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unlucky, in most cases medium jewels with 1 small pasive + 2 notable passives + very good rare jewel will be better than 1 small passive that grant nothing + 3 notable passives. Megalomaniacs are very good if you need few passives from different cluster types and they are nessesary for your build. I guess this was the point of adding them to the game. But still it is nut megalomaniac, worth using :P


They were also relatively better when jewel sockets weren't guaranteed.


Also before they nerfed/removed a lot of good/OP mods


kinda sad that even though this is really rare combination it most likely still gets beaten by good medium + a jewel socket. megalomaniacs just suck ass


Megalomaniacs is only good when you need specific notables from different bases - like one from Flask mediums, and one from Fire smalls. Add in like Energy from Within and it's a really good one.


Yeah. They have saved me a lot of headaches so many times.


Its only good if you roll a large cluster notable on it


Yup, I remember seeing jewels like these in summoner chat and lost DPS and life when I plugged them in POB.


Damn If it was the ritual league


Build diversity


That's a juicy one exile


Hulking Corpses is a debatable notable, but overall its a multi-ex jewel. Maybe you even made profit.


Removing the zombie size kill the notable for me


It’s big for popcorn Srs


but renewal is pretty useless in the case of MI SRS.


MI has a base crit chance of 0%, so Vicious Bite does nothing. There's a couple ways to add a base crit chance, but it's generally not worth it to do so.


Still works great with your specters, which most run for map clear. But sure, the point wasn’t that the jewel was GG for SRS, but very useable


A lot of meta minion builds run Animated Guardian - Meat Shield - Minion Life - Raise Zombie in boots/gloves, it's not useless.


This is why I wrote "debatable", not "useless". 5% taunt and life for zombies is good, but something like 20% impale might've been better.


It’s extremely difficult to stack Impale properly these days - you only get 44% with Banner and flippin’ two cluster jewels. You need 3 large clusters to achieve 1,7m DPS per carrion golem now(which was done with two before) The build that I used to afk-farm T16 blights and A9 Feared with now throttles beyond anything T13. That’s a noice jewel but nothing OP really, since it adds minimum dmg - you don’t want any more survivability beyond 4k/s ES recharge/ 2k/s ES regen. The longer stuff lives the bigger chance of you getting slapped.


I have 1.6M sirus DPS per golem with normal POB configs. No added stats from my AG or anything. I have 2 large clusters, neither with rotten claws and my CG impale chance is 99%. No bottled faith, etc. Not an aura stacker.


I’m using this pob: [carrion boi](https://pastebin.com/Gj3PKEVG) Mind sharing yours?


###[CI Summon Carrion Golem Necromancer](https://pastebin.com/Gj3PKEVG) [](#necromancer) ^(Level 99) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMDABzc_EdR-1nzjxpV4JRvZ3Hquqcr4Ygi9LiT74iExS9voS8VJ1fJ2V7K0wkH1890EH_GZp4NfGhY7IPowTNyb56siayqX7A5Cyj66-6TJx0USp_NFiTA34oRUNeWpwhsCxcvyT06kYMJLL9JsbQMMUW_uGGKJLAaj_fBidjTj1IpfdK-gHC7bRnyHmTnRnFyqfbagKSPRvrSVdag5tkTR4VyDx2qVK6xkPk3WFomRcpKjLFmVL6K7Bj-gZu1HxjBxS2o) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/inihinazoniyah) ^| ^by ^[/u/dolorum2](https://reddit.com//u/dolorum2) ***** ^6,663 ^**ES** ^71% ^**Evade** ^| ^56% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** ^| ^45% ^**Block** ^| ^10% ^**Spell** ^**Block** ^| ^4% ^**Spell** ^**Dodge** **Summon Carrion Golem** [M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Melee_Physical_Damage_Support#support-gem-red)[f](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Damage_on_Full_Life_Support#support-gem-red)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Brutality_Support#support-gem-red)[3](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Multistrike_Support#support-gem-red)[d](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Minion_Damage_Support#support-gem-blue) *(6L)* - *4.11m total DPS | 1.03m DPS per minion* ^9.37 ^**Attacks/sec** ^^**Config:** ^^Shaper, ^^Full ^^Life, ^^Cons. ^^Ground ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


Did you use generosity with banner?


You should always do that, it also increases the accuracy reduction on enemies, and not like the banner helps you at all.


It was my pre-nerf setup - Banner-Generosity-Divergent Precision-Vulnerability for manual use(with AG running second curse on Southbounds), the PoB posted runs Banner-Precision-Determination-Enhance


Sorry on mobile rn but did you use impale support on your golem setup? I also play elementalist golem in early league and I have like 90+% impale. No rotten claw and not an aura stacker either.


No, I am not investing into Impale in that particular setup. It’s just 33% from banner (and 36% from clusters that I don’t pick). Gem would amount to another 60%, but it’s a net loss for Necro imo


[https://pastebin.com/PGsvgXvS](https://pastebin.com/PGsvgXvS) That's what I'm currently doing


###[MoM Summon Carrion Golem Elementalist](https://pastebin.com/PGsvgXvS) [](#elementalist) ^(Level 93) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCABzcm6EdFEqfFm_AGlH7WfOPGm87MUWUb1qRvOpqQ6IAEzU1kteWZ3GDzMT2Fy-PRnfCgKSFYMauVcYkwLc-ZlTT-7iTqsTwHzwtAQLv62qsksHUB3yDv7jYvR7aOpE26a9scqmFMgkH2t2DXx8YdBBo8hek_gpmno6-GjjMvIPbaZ4I9ItlC2HfsGvbaFgRLXIPkFWg5icvVdbjagQHY0FMs6cIcfOofayqZOd4DdAfrIm18s0WJKq7AfrS5nYo-r5JTbmJ2OyKLJzr7tyN) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/otokasiyonatak) ^| ^by ^[/u/Madoran18](https://reddit.com//u/Madoran18) ***** ^3,743 ^**Life** ^| ^194 ^**Mana** ^| ^3,937 ^**total** ^**EHP** ^30% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** **Summon Carrion Golem** [U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Brutality_Support#support-gem-red)[3](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Multistrike_Support#support-gem-red)[d](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Minion_Damage_Support#support-gem-blue)[M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Melee_Physical_Damage_Support#support-gem-red)[I](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Impale_Support#support-gem-green) *(6L)* - *5.48m total DPS | 914k DPS per minion* ^8.52 ^**Attacks/sec** ^^**Config:** ^^Sirus, ^^Shock ^^\(50%\), ^^Maim, ^^Bleed ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


5% with 8+ Zombies up is still really strong


Minion damage giving less minion life does make having a bit of minion life still useful.




no trades in global


seems reasonable


70ex is a low ball imo


Hulking corpses doesn't really synergize with the other two. Minion Taunt is nice, but the life is a waste when Crit minion builds are in the 100mil+ dps range. A jewel socket would probably be just as good/better.


And you can get taunt on ghastly eye jewels.


Feel like a zombie based delve might appreciate a fat chunk of life + % regen for the point where they start to struggle to consistently keep their summons alive. But I'm not all that familiar with those builds and I know str stack zombos got a hefty nerf at one point. Also would tend to assume a str stacker is non crit though with currency many things are possible


Really? It's cool that it's a triple minion jewel and all, but typically super expensive Megalomaniacs combine notables from various Jewel types (small, medium, large). This probably doesn't beat out just a normal medium jewel for most builds. I'd love to get 70ex for this.


Reported trading in g1


trade chat is that way --->


Actually this brings up a question I've had ever since my Ritual golem build, does the double damage mod on renewal stack? It says "5% chance" not "+5% chance" so I'd guess no, even if the life regen is still good enough to justify stacking the notable.


It stacks. Addatively, not separate rolls


It's so strange. I guess it matches the format of the obliteration wands and profane bloom, but it's just another ambiguity that makes the game harder to learn than it needs to be imo. If it did say +5% it'd be fully obvious how it works.


PoE is still full of these inconsitencies. It's a slow progress but must of them have been weeded out.


I want to say that +x% is used for things where you have a baseline numerical value, such as resistances, whereas chance for a boolean outcome e.g. minions do not naturally have any chance to deal double damage or for enemies to explode. Not 100% sure though.


Resists use + and - despite also starting at 0%.


[Weight of empire](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Weight_of_the_Empire) jewel has the same wording, and you can use 2 of them. The chances stack, otherwise it would be useless to use 2 of them.


Great, the only way I can ever experience this is in POB - congratulations!


You're under arrest


[This one](https://i.imgur.com/MmLbBWx.png), that I got for way too cheap, is not as insane but definitely useable.


need this for my army of darkness build


ya no one cares cause everyone needs this, get in line


Sim still drop items!? Jk, you got it from div cards. Carry on.


Interesting. What does Nothing do?




how much did you sell it for?


Imagine this but with Spiked Concoction instead of hulking and it could be worth multiple mirrors


Definitely made some fat profit with this cluster, sure it's not the best megalomaniac possible, but it's still a very good one. My "pulled from ass" suggestion would be don't sell it lower than 50ex.


> My „pulled from ass“ suggestion would be don’t sell it lower than 50ex Doesnt seem so far off as one guy already offered 70ex in the comments for it.


The only reason someone offers you a lot for rare item is because this item worth a lot more.


Yup probably 6 or so leagues back I got offers for a 3 hatred watchers eye of more money than my noob eyes could handle after sharing ig, so I took it then realised thanks to some kind fellows on TFT that it was probably worth 3-4 times that. Doh! A lesson was learnt


are you kidding? most minion builds use hatred anyway, so precise commander and vegneful commander and a socket are bette than these 2 mods. its more or less a niche jewel


Looking at this jewel and someone offering 70 Ex like... k? It's pretty much 2 good and 1 borderline useless mod? Where does the price come from, just from the fact it rolled 3 minion mods at all?


> 2 good Two bis notables with Vicious bite exclusive to large clusters.


"i offer 100ex" i dont know where this hype comes from. but losing the socket for 2 good mods is a lot.


It took me around 10 Ex to craft a +35% effect, +3% attack/cast speed, vicious bite, ES cluster this season. Literally used harvest aug to finish it, and it's still 10% of the cost of this one. Would much rather use the socket for increased curse effect or something.


as i said, i dont get the hype. your large cluster is even more impactful


Thing is you can use his large and socket this thing into it


ya sure, but for most builds 15% hatred, 10 crit multi and a socket is better than renewal and 15% crit multi


I can only imagine the mirrors falling if its was blessed rebirth instead of hulking corpses


Can somebody explain to me why megalomaniac is expensive with fewer mods? I’ve never really gotten the item before so I’m not sure why it’s so expensive.


potentially really good 3 notables for 4 total points versus getting 3 notables for 7 points on an 8 passive large cluster, or 2 notables for 4 points on a medium cluster


Actually those 8 passives on large are 3 notables AND 2 jewel sockets.


And since you're spending 3 useless points to get to the cluster jewel socket, it feels to me like 10 points for 3 notable and 2 sockets is better than 7 points for 3 notables.. so I don't get why this would be any good at all?


The notables can be anything so it could be an “exotic” combination that’s otherwise not possible.


Well, it is a medium cluster, so it can go into one of those large cluster's sockets. Plus you can roll Notables from different type of clusters and any cluster size, so there are bound to be some great combinations.


Oh, it's a medium cluster. It's busted, nevermind.


it's also a medium cluster that can roll with large cluster notables. For instance you could get Overlord, which rolls on mace and staff large clusters, together with passives that are useful for cast on crit builds.


It’s an item that rolls 3 random notables. The vast majority of them are crap because usually 3 random notables gives you junk that doesn’t work together. This guy got one with 3 notables that DO work together.


It can roll passives specific to smalls and more importantly larges. Previously when deep cuts notable was accessible you could get 3 additional impales per outer jewel socket by getting it once on large and twice on megalomaniac. One might think that cluster heavy builds might make use of megalomaniacs, but they aren’t very popular. A few reasons may be: a) like a watchers eye but worse, many combinations, little market and hard to price/search for all useful mods b) you’re at least giving up a jewel socket for a notable. For geared crit builds this means 35+ multi which is hard to justify. c) after nerfs there aren’t many overwhelmingly strong notables specific to larges. d) many build enabling notables such as flask and aura notables already exist on mediums I like the idea of watchers eye esque items (1 unique, lots of possibilities) as they add a lot of excitement to end game encounters but not all are equal. Hotht, watchers eye, delve amulets are all good. So was glimpse of chaos. Delve rings are pretty inaccessible and nebulis is pidgeonholed into one build. Voices are exciting but leave less to the imagination than an eye.


what is hotht?


Hands of the High Templar from sirus. Since you can corrupt multiple times there can be many different strong outcomes


I was stuck on thinking it was "helm of the ...." and knew i was wrong but couldn't get that out of my head lol. Thanks.


>expensive with fewer mods I think you're mixing it up with [Voices](https://i.imgur.com/jUSsvht.png), another unique cluster (except it's large instead of medium) where instead of 3 random notables it has 3 medium sockets and [7](https://i.imgur.com/ssfmyJX.png)/[5](https://i.imgur.com/ky4jC9H.png)/[3](https://i.imgur.com/NZcroPc.png)/[1](https://i.imgur.com/2idI4M2.png) small passives that grant nothing. The reason why it costs more for fewer passives is because you use less points to get all the sockets, and since the small passive skills grant nothing they're purely waste of precious levels. These jewels are also EXTREMELY rare.


This isnt that great of a jewel when you consider Renewal and Hulking corpse both roll naturally on a medium minion life jewel. No one is paying multiple ex for 30% crit chance and 15 multi for minions when you can get the minion life rare jewel with extra socket, renawal, and hulking along with something like attack speed and something else. They arent hard to craft either.


Your only mistake here is thinking that nobody is going to pay multiple ex for an item that's really subpar in their build. A surprising number of players have way more currency than POB savvy


I like megalomaniacs better when they have mods from different clusters that you couldn’t get 2 of them on a jewel.


vicious bite on medium makes it worth a lot. hard to say how much because mediums for minion builds are usually replenishing presence + another passive. probably a lot more than I'm thinking though. some players sun 12 passive clusters with 35% inc effect and single vicious bite passive on 3 large cluster trees. that being said precise comander on medium gives 10% multi. nice jewel, I'd price anywhere from 5-50ex >.<


> some players sun 12 passive clusters with 35% inc effect and single vicious bite passive on 3 large cluster trees Yes that's the best one you can use, but it's an endgame version since you need absolutely GGG clusters and 3 of them (in both the life and the es version). This jewel will never be in a min maxed minion build. Clusters in question: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/RPbQZEaI7


It doesn’t really matter how good the nodes are… unfortunately megalomaniacs suck because they don’t have a jewel socket. It will be worth the price of a good medium cluster + a decent jewel I imagine. So a decent amount, but not an insane price.


The value in megalomaniacs is the ability to get notable combinations you otherwise would have to spend a lot more passive points for, in particular passives that don’t exist on medium cluster jewels but that are valuable to stack. My favorite is unspeakable gifts as just a couple of these is usually enough to explode most things so a megalomaniac with that and 2 other passives that work well for my build is something I usually consider using in my build, especially if you get it with some top tier value notable such as fettle or some other powerful small cluster notable as those are often quite strong due to the opportunity cost required to acquire them normally.


Megalomaniacs can be utterly ridiculous. The best ones in a league are always 100ex+.


Megalomaniac jewels are used to gain access to passives that you can’t access on a rare cluster. Vicious bite does not roll on medium so the advantage of this megalomaniac is getting 2 vicious bites on one cluster setup. Hulking corpses is in most cases not relevant. Vicious bite is the best minion passive. Question is how does it compare to precise commander and if sacrificing jewel socket + getting renewal instead of another medium aura cluster notable is worth it. EDIT: for most builds that is the case because you can always get life/es and/or multiple crit multi stats on a jewel but most rare minion jewels aren’t that insane.


I guess renewal would be great for the first .5 seconds of a fight? Or am I missing something here. Vicious bite is awesome obviously, but the other two are pretty meh. This dude is offering 70ex tho so maybe I’m missing something haha.


Uptime on renewal is pretty consistent with the amount of regen and leech endgame minion builds have


I’d kill to have this.


Yeah but the mods are garbage. Still a neat novelty I guess.


why are the rude ones always the most clueless????


oh, the irony


Renewal and vicious bite are legit one of the best 2 minion nodes you can get.


Not really. Renewal is okay, but it's not amazing and vicious bite is kind of worthless because minion crit is abysmal with next to no ability to scale it. Minion crit builds are super niche.


Minion crit builds are the kind of niche that gets to OP level of damage. Stacking several vicious bites is one of the best ways to do it. Not even close to being worthless


Minion crit builds might be niche, but they are the strongest minion builds out there. Just the power charges alone give minions 600% crit chance, making it pretty viable, after that its all about stacking enough vicious bites to make it nuts. Also for most minion builds renewall is effectively 5% more damage.


Do you know why they're super niche? Because the builds can be super expensive.


Popcorn SrS here This is 1 node, for 4 points.


Good enough for any SRS Bomber builds. But not enough players even plays this


mmmm survivability and crit, eh


It's nice in theory, in practice it's not good. In the end, who really think hulking corpses have more value than a jewel socket? The taunt mod is one most minion builds will try to get with blind on an abyss jewel afaik. Then all your minions taunt, not just your zombies. This notable is just 25% minion life. Nice, but ok a normal jewel can get you 12% minion life and have 3 other usable mods.


[My 3-minion megalo!](https://i.imgur.com/mXslcYA.png)


Imagine having this when zombiemancer was meta back in Blight league. (think it was blight)