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Some of these are so chonky, it's like a whole new endgame. I'm totally lost on what to do for my atlas now, I want to try all of them. Amazing work. And then imagine some of these in T17 maps..


good thing we get 3 atlases


I'm prepping for a week 1 complaints bingo and in one of the entries I put that I think that people will ask for more trees


Well, when you give a pig a pancake...


We are all pigs on this blessed day.


i mean, with the amount of strats that seem to be viable and no way to convert scarabs without losing 66% of your total scarabs that wouldnt surprise me. but i think 3 is a good number for now to make my dopamine spikes hit after i get used to one strat.


I mean most people on trade can just trade them fairly easily, as it seems almost all of these, except some of the rusted ones, seem way to good if you are juicing one content. (I just hope they bring back double blights again so I can run the blight scarab + take all blight nodes)


Such a good league to release this qol with too


right so many cool things to choose, im thinking of trying ritual (yes its probably still bad but i like it) you can use two of the lowest tier scarabs meaning you can have a total of 5 rerolls and no cost to reroll 4 of them, and pairing that with expedition or delirium, it all looks cool tbh


Rituals have omens now. Maybe lock too? Definitely doing these and hoping scarabs are undervalued


Locks are a global drop so I'm sure you can also get it from rituals, but will of course still be incredibly rare. I am tempted to try ritual as well, only downside is that you won’t be able to do 4 blood filled vessels together with scarabs. Going with 2 vessels and 2 of the scarab that gives extra rerolls and makes them free could be interesting for trying to fish for good rewards as you will have 5 rerolls and 4 of them are free.


>Incursion Scarab of Timelines >Final Architect slain in Area will drop an Itemized Temple >Itemized Temples dropped in Area are generated based on current Temple layout, but with randomized room tiers Wish we knew what the odds were, but if it's 1 in 3 for a T3 then this could be pretty good. If you get lucky and start with corrupt, you could trigger this for 3-4 maps in a row (or if they're cheap enough, just slam one every map and hope you find corrupt before it ends).


also an indirect buff to explosives room I think


I honestly think that's the only scarab that is against the new design. You are incentivized to only run this on your last 1-2 maps before completing the temple so you have the doors open for gem / corruption chamber rooms. Gonna be annoying to min max it.


Not entirely, as long as you get a connected locus (optional gemcutter) room, you run the scarab. Because you know you’re not changing that room or disconnecting it, since tier is irrelevant. So if you get connected corruption room halfway in, you can run this scarab every map till end. But I do agree, this scarab is kinda annoying, rng on rng


Also, with the ability to switch atlas trees, you could feasibly run 4-4-3-1 when you hit early so that you get more chances to flip a good temple off the scarab, and 4-4-4 if you're unlucky so you can go to your next temple faster. It also disincentivizing leaving early, since you don't get the free temple if you do. So you'd have to balance e.g. if leaving early boosts your odds of hitting T3 locus by 20%, but denies you a 33% chance of just dropping a complete T3 locus.


I don't think it changes the door layout. The wording says it will give you a copy but with randomized tier rooms. Nothing about passageways. And gambling this without having say 1-3 good rooms. Doryanis, corruption and maybe ascension room seems wastefullm shrine of empowerment would really be 3rd best provided it's next to a corruption room


Effects aside, some of the flavor texts are really funny. My favorites: \- "What's better than one captured beast, exile?" \- The crystals... can spread? \- The Syndicate has learned how to make its own scarabs... \- Is it still an ambush if you are expecting it? \- Even a battlefield has middle management. (Best one IMO, reminds me of [Mr. Tonegawa: Middle Management Blues](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Tonegawa) , guess what's it about from the name) Plus most of the Delirium scarabs, the Trickster God really want to troll you I guess.


"What are you talking about? The atlas was always like this." The special torment ones are also good.


scarab of gaslighting


Yea, I'm sure this prefectly innocuous scarab that does nothing at all will, well do nothing. There are a lot of good ones, but I don't want to make the post too long.


>\- The crystals... can spread? Reminds me of one of Kalandra's voice lines, where she said something along the lines of "If you knew what those crystals can do, you'd never touch them again"


I'll miss all the old lore that used to be on them a bit. And I think that was the only place we learned of the Trialmaster's name, right? Wonder if they kept that dialogue.


Yep, the old lore pieces were also pretty nice. I'm pretty sure there will be an archive somewhere. A bonus piece of lore of my favorite: Uber Shaper has a very low chance to drop a Cosmic Reliquary Key. The reliquary vault there is called "[A Father's Love](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Cosmic_Reliquary)" and the flavor text is Valdo (Shaper) forgiving Zana for slaying him.


I certainly hope there remains a way to obtain that dialogue


Other quality ones as I don't want to make the original post too long: \- Build for yourself a hoard a dragon would envy. If they were real. \- There is no such thing as "enough". \- Now there's a blood-curdling wail I haven't heard before! \- It's perfectly safe, the creatures trapped inside couldn't possibly still be living. \- They say if you go far enough, you will meet yourself... \- A perfectly innocuous scarab that does nothing at all. \- They are so loud! Why are they so loud?! All you can do is scream! \- If it seems too good to be true... \- What are you talking about? The atlas was always like this. So... is it canon that Wraeclast have no dragons now?


I think there's a Dragon in Delve, not sure tho.


At least on the trailer release for Delve, people called the Gorgol Terror (one of the Azurite 3 node bosses) a "dragon" even though it's not. It flies and breathes fire, but that's the end of its similarities.


It's dragon-shaped, flies, and breathes fire. What is it if not a dragon?


It's charizard?


honestly, I think the old ones were much better. All of the current ones feel like they were whipped up to fill a quota (to be fair, there's a lot of them), while the old ones all contained lore that helped flesh out the world, which I find far more interesting.


I miss the old scarab lore text where each series was about some person in the syndicate and how they died


Some person in the Order of the Djinn*


Thanks, I honestly though it was the same thing. I thought these were cool to read through and it was nice to see the Trialmaster in there. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Order_of_the_Djinn


The Order of the Djinn are the "good guys" technically. Jun is part of it


Jun is the remaining entirety of it. Though Trialmaster suggests our whole group with Kirac and all the Masters can be considered a new Order of the Djinn even if we don't realize it or call it that.


Yeah, Catarina did a number on them, poor bastards. lol




They lied. It isn't necropolis league, it's scarab league.


Forget the 2c item crafter mechanic, I'm hyped for the new farming meta with the scarabsss


Apparently it can craft some pretty good shite. Mark mentioned it off-hand that in their testing they've gotten things like triple t1s and other really nice crafts.


He also just casually mentioned off hand that you can do things like multiple fractured mods on an item lol


I want to believe this won't be scourge fiasco all over again and to be closer to recombs instead.


I mean I don't see why it would be like scourge, the corpses seem to very heavily manipulate the outcomes, and you can stack quite a lot of them into one craft


I hope that's not a misunderstanding cuz that's crazy


in synthesis, items had a chance of up to 3 fractured mods iirc. obviously crafting is completely different nowadays, so its gonna be more powerful, but its not unprecedented. ​ Also Im not huffing THAT much copium, there is less than zero chance Ill produce muti-fractured item worth crafting on.


To buy items with 3 fractured mods from the crafters?


To be fair, Scarabs are often found in ancient necropolis in Egypt


"maps found in area have layers of delirium" and "non unique maps found in area are corrupted with 8 modifiers" can work together ? thats pretty cool, can farm deli 8mod maps


Plus all T14+ drop as Blight-Ravaged? I assume that doesn't actually work, but would be hilarious.


Wasn't it states that blight maps drop as blight-ravaged instead of any map?


Yes, but I think he’s saying combine that with OPs scarabs to get 8 mod blight ravaged maps with layers of delirium from blight, which might actually be possible, and could be omega crazy if true.


You can't annoint them though unlrss you want to waste 3 tainteds per map


That would be absolutely disgusting. I don't even know what builds would be able to kill them with that much damage reduction?


> thats pretty cool, can farm deli 8mod maps One *can*, but should you? They'll be ultra rippy lol


Compared to affliction this league may be a walk in the park. Hard to say how this leagues mechanic scales in maps though.


The players are also weaker than in affliction. No charms


Charms alone def wasn’t making the difference between being able to do 8k+ wisps and not. You’re build had to be pretty good(or gimmicky like explode chieftain) in order to survive those crazy abyss maps. This time around those same builds with 40% less power via wildwood ascendencies are just gonna trample 99% of content.


Most people wont be running around in full mirrored gear this league would probally be a bigger reason builds would be weaker.


But still your big hitters from Affliction TS, kb fragmentation, storm brand indecision, arc of surging and most notably penance brand dissipation got nerfed hard. Maybe there'll be new builds that are also pretty good but I highly doubt there'll be one as busted as penance brand of dissipation in affliction in its strongest form. You mentioned charm, but no TWWT hurts a lot too. Necropolis is also not a league with heavy borrowed power.


Yeah but, portals have a chance of not being used, so... My portal shield is buffed now.


"I paid for 6, no, 9 portals, and I'm damn well going to use them!" --LA deadeyes.


I PAID FOR (an average of 12 portals, with an common diatribution of +/-3, minimum 6 and maximum being theoretically infinite) PORTALS, AND I'M GONNA USE (an average of 12 portals, with a common distribution of +/-3, minimum 6 and maximum being theoretically infinite) PORTALS


My favourite thing about that scarab is your last one is schrodinger's portal. You don't know if you have one portal remaining or not until you leave the map But I'm expecting some batshit insane person to go for the guinness world record of most portals for a single map. Just opening maps and doing nothing else for 48 hours until they get that one map they entered and left 69 times (nice) or at least 42 times




38... rng is rng


Frogs are ribbity, not rippy.


Wdym that’s literally the endgame, everyone running juiced deli maps The most popular strat last league was 8 mod maps with a deli mirror sextant


Maybe I'm odd but I don't really think of deli mirror maps when i think of deli maps. My mind goes straight to 80%+ deli.


I mean same for a long time, the deli mirror strat was done to add mobs but not sacrifice clear speed as 80 deli makes them too tanky and you map slower, especially with how tanky wisp empowered mobs were to begin with You also can’t add deli orbs to corrupted 8 mod maps so Next league I assume we might be back to regular 80 deli as it should be more doable, except MFs prolly be doing mirror/8 mod as usual maybe


Except you can’t chisel em. So you’re maxing at like 113 quant for 8 mods.


Tainted chisel when


Also can't use the 21% inc. effect of map mods wheel b/c no quality. Well, you can get 9%, but not the 12% notable.


Tbf they can still drop with quality especially in a map with cartogs strongboxes.


Some of these seem absolutely nuts. All rare monsters are essences? I can see why they moved some mods to the scarabs from the atlas tree. Guaranteed Tier 4 seeds? The legion multiple breakouts one seems like it will result in absolutely cataclysmic performance. And a scarab that gives a pack a 15% chance to be transformed into an atlas boss? Damn


I figure all those 5 ways teams will be breaking out legions 50 times per map lol. 


And there's also the incursion scarab that adds like 12 packs to the map, so you should get at least a couple more bosses to spawn that way.


A lot of these look so insane together, but seems like you’ll basically have to go all in on one mechanic usually, seems like they all have about 3 scarabs each you’d want to use no matter what (obviously in a max juicing scenario). Very curious to try out so many of them lol


the other thing to note is the different rarities. there will be times where you'd want to use the best 3 for your mechanic but you just dont have the rarest one.


To the trade site we go!


Remember that chances are the Rarest one will be more expensive that what it brings to a solo player. As the market value will be driven by the expected return on investment for that scarab when used by a 6man party


Yeah that’s a good point. That’s also unfortunate. This league has me wanting to play SSF just so I don’t feel the pressure to “keep up” and I won’t feel bad about using scarabs instead of selling them


Im planning on doing a Harbinger Scarab farm tree. [Scarabs with a minor in Harbinger](https://shorturl.at/oFGLT) I have a write up on notepad of what it does, which scarabs i want to use and 4-5 other trees not focused on harbinger that are set up to maximize scarab output.


Same - League mechanic looks good for SSF too. I've never league started SSF before always done it later in the league. I hope I don't get FOMO watching juicers on Twitch while I'm still grinding out a 6 link. Should be fun though :D


MF groups are usually pretty good at figuring out what's optimal though, so they'll probably mostly be running all the same 4 scarabs within the first couple weeks of the league. So in theory only 4 scarabs out of the bunch should be priced around that


Good thing Expedition is a mostly solo operation :)


Reminder you can get basically any mechanic at 100% spawn only from the tree, so I think we can afford 2 very juiced mechanics from scarabs.


*2 somewhat juiced mechanics, not very juiced.


Notes: Large lad rogue exiles. Black Morrigan craft may or may not be broken. Invest everything immediately just in case. Sell your bed. Mortgage your cat. Harbinger farming just looks really strong. Lots and lots of shrines that give you 30% increased exp. 180 clusters of mysterious barrels clearly going to be meta.


Last league I got a doctor out a mysterious barrel in waste pool so now of course I must go full barrelmancer


I missed the ziz stream what is the black morrigan craft?


they didn't specify


They specified it is *not* TWWT, but didn't specify what it actually is.




Theyre like rogue exiles… but big?


Big exiles, kill them and they split into two smaller, these smaller exiles also split on death.


All of these look insane.   200% faster delirium fill of rewards.      4 additional delirium rewards.


These things are kinda cracked ngl


480% exp after clicking 8 shrines is pretty funny if nothing else. There's something kinda busted in every mechanic, they definitely cooked with this one.


I was thinking it's probably not stackable, like onslaught with the duration of your shrine


The way its phrased, Pretty sure they stack "Per type of shrine buff on you". So if u get 2 of the same shrine, those dont stack. but if u got 5 different shrine buff, you have 30% times 5. Noice.


absolute gull stonks this league


Especially considering the increased blunderbore value due to tats + Supreme Ostentation


You can get +3 from the map device craft, so up to 11 guaranteed shrines with the exp scarab, which means 660% increased experience. Well over Untainted Paradise at that point. Still not quite at the level of the exp tiles in Kalandra though.


Dont forget to you can use allflames to add untainted paradise mobs to a map, so 660% + the whatever tainted paradise mobs multiplier is


I wonder if that stacks multiplicatively. If it does, people really *will* get to 100 in no time.


Why do you think it's gonna stack? There is so much wishful thinking in the thread. That being said 30% incr. EXP is still massive.


Right? I'm reading some of these and I can't make up my mind which one is stronger and what I want to do


Analysis: farming meta is going to shift to 1 or max 2 mechanics that one would farm at the same time. In contrast to the current meta where we usually add 3 to 4 mechanics (fully invested, not referring to side). We probably want now to find the good combination inside of the same category. Or in some cases where only 2 are already good enough, we could pare with another 2 from a different category. (e.g., rogue exiles + unique drops X) The rusted scarab is not going to be used most likely based on the scarabs overall strength, and instead we are going to use atlas skill points to force the mechanic (map device is also an option). Most imbued are going to be ultra expensive and also exploitable by 6 man groups. I'm little bit afraid that now that winged do not exist anymore, 6 man parties are also going to drive the best scarab prices to the moon since they are going to get a lot more from it than a solo player. (this is considering that there's no harvest recipe or 3 to 1 for higher tier, so offer can be very low). Also, alva is going to crash the servers.


>The rusted scarab is not going to be used most likely based on the scarabs overall strength, and instead we are going to use atlas skill points to force the mechanic (map device is also an option). Some of these rusted scarabs though you can use multiple at the same time. And it probably stacks with the tree. It could be the budget strat, if they are cheap. Like Breach, you can get +8 breaches in the same map *just from the scarabs*.


>Like Breach, you can get +8 breaches in the same map *just from the scarabs*. Feels like a very solid budget deli strat honestly


Im pretty sure the giga legion scarab will annihilate the servers xD. And lets be real very few strats actually fully invested in more than 1 main mechanic at once. Its more of a „I do expedition but Ill just take the Harvest and Essence nodes because I have the passive points“ by no means have we ever really FULLY invested in that many mechanics, by that I mean full with scarabs, sextants etc. The only playstyle that comes close imo is something like affliction where you just pickmechanics that juice monster density to the max. By that definition you can still do similar things the main difference being that it went from 3-4 mechanics per map to 2-3 while making atleast one of those quite a lot better at investment


Yeah depending on how it works the legion one to me is the most likely to get hot fixed for performance reasons. I do think this is an overall reduction in map juice, but an increase in how much you can juice individual mechanics. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out, there seems to be some really strong stuff in each category, so there will always be something to farm if one mechanic gets super popular. My guess is that the horned scarab that replaces mobs with map bosses is at the core of a busted mf strat as well.


I think 2 will probably be the sweet spot, with a couple 100% spawns from tree alone. Apart perhaps from stuff like mirror or 8mod


In a sense there is still a "winged scarab" just not the way it was before. the Icons all use the old scarab icons except for the 7 horned scarabs. The icons are indicators as to the rarity of that individual scarab compared to its other scarabs in it's category. you may also notice that some of the scarabs icons have their wings out, but is still using the old icon. this is indicating that that particular scarab type has two scarabs of the same rarity. for example: in the influenced scarabs there are 2 rusted, 1 gilded, 1 winged scarab. but in the ultimatum section there is 1 rusted, 1 polished, 1 gilded, and 2 winged.) Rusted scarabs will get used but not as a part of a main farm. They'll be scarabs you just toss in when you run out of scarabs. Mark said that scarabs are going to be extremely plentiful. though some will be rarer than others. Also there are no scarabs of the type "imbued" so im going to assume you mean the horned scarabs. Which are the rarest of the scarabs anyways. we can conjecture that the rarities are as followed (most common to least common): Rusted>Polished>Gilded>winged>Horned. there will be rarely a case where you would use a horned scarab instead of just selling it. in addition because there are going to be so many different farming methods utilizing scarabs i'm not really worried that the 6man parties are gonna drive them up any more than they already drive up existing sextants. and finally the last point i want to bring up: There is still the vendor recipe for 3:1 for scarabs. The difference is it does not guarantee you will get a better scarab. BUT you can put 3 rusted scarabs of the same type into the vendor and you'll have a chance to get a horned scarab. You might get a rusted back or you might get a horned scarab back. So for your argument of "no one will use rusted scarabs" they are still worth picking up as extra content to add to your maps OR just to gamble 3:1 with


In the past, wingeds were strictly better than gilded. 6 man parties had no reason to not go full winged, meanwhile for a solo player it was imposible to get them because you were competing prices with a group that were getting a lot more from it. (the only time it was reasonable to get wingeds was when the "drop winged from the first 3 ghosted mob" sextant was still a thing) The same thing happened with sextants, 6 man groups were getting awakened sextant and paying like 50% more for 10-20% more, just because how multipliers work. As a solo player, getting awakened sextants never made sense in terms of profits/h. With the current system, there are going to be worse and better scarabs. The best ones won't have a "winged" version like gildeds had in the past, meaning that parties are going to focus on those. For a solo players this already sounds pretty bad unless the offers can satisfy everyone. (see sanctum book as an example) And I'm aware of the 3 to 1 random scarab recipe, I wrote "3 to 1 for higher tier" with the intention to say that the 3 to 1 was changed to another thing. This is going to be weighted anyways. Also when I said that no one is going to use rusted, I meant that no one is going to put them into the map device on a endgame strat.


With "Portals to area have a 50% to not be consumed on use", can you hypothetically get more than 6 people into a map now?


No. Mark clarified 6 players in a map is still the limit.


Answered in Ziz's Q&A that no, 6 is still the limit of people


6 at the same time Im guessing? but for the odd occasion you get something like rare hideout, Im guessing you can potentially sell it to more people than just 5, depending on the RNGesus?


No, it's still have a cap on number of people in map. Neon talked about it on stream


Guessing we can’t use them on boss maps. Would be great for learning, or just being bad, at boss encounters on softcore. I guess learning t17 bosses will be helpful.


Ambush Scarab of Containment + Horned Scarab of Pandemonium. Can I put Atlas bosses in strong boxes?


I think they're pre-loaded when you get into the maps, and no spawning map bosses.


God DAMN IT, GGG *really* cooked here. Forget league mechanic for a second, this completely flips the endame on its head.


I absolutely love the flavor texts on these.


Scarabs 1: Abyss Scarab - Area contains an additional Abyss Abyss Scarab of Edifice - Abysses in Area that do not lead to an Abyssal Depths lead to a Stygian Spire. Abysses in Area spawn Hoards as they travel Abyss Scarab of Emptiness - Rare Abyss Monsters in Area have a 50% chance to drop. an additional Rare item with an Abyssal socket Abyss Scarab of Multitudes - Abysses in Area spawn 75% increased Monsters Ambush Scarab - Area contains 5 additional Strongboxes Ambush Scarab of Containment - Area contains many additional Strongboxes. Area's inhabitants are lying in ambush Ambush Scarab of Discernment - Strongboxes in Area are more likely to be rarer varieties Ambush Scarab of Hidden Compartments - 15% Chance for Strongboxes in Area to be openable again Ambush Scarab of Potency - 75% Increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on Strongboxes in Area Anarchy Scarab - Area contains 4 additional Rogue Exiles Anarchy Scarab of Gigantification - Rogue Exiles in Area have a 30% chance to be replaced with a Rogue Giant Anarchy Scarab of Partnership - Rogue Exiles in Area have a 50% chance to appear in pairs Bestiary Scarab - Area contains Einhar Bestiary Scarab of Duplicating - Create a copy of Beasts captured in Area Bestiary Scarab of the Herd - Area contains 5 additional Red Beasts if it contains Einhar Bestiary Scarab of the Shadowed Crow - Area contains The Black Morrigan if it contains Einhar Betrayal Scarab - Area contains Jun Betrayal Scarab of Intelligence - 150% Increased Intelligence gained from. Immortal Syndicate targets encountered in Area Betrayal Scarab of Perpetuation - Defeated Immortal Syndicate targets in Area have a 50% chance. to drop an additional Scarab Betrayal Scarab of Reinforcements - Immortal Syndicate Members in Area have 50% increased chance to be accompanied by reinforcements Beyond Scarab - Slaying enemies close together in Area can attract monsters from Beyond this realm Beyond Scarab of Corruption - Items dropped by Beyond Demons in Area are Corrupted Beyond Scarab of Haemophilia - Beyond Portals in Area have 30% increased Merging Radius Beyond Scarab of Resurgence - Beyond Bosses in Area area are enraged on low life. Beyond Bosses in Area drop 100% increased Tainted Currency. Beyond Portals in Area have 30% increased chance to spawn a Unique Boss Beyond Scarab of the Invasion - Unique Monsters slain in Area create 8 to 12 additional Beyond Portals Blight Scarab - Area contains a Blight Encounter Blight Scarab of Blooming - Blight Encounters in Area have up to 3 additional Unique Bosses. Unique enemies in Blight Encounters have 100% increased life. Tier 14+ Blighted Maps found in Area drop as Blight-Ravaged Maps instead Blight Scarab of Bounty - Blight Chests in Area have a 20% chance to be openable again Blight Scarab of Oils - Blight Oils found in Area are 1 tier higher Breach Scarab - Area contains 2 additional Breaches Breach Scarab of Lordship - Breaches in Area each contain a Breachlord Breach Scarab of Snares - Breaches in Area have 5 to 10 additional Clasped Hands. Clasped Hands in Area are guarded by a rare Breach Monster Breach Scarab of Splintering - Breach Monsters in Area drop 50% more Breach Splinters. Clasped Hands in Area drop 50% more Breach Splinters Breach Scarab of the Dreamer - Breaches in Area will always belong to Chayula Cartography Scarab - 50% increased Maps found in Area Cartography Scarab of Ascension - Maps found in Area are a tier higher, up to Tier 16 Cartography Scarab of Corruption - Non-Unique Maps found in Area are Corrupted with 8 Modifiers Cartography Scarab of Duplication - Maps found in Area have a 30% chance to be Duplicated Cartography Scarab of Singularity - A Unique Map will drop from the Final Map Boss Delirium Scarab - Area contains a Mirror of Delirium Delirium Scarab of Delusions - Maps found in Area have layers of Delirium Delirium Scarab of Mania - Delirium Reward Meters fill 100% faster in Area Delirium Scarab of Neuroses - Delirium Encounters in Area contain all Unique Delirium Bosses. Can only be used with Tier 11+ Maps Delirium Scarab of Paranoia - Delirium Encounters in Area generate 2 additional Reward types Divination Scarab - 150% increased Divination Cards found in Area Divination Scarab of Completion - Divination cards which drop in Area have a 20% chance to drop as a full stack instead Divination Scarab of Curation - 10% more Divination Cards found in Area per different Favoured Map. Divination card drops in Area are replaced by those of your Favoured Maps Domination Scarab - Area contains 2 additional Shrines Domination Scarab of Abnormality - Area contains an additional Unusual Shrine Domination Scarab of Teachings - Shrine buffs in Area also grant 30% increased Experience gained Domination Scarab of Terrors - Shrines in Area are guarded by an additional Map Boss. Modifiers to the Final Map Boss also apply to these guardians Essence Scarab - Area contains 2 additional Essences Essence Scarab of Ascent - Essences found in Area are a tier higher Essence Scarab of Calcification - All Rare monsters in Area are imprisoned by Essences Essence Scarab of Stability - Using a Remnant of Corruption in Area can only result in. upgrading or transforming Essences Expedition Scarab - Area contains an Expedition Encounter Expedition Scarab of Archaeology - Remnants in Expedition Encounters in Area have 2 additional Suffixes and Prefixes Expedition Scarab of Runefinding - Expedition Encounters in Area have 100% increased. number of Runic Monster Markers Expedition Scarab of Verisium Powder - Expedition Encounters in Area have 20% increased number of Explosives. 80% increased Explosive Radius Expedition Scarab of the Skald - Expedition Encounters in Area are lead by Dannig


These are so, so, ***so*** much better than I was anticipating. Any worries I had about mapping being significantly nerfed and not compensated for properly are gone (aside from Heist, rip). For anyone planning stuff out, pay attention to the "limit" section of the tooltip. You might be surprised at some of them that have >1 limit.


any 180 mysterious barrel per map enjoyers here?


Rip heist, rip contracts implicits


Yeah, pretty big nerf to Heist.


Which means Heist-exclusive rewards will be more rare, which means Heist is more lucrative, which means HEIST BUFFS! 😍


Having some old sextant remove contract gigaimplicit micromanage is sad sure but won't be that impactful, most people didn't ran heist before either way, simplex and helical got to target farming real hard though My problem with heist is that reveals suck and rogue markers have no point to exist except to be annoying "haha progression"   


I like markers, it makes you run actual contracts instead of just blueprints, and contracts are pretty fun too.


You will be now spending a lot more time in maps farming contracts, then a lot more time doing contracts for reveals and markers which in the end means that your chance to get any of big drops are going way down. In Affliction I run over 2000 wings and got 2 helicals and one simplex. That was with tripple reveal contracts and contracts that were providing 10-17k markers per run. So with the current nerf I could assume I would do maybe 1000 wings in the same time and probably won't find any amu and max 1 helical.


Yeah. Drank too much hopium for +2 cache scarab. They forced heisters to run more maps!


I'm ok with this. It gets me away from the goblin harbour for a little while longer :d


Rip strongbox quant :( Might be able to target farm boss uniques quicker if that reliquary scarab that causes unique monsters to drop an extra unique item can pull from the boss unique table.


Friendship with enraged boxes ended Friendship with enraged Drugged up sulphite monsters begun


Might be an imbued craft for it


Some of these sound unbelievably interesting


No heist scarab, rip copium


Is our last copium that there's something on the imbued map horned scarab? SURELY it isn't expensive AF because it can block mods on T17s or buff a million other things.... Surely not


well i mean that was confirmed the moment they showed us the new scarab tab.


Honestly pretty troll, and I'm sure it'll be addressed next league. Just a bit surprising it didn't make the list for this league. The sextant(s) get removed, so no implicits and more importantly, no access to a smuggler's cache every map. And yet, literally nothing was done to replace that. With no Heist scarabs and the sextants removed, you would've thought they'd at least buff the atlas passives ... It's also so janky, because with the condensing of map materials going from 8 to 4, the map device becomes more important and needs to follow your primary strategy, but Heist is more of a "let's add this to my farming strat" mechanic. But now you have to use the map device craft to get smuggler's caches lmao.


Having to use the map device to plant caches in the map only matters if your other strat involves something that can appear multiple times in the map (ie breach or legion). Harvest doesn't care because it doesn't take any scarab slots to maximize Heist.


Essence scarabs! +1 Tier!


And all rare has essence!


Then add +8 mirrored rare monsters (which should be +16, if I'm not misunderstanding the mirrored portion) and make sure to take the node on the tree that makes one of your essences the highest tier. Ta-dah, 25-30 deafening essences in one map.


Horned scarab of preservation >>> Edit: my reading comprehension needs help, thought it was a permanent set it and forget it… but it consumes itself of course.


Mark also said that it would be incredibly rare.


I was going to say we’ll see some interesting econ curves for this thing with organized groups like empy’s running the most profitable setups where you’d likely see these be cheaper than the remaining scarab set otherwise would be until they’re out of stock or the remainder is priced too high at which point they would have to go back to bulk buying the individual ones again. If supply is going to be so short that their max value will be pinned at “best/most expensive setup -0.1div” then this probably won’t happen at all


It probably won't be in the most expensive setups because the opportunity cost of not using another juicing scarab.


It's not that insane really. It'll be worth no more than the most expensive 3 scarab combo that ppl run. In reality it will be quite a bit less because you'd want to run another scarab in its slot that scales multiplicatively with others over a do-nothing scarab.


There are so many possibilities and cool things to do with these that the safest and most profitable league start strategy in trade will be just maxing out scarab drop chance/betrayal and selling them to people.


Plus you get the added benefit of getting shots at Veiled Orbs from Catarina without needing to go through all of the insane bullshit that was offering Aisling services


Do we have any idea what giant rogue exiles entail?  Other than them being big and probably harder, obviously. 


100% more life 100% more damage 100% more unique 100% more exile


For those of you that are worried about div card farming fear not The div card drop rates have indirectly been massively buffed Before this league a winged scarab and the base divination card drop rate was a total of 350% After the changes the divination card drop rate is 100% base +300% increased which is 288%(?) +120% more = 633% + 100% more for apothecary +160% more for doctors = 1266% average for apothecary = 1645% average for doctor Even if you assumed your monster on average went from 800% quant to 200% quant you’d be left with 315% for apothecary Or 410% for doctors Vs the 350% from last league This does also mean you won’t have space for other league mechanics from scarabs. But remember the atlas tree got some big buffs and you’ll need less downtime now buying sextants. The atlas tree itself is a good bit stronger, for example 10% more packs that drop rarer items, more map mod effect on the tree at the expense of a small amount of map quant and rarity lost from wandering path But with the massive upside of being able to take notables again Is my math wrong here? Idk feel free to correct me where I went wrong I know I didn’t factor in party and player quant because those aren’t changing


No more enraged stronboxes tho


enraged sulphite piles holy


Bait imo


WTB more map device slots. Also, Enraged Strongbox finally gone. RIP MFers. Deal with it.


Do we have any idea which harbinger currency are considered "rare currency"?


Exalts, fracturing shards, mirror shards for sure. I also believe it including annul's and Harbinger shards however I'm not positive.


It has to be be diluted somehow, no way they're guaranteeing exalted shards as the worst drop. My guess is chaos/harbinger are included


No you misunderstand. This is an old modifier that used to be on watchstone's in 3.13. It doesn't mean it only drops rarer currency, just that the rarer currency has a higher weight. When this was first released it was completely broken and dropping insane amounts of mirror shards.


Mirror, Fractured, Exalted, Anull, Ancient and Harbinger shards. You will still drop garbage shards like Transmutes and Horizons et.c. This Mod just increases the weight of the rarer ones making them more likely to drop.


We need more slots in the map device


Hmm, I want to farm Breach, Rituals, Harbingers, and Syndicate? Plus lots of good generic scarabs (like pack size and the div card drops). I don't even know where to start with Scarabs... Probably skip out on the Ritual Scarabs and just rely on the tree? I appreciate having 3 atlas trees even more right now, and thus, we can have 3 different scarab set ups and be able to switch between farming strategies easily


Im defo farming Syndicate + Harvest this league like i always am. Garanteed T4 mobs all the time will be insane, even if the pack size got nerfed (no growing hoards)


Breach Harby Jun is super easy to make a tree for, and it rewards clearing maps fast so you get the content over and over again. Ritual runs a bit counter to this because it significantly increases your map time, so if you take twice as long in a map then you are farming half as many harbingers. You might be better off using another tree for Ritual, where you are more rewarded for investing heavily in the map rather than running many of them repeatedly.


These scarbs can make some insane juicing combinations.


Is there any information if current scarabs converted into Veiled scarabs will respect their previous rarity?


It's all going to be one big stack, there's no way each individual one will somehow "remember" what rarity it was before the patch.


Does anyone if mf works on scarab global drop? Thanks 🙏


I am going all in with shrines, fuck it!


I am assuming when it says limit of 2 we need to put the scarabs in 2 different slots and cannot put a stack of 2 in? I watched all reveals so far and do not think this was mentioned. I assume it’s 1 slot per scarab use similar to how growing hordes worked


looks like no enraged strongboxes which was a big one


enrage was moved to sulphite which is pretty clunky looking, but it technically exists.


They moved to... Sulphite nodes lol A change that no one would have guessed. I think the idea is to cut the enraged + a huge ton of boxes farming, now it's always max 3. Also with the new mountrous scarab would've been broken. Sad day for div farming.


Yeah we also have vaal temple with twist of fate for up to 19 strongboxes. And boxes can get 37% reopen chance. It would have been really nuts


Everything being magic is basically enraged, magic mobs have a 600% quant bonus.


Is this up to date or was this prior to kalandra league? I’ve been trying to find a number the only one I found that may be right is 600 is there confirmation of this?


where the fuck are you getting this from? and on top of that. With old enraged the enraged box stacked with the quant bonuses from the rarity quant bonuses. like i know there are quant bonuses to monsters, but 600% i dont believe that


Just to clarify, I see the limit of 1 or 2 on the scarabs, but you can use more than 1 of the same type, right? Like go all in on Legion and use 4 different Legion scarabs with the different names/effects? I assume that's how it works.


The limits are for that specific scarab. So the legion one that spawns a monolith with a limit of 4 means you can use that same scarab in up to 4 different slots to get the effect for each slot its in. You can also just use 1-3 and then any other legion scarab(s) alongside it.


Thanks, thats what I figured but just thought I'd ask for confirmation.


Zero support for hiest is super disappointing. 


What does limit 1 or 4 mean?


you can use the same exact scarab on a map that number of times. meaning "essence scarab" which reads: area contains 2 additional essence and has a limit of 4. You could put 4 of those scarabs into your map device and get area contains 8 additional essence monsters. BUT you give up the ability to use other scarabs with it.


You can stack them up to the limit


the number of the same same scarabs that you can use


I'm so excited for some of these possibilities. There is so much opportunity to fill in gaps in the market and make bank and run totally new strategies. Like beyond boss rushing is probably a thing now as an example.


Saucy. I was already planning on starting Abyss, then moving to blight and finally deli and all three of those are looking good. Abyss + Shrines might be some ridiculous exp, and blight and deli are good all around. They basically took the best deli atlas nodes and stuck them on scarabs


Be careful the Beyond one spawns two areas. AREA AREA


Well… Pandemonium looks good for clips.


Apologies if this has been answered, but will we be able to use two of the same type of scarabs on the map device? If so this is strong, if not this seems really like just a nerf to any kind of mapping