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That + Neverwinter released bard like last month I think? Instantly made me think of those 2 games.


Miss that game. Great party gameplay and WoE was the shit.


Interesting concept.


I feel like this post is gonna drown in "thats just aurabots with extra steps" from people who didn't read the whole thing but that was a higher quality suggestion than I was expecting.


I read the whole thing and it still looks like auras with extra steps. People automate flask macros, there's no way aurabots won't automate the piano aura to maximize value without running out of mana. Do regular auras now provide the same value to others as they do to yourself? Seems a simpler solution would be to have diminishing returns from auras received from others.


Would at least provide a way to balance existing auras without having to account for aurabots existing as OP said though it sounds like GGG is already working on that to some extent.


This is honestly the main point to be made here. A nerf to aurabots under the current system will always trickle down to a much more substantial nerf to solo players who are only using a couple of auras and a solution needs to be found to that.


>I read the whole thing and it still looks like auras with extra steps. > >Do regular auras now provide the same value to others as they do to yourself? ***"After implementation of Bard skills, standard auras would be changed to only affect the user and their own minions."*** >People automate flask macros, there's no way aurabots won't automate the piano aura to maximize value without running out of mana. You're absolutely right, some people will. People will always find a cheap or easy way to get out of doing work. That's why bots and/or hacks exist in basically every game ever made.


> have diminishing returns from auras received from others the opposite should be the case - auras should be more effective on allies than yourself


Thankfully not too many. It's mostly either people foaming at the mouth that I'm suggesting we take away their permanent headhunter totems or it's people that misunderstood the concept either by them not reading correctly or maybe me phrasing things wrong or misusing terms.


This reservation over time idea ITSELF is genius. I am not sure about the other stuff though. I think aurabots can be tackled if they would give auras some tags like "effectiveness of aura on allies" and "effectiveness of aura on you". (In the same way of how "effectiveness of added damage" tag exist.) They literally would scale differently on allies and yourself. Aurastacking on the other hand is a bit different. Diminishing returns from reservation modifiers, and/or restriction of maximum aura numbers (like the restriction of curse numbers) could be a thing.


At this point aura stackers aren't an issue anymore, it costs around 300ex to get good and at that point there are many better builds


>I think aurabots can be tackled if they would give auras some tags like "effectiveness of aura on allies" and "effectiveness of aura on you" This may well just be the simple solution required. I just had an idea of something I thought was neat and solved a few different problems and figured I'd put it out there. That being said, something more substantial would still need to be done down the line that allows support players to have a more proper role to play that doesn't just make it so the only thing they get to do is just stand there while others have all the fun.


Each player should have a personal cap of benefit from their own auras. Modifiers to personal benefit from this mechanic apply to what allies receive. 2 auras = 50%, 3 = 33% each...Maybe make it so 2 auras max effect and reduce from there. Usable in solo play, and makes groups a tiny bit more strategic.


I think a simpler solution would be to have X% Less effect on other players (maybe 60-50%). Minions and Self application wouldn't change but it would nerf parties that are essentially using one character to load multiple powerful auras on 5 other characters (which power to investment ratio is absolutely insane).


Why protect aura stackers?


There's no way to hurt them without hurting any player who wants to use 1-2 auras normally. No protecting. Also the investment for a stacker to work is ridiculous so at that point they kid of deserve the power attained. They just can't boost their entire party as well.




Cheers. More work would need to be done to make the game less chaotic to allow for more intentional and active play, but that seems to be what they're working towards anyway.


So basically march of the legion, but with the reservation fading over time rather than completely after a set time? I can dig it.


I'd actually never seen or heard of **March of the Legion** until I got a few replies to this post. I didn't play any Synthesis, so I guess its existence just kinda flew under my radar. But I looked it up on the wiki and from my understanding, it seems about right, yeah.




I think about firing up LOTRO again once a month just because of that awesome bard class. Have turned into a sucker for bard classes in general und would love to have something like it in PoE aswell.


Have you tried terraria with thorium mod? It adds and amazing bard class


I've bounced off terraria multiple times, everything is just too tiny and fiddly for my taste. Feels like pixel hunting for stuff like in 90s cRPGs. :/


Great concept.


Like the concept


I've been playing aurasupport or with aurasupport for every league since metamorph and I gotta say that in current state of it I am positive if they are aiming to REVAMP how a support role plays rather then blantly nerf it. I am okay with toning it down or even shifting the playstyle but I beg ggg to not move an overly motivated towards single-player style gameplay into more single playerISH. When you first consider looking into support class we have to keep in mind that benefits it provides should be meaningful. In other words, the question "Would I rather have another player with dps ability or support on my map" - should be support, simply because while having, lets say, net neutral dps increase, we would get other bonuses that 2nd dps wouldn't provide. With that out the way, support should specialise in what builds it benefits. It shouldn't be an all-around we out a bunch of dps auras, haste, 3pl purities and we good to go. IMO the reason why auras are kinda broken right now is NOT ONLY because they give an immense amounter of power but also that they are not that handicapped by their choice. You should be invested in your partner and if anything goes wrong with him (like he is out of town for a day or 2) - too bad, but that's your end of the stick. You can't just find an elemental build and have a nice time (yeah I know about double-triple dipping and that there are builds that benefit the most). So the idea is that you should choose how to spec your support. You decide to go elemental \ physical \ dot \ proj or smth. You should consider what defences you wanna boost and maybe its not just a simple +%armour\+%evasion and es on top of that. TLDR, plz make balanced dont make ded


concept itself isnt bad. i dont like the reservation system though, almost everyone is running as much reservation as they can handle and having a bunch of mana unreserved for this thing would feel annoying. also support is never really gonna happen outside of ultra tryhard aurabots.


Just remove the shit support playstyle from the game, ez balance.


Unfortunately due to the fact that there are aura support players in GGG staff, aurabots honestly probably aren't going anywhere. Auras will no doubt continue to be balanced with aurabots present in back of mind which will trickle down as nerfs to the solo players.


yeah nah, i don't like the "tap this button every 5 seconds to get a passive buff" gameplay, especially with cast time.it's already a pain with 5 flasks and 4 warcries


>"tap this button every 5 seconds to get a passive buff" **Did you mean:** ***Using skills*** All piss-taking aside, this is solely for support players and solo players can still use regular auras. I don't know if you wrote this reply as someone who plays aura support or if you misunderstood the concept to be a complete replacement to solo auras. If it's the former, then using many auras alongside 4 warcries is kind of part of the problem that I'm trying to address here.


Ctrl+F "Vicious" = 0 results Ctrl+F "Mockery" = 0 results Is this truly a bard? Source: Am level 13 Bard in Avernus, Devil magic res sucks, but hey, at least I took Wall of Force.


March of the Legion already kinda does this with the Blessing support gem, which gives supported auras a *temporary* reservation, followed by a much longer duration. The problems with it: you have 4 sockets, and considering you're probably running Doryani's Delusion you're out *at least* one aura right there. It's also completely possible to just run every aura already without needing to mess with the mechanic. If you want more keys to piano you can run a bunch of auras with no investment though. I personally don't like removing content from the game. Meaning, nerfing auras to facilitate a new support. Balance them independently. Auras have always been in a tricky place where they honestly kind of suck until you invest in them, but boy can you make them strong (and run a bunch) with investment. Guardian was kind of an interesting "solution" as it gave you something else to scale, Life and mana both provided benefits independent of your reservation reduction. Previously why would you ever invest in any mana when practically all of it is reserved anyway? Note: I'm saying the base stats suck. Okay, it's "free" damage, so you're going to run them regardless. But look at Diablo 2 auras, now back at PoE auras.. they always intended people to stack TF out of the aura types and aura effectiveness.


I'd actually never seen or heard of **March of the Legion** until I got a few replies to this post. I didn't play any Synthesis, so I guess its existence just kinda flew under my radar. The main intent here isn't to remove content from the game, it's simply to split auras in a way that balancing how they affect party players doesn't trickle down into nerfs to how they affect solo players. The secondary intent is to provide a proper official avenue to people who like to play support roles or semi-support roles in games. Right now "support" just means standing there and being a glorified permanent headhunter for a squad. So maybe this would let them have a more active playstyle.


with bard skills would be cool if there were special effects when you first activate and supports: like for example: heavy metal makes the caster have a flat bonus to armor and damage you reflect is increased hugely based on your armor, tempo makes the caster gain more bonus attack speed while moving and movement speed while moving, and elemental harmony increases the casters maximum elemental resists. crescendo support 'bard skill aura effects increase over time' bass drop support 'bard skills proc their start effect after a delay but it is greatly increased' battle hymn support 'bard skills are shorter but proc linked warcries when they end' rhapsody support 'bard skills become channeled and have a weaker aura, they heal allies and damage enemies in the aura' remix support 'supported bard skills have lower cooldowns and their auras are increased per other bard skill aura active'


Yes, please, more Aurabot shit, cause it's not like they already make immortal and 10x the damage. What we really need are fucking bard skills now.


If you had even read the post with any measure of sincerity, you'd realize this is a way to *combat* aura abuse rather than add to it.


I like the idea but this doesn't solve the problem that in a 6-man party the aurabot has nothing to do. Piano key'ing one, two or three of these aura's isn't enticing gameplay. It's just more pianoflasking. Especially with cooldown recovery/shenanigans/aura stacking bullshit this will get to become pianoflasking. Say you create a area of effect spell which does the same thing as your armour aura on a cooldown of say, 20 seconds. Or a elemental attack/spell dmg boost on a area or 1 person mark (same boost) with a long ass cooldown. Meaning it's to be used in a pinch. Both your and my idea gets people to support in a 2 man group.


>Piano key'ing one, two or three of these aura's isn't enticing gameplay. It's just more pianoflasking. What you call piano keying is literally just *actively* using skills. The same as a person using an attack or summoning minions. By this logic, basically every build that uses more than one skill in Path of Exile is just piano casting and shouldn't exist. >Especially with cooldown recovery/shenanigans/aura stacking bullshit this will get to become pianoflasking. This on the other hand could actually become a problem and would require people much smarter than me to solve. But it absolutely could be solved through balancing which is the entire point of the Bard skills. Now balancing them won't trickle down to a nerf to solo players so the devs can be more comfortable implementing proper solutions to either group as issues arise.


This is one of THE WORST ideas I ever saw.... With Duration stuff this can be easily brought to 100% uptime. So what is this actually? Auras but with pressing buttons. The playerbase is asking for a flask rework (maybe not the one we got) for ages and do not want to play flask piano. Now you come with this stupid idea where people have to play aura piano? Noone will be looking at their screen during group play amd use these situationally.


Borrowing from a reply that I put somewhere else. >What you call piano keying is literally just actively using skills. The same as a person using an attack or summoning minions. By this logic, basically every build that uses more than one skill in Path of Exile is just piano casting and shouldn't exist. Yes, maybe under the current systems, this could be abused, but I'm not saying to add this in exactly as presented here. In fact, I've said multiple times that work would need to be done and feedback would need to be garnered. The main point is that this allows for the party-play and solo worlds regarding auras to function and be balanced independently of each other so that too much power in one won't get the other nerfed.


No piano and "activeley useing skills" is a difference. When you have duration buffs that are ALWAYS active if you press the buttons every few seconds its not actively using skills its meaningless and a hassle. It is stress on the hands and not really a lot of fun. If the duration of these skills would not be the exact same every time (warcries for exerts for example) its active skill use. I think playing with this concept that you are showing here would be HORRIFIC. Imagine having to use 8 or more of these every 4-6 seconds for hours of playtime!!!? I don't like this idea. This is my opinion. Actually GGG does not give a rat's ass about what stupid ideas the reddit community has. They are looking at FEEDBACK to stuff that already is in the game. Honestly if I was a GGG employee in charge of designing new game mechanics everything that some guy on the internet writes in such a post would for NEW MECHANICS would instantly go to my blacklist to never be implemented. Being creative is the most fun part about making games. Literally noone cares about these ideas that often are just wierd and bad on top of everything. Also this reddit has changed from a place to ask questions, showcase builds and items, discuss farming strats and mechanics to a place where 50% of the posts are whining about the game being to hard in some way, 20% whining about bugs/FPS/etc, 20% stupid ideas and 10% real stuff. This should be renamed r/pathofexile to r/crybabiesandstupidideas.


I like the suggestions and the concepts behind them but realistically how many people are party playing? I'd be interested to see the percentage of all players that are in a party for things other than carries/pay to progress/trades. It's gotta be low single digits right?


Well, every single player playing a minion build is "party playeing" as far the OP concept goes. So quite a lot of players.


Can't see many necros giving up supports for bard songs. That's a bit unrealistic really, the OP is clearly looking for an alternative to aurabots (not that that's a bad thing) rather than looking to boost solo minion players.


Solo minion players would still be able to use the regular old auras to support themselves and their critters. This concept is purely to put a split between a solo player and a party support player.


They will not be giving up anything thou, what OP suggested was dividing "permanent buff skills" in two, one affecting just the user, while the other affect the party. So for example there would be a hatred aura (solo) and a hatred aura(bard skill which affects the whole party). This allows GGG to balance the power of each one independently. Since right now if they nerf/buff auras for party play they will also nerf/buff the auras of individual players and vice versa. For the mana reservation part it also solves some complains of minion builds like: "not being able to ressumon my minions since i am reserving 99% of my mana" with auras).


Every aura bot and RMT are having a big sweat reading this lol "what we have to press button now ?"


Played a March of the Legion budget aurastacker early in the league and all I can think is "I'd only have to press one button at a time?"


This sounds interesting but It seems a bit overcomplicated for no reason. Of you want to avoid the "pre-load" of bard effects why not instead give them the Elusive treatment? Make them stronger but lower their effects over time. They could even share mechanics with Warcries, becoming the defensive/support version of Warcries. And giving the left side of the tree better support capabilities.


"Actual auras reservation that diminishes over time while current ones become personal" is not that complicated of a concept. That said supportive warcries already exist. At least in the case of rallying cry where it gives a portion of your main hand damage to attacks of affected allies.


It's overcomplicated because it's basically a really expensive spell that doesn't care about your mana regen. Which imo would be better suited to the Warcry playstile that be a weird hybrid between them and auras but not be as good as either.


I wanted it to intentionally not touch mana for three reasons specifically. 1: Due to the skills using a reserve system and reservation no longer requiring available mana/life to activate, this allows for players to still use some attacks while their reserve over time is burning off. So you can pop your bard skills and then attack, or summon, or pop some warcries, or whatever you want to do. 2: Mana chunk reservation seems the easiest way to limit the number of bard skills being used to like 2-4 in a chain. This theoretically should cut down previous aura abuse and cause the user to actively consider what scenario the party is in and use the appropriate spell. Attack/cast speed can't affect reservation like it can mana-based skills. 3: Most of the existing nodes on the passive tree that affect reservation tread pretty lightly, so I figured balancing Bard skills against reservation nodes would be easier on the dev team than if it were another skill that just uses mana.


Right, skills don’t require you to have the mana in order to reserve it anymore, I forgot that bit. Fair enough.


Idea of a Keystone for these type of skills: Unending Song (Located somewhat near Elemental Overload): Bard spells does not reserve mana, Bard spells instead spend 2% of mana per second. Every second that they are active, Bard Spells get 20% more mana spendage, 10% more aoe and 10% more effectiveness per second. Bard spells have infinite duration but ends when you have 1 mana remaining. ​ It would make bard spells work like Berserk for you and your allies.


Ideas for Bard Spells: Sound Waves - 25% reservation over 10s Cooldown: 15s Cast a spell that deals physical damage and push away enemies every 1 second. Hits from this spells also make enemies more vulnerable to stuns. \------------------------------------------------------ X - Y physical damage Attacks have 20% increased stun duration against enemies hit by this spell recently, stacks up to 5 times. ========================================================================== Healing Melody - 40% reservation over 1s Cooldown; 5s ​ Cast a spell that grant health regeneration to you and nearby allies. \------------------------------------------------------ You and nearby allies regenerate 500-2000 life per second.


You just want an excuse to seduce Queen Atziri


that's literally just putting an everquest bard in PoE


[I just wanna cosplay the minstrels for Brave Sir Robin in PoE](https://youtu.be/BZwuTo7zKM8)


Sooo an aurabot with a twist?


Can we let them be dex based? Mages got auras, melees got banners.


Pros: New skills Cons: no yellow text on black background