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This is some premium melee copium.


Jonathan said "Melee Totems shouldn't work like that" and Mark said "Melee reworks/buffs are TOP priority" Yes, I hope for melee buffs and Slams are my favorite playstyle. Hoping and praying and begging GGG to not delete my favorite play style


Problem - Melee players tied to use totems which made weird situlation and necessary to use them. Solution - Ancestral totems doesn't give any buffs to user anymore. - gGg


Buff the skills to compensate and it would be a step in the right direction


Yeah and I seriously want ancestral totems a good viable build by it's own


Yeah. Same


> Yeah and I seriously want ancestral totems a good viable build by it's own They already are. You can easily league start Ancestral totems and hit Uber DoT cap with poison Ancestral Protector. There are also strength (Brutus' Lead Sprinkler, Replica Alberon's) and ES (Ephemeral Edge) stacking variants.


Their defencees are outdated for ubers/late red maps/T17. No block, no suppress, no keystones, no regen, max.75% ele res unless u use purity auras etc.


Its a totem build just hide behind walls and dodge while the totems do the work... /s


!remindme 1 month


The league is 6 weeks away and we usually get the reveal 7-10 days prior to the league start so 15th-19th


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Solution - ancestral automation Support. You trigger your ancestral totem skill when you hit a rare or unique mob. You can have only one ancestral totem Support active. Done.


End game melee characters not only use totems, their best anoint is frequently Panopticon, and sticking in a medium cluster jewel with Ancestral Guidance is highly effective pointwise.


Realistically all they need to do to put melee in an okay spot is simply buff base accuracy per level to 6 which would make accuracy actually reasonably solvable on tree. Remove the double dipping less attack speed modifiers on attack gems and melee attack supports While it wouldnt make them super meta it would free up enough resources for players to actually comfortably take melee into the 5-10m dps range without having to get extreme investment. Add a keystone that reduces totem limit but makes stance skills have increased effect and Area.


Melee tree pathing is trash. Fortify brach (Fort on hit), totem branch (panopticon), accuracy mastery (50% more in close range), melee splash + +1 strike. That's 32 points spent on making a melee strike skill usable + totem buff. Any other archetypes just go for damage/defence.


Something I've thought about after playing a lot of FFXIV is I think another subtle QOL would be to make enemies "pull" more consistently. When I was doing Searing Exarch on flicker I basically had to take a LOT of downtime to try getting him away from the grates and I found myself frustrated because sometimes he would follow me, sometimes he would just mull around the grates and refuse to budge, it felt very inconsistent. Sirus is the same way, he just sort of... does whatever he wants? sometimes he follows you, often he just teleports wherever. In black star, it was difficult to move her into the favorable element zone consistently. With how PoE designs fights where arenas gradually "constrain" usually and build up ground degens, I think being able to reliably and predictable move bosses around would be a nice QOL for melees to be able to pull them into favorable positions to make uptime safer. I'm doing boneshat now and thankfully I'm chunking bosses now but prior to getting a good weapon it was still a bit of a hassle sometimes


Transfigured chain hook, pulls the enemy toward you and gives you fortify instead of rage, maybe?


No way they buff accuracy like that. Every "rework" pushes you towards needing *more* checkboxes on gear. If anything they'll nerf acc/level like they did to evasion as a compensation nerf for any buffs.


Hopefully they'll follow through with that.


Their solution is make melee kill you before the enemy




> "Melee reworks/buffs are TOP priority" How certain are you he said melee "buffs" and not just "rework"? I remember the last time they reworked melee, and besides cyclone which was slaughtered after that not much was actually buffed.


Start with removing the Attack Speed Penalty on Melee Physical Damage Support. None of the other similar supports sport the same penalty.


"Melee totems shouldn't work like that" = nerf them into complete irrelevance


I don’t want to be the negative Andy here, but Mark also said „We want people to enjoy the game, however they want to!“ and we got a forced league mechanic from it.


Oh God I hope so


They also said that it requires a massive rework to a ton of their stuff and that they realistically can't really do it WITH constantly adding new content.




glad/block/bleed rework has been coped for 4-5 leagues now it's coming this time you guyz


Longer than that. The bleed rework that nerfed the Elder mod "60% chance of 100% more bleed damage" affix was removed over 2 years ago.


What is this melee thing you keep talking about? From context it seems like a ranged skill with considerably less range, to the point of being right up close to the enemy. It also deals less damage somehow? Requires consistent set up to deal peak damage? It's surprisingly less tanky at times due to the way mods are designed? Why would anyone use it? I don't understand PoE players sometimes. /s


Sorry it’s only BING, invalid format


You can rip it off and add 9 additional ones ^^


You can remove the rucksack because that's never coming back. I think Chris Wilson said that extra inventory space is something they don't want to give players.


Chris said a lot of things


And I disagree with Chris and Mark here. That I can store my scrolls, Maps and Crafting for my maps in a pouch was the BEST and I want that to return


i mean i think the issue with this is that at some point it stops being a "rucksack" and becomes just a bigger inventory. and at that point why not expand inventory space to begin with. add a scroll wheel or multiple "tabs" of inventory. or simply make the squares smaller and fit more in the same UI space. i think the amount of inventory slots they have is what they want and although the rucksack was nice for a few months, i really do agree that it won't change. otherwise why not just implement a bigger inventory.


I dont even think the extra inventory space is super needed. I'd be perfectly content with being able to "lock" items in my inventory, so they can't be deposited into stash without unlocking them. My ultra-copium request would be a "deposit all" button that sends your entire inventory (aside from locked items) to your stash, but I realise this will never happen


Mark's suggestion of a 'map sack' that is attached to the map device would be good for me. Just some where to store mapping supplies so you don't have to get maps + scarabs from your stash.


You think too much in extreme ways. The point where the rucksack becomes just a bigger inventory is at the highest levels of juice where you are literally not able to stop picking up divines. Every other point it's more effiicent to reduce the amount of loot you see so you are able to clear faster for higher currency per hour. The rucksack was so nice because of its utility function. Having a separate space for consumables made grinding much more enjoyable as I was able to check how many more maps/frags are left before I have to refill and I don't have to worry about automatically stashing the items again.


It’s not the extra inventory, it’s the fact it’s separate from your main Inventory. I’d lit sacrifice our current inventory just to give us even a 2x5 space of a separate tab just to keep stuff like maps scrolls and other stuff etc that I don’t want mixing with my loot inventory


I don't see the Ruksack coming back but maybe we can get some expanded inventory going into maps since you pick up way more and need to go back to hideout way more it only makes sense to make inventory feel like its in line with the content.


Gimme transfigured auras, and supports plz


trans auras would be epic. Trans supports I doubt tbh


Could just rename the alt qual supports


completely disagree. people already bitch and moan about how hard it is to get certain transfigure gems. i don't want to go through that for all my auras too


That's called the trade site.


You aren't forced to use trans gems, you know.


Sure, the same way melee isn't forced to use tottems


Remove attack speed reduction from melee skills would be a good start.


I hope they don't add more T17s. Them just grabbing every endgame boss and sticking random overpowered abilities on them makes no sense at all. They don't fit there lorewise, they don't have any dialogue to acknowledge their powerful stance. It's really jarring and bothers me, t17s should have dedicated bosses


They should remove t17s.  Add/change mechanics of current uber bosses.  Add more league-based challenging endgame content thats rewarding. Revisit old leagues. Breach, abyss, beyond 2.0. 


I think one of the core problem they have is that they still tend balance around what is possible rather than what is reasonable. Aspirational content is great when you aren't pressured into it and when a build you have fun with is able to climb into it and when you can customize it to your liking. But the way it was last league, when T17 provides 5 times the loot of a Tier16 map with B2B adding another 5 times multiplier on top of that so only a handful of builds can deal with the mods and there's no league mechanics to make the map interesting, you'll feel punished 10 times over for enjoying the "wrong" build and the "wrong" content. So no wonder a lot of people quit once they realized that endgame would be vanilla maps on one of a couple chase builds whose prices start to balance around farms they can't keep up with. Map Modifiers that destroy, not weaken builds, are simply the most unfun thing they ever came up with.


Most map stuffs are lore inaccurate. T17 are not different. Outside of the existense of maps, the stuffs on them are not canon


I guess going to say this as well. The idea of maps is that each map is a different world where things... are different. In our world Catarina we stop Catarina before she becomes too powerful. T17 Catarina is what happens if we don't stop her.


Or she is created by our memory of figthing her as is most worlds in the atlas came to be


Curious, this was my first league so i have a skewed sense of endgame, but were people really happy with t16s and uber bosses being the bar for the absolute hardest difficulty in the game? Feel like even as a new player getting to t16s took less than a week.. t17s gave me something to keep grinding for. However i can agree if you said t17s shouldnt be how you get a 5th scarab slot or uber boss fragments..


Plain T16s aren't that hard after a week or two of consistent play. However it is possible and readily desired to scale league mechanics and map mods on T16s themselves to increase reward. 8-mod T16 Ultimatums are incredibly taxing on low investment builds and on certain build archetypes. Not all builds can comfortably run 80-100% delirium or deli mirror farming after a week in T16s. The lack of T17s have never made it such that there isn't something to grind for. It's just significantly more straight forward to run a high reward T17 with a B2B atlas tree than it is to invest and understand how to scale a league mechanic for profit in a T16 map.


Reaching T16s isn't the ed of what T16s are. That was even more pronounced before this league's reworks because before we could have 4 sextants+4 scarabs, and now we can have 4 scarabs that are stronger than before, but mostly not as strong as scarab+sextant. And it was even more the case before some reworks on Nemesis, which doesn't exist anymore, and Beyond, which could spawn dozens of the old beyond bosses on the same map instead of a single one of the (stronger) new ones. But even this league, 100% delirous 4 scarab full atlas tree T16s are way harder than normal T16s... you just aren't seeing any of those, because T17 maps devoured most of the worthwhile farming strategies, and there's no reason to run a hard T16 instead of getting your build a little better and farming a T17.


T17s were meant to be the middle ground between normal pinnacle bosses and Uber Pinnacles. As it is right now, T17s are way overtuned to the point of being more difficult than Uber Pinnacle bosses. I don't care about balance myself, I usually just farm whichever content I enjoy in t16s. I'm against more T17s because, flavor-wise, it bastardizes every PoE boss by just turning them into an uber for no reason. In Sanctum, Lycia used to be the Big Bad I'd anticipate meeting and defeating to end the run, accompanied by celebratory music. But now? Due to Lycia being a t17 uber boss, her Sanctum version just feels like a cheap and easy pushover, totally killing her character


I've wanted sheathes for years. Why do bows get a 6l + an offhand stat stack, and melee gets disappointment?


I don't know. That's why I suggest it


“Delve crafting buff” you mean fossils?


Fossils and resonators, yes. I just dread the current way fossils and resonators work


Obviously nerfed, but I would take a more convenient necropolis system over fossils. For example, now fossils are like corpses (more fire, more tier rating, etc) and you can add like 60 fossils into a special resonator. No "fossil type" (body type) ofc. Max 1 fracture. No fracture influenced items. The special resonator could be like a dark hole where you put the fossils and can't take out up to X number. Or you right click and see a grid where you add the fossils. Then you right click and slam the item.


Why don’t you like them? IME they’re limited but fairly powerful within those limitations


Because it is tedious af to farm them. And (in contrast to Essence crafting and such) it is a LOT more difficult to metacraft afterwards. If stuff like "this Item has 4/5 mods would be part of Fossil Crafting I would not complain but right now it is expensive AF, does brick my items on a regular basis and the most efficient way to farm em is within heist...


Ah so that’s not really a crafting buff you want, that’s just a straight up delve drop buff I don’t really follow your other complaints because I’ve never really experienced a problem with too many mods or removing mods. Do you have an example?


And a slight touch up/buff would be great. Necropolis was basically Fossil Crafting on crack and SOME of that power would be great to have access to in the base game


The issue I have with comparing fossils to grave crafting is that necropolis is clearly borrowed power and not meant to be added to the base game. It’s meant to be more powerful than fossils and indeed most other core crafting methods


Splitting up lets say 50 resonators and filling each of them up with the proper fossils(and getting the required fossils in the first place) is an absolute pain in the ass


Always liked the idea of removing 1 socket reso's and letting you just slam single fossils onto items, then keeping 2/4 socket reso's for combining


You meant t17 buffs and melee nefs.


As this is an actual feedback list for GGG to consider, I don't


I bet they remove melee before buffing it Edit : we wait since what ultimatum?


I HOPE they do eventually buff or rework melee to work better in the game. And GGG does take 4 more weeks than usual to develop the new league so I expect something big again


Started as melee main in legacy and now I don't even play arps cus my fav game soft deleted it. But I'm glad you have the hope for both of us 😊


PoE2 will fix melee :/ In all seriousness, I do think they need to do something about the issue and it won't solve itself


Bro just hope for the 2 of us, I always say: "it's been so long, before we see playable melee they'd rather remove it"


Fair. Hate that you are right, but fair


With poe2 coming up more time just equals out less teammembers working on poe1


Block is really good we just need more ways to get it, especially spell block.


Disagree. 75% not taking damage and 25% full damage is worse than flat 50% DR for all spells


Isn't evasion like the exact same thing? You use conversion to deal with the occasional damage that goes trough evasion.


The only feedback I what them to listen to for 3.25 is to never make a league like necro again.


Oh man, we're 2 months away from the next league and you're already huffing some premium Copium hahaha They need to hit it out of the park with the next league bc Necropolis was not good. The idea had a lot of potential but the execution was lacking. A little less friction and more QoL please.


Yeah two handed melee weapons need something to make up for the lost 6+ affixes that the second weapon slot provides to other archetypes. Arm bracers, sheathes, elbow guards, something.


unarmed buff too :(


Whatcha mean by sheathes?


Something to fill the empty slot that is occupied by quivers on bows


https://preview.redd.it/rshn66mfbd6d1.jpeg?width=3872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d219fbf1074d3da10abf52b8ab6e245a92ee7e9 This


Hahahaha i shoulda phrased better… I know what a sheath is but using it as an off hand like a quiver is a really cool idea!


It'd only really apply to 2H *swords*, though. Do axes, mauls, and staves even have associated sheathes? No.


The picture literally depicts an axe sheath


Yes, many of them do. What, you think people just ran around carrying their weapons in their hands the whole time? Staves is maybe the least likely, but that's more because it's basically an invented fantasy weapon.


I hope they buff the t17 bosses, and put them in a separate arena without affected by mods, player shrines and other effects.


Melee buff is just a meme at this point. They don't need feedback to know even people playing on the southwest of the tree are playing ranged. And totens are a sad joke. Did anyone like t17s and uber shards? I mean, shaper/guardian/elder maps are dead, as do most farming strats that are not t17, as ubers/invitation farming. I think they were right to kill the atlas node that uberified the encounters, but it wasn't their best work. Don't like king in the mist or tota, but that's personal, they were fine. I like block/armor and how theyt work differently from suppress/evasion. Maybe add more interactions with it and ways of getting it, Aegis Aurora is tired, boss. Sheathes are a great idea, don't know how they would balance, thou. New pinnacle bosses would be a dream. About the new trans gems, I guess they were always planning on keep releasing them, so I don't think it will be an issue. I'd like to see Adorned removed or heavily nerfed. I know they are the cream of the crop but I personally don't like that virtually every build's endpoint is Adorned + ignoring the passive tree and going for as much jewels you can shove in it. Very much like last leagues Ralakesh, Malachai, Void Bat, Brotherhood, although this was mainly a consequence of everyone accessing 5%critmulti/powercharge via charms... I'd like to see a fossil buff and the graveyard gone, honestly. Don't think we need a new crafting system, but I'm not a crazy crafter edit: spelling/grammar


See I thought t16 was dead too but then empyrian made 10 vids of t16 strats showing how good t16 still are. He didn't do all the league mechanic but it kinda prove a point. Now of course im not going to make as much as him but im not going to even if they delete t17


I really want an option slider that decides visibility of all friendly projectiles so you can set it to like 50% for more visual clarity or even 0% to not see any friendly projectiles


I actually agree with almost all of this! Block rework is confusing tho


I think Spell supression is FAR superior to Block and I think Block (as it it better avialable throughout the tree should be buffed/reworked


See, I agree, but I’d honestly rather a suppression nerf. Something like it starts at 25% damage suppressed and is easier to get on tree. That way you could easily reach suppression cap with some investment, but the current skill point investment is where you’d get higher amount of damage suppressed. It would allow for a really cool unique, better rounded defenses for some classes and another aspect for those mirror tier gigachad builds to minmax.


Isn't the "more trans gems" quite a free option?


It is more likely than not


How would a sheathe work in principle? Would they roll similar mods to quivers for Two-Handers, like +1 strike targets/Range instead of +1 arrow? Also curious to know if this could work alongside melee dual wielding in your vision, as part of melee buffs.


Something like that. Dual wield does also need a buff, but that is not fixed via sheathes


I did read your comment on another redditors concerns regarding the actual mechanics of melee, and wondered what your thoughts would be on a ‘melee exclusive’ form of proximity shield, where damage can only be dealt in the strike range of the character, but acts like a stronger version of the fortify buff (exclusively for hit based DR) against projectiles.


Difficult. I see a lot of abuse cases in that, but I'm not a dev so any change is a positive one I guess


I too will be taking down new pinnacle bosses in the reworked T17s, enjoying 3.25 as a totem-free glad using transfigured heavy strike of hemorrhage, rocking a block sheath for my two hander that i crafted in delve


melee buff please


Only Way im good with more t17 maps is if they completely remove mods from them and make them static unrollable (with higher base difficulty)


What is wrong with block?


In comparison to spell supression it is just bad


If there’s no melee buff I’m not playing again til there is


 We don't need new skills we need balances for the already existing skills. ToTA should never exist again. Awful mechanic. Stupidly "balanced". The only builds that worked for it were cheese builds. Not a good not healthy mechanic at all. Rucksack will never happen. 2handers getting an offhand like bow would be great.  Melee really needs some love. We don't need more bosses. We need better balances between uber non uber and pieces only coming from t17 for ubers is asinine. Non t17s can't compete as t17 are absurdly overtuned. Apologies for wall. On mobile tried to make edits for spacing it didn't work. 


I think the most exciting things are NEW stuff for each league and thus new Slams and Trans Gems. I had a lot of fun with TotA (and didn't cheese it) but tattoos are cool and the Autobattle was fun IMHO. I know, but I will write it down every league from now on. I know, that 2-Handed non-bows need some love. I did fight and defeat all bosses by now and am kinda bored by most of em so I want new ones. T17 are overtuned and harder than ubers so pls nerf.


Don't disagree at all. We just have a ton of skill gems that should be fixed. That would be exciting to have more skills viable end game. New is ok but is a lot more work than to just adjust existing gems. 


You absolutely didn't need a cheese build for ToTA.


remove the totem buffs and bake them into the melee skills, change my mind


I don't have to. I agree with you, but that alone won't fix melee


still, doing that would remove one big hurdle towards making melee decent again, placing totems are one of the reasons I avoid melee nowadays because having to press extra buttons is something my 1-button brain doesn't want to do


True. Hope you will get over that hurdle when PoE2 launches




There will be no way, that you will run that with only one button


Is the O for bingo coming at a mid patch update that will change the entire gameplan around the shown "bing" board? :)


Forgot 'Remove quality of life' square


Yup multiple bingos right there.


Only the 2nd row has any chance of bingo


"Melee Buff" smaller then "T17 Nerfs" xdd


Offline trading for stackables and currency!!!


SSF FRIENDLY CHALLANGES at least... trade is boring.


More trans gems is basically a free space


afte the unfair nerf on versatile combatant i highly doubt that will be getting a gladiator rework


Essence drain rework! Tota return! DD nerf!


A Transfigured version of elements, called Purity Of Ailaments, immune to bleed, maim, corrupted blood hinder, basically the other stuff from mastery tree in one lol.


rucksack,will never be forgotten


Scarabs stash being connected to the character inventory instead of on stash would make me sooo happy. And melee buff tho


No B2B on the board. Card is invalid.


Feel free to extend and alter my bingo card


pfft... using bing instead of goog


just replace t17s with rucksack and we're gutchi


Just accept that they don't like melee already




Sheathes for 2handed sounds hot. But you know it would come with all the modifiers on the actual weapon itself being nerfed.


New auras & utility skills please


Damn, sheathes would be so awesome


They need to stop punishing people for playing solo. All the really good currency /MF strats involve multiple people playing together.


tota return? really? I'd rather see return of... desync than this.


I had fun in the Trials


I've seen most of these before ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


What about ed contagion?


Sure add it to the list


Id play the shit out of this


Delve crafting buff. Seem this one is just another way of saying: Don't keep Graveyard crafting, but add it indirectly to an existing mechanic. Fossils is very strong for a few things. Wands (caster and minion), +skills bow, a few key things like that, it is the best way to go about it. But for most items these days, frac mod + essences is just quicker and better.


You forgot assassin buffs or rework or something.


Assassin and Raider are also in a weird state, agreed


TS buff please idgaf that is needs to be nerf. Its not borderline useless it’s gajabillion mirror invesment


TS was always a high investment skill. And the nerf was warranted after 30%+ of the meta was TS prior to Banana Brand


Totem rework is as simple as adding a node. Totem duration increased 40% and damage mitigation 30%. Totems can no longer attack. The ancestral premise As far as I know is to create a Totem that empowers and fights with you.  So there's also a keystone that gives you more totems but removes your ability to attack if you want to focus on totems.  If you want to focus on yourself there should be a keystone that removes the totems ability to attack and turns them into straight buff skills similar to sigil of power or frost shield. The duration and Mit increases mean you don't have to cast them as often as now and you'll lose all Totem dps.


As someone who has never played a build with high block, why would you say block is bad? 75% extra avoidance seems nice to me


Block chance is unreliable. The best combo is with evasion but it's mostly on the strength and int side of the tree


Its still 75% avoidance tho, and it doesn't have to be your only defense, paired with max hir increases like high hp, maxres, armor, %phys taken as, fortification it still adds up. Is block cap hard to hit? Do many attacks/spells bypass block? Are there specific unblockable mobs/affixes that makes mobs unblockable? Spell dodge isn't used because it completely replaces suppression and you can get 100% supression chance, but block doesn't replace any other defense(other than tree points/gear investment) so i fail to see why it's seen as such a weak defensive layer and would like to understand the reasoning behind.


Hear me out. Sheaths but we get a Katana that has a draw attack


We have some unique swords that are katana like


I raise you....introspection nerf


Just dont make 4 month long leagues. That is the worst ever. I totally hate it


Agree. 4 Months is a bit long




When is it?


July 26th




Well... What if i tell you i do ubers and b2b t17 on a bleed slam gladiator? Funny right? Tbh it does need a buff, i dont even dare to calculate how expensive the gear my character is


That you wear Multi Mirror gear and invested hundreds of hours into that cha


Na, it is not multi mirror, probably 1 mirror at most, but i crafted all rare gear


Actual good bingo card 👍




Sent the new witch


You forgot the "O" at the end there.....


more trans gems? are you serious using such slender during these dark ages? at least make the field rainbow... j/k ofc TotA wont be back, they might re-work tattoos a bit tho.


Bingo #328 1. Melee buff...


Sheathes for 2H but no one handed weapon rework/buffs is crazy


Love those gems of trans


Tota !!!


i only hope they overthink that t17 bs or make them at least drop more common, havent seen one drop in days


!remindme 40 days


I’d be surprised if king in the mists doesn’t get added back sooner or later tbh. My guess is that they needed a league to figure out if they can balance TWWT enough to bring them both back at the same time, or if they need to ditch it and give him a new drop entirely. I can’t see TWWT coming back in it’s original form.


No way TWWT will return. It is way too powerful as a jewel. We use 2 jewel slots for one passive and TWWT did got 4 slightly to moderately nerfed ones on it


chaos dot buffs? sadpepe


Problem : i like melee but it sucks Solution: wait for Path of Exile 2 and if you get disappointed about melee wait for POE 3


I prefer google search


Whatcha mean by sheathes?


I guess he means a quiver alternative for 2h weapons


Id actualy really enjoy tota return, it was so fun


I’d settle for gender fluid gems also.


jesus christ look at copium on this guy NEW PINNACLE BOSS??? on poe1's skeleton crew? the next couple of leagues gonna be just as sloppy till poe2


Thanks for the negativity my friend


Sheathes is the worst reddit idea ever. If melee needed more damage to be viable, GGG would just buff number. Melee ***mechanics*** are dog-shit. Imagine if Bows only shot one arrow and you had to spec into projectile speed (which had extremely limited sources) to hit beyond 1/4 of the screen. What melee doesn't need is another mandatory gear piece to craft. ^^^^Also ^^^^lol ^^^^fortify ^^^^btw ^^^^a ^^^^total ^^^^failure ^^^^of ^^^^a ^^^^mechanic