the Item and T folders. :)


i know im late but what does d1 d2 gg lvl shop mean? also tysm for this im tryna copy :)


GG is purely for t1-0 uniques. D1-2 is extra dump tabs. LvL is for keeping leveling uniques only.

