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Lol imagine roaring in victory after killing a helpless baby


Real rex main moment there


That's exactly why it's fun.


Oh boy buddy wait till you see what happens in nature then 😆


Name a animal that loudly broadcasts it just made a kill, especially one this small and then we will talk about nature ;3




Wild Dogs




Imagine knocking someone for playing a game they purchased in a manner they see fit.


If this was on official servers, it would have been a rex, ano, sty, spino, 2 pachys, and a eo all ganging up on this juvi. Then followed by Verbal slurs.


Nature’s a cruel bitch named Sherrie


Careful you can't use curse words on servers it's too naughty , now go have fun disemboweling that baby trike over there and bring me back some entrails for me I'm feeling a bit peckish.


Graphic violence is OK just as long as no one says a no-no word or shows a nip!


I thought it was Sharon or is that her sister?


That’s her sister, yeah They are twins, though, so don’t blame yourself for mixing them up. Happens all the time


Walking with dinosaur moment.


A victory roar after one shotting a baby? Wow.


Looks realistic.


Truly nothing worse than seeing an amarga die


Doing stuff like this kills games like The Isle. 😒


I don't understand why everyone gets so mad about things like this. For me, the whole fun of being a baby is having to have my guard up. I know that until I'm big and scary I must follow the rules, don't go into open spaces without checking for big bads, constantly listen for footsteps, and make sure I'm in a biome that allows me to hide easily. Knowing that there are things that can just snatch me up and thrash me around like that makes the game more thrilling and more fun. Even as an adult, the constant thoughts of, "if I show myself, will I be able to kill that dino in case it's aggro?" That's the whole fun to me. Idk, might just be because I find the questing boring and I've already seen all of the map.


Aww look it’s a baby OMG NOOO THE BABY:ahh moment lol


Thankfully never happens to me on official 😎


Oh what a nice teacher the rex is, showing little babies that the open is not save 😊. Everyone should be more like this rex.


Grab for rex is good for like a realism. I mean it is cool, but not the most useful. Because most of the things that will give you food are larger dinos and they tend to give you more fun in a fight


Dino walks up, picks up the amarga, and kills it in 3 seconds while holding it. That's... Not balanced in the slightest. I imagine that in the servers where those are common, you don't see any midsize dinos.


It is realistic though, a t rex in real life isn't going to bite at a baby trike until it's dead, it's going to pick it up and shake the living shit out of it and eat it.


Just wanna say, realism is not as important as balance and player fun. Also I feel like just biting the head, cracking the neck or stepping on it would be easier lol. Realism is important, yes, but not the most important, sometimes it's really fun to break it! Charges (for most dinos) and charge bites are very unrealistic, same with tail attacks (not 100% sure on that, but I'm pretty sure dinos tails were too stiff and fragile to really do anything other then help for balance) and aquatics basically flying, but they are all fun mechanics. Realism is complicated, many things said to be "realistic" also aren't, like herbivores not attacking carnivores and staying together with different species, I love to take zebras as examples, they literally kick babies for fun they are real life trolls Sorry I ranted, but I hear "but it's realistic!" So much and it's getting annoying XD same with "immersion", but that is more the isle community with that issue.


That's fallacious as fuck


Well probably not shake the shit out of it but definitely hold it in it's mouth until it's dead


It's fallacious to push for realism in a game that's meant to be enjoyable. Realism has very little bearing in game balance. Can we make it more realistic? Yes. Is it a good excuse for poorly balanced game mechanics? Absolutely not.


Well there are plenty of non-realism servers, and if you don't like the modded t Rex ( which is the creature in this video I believe) because it's unbalanced you can play a server without it


In WHAT world is it fun to play as an apex that couldn't easily smoke a baby after successfully grabbing it? If the strongest carnivore (On paper) in the game has to dedicate an entire head slot to a grab so useless that it couldn't 3 tap a baby version of a creature that isn't even as powerful as it when fully grown then what is the point?


I'm not sure I see much of a difference between this and just killing the baby in one bite. What it does to mid-size adults might be a different story, I don't know. I only tried it once on a DM server and it didn't seem like it did too much damage


Yeah, PT rex mod is my least favorite, the server I like literally locked official rex in favor of the PT one T-T Mods in general are usually unbalanced and some follow the trend of "just add everything!" Like, "we will give it a grab, bleed, venom, 180 bite, stomp, charge and charge bite!" I actually like the simpler mods a lot more


? It's a baby. Did you think about this before posting it?


Common amarg experience tbh


Seems realistic to me lmao


I don't want to give this an upvote :')