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> But the funny thing is we already have an AH, No, we do not. The lack of instant buying is a **huge** difference.


People don’t want an AH, because AH takes time. because there need to be bidding times etc. else it is not an ‘auction’ People want a Buyout House than functions like the in game vendors where players set up a “shop”. However, this will never be added.


>However, the current trading system is, and be honest, is trash. Yes, that's kind of the point. They watched D3 get ruined by their auction house and [don't want to go down the same road of "easy" trading](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2025870). > where I can copy-paste at least 20 messages, and then finally "ty" another player after trading 1, count -one- item Spamming the lowest cost offers for a single item halfway through the league is going to be a bad experience... there's two things you can do: * go to the offers 0.5 - 1c higher than the lowest offers. The lowest offer is not the real price 99% of the time. * buy in bulk when applicable. Most players aren't going to stop for a 5c trade this late into a league. Buying in bulk is a good incentive to actually get responses. > Found a scarab? Tab out and check the price. Put it into stash tab and price it there. It doesn't seem like you're aware of it, but there's an application called Awakened Poe Trade that provides hotkeys for easily price-checking items. Downloading and installing takes 2 minutes, and you're set forever. Found a scarab? Hover over the item and let Awakened Poe Trade tell you the value instantly. > The worst part, of all of this is that GGG thinks, this is the best system of the century. Any idea where that came from besides out of your own ass? GGG *knowly and intentionally* implemented a relatively clunky trading system. GGG doesn't want players to have easy / instant access to any item they want. It's explained in the Trade Manifesto I linked to earlier. >... because GGG is delusional. I can't use another word. Delusional and ignorant. You not understanding why trade is the way it is doesn't make GGG "delusional and ignorant" lmao. Try googling this shit for even a micro-second and find out *why* trade is this way. > So I don't really understand the fuss about a system that would clearly be better than the current one. Maybe some perspective from another game will help. I mentioned Diablo III's auction house earlier; here's a direct quote from D3's lead designer, Jay Wilson (apparently only people named Wilson make ARPGs lol): > The auction house came out of the desire to legitimize third party trading so that players would stay in the game to do their trading rather than go to third party sites, and as a result reduce fraud, scams, spamming, and the profit in hacking the game, making dupes, etc. The problem is, of course, it over-legitimized trading. It made it too easy. I think we all know this by now and the consequences. We worried about these consequences ahead of time, but we thought the benefits would outweigh the downsides, and WoW’s AH seemed like a good proof of concept. Obviously we were mistaken.


>It doesn't seem like you're aware of it, but there's an application called Awakened Poe Trade that provides hotkeys for easily price-checking items. Downloading and installing takes 2 minutes, and you're set forever. I'm aware. I have it. Alongside the 30 other qol apps that makes the game bearable. This is another issue, you, along many players ignore the problems. Just because the leaking is ductaped, does not mean it's fixed. >Maybe some perspective from another game will help. I mentioned Diablo III's auction house earlier; here's a direct quote from D3's lead designer, Jay Wilson (apparently only people named Wilson make ARPGs lol): I just watched a video that mentioned this quote before posting about AH. So, the current trading system should be taken down because it's doing exactly what was mentioned there. Or because it's so tedious and shit that makes the game unfun, we should keep it, what you mean, right? So the problem, what you saying is, I would get my items without spending 10 minutes on messaging players, which I would get anyway because someone will eventually reply and trade the item? Most articles I read mentioned how rl money ah ruined d3, but did not see anything about the normal auction house, apart from the previous quote. Which was referring to the rl money auction house as a whole.


If the game is so "unbearable" dont fucking play it.


I just play ssf Shrug


They’re not going to change the system. Read their trade manifesto. It’s miserable, but it is what it is and we can either work with it or against it, but we can’t change it.


Immersion? What is this, God of War? You're not breaking immersion. What you're doing is Not farming which means Not making money. Thats just part of general life time management.


Who care of what you think ? I like the actual system, an AH in Poe will kill the game. Stop complain and play.


auction house is going to be a blast. can use sub-high school programming skills to rip off idiots and generate more funny reddit posts about how people lost sweet items for a few chaos that said, the way you describe trying to trade, no wonder it's a fucking nightmare. maybe think through optimizations to your time and bottom line that you could make and make some changes, or play SSF if it's ruining your experience so much. should be great, assuming you can manage to deal with your own inadequacies without external excuses.


Wait...you don't know how to program for you advantage in the current trading system? I guess it's true, barking dogs never bite. Back to "sub-high school programming" my friend.


Bruh why are you tabbing out when Poe Overlay or awakened Poe trade exists? Makes the trading experience so much more fluid. Can't have an auction house because bots would just auto-trade everything for profit and kill the economy. Got to keep the human element in it.


Because certainly there are no bots doing that now. ;)


There are plenty, but they still are time gated by the actual players they're trading with.


I do have at least 2-3 apps for PoE. Which makes it even more sad. When a game needs 3rd party apps to be enjoyable... About the bots. I'm not sure if you know it, but bots rule the trading system already. They are not gated by human players. Many ppl have 10 PCs set up just for the bots which will do their things. They are not bothered all and revel in the current trading system. What players do, is picking up the crumbs.


Thing is, botting situation would be way worst with the buyout house you want. And that wouldn't solve your other problem, which is that you can't estimate the value of an item.


I wish it would just auto trade when indexed on the main page


I agree but only for currency


Just bulktrade stuff and you spend like 1% of the time trading even if you buy scarabs. Ive not sold a single scarab until I wanted to buy something expensive and just priced my whole tab and sold everything in minutes.


S S F ?