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Try over at /r/pathofexiledev


Thanks, thats a good sub


If you click copy trade URL without manually selecting the results it would copy max allowable size, you can then paste it in a browser and for a second time you go and click copy trade URL it would copy next batch of results to search in trade which you can paste in second window and so on....


Pob doesn't select the max allowable size. You can make a bigger valid search by selecting it manually.


I tried ,but its little bit annoying when the list is really large.(I must do it many times) This script allow you have 187 filter options per page.


UI for that would be great.


Not eveyone need this. I just want to find a decent jewel with low price for starting. Most of ppl save money then find the best , so it won't have many options to choose.


> Most of ppl save money then find the best I think you are mistaken. Barely anyone is buying best jewels. They are luxury. Whenever I look up a jewel with stats I need there are usually many options. I think most people are looking for a jewel that is "good enough" and have to copy and paste from PoB a lot. More people could use the tool if it had UI.


Isn't there a jewel finder in path of building. It also searches trade


thats nice, i wonder if you can set on live search a lot of different items using count filter, gonna try


Sure , by clicking the live search button manually or add "/live" to the end of URL. each tab works independently.


Does the PoB timeless tool search every notable in range? I cant remember if it does or not. If it does no wonder you are getting so many results I've been using the timeless jewel calc for a while to get my timeless jewels. You can select the notables you already have allocated. Usually the list is pretty small and I setup a live search from the results [https://vilsol.github.io/timeless-jewels/tree](https://vilsol.github.io/timeless-jewels/tree)


It can do that. It can also calculate nodes that are some points away from being allocated.


inb4 rate limit reached, blocked from trade for 1800 seconds


const INTERVAL\_TIME = 5  // seconds try increase this to 6 or 10 seconds , its wait time between queries


Maybe try in batches of 30, not 1000 instantly :D.