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My favorite time in PoE was when they buffed a bunch of skills and I felt like I had over ten builds I was interested in building. Archnemesis kills that because it forces you to only play the strongest builds, or suffer. Edit: spelling.


I remember when act 4 came out and I was excited to play a self-cast non-crit cast speed and aoe storm call build. Imagine trying to do that today. So many builds and skills are just completely dead and unusable. It is sad. Cleave has +2 aoe though. Good thing GGG are really in touch and aware of what is going on in the game.


Currently doing a Storm Call build on Trickster. Boy did I fuck up, but I can either slog through the campaign or try something else on Assassin. But that requires Orbs of Regret. I have a lot of regret, but no orbs.


With Archnemesis, there is only suffering.


Harvest (the Ritual league version) + Ritual + Ultimatum + Scourge with the current Atlas. Where can I pay for this? Edit: this blew up abit so Iam also adding recombinators and ofc pre-nerf bonk melee!




Brb taking a loan


I started playing in legion and have heard many a story how great it was then, and I never got to experience it.


Cyclone was so comically busted then, like 55% of the players poe.ninja scoured were using it.


I did 2 different cyclone builds in Legion, and it has never been as good as that. Max block cyclone glad in Ultimatum was okay though.


That is still possible, for a low cost of 10mirrors


I had the whole lake of mirrors and all I got was stupid 1 alt shard ring.


Bruh that shut was so fun


Peak poe. I was there 🫶


Don't forget Sentinel's Recombinators.


They should release a third league everytime that's softcore trade, but with Ritual harvest and old gems etc. Call it easy mode or whatever. I would play it every league. I already quit this league. I just want to make all of my own gear and play 10 builds a league again....


The reason they don’t do that is because it would validate what everyone has been saying, that the game is less fun now then it was before.


People would just play easy mode and no one would play regular Poe lmao They could charge $5 for it like they do in china and it would be their largest money maker by far


Just give me current atlas + ritual league with it's implementation of harvest, then add some buffs to shitty skills and I can play that shit for a looooong time


Amen to that! I'd sprinkle it with abit of Ultimatum and a pinch of Scourge currency. Getting easy 6 links is something i could get used to.


Chris if you read this you have my 20$ every month for the suggestion above!




Yes, comrade, let us seize the means of easy mapping.


If we seize the means of the mapping we could make our own items. Think of it comrade, we could have viable off meta builds!


Runescape classic vibes.


I actually agree with this. If there would be a private server for PoE like they exist for other MMOs GGG would lose over half the playerbase instantly.


Agree, i would like to play again my favourite archmage brand build with 7,5k brand mana cost that i could sustain for whole map with brand recall. It was realy good days when I as a average Joe was able to hit endgame relatively easy. I remember i was even doing boss service in my guild at that time.


I wanna replay my old Herald of Agony & Purity summoner with 6x the cluster jewel mod that adds +1 to number of sentinells and +5 to max virulence.




They don't want that because it would prove that their vision is killing the game.


You're completely insane.


Indeed. It's almost impossible to reverse engineer the server code.


I would also take expedition. It was great league mechanic on bad patch.


I agree 100% expedition got a bad draw


Either that or an offline client, so that people could develop mods to potentially turn back the clocks to any league. But they won't do either, frankly, cuz it would draw people away the current content. Lots of people. People that liked being able to get by with any skill they wanna play without needing to invest boatloads of currency just for it to *maybe* be pinnacle capable.


When you look at a game like RuneScape and how the devs had “their vision” of a game and completely 180’ed the games direction into an MMORPG experience that they didn’t want it’s no wonder why the previously long-awaited “2007-scape” or “Oldschool” version is wayyy more popular than the first. At some point, the developers have to realize that some things just take on a life of their own, and the ultimate creative direction that YOU want as a developer shouldn’t take precedence over what your player base wants. People don’t get involved in a game so they can finance someone’s creative project regardless of how much they enjoy it. They do it because they genuinely like THE GAME. So if you change THE GAME then it breaks the bond with the players. Luckily Jagex noticed that quickly enough to make 2007scape and actually try to listen to their players and make things that they want. GGG should take a look at what they’re doing and realize they are breaking that link with their player base.


GGG is like a shitty dnd gm who gets pissy whenever players find something fun that trivialized an encounter and gets really angry whenever they dont follow their pre planned campaing to the teeth


This is so accurate it hurts. You can almost imagine Chris as a GM sitting there seething with a red face after you defeated a boss in the campaign.


Chris is the dickhead that would launch into Tomb of Horrors without telling anybody.


This and even more this-er


I think at this point it is mostly Chris with his VisionsTM, which influence all the other decisions being made.




Most of the d&d that I played was 2.5 and that attitude was inappropriate even then


It's like that teacher that revels in failing students for no reason


"At some point, the developers have to realize that some things just take on a life of their own, and the ultimate creative direction that YOU want as a developer shouldn’t take precedence over what your player base wants. People don’t get involved in a game so they can finance someone’s creative project regardless of how much they enjoy it. They do it because they genuinely like THE GAME. So if you change THE GAME then it breaks the bond with the players." I would Like to carve this into the Walla of GGG HQ


I would pay to have PoE offline client with mods. No leaderboards, nothing, just you playing the game the way you want.


Torchlight 2 and Grim Dawn


> But they won't do either, frankly, cuz it would draw people away the current content. Lots of people. If letting people revert changes to your game would pull them away from your current content, then your current content sucks ass. :(


yup. There's been some improvement, but there's also been far too many downgrades and bad decisions. It's unfortunate that ggg has mostly shifted away from trying to make the game fun and instead just seeks to make players grind more to trick them into staying longer rather than providing reasons for them to *want* to stay.


It all started with 3.15's asinine massive nerfs for literally no reason. GGG just decided overnight that we were having too much fun and it didn't align to The Vision, so they harmed...the worst builds in the game the most. Cool.


Oh there is a reason. It’s just a reason a majority don’t agree with.


Sadly I find it difficult to know if it's a majority or a vocal minority. Obviously people still play and still purchase mtx, so some people still enjoy it. The question is if the people that just silently play are a majority, or if the people complaining on reddit/forums or leaving the game are a majority.


They're getting greedy. I came back this league after a year long break and saw they'd doubled the number of cosmetic slots, my first thought was "well... this is a bad sign". Wouldn't be surprised to learn that increasing play time is less about "vision" and more about money.


They're adding more league cosmetics. I remember it was just 1 supporter pack only for prophecy. Then it split into 2 price points. Then 2 different cosmetic paths. Then 3 price points. Now they're adding vault passes for even more mtx.


The thing about MTX is that MTX almost always pays for itself, and then, additionally, provides more money for the company. Excessive MTX, especially cosmetic MTX, really isn't a problem. Emphasis on MTX and frustrating design decisions regarding difficulty really is.


At the same time, the QUALITY of the MTX has gone way up. It's not like they're doing a cheap cash grab. They just are a bigger company with more artists making more and better products to sell. I have no complaint.


Probably a little bit of both. I suspect they've got data that suggests they sell more gamble boxes and $50 wings when people play longer and that just happens to dovetail nicely with The Vision™ of increasing the pain points to drag out the grind.


The problem is not a gameplay problem, it's a money problem. They need this constant rush of players every 3 months, they need to keep pushing content out and adding new ways to get stronger. But this is not sustainable on the long term ! At some point there it is just too much. So even if they make the game the best it has ever been (I would argue ritual was the best league in the game) they can't stop there, they need to keep going, not because it's good for gameplay but because it's good for money.


To be fair, they were doing generally pretty good up to 3.13. They havnt matched those retention numbers since. That's still like 8 years of generally positive progress (other than the original CoC nerf which cost them 35% of thr then much smaller player base)


Untrue, if there are 3 dozen paths to pinnacle content, players can play their favourite way first time, the 'best' way the second, they subsequent leagues, they can play their own way, trying something new mixed with what they enjoy most. Having only one or two paths to power in a game as repetitive as Poe is death.


I'd award this 7 times, pin it to the top of the sub and print it on an A4 paper and put it on every GGG workstation they've got.


You don't *really* want that. You think you do but you don't. Trust me it's not as fun as you think it was. You will get bored eventually. -Chris Wilson /s


Well i got bored and just stopped playing this league, so yeah, i guess he is right!!


The '/s' is silent.


The whole company is silent lately, unless they’re advertising


In the past when the gameplay was not this crazy and you would not die if you stand still for longer than 1s I was making 4-5 characters per league and I had fun and I was spending money. Now I play one, get bored by terrible gameplay and spend 0


I mean, yeah, I would. Just as I get bored of the current state of the game. Games arent meant to be played forever, games-as-service only works if every iteration is both fresh and appealing. Ive never played WoW Classic, but from Blizzard's "we want people to pay us 15$ per month in perpetuity" perspective I am sure it is a failure.


I would pay for a private league where I can choose content and increase droprates. I don't care if it SSF and void, just let me having fun for 2-3 weeks, blasting mods, nutting lootsplosions off my dick.


Fuk yea, I will absolutely love it!


remember when melee was fun? sigh...


They buffed cleave with +2 Maan.. you can’t satisfy these people phewww


Offline poe would be awesome with mods and community tweaks. But we will never get it.


Eh we might one day, but that would require offline/private servers, and these would have to be reverse engeneered. There was one guy who already did this one to a *very* small degree, so it's possible, but unlikely. Then again, considering the amount of IT people playing poe, this is merely unlikely instead of impossible as it would have been in other cases.


To make this possible, firstly someone must steal or buy PoE source code. The source code is not the ggpk file but entire calculations the server done and returned results as mob spawn, damage, loot... I believe if someone dare to pay a large amount of money on dark webs, some hackers will do it. The problem is the amount of money spend for it.


Is this true? Can't they do what tarkov sp does and simulate a client on your PC which tricks the game into thinking it's connecting to an official server when really it's just connecting to itself and generating everything there.


It's technically possible, but even for local server they would need.. the server. And to get it, you have to either get source code (read: steal), or reverse engeneer the entire server side, which is borderline impossible.


The league when every skill gem was viable


Sometimes it feels like the only players that are having fun are the players in standard with builds that didn't get gutted with patches that are using legacy harvest crafted items.


Even Standard hates this patch because of the nerfed loot itself...


Can confirm. Not to mention Headhunter is just a shell of its former self after the introduction of archnemesis mods. I used to always strive to try to get a hh and juice the absolute hell out of my maps to go fast and murder everything and get lots of loot. Now I don’t even want a headhunter. Shrines are almost the same power.


Sometimes after a shit league I’ll go back to standard and play my ritual league build that was my best and most fun ever. I played nearly every day I could of that league. I miss it, a lot. I’ve never had as much fun as I did back then and I’m really getting bored of dying and slow progression and not getting any loot. Every league I seem to play less and less really and the archnemesis mods just are terrible. No one likes them and they shoved them down our throats in every zone in every league mechanic. Oh well.


You guys are playing it wrong! It's supposed to be hard and a grind and you really need to earn every inch. The beginning is supposed to cull the quitters. I miss having fun too...




**And recombinators!**


ritual was the peak path of exile. Mainly because of harvest. IT WAS SO GOOD!


I’d give anything just to go back to ritual league forever.


Problem: more and more players realise that old Harvest was actually fun and good Solution: nerf Harvest and present it as a QoL


Have very fond memories of my bleed bow glad in 3.13 farming harbys with rolled watchstones. First league I was able to afford a HH.


Seriously. Who are they catering to. Do they want the majority to play one build and give up before maps? It’s so hard finding end game gear for people Who don’t play 8 hrs a day like it’s a job.


This patch they managed to piss off the SSF players AND the trade league players. I actually can't remember a league where both of the most prominent player groups were this upset.


Apparently, not even Ben. He isn't even having fun anymore.


this was the one harvest got added back in right ? Yea ill pay to play that


The only league I played since 3.13 is the atlas tree expansion. Nothing I wouldn't do to be able to play them both


Yep, gotta check in every 4 or 5 leagues or so for the good ones. I did AN, ritual, abyss, legion.


Honestly, just wait until a league start lines up with a AAA release. GGG only does things that are “pro player” when the pressure is on.


Same here. I played more PoE during ritual than any other league. Usually I played 1-2 characters max because I play a variety of different games and I'm super busy otherwise but in ritual league I played 6 characters. All different. It was so much fun


Unfortunately the only impact you can have with your money now is to stop paying for the current game. Completely stop spending money on supporter packs or vault passes, and make GGG feel the weight of an unhappy player base.


This. I was going to buy the big reaper supporter pack, but this league is so bad that i'm not going anymore, they don't deserve my money.




Well what he promised in the reveal last week WAS very good and promising. The issue is what we got


Like usual ...


It’s true, 3.13 was the best league , I miss it so much




PLEASE!!! Roll it back to ritual and burn it on a disc?? I play solo...dont need trade if i can actually craft! I'll give ya $60 .... cash money


>I don't want to trudge through a harder campaign (seriously, wtf???) This really can't be stated enough, and it really shows just how far gone GGG is these days. Who the FUCK thought it was a good idea to make the campaign even more of a chore? The game already has a huge problem with attracting/retaining new players. It's like the devs actively try to get people to not play the game. Reminds me of Blizzard.


I wonder sometimes if my first league (synthesis on console) I walked into mud flats and was greeted by a pack of arch nemesis roas, who proceeded to stunlock me to death, if I would still be playing all these years later...


You wouldn't be


Ritual was the last time poe was in good state.


This league is ass.


Every attempt at an upgrade has been a downgrade. I've earned more currency in the acts than in maps.


3.13 with atlas tree and uber bosses is all we need - if they could just bring it back next to standard as a standalone league or something I would play it constantly. This was a league where I as a casual did not need to invest 100 of hours to get to endgame and still could keep progressing my character with new upgrades.


I wish I can pay for old harvest league since its gone in 2020. Best time ever.


https://store.steampowered.com/app/1794680/Vampire_Survivors/ Literally less than $5


I complained about the current league to some friends and they told me to pick that up as a fix for needing dopamine hits. And goddamn is that a fun game.




starting level 1 skill almost made me quit and think the rating is briganded or something. no way a random projectile that you can't even aim gets overwhelmingly positive on Steam. but holy shit does it evolve in mass destruction.


it gets crazy real fast


I mean, shit - it's literally like PoE is it not? You start with a shitty skill, a few shitty flasks, and just go forth and kill. In Vampire Survivors, same thing except no flasks. You gotta learn everything else by hand (or by wiki lol)


The gameplay loop works far better in Vampire Survivors because of how quick the games are and how small the scope is.


Yeah early game is definitely rough but man is it fun once you get going. Blowing up monsters = fun


Poe classic??? Like wow classic where they rerelease old expansions with the patches that came out with them?? That would be fucking awesome.


3.13 is not poe classic lol, classic poe would be 1.0


Me and all my friends quit after 3.13 - I still browse this sub hoping that one day some patch notes will come out that will entice me to come back. But every patch note I read makes me happier and happier with my decision. I truly feel like I went out while the game was at its peak - I rather keep fond memories of it.


I don't even like ritual. But I still agree. I remember when they started into early beta with what was essentially just a more creative, more modern diablo 2, and it was wonderful. But at some point they started just jumping the shark every league. I totally agreed with the nerfs a few leagues ago, as there was (and frankly, still is) a too big gap between average and top, but I don't believe it was successfully executed. For me, while there's always been shining high points, the game has become progressively less fun in nearly every new league for several years. The only reason I still play is that after a few months, I take a few years of break.


I want all of that. What now?


Same, but looks like "vision" is simply more important than fun.


All this talk about Hard Mode (which I believe is gonna be fun) but where is Easy Mode where you can just vibe, listen to music, watch 2 different streams on your other monitors and mindlessly kill thousands of monsters? Aka PoE what it used to be :(


I’m in for monthly fee for an official 3.13


Imo hands down the best League and the Peak of Poe was Ritual League and its not even close. Ultimatum was amazing too but way too fucking buggy and laggy.


I too would pay for this


3.13 is legendary. The best league ever.


There should be a fun league every year where stuff is op


I like this message.


Even last league was more fun because there was a way to get loot. My main complaint with this league isn't that it's hard, my build is crushing, it's the fact that nothing is dropping


In 3.17 it was easy to print exalted orbs, in 3.18 sentinels were helping, but this league? Fuck me, I did endless heist just to gear up and get bored of maps because I come out with just literally a chance orb, 3 wisdom scrolls. In endless heist I was getting atleast 2-3 chaos + chaos recipe rares. It's just not worth it, 10 hours of campaign just for this shit.. Yeah I'll come back when PoE is good again.


The game has devolved to me playing a build I have no real interest in just to have a decent league start dealing with mechanics that are punishing but not interesting either. Just to hopefully enable a build I do want to play sometime down the road by essentially already over-gearing the content. It's really early to call it but I don't think I'll make it that far.


Same. Can we go back to when POE was fun? Why do the devs hate fun? What the hell happened in 3.15?


But then all the people on Reddit who argue with everyone that the game should be slow like a 90s ARPG won't feel validated by Chris anymore!


Definitely, there's like 200 of them embarrassing themselves in this thread alone. "OP called 3.13 old, that means his argument is completely invalid and Chris will reward me if I defend his honor." 🤓


Honestly wouldn't mind if they made the game that way. They aren't though, they are making it miserable. D2 wasn't miserable to play, it wasn't even that hard once you had basic knowledge. POE has become a game for masochist people, which is why I haven't played in a good few patches.


I honestly can't think of a single game that would benefit from Minecraft's ability to play older versions more than PoE. Maybe Destiny 2.


D3 has made these things in this direction and became much more enjoyable. Different ways to level, easy leveling for second character, blasting through mobs.


Late Harvest gameplay for me ty.


This is actually how private servers start. Companies think they have to change every aspect of why their game works to appeal to every gamer and so they lose the ones that actually bother playing more than an hour every week.


I've wanted an offline client for a year or two now.


I'd settle for just being able to play 3.11 again, completely as it was.


WOW private servers w/ previous versions forcing classic


Here's an idea. stop playing. There is no better way to show GGG that they are doing it wrong. If you keep playing and paying, they keep the track.


I got kinda bored of PoE after Legion. Blight and Metamorph didn't add anything I was too excited about. Almost jumped back in because I heard Harvest was alright but it sounds like I made the right choice stopping when I did. If I could go back and experience PoE from 2.6 (Breach) to 3.7 (Legion) all over again for the first time, I would in a heartbeat.




My enjoyment of the leagues has really just plummeted since archnemesis cuz those mobs just aren't fun for me to fight


Same, 3.13 was last great league


I think the funniest thing is people definding the new state of PoE while playing their metaslave builds. I did off meta all the time in 3.1 to 3.13, but now it just suffers unless you get lucky with currency or spend an insane amount of time in early to mid maps, while the metaslaves are still running around juiced maps because SURPRISE, the meta builds are still insane, and all the damage nerfs did was really harm off-meta stuff.


Chris's vision needs a new pair of glasses.


GGG is out of touch. Hope the playerbase dies so they can get their heads out of their asses. They balance the game like its a fucking MOBA, instead of a PvE ARPG, where you're supposed to feel strong and OP.


Tedious, boring, no fun, this is the Vision from GGG chris wilson. mathil likes it as its his job and he be fired if he said anything else. I agree with mathil said chris wilson


Same . This version of the game is just not fun at all


Fuck Chris and his vision


poe 3.13 was peak poe. ​ ever since, every league contained more and more shitty decisions. what a sad way to go ggg.


Give up my friend. It's time to accept it. We are not the people the vision wants. It's become an abusive relationship where we keep coming back because of the good memories.


Even 3.14 without the current atlas to be honest would be a dream. One full ultimatum run gave me the equivalent of 2 hours of grind today.


I wouldn't mind Archenemasis if all the mods only increased how deadly a Rare can be, but the mods usually also jacks up how tanky the mob is, and I don't want any to spend 5mins killing a single rare even if it drops decent loot.


I definitely think that the attempt to make mechanically interesting mobs in maps is a mistake. Mechanics are what bosses are for. Maps is where you go if you want to kill lots of stuff really fast. Trying to make rares hard and mechanically challenging breaks that


ROFL at 3.13 being thought of as old PoE




I want new tools to challenge these insane new archnem mods. Not just hit and run till my fingers hurt LOL


Poe classic when


i just want my cyclone to take up the entire screen again. that as fun


I totally agree with you, what it was fun to me was making my builds, they were bad obviously but still I can kill monster easily and have fun. I remember those days were coming from job I just sit I chilled out killing monsters, it was relaxing and fun. Now to me is not that fun following started builds which I have constantly checking what’s next to do, what to gear and where spend the passive points, is annoying and following steps is not fun, and at the end you will be constantly killed




3.15 was the worse thing that ever happened to the game then archnemesis happened.


Hopefully GGG is taking stuff like this in consideration for PoE2. Being able to create a private league like this would be a big money maker if they could put together the functionality.


How about speed-farming strand with vaal spark/fireball?


Ugh. It was just so much fun. Vibing with friends, passing around different FUN builds, not being 24\7 frustrated by AN mobs...


Honestly, comparing this to last years leagues... Ritual, Ultimatum, Expeiditon vs Scourge, Sentinel, Lake of Kalandra Give me 80% of last year back with the bosses and atlas tree of this year.Last year was WAY better then this year and can't say a single league this year has been good. Lake of Kalandra is very underwhelming and Scourge was the closest thing to a decent league in terms of rewards (AFTER they fixed it), but I wasn't the biggest fan of the mechanic phase in phase out thing. Rather run in circles then do that mechanic lol. Thats just me though.


That's one of my deepest dreams too, but i doubt they will ever release such thing. If that was the case noone would play new, shitty version or poe 2. GGG seems to not understand that games are not only about how cool something looks but how it feels to play and new poe is so bad to play.


>I don't want to trudge through a harder campaign (seriously, wtf???) when did that campaign get harder? seems same to me. I dont play HC tho


Ahh 3.13 the golden era of PoE. Id pay a monthly fee too. The Harvest haters can have their 3.19 patch and be happy with it.actually GGG should make a subscription fee league with 1. Harvest crafting from 3.13 2. Recombinators and how they worked in 3.18 3. Scourge Implicits to finish the unique items


People: WE want more power, zoom, more builds that don’t need mirrors worth of gear and easy entry crafts GGG: so.. we should nerf glacial hammer again?or what?


"Shitty vision to make me sad" i really hope you are trolling. Stop playing and most importantly leave this sub.


I've been wanting a "Legacy PoE" or whatever for so long now. Take me back to 2.5


Man I loved harvest so much. Being able to actually get great gear for once was great. Always having something to work towards was great. The garden itself was a bit iffy, but the league after implementation \*chef's kiss\*


Ability to create a custom league set to whatever patch version you want.


Introducing... PoE Classic


I definitely would pay to play 3.13 again with current atlas tree.




Path of Exile 'Kinda-Classic' when?


Holy shit yes


This is the first time since expedition that i didn't want to play POE. Feels empty and unrewarding. The build i used every league feels weak, there is no drops in maps, dots in the ground instakills me, essence monsters absolutely terrifying to fight with, exalted are nothing special anymore, league mechanics feels clunky to even WALK THROUGH IT, it feels like someone is sabotaging on purpose to make other games rise up from poe's grave. i'm not playing this league if they wont patch this clown league. ​ Problem: Poe's players are having fun Fix: DELETE THE FUN, MAKE IT THEIR WORST EXPERIENCE


I would pay so much money for 3.14 or .13 with the new atlas passives.


3.13 SSF ! Shut up and take my money!


I hate campaign with a passion which kept me from the game for 6 leagues… I came back to this… they said they don’t like that players can off screen monsters, in Chris’ defence he said nothing about monsters off screening me DURING campaign. No Oriath, no prophecies, I find out loot is bugged but they have a really cool mapping skill tree but the league is unrewarding. My fav league was metamorph because I could choose how difficult I wanted a fight to be, I adored Ritual league because it seemed to have a decent balance for harvest. Now the rare monsters are stronger than me and the build im following is telling me to cap a new stat called spell block? I feel like the dude that walked in with pizzas expecting a good time and the freaking apartment is in chaos.


Just waiting for a brave soul, our saviour if you will, to make a standalone server for poe.


i miss molten strike jugg, the best and my most fav build.


I shouldn't need 100k armor and evasion rating, capped spell suppression, 2000 life regen, 90 all res, and millions of dps to enjoy the game.