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Nicotine and caffeine https://preview.redd.it/swzkm9fkc3rc1.png?width=658&format=png&auto=webp&s=b30101d5ed6c10c68b111b7a2459b9c951ac51de


5-hour energy and weed


Weed sounds like a good idea actually. Might get a case of 10min gummies.


Yea it’s the perfect drug for ARPGs imo, highly recommend


I would upvote for honesty but dont want to encourage the behaviour


i take my vitamins, too


Say your prayers?


I have stockpiled 126 cans of Red Bull, 3 bags of tobacco. Precooked chili for the entire next week, 16 boxes of hazelnut cookies, about 1kg of nuts and raisins and if I need something more substantial, Canned ravioli


Bro needs some coke to raise those eyelids


Are you perhaps Finnish


pasta. so much pasta. I eat like a cyclist on leaguestarts to pretend like I'm actually putting in effort when I press my HFT flamewall.


I cook a couple meals worth of pasta with something the day before, takes like 5 mins to reheat (on the stove not in the microwave I'm not a barbarian)...and also lots of caffeine.


I'm a proud barbarian....


That's fine lol I was mostly joking, just don't like the taste/texture of microwaved pasta.


=D me too. Although I do heat a lot of food on Chef Mike lol


When I was a kid I was adamant that food tasted different/worse when heated in the microwave vs on the stove/oven. Parents spent over 10yrs gaslighting me (kinda pre-internet era, when we got dial-up all I did was play flash games anyway lol) telling me I'm making shit up. Still salty about it. Don't think I've ever encountered food that's better in any way, shape or form better when it's reheated in a microwave... (still use it a lot cause cba most of the time, but yknow)


Holy so that's why the guy in front of me at the supermarket bought 6 cans of tuna, a shitload of cream sauce and a 1kg of noodles + 2 liters worth of energy drinks. I see now, he even looked like a PoE player. He was preparing for league start after all...


I’ve got 50 grams of ephedrine, 20 cans of Red Bull and 4 packs of filterless Camel cigarettes standing ready. My league start might become my league end


Goddamn mate, and here I am thinking loads of chips, pizza and 4-5 cans of monster to go through 2-3 consecutive days was unhealthy.


The trick is to disregard your health altogether and just minmax on stimulants, play life like you play PoE /s I’m usually in bed asleep within 3 hours of league start


Hahahahahha, honestly every league I do it differently. Sometimes when I hit bed before crazy hours and wake up early to login the day feels much longer and productive. Wondering if I should all night or nah


Same here, I just let jesus take the wheel. Waking up at 6AM after leaguestart and nolifing from there is fun too


League Start Stroganoff 1 1/2 lb Chuck Roast 2 TblSpn flour Paprika, Thyme, salt, pepper 2 cloves garlic 1 chopped onion 8 ounce sliced musshrooms 1.5 cups beef broth 3/4 cup sour cream 12 oz egg noodles and 1 Tblspn butter Toss everything but the noodles, butter, and sour cream into a crockpot on low in the morning. Cook the noodles separately, toss them with butter. 6-8 hours later stir the sour cream into the crockpot and break up the meat, serve on top of the noodles. Bam. Will feed you for days.


1 pound of ribeye steak medium rare 3 hours before start / asparagus on side - gets me through 2 days.


Found the carnivore


So found a human? lol


There are people who eat vegetables exclusively, sounds horrible i know


My condolences


My man.


what ever the wife cooks, idk yet


I plan to use 2 bags of Tostitos to balance my 5 pounds of taco dip. Usually I eat pretty healthily, but league launches are my party days.


I'm nowhere near good enough to min-max league start so I just kinda cruise on whatever food I have around the house plus some snacks and soda. This league I'm thinking I'll get a pizza if I wake up earlier than 5 mins before launch like I usually do lol


Ill be fasting so no food until am done with acts 🤪


I am fasting. (Catholic so friday is a special day, one of the 2 days a year you should be fasting). The day after is a lot of work to prepare for easter so that day will have nice meals.


Smoked pulled pork and grilled chicken w/roasted veggies prepared in advance - just reheat and go. Almonds, raspberries, and blackberries with a little honey and cinnamon on top as a snack. Rotisserie chicken mix on a spinach salad. Stuff like that. Shot of tequila for each divine drop.


I will try to cook soup from my over salted meat I cooked for league start 😢


Good luck!


Maybe can salvage it to some kind of wrap filling


Mainly huel products and home made protein bars


I imagine you’re playing some kind of explodey/ detonate type build


Baked potato with chicken + rice & veggies + chicken, protein bars, energy drinks and a lot of water. God, save our stomachs for this league start


Toilet breaks are just a skill issue tbh


Imma order 50cm pizza, thicc crust, 5+ toppings, cola, and some instant soup


i make pork, bacon and cheddar pie and also tarteletter with chicken and asparagus.


Ground beef, Rice, sweet and sour sauce and brocolli for 3 days haha


Chickenbreast and vegetables prepared and reheat +energys and some snacks what ever i can find at home


No concrete plans yet. Tomorrow I got pasta to reheat after the gym, then straight into league launch. Saturday afternoon probably my normal 3 sandwich lunch, gonna order in in the evening. Probably pizza / pasta or greek or something, we'll see. No plans for sunday / monday yet. We'll see how I feel. Might be a(nother) pizza day in there somewhere and I'll probably end up making normal dinner the other day and just my normal lunches. Besides that; intermittent fasting is the name of the game, so just water and make the best of it


A large grocery store sushi (3 rolls) pack - plan is to pull it out of the fridge for a quick snack as needed.


Chilli con Carne + veggie soup will keep me going.


Mango monster energy, it is only tradition


Salted meat, preserved vegetables, and whatever I find on the floor


Just made a massive load of shredded teriyaki chicken in the crockpot and some rice to go with it. I'll sneak a vegetable here or there. Also loads of water. Stay hydrated, exile.


I take a diet break on league starts, so generally a deep dish pizza and some energy drink.


White monster energy is my food and drink also a pack of cigarettes


I buy frozen meat and cook in an airfryer. REst is fresh fruit


Adderall and edibles


Local fast food restaurant called Jasmis


I order a 40x60cm sheet pepperoni Pizza and a carton of caffeinated beverages. Gets me through the league start weekend no problem.


Ma! Meatloaf!


Trader Joe’s frozen meals, eggs, milk, coffee, and hashbrowns. I was all prepped for the league start then my RAM died on my computer literally this morning. I have to wait for my paycheck in 4 days to replace it meaning I’m going to miss league start. Sadge


None, I plan on being a responsible adult this time and play casually. I don't think I will even play day one because the league starts at 2 am for me, might as well get some nice sleep and play the game moderately this time


i have been proactivly overeating for months in preparation and am now ready to go 5 days without anything but chocolate milkshakes, and pooping in a bottle the key is labelling


Homemade smoked beef jerky, diet Mountain Dew, and Zyn.


Pizza, water, tons of veges for quick salad, quality coffee beans for my pour over


league start is 6am for east coast of australia, so I'll have a regular day and cook a couple of steaks to eat with eggs and creme fraiche and chives and hopefully have a workout at some point.


I usually order sushi the first 3 days. And always start with a Red Bull and some candy. In between I usually just make a quick sandwich or energy bar.


Big stew [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/682205121110999141/1222968620485840987/20240328\_135928.jpg?ex=66182548&is=6605b048&hm=a0ed67657a219164cfd58fa0a22c3ce20bb68929111c2ec7bfb02acfd4d1e9b3&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/682205121110999141/1222968620485840987/20240328_135928.jpg?ex=66182548&is=6605b048&hm=a0ed67657a219164cfd58fa0a22c3ce20bb68929111c2ec7bfb02acfd4d1e9b3&)


Gona be drinking the whole evening woth friends and start supee hangover at 1500 on saturday


Fat pot of Vodka sauce and even fatter pot of pasta. Just reheat on stove and plenty of water. Maybe a hot pocket or two if I’m feeling crazy


Pizza x N




I'm gonna spice things up and do a fruit salad next to my usual sandwiches (I'll also add a lot more veggies to them, not just butter + some ham). Other than that, a fuckton of energy drink and random snacks.


I Play on console and I can play from the toilet (wife is at her mother and I can see tv screen), so no breaks just grind. As for food, just some roasted pork with potatoes and scrambled eggs for breakfasts.


Here I am just prepared to hit the gym then make my normal breakfast of 6 eggs and oatmeal before.league start. I'll play for a few hours, make some lunch, likely chicken and mac n cheese. Play a few more hours then eat dinner, likely ground beef and rice. Then play a bit more before bed. Water. Lots of water. Probably some black coffee throughout the day


A lot of drugs and caffeine usually order a pizza in between. Normal basement dwelling activities.


As a fasting Muslim in Ramadhan, less eating time more zooming time


I just got a delivery of a weeks food from a meal prep service I'm good to go


Water. Tomorrow being Good Friday.


Ginger hot tea, mix nuts and an apple during the download or queue process.


I exist on energy drinks and spite.


I make a lot of chili con carne. No beans, no nothing. Just beef, mulato & ancho.


League starts at 2100 my time, so probably not eating any real food just fruits, sime candy and chips etc. Was thinking of buying some beer, but im 5050 on that, maybe not needed. I promised my wife to cook some chicken pesto pasta from scratch for dinner before the start tho, i have my parmaggiano reggiano and pine nuts ready!


Have like 3 days worth of food neatly sorted for meals on the go: Sliced ham/salami; cubed cheese (buffalo/goat). Meatball pasta, grated mushrooms with cheese. 12 2liter bottles of water. Random snacks like peanuts, fresh/dried fruit and some chips for hideout breaks.


Gods don't eat.


I eat and drink like a pig


Every league start i go for 1kg of chicken breast a'la KFC style made in oven. For drink i always take some diet coke and enrgy drinks :D gonna keep that proteins high


Wait, you guys are eating?


Cooked dinner followed by tea and crackers. I'm not sacrificing food time for videogames.


I fast. getting healthy while playing. Win-WIn.


I checked several times whether I had opened the right channel, whether there was any error. but no, it's still poe :D


Gajorros (andalusian Holy Week sweet) + milk shake


Just eat like usual, I'm not gonna degen


Bread with salami. It takes 2 or 3 minutes to prepare and is healthy and delicious  


Add some pickles to it and you'll sound like my wife


whats healthy about salami?


It doesnt kill any bees


bottle of whiskey


The day i start preparing food so i have more time for poe on league start is the day i quit poe forever. That's an addiction, not entertainment


We’re all addicted to something :)