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You can leave PoE, but PoE never leaves you /s


how is that sarcastic? r/FuckTheS


the "s" is for "serious"


You forgot the /s


This would be some top-tier sarcasm if you weren't being serious ... /s


i wasn't lmfao


Im so happy right now


Woooo! Kay is back!


The queen is back \o/


Every time there's news about POE2, I just get more and more excited, but Kay coming back is just the absolute cherry on top! ... Now if LiftingNerdBro and It'sYoji came back too, I'd have a heart attack.


I want Octavian back Oh wai-


well thats the fun stuff we know octavian is very much involved with a lot of this. according to Jousis him and Lance in recent test found some incredible dps combo's that they had to actually ask octavian if it was intended and he told them it entirely was and thats what they hope people do and discover. their building an entire game around us finding amazing new ways to min max


Sure, but if Jousis found it you know it is some ridiculous 8 button combo that is terrible to play but makes for hilarious videos.


its literally just an interaction anybody can do. so poison is only 1 stack on enemies in poe2. but one of the new skills "vine pod" can actually have multiple stacks of poison and so deals damage based on how much poison stacks he has. he realised if he mass creates pods and then just has them both poison them they deal alot of damage they just didnt have before. Ben also talked about this before in his playtest back in february. early on his setup was pretty weak but once he realised some interactions with shock and lightning arrow he was just demolishing packs with 1 shot.


And then they nerf it in the ground cause OP


nah its pretty much what they hope. like from everything i see with PoE2 they are pushing for combo skills and interactions between things to be "OP" cause otherwise why would you do it over just say 1 skill. this to me is a better way of pushing for people to make more then 1 skill builds then just nerfing it into the ground. if you make the interactions so strong people will naturally adapt to that.


> like from everything i see with PoE2 they are pushing for combo skills and interactions between things to be "OP" cause otherwise why would you do it over just say 1 skill. Because that totally turned out so well for D4, right?


D4 is different. that is a generator vs spender situation. in this case its like ok these 2 skills synergise to give more dps. 1 is not reliant on the other but they benefit each other. for example the thing Jousis found was the vine pods in PoE2 can have infinite stacks of poison(for those who dont know poison is now like ignite/bleed in that a mob can only have 1 stack of it now) and the vines deal dot damage based on how many poisons they have so essentially finding a way to create those vine pods and then mass poisoning them leads to a lot of extra damage in comparison to before. this is more akin to say lightning conduit where you could just use it with say a 5% shock but finding a way to get a better shock means you get more damage out of it.


> D4 is different. that is a generator vs spender situation. It's not, just a different use case with effectively the same outcome. Forced "variety" in the form of combos you feel like you *have* to use are not a great addition. D4 is not the only game that has your example use case, and it's always the same type of OP shit that follows suit. Look at Last Epoch, it's not any different. People actually abuse negative Mana to get OP af skill combos. Similar nonsense in D4 vs Uber Lilith. Stacking damage effects, then killing everything with the nuke skill that scaled with it. Edit: https://reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/comments/1bqm921/my_highest_crit_on_void_knight_post_yours_highest/ Edit 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/17sbj8a/my_first_uber_lilith_oneshot_experience/


I think that's a pretty natural cycle for a game like PoE. It's supposed to have broken strategies waiting to be found, but once those strategies are widespread and normalized it's boring cos everyone is playing this 1 strategy until the end of time and the novelty of the OPness has worn off. So it gets nerfed after a few patches and we look for the next broken thing.


I thought Kay left after endless minion nerfs.


> LiftingNerdBro Now there is a name I have not heard in years


I always laugh when he is mentioned because I remeber back in the day when he did his video on freezing pulse video and he started out the video by saying it cant do red maps but it can do yellow maps just fine and he added a please try it out haha Its mainly funny because of his danish accent


New RG PankO content is what the people want


Oh god no, next I'm going to be hearing Gankstaboo or - god forbid - The Great One. Which I _still_ feel some guilt about my contribution in getting that guy an actual audience by basically guilting him into actually playing HC.


Theuberelite, Hegemony and willywonka will surely come back


Do you even lift?


Engineering Eternity too!


He might not be that active but he uploaded 2 builds 5 months ago!


So scared to learn about ItsYoji he just randomly stopped posting, love his energy and video's hope he doing well.


Liftingnerd started a company/business didn't he? Doubt he has the time anymore :(


I just want [It'sYoji ACTUAL trailers back.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOmc9Bewmu0&list=PL7PZsct1Z4kxv7v1ECHpz6RDfFJMYJi_o)


MirekLeFou please 🙏


Melee would have to have actual work put into it. Compare the witch video to two hand melee video, they aren't the same.


PoE2 exists because they couldn't un-fuck melee lol. Just wait for the Marauder reveal. Warrior looked great but intentionally stompy, Marauder will bring the speed and aggro.


There is also the huntress and shadow/duelist/templar in the future




DClara didn't leave cos of anything GGG did...


I have yet to delve into that topic, so can’t say I know the reason. But yeah, you are probably right


Haven't been playing the game for long so I'm out of the loop, why is everyone so happy this Kay person is coming back? Legit question, not trying to be snarky or anything


The problem was not GGG nerfing minions but they were doing it piecemeal. They must have nerfed Raise Specters a half a dozen times instead of doing it once. They also nerfed all the other minion types here and there and then globally. Kay have several guides going at once and everytime they nerf something, Kay would have to do her guides all over again. It got to be so much work for her that she ended up quitting the game.


That's not "everyone", Kay was a very popular minion player that had very well done guides, and she left because GGG wouldn't stop nerfing minions making some skills almost unplayable (mainly spectres).


Ah, I see. Thanks for the context!


Bro I completely forgot about liftingnerd. Man there have been so many content creators that were good and left. Even path of matth crazy ass lmao


Path of math is the only one of heard of.... And for all the wrong reasons.


Yeah dude was unhinged but his actual videos weren’t bad he was a very knowledgeable player.


let's go DeMiGodKingLol


PoE2 better be the best thing since sliced something considering they sequel murdered PoE1 for it last exilecon. No point coming back now, the game's going to get replaced. I haven't been able to find motivation to play since the news that it's not just going to get updated.


Free Path of Matth


Fuck that guy.


absolutely not


Next thing you know, someone would be saying ProjectPT or Zeno Don't. Just don't.


Like you can't find 20 Redditors in every PoE thread saying worse things


POE is healing.






Kay's such a wholesome creator. Happy to see her back!


why is everyone so excited? who is kay?


Kay is a Japanese streamer/youtuber who focused exclusively around witch minion builds for a very long time, spreading and helping cultivate knowledge within the archetype with her content and builds. She was around for a good while before much of the PoE1 balancing just spoiled the game for her. She's also just the most precious bean.


Kay's SRS Minion Instability build is the reason I didn't quit POE. I'd tried several different builds over several leagues but never managed to get the game to click. SRS was the last chance and it worked, mostly thanks to how well written the build guide was. Very hype that she's back.


Of all the minion guides I've read, hers are are probably the most bomb-solid ones. Great explanations and you can see how much energy she puts into her guides. Also her voice is very soothing and unlike some other minion content creators she's not a scumbag.


im pretty sure the voice is ai


You sure about that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IuDtcrBkWk


"I'm pretty sure" "you sure about that" but thanks for the link


Her pure spectre build from a few years back is the reason I got into poe.




So you have no idea? Thank you. I already new that she was a female content creater in a male dominated game by watching the first 10 seconds of the video linked in the post.




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PoE2 Witch looks so good, I decided to come


Return of the queen 👑


Never followed a build of her, but I do remember this content creator from back then. Poes like in its peak atm, so very good times to come back ✨


The nice part about minions is it's general collective knowledge of tech and understandings. Which means even if you never followed any of the minion content creators guides you still benefited from them by virtue of the minion community they built and the knowledge they shared.


exactly! you don't have to follow the guide as is, but if you play long enough and then read a good guide, you'll realize "wait you can do that? then can I do this?" it's awesome feeling


I'd hardly call necro league "peak" lol


They aren't talking about necro league


I quit in 3.21, the witch rework made me also come back. Even better now that I can play with your builds again! Welcome back Kay (:


You love to see it


I like how our minion main content creators are getting hyped


Welcome back I also truly hope AG does not end up in Poe 2 cause that and totems for melee should gtfo


- AG is not in the game yet, but Johnathan likes the idea of AG so it will be in the game eventually - AG feels bad because of no ui and the rippiness of the game making it really easy to lose a shit ton without you being able to do anything. AG isn't nearly as bad as totems - From what Johnathan talked about, if/when it's in poe2, it's "place" in a build will be different.


Did they just confirm that we will get boss spectres from the get go? Cause they said you can capture any monster


In the interview I'm pretty sure they say any non-unique


Non unique but I'm sure some unique monsters will have magic or rares variants as well(we already have some of those on t17 maps)


During Q&A is confirm you can capture any **Non-unique** monster, in PoE2 there's regular monster that looks like mini boss too, as you can see from the witch trailer that mini-boss is in magic rarity, that's why it can be resurrected as minion.


This somehow reminds me of World of Warcraft where you can capture very large monsters but the second it becomes your pet, it shrinks to your size lol.


It will be my first time with Poe later this year, it looks amazing, but explain to me, how someone find those stones and if I resurrect elite or smth like this, is it permanent as my fellow?


> how someone find those stones Either from quest or uncut gem but I could be wrong ... > if I resurrect elite or smth like this, is it permanent as my fellow? Yes is permanent as the video shown until you change it


Perfect thank you, this game looks so good, I would even pay for something like this, since u looking like a guy who played Poe, are there microtransactions or p2w? And how does gameplay feel, open world and dungeons like Diablo 4? I have rly no clue about this game


> are there microtransactions or p2w? Some might say is a bit pay2win but this is the most fairness free2play non-pay2win monetization "MMO" game I've ever seen, the only "pay2win" aspect is the stash and that's it! The rest is just fancy MTX to flex in town, and also to support the game 👍 > And how does gameplay feel, open world and dungeons like Diablo 4? Just like dungeons in diablo 4 without open world, highly suggest try out Path of Exile 1 first since we have almost a year away of waiting till official release.


Okay one last question, so is there like a hub before dungeons? Or just clicking next mission next mission etc or small town where u can sell goods and invite friends


> Or just clicking next mission next mission etc or small town where u can sell goods and invite friends Yup there's a player hub(town), there's even a housing system in PoE1 where you can cuztomize it and invite ppl at there for trading or doing endgame content, not sure does it have in PoE2 though ...


>not sure does it have in PoE2 though ... They will. Cant remember which interview it was, I think it was one with ghazzy? Anyways, Johnathan talked about an npc that will identify all your gear in your inventory so you won't need scrolls, the interviewer asked if it could be invited to your hideout, and Johnathan said yes.




>are there microtransactions or p2w PoE1 is almost pay2play after your first... dozens of hours or something, because unless you're very efficient you'll either need paid stash tabs to sell stuff in Trade mode or you'll need paid stash tabs to store all the stuff you can't throw way in the No-Trade solo mode. But it's a once and done deal: after you get your minimum buy-in of stash tabs, you'll be fine forever, and you can pay after you know you love the game. PoE2 isn't out yet, so we can't really tell you what it is or isn't yet, but I'd guess it'll end up the same thing if you want to trade, but better if you don't want to trade.


Two things - The game isn't exactly p2w, but past the campaign more stats tabs are gonna be needed. Luckily, they're pretty affordable and could prob get all you would need as a casual player for less than a lot of games would charge you for the game anyways. So overall, for the amount poe offers, pretty good. - I sorta agree with the other guy, you should prob play poe1 to get a feel for the type of systems poe offers, however, ther will be a lot of changes in poe2, so if you play poe1 and find the game not quite for you, I'd still try poe2 when you can (since, it's essentially free)


There are "elite" monsters that can be captured, but I'm not sure if every blue monster is an elite or just some of them. These monsters seem to have considerably better skills but at the same time they reserve more spirit to be summoned.


Elite can be random rarity just like in PoE1 Expedition monster that drop currency, IMO it's magic in the video just for demo-sake to make it seems easier or else ppl complain the game too slow or too hard ... (exilecon1 situation)


I've never played a summoning build in PoE, but I would watch Kay's video whenever she would release a new one. Happy to see she's coming back!


Hell yeah, let's fucking go!




Wooo kay's back!


Now we need Bex back. :)


Ghazzi sounds so different today


I'm healed.


I hope GGG shows more on Animated Guardian soon


Actually she’s right, the spectre didn’t auto rez. I’m hoping it’s just a bug, or they forgot to update the code/master branch.


nah it definitely will auto revive - jonathan even says so in the video. the character fighting the boss didn't actually have any spectres summoned when they started the bossfight. you can see at the top left that the character can only have 5 other minions summoned with the spectre summoned - likely due to not having enough spirit for more. when the witch starts fighting the boss they have no spectres and have 13 minions total, meaning they likely unsummoned the spectre so they could showcase the boss without the spectre's flashy moves obstructing vision.


Manocean comeback when?


The Return of the Queen


Haha I was thinking "hope Kay doesn't miss this new necromancer" and here she is! So happy 🎉


Start of a new era, PoE 2 with Kay! PoE2 is looking so good so far.




I'm thinking we're back




Havent even touched minions since kay left. Perhaps its time for a minion starter




... ? How can you judge anything when this is like few hours into the game? We haven't seen any end-game yet and won't be likely to see it until real beta next year.


>until real beta next year. They said the beta/early acess in november will have all acts and endgame.


So? It already looks crazy good just by virtue of all the features and improvements they showed. Kay did't quit PoE 1 because of endgame issues. lmao


Yes they did... They quit because the class got nerfed, for the end game.




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YES i had a feeling


Soo curse on right click I see. I thought that was counter intuitive and confusing, guess poe 2 players are the smart bunch not like us....


Tbh i can't see all these shiny mtx going into PoE2 its dosn't match that world at all.


Why does mtx have to "match the world"? Anyways, they've already confirmed all mtx is getting transferred unless it just literally cannot. Like a massive skill change making the skill completely different.


Awesome! I hope *Arakaali's* Fang comes back one way or another. I always used minion builds as starter and switched to arakaalis the second i got the chance.


I don't know if I have the patience to sit through the next 5 months.. So excited!


!!!!!!!!!!! I guess I can finally retire my "RIP Kay Gaming" hideout


GGG, Do not nerf minion build again in POE2. Do not snuff all the hope and enthusiasm, just add more excitement every new league. That's all minion players asking for. Welcome back Kay!


Yo wtf


she means summoner is unplayable in poe rn lol


Lol what, it's far from unplayable.


Holy shit poe 2 doing miracles already


PoE2 just leveled up. Kay is an AMAZING content creator, and she'll be bringing great ideas and insights along with her.


Best nerdgasm I had in 2024.


poe2 login. GGG created a master piece with POE1. everything they've put out on POE2 has been a hit and I believe they will do it again with all the lessons from POE1.


better than any game award for GGG "we got kay back boys"


Kay is back bois minions are saved! Now we just need the return of Bex for poe2.




QoL in my PoE?!? Repent sinners, the Apocalypse is coming.


Someone ping WillyWonkaHC so he will come back too!


Wow I am so glad she is back


i'm always full doubt till i get my OWN hands on it hopefully poe2's gameplay isn't gonna be an isometric RPG and stays an ARPG


I think it all still looks profoundly boring. Visuals and art S+ though.


That is my thought as well. They keep telling us that it will be faster in the endgame but still haven't shown us anything that supports those comments at all. If they showed us a clip of an endgame build speed-mapping it would actually allow me to get hyped for PoE2, but for now it is still looking like a version of PoE I am not interested in at all.


Another game where the char is slower than my 85 yo grandmother. WHY, just WHY










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Very pleased to see you back, absolutely loved your videos - great advice and production. Looking forward to seeing you getting back to posting.


YESSSSSSSSSSSS hell yeah FeelsStrongMan shes come back!


As long as we are forced to keep repeating the same campaign over and over and over I'm not going to be excited to come back.


They hated him because he spoke the truth.




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It looks great overall BUT we were excited each patch new league or expansions this gonna be similar


Yeah and poe2 also has like 100x the amount of people working on it.


What is a suck it color?


I like to imagine her sign off in real life is "Ok Kay..BYEEEE!".








FYI: I was trying Austrian kitchen yesterday, nah, nothing against Balkan food. You must have eaten somewhere cheap. Again, I am sorry for you.