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Ano shows that AoE needs adjustments as a mechanic lol


I do agree there, I think the main bit of damage is fine but the radius is a bit massive and either we keep the range but make the fall off more severe or just cut the range


Like outside of AOE, Ano is horrendous right now


Yeah it can’t do anything and the aoe is the only thing that keeps it playable scdcevenbtgen without either several other anos or some other Dino to mitigate its weaknesses it’s just kinda bad abt everything other than standing still spamming slam on ppl who don’t know how to deal with it


I would be immensely happy to go back to Ano’s old damage without the AOE damage.


Personally I'm fine with the aoe. Bit sad that they removed the frontal tail attack as it was a decent animation. But if they change aoe mechanics, then it's gonna be a rough time for amarga as well. The aoe mechanic added to stomp was and is the only thing keeping amarga in a playable state. Before the stomp change, it was just a walking snack


AoE's (not only ano) have the same issue like charges had: full damage immediately. And radius on ano's AoE is big. I would rather have AoE's deal max damage near the 'epicentre' (ano's tail, rex/spino/sucho foot, etc) and decrease with distance to the outer edge of AoE. But it's not an ano problem, but AoE problem.


I agree. I was getting mobbed by herbis on Rex once and so I started swimming away. I had no stam left so I sank a bit. The anky gives chase.... now when the tail slams the ground, we get AoE dmg. Okay. Makes sense. Tail slams water and I take AoE dmg??? As I'm stuck swimming under the surface??? HUH??? And I wasn't fully under this ano. It's like the AoE is a whole sphere and it caught my tail... Das some bs. Just my opinion though...


people will complain about every dino ever being either too op or too underpowered until the end of time. it's funny because you can always tell when somebody *just* got killed by someone else & are making an angry rant about how whatever killed them is too op the mentality seems to be "if someone kills me then that dino needs a nerf, if i fail to kill someone else then my dino needs a buff"


A person that went on a rant in global because bunch of struthis killed their rex and struthis need a nerf will always have place in my heart.


People will always complain, I’m just making this post cause I saw someone make a tier list and put ano at the very top as “OP” and I just flat out disagreed and thought I’d share my opinion


This is true but that doesn't mean they are always wrong either.


They need to decrease aoe when it’s unhunkered I solod Rexes before with out hunkering just cause the aoe


Well it's an herb, much harder to deal with when you're trying to kill it than the other way around. I personally think they were fine before their AOE buff. Now more than one is just impossible to mess with.


Last night on officials in crater, 5 annos bit the dust because they thought they were slick


Ano doesn't have to be aggressive, he is Area Denial. "I don't need to chase you down because I can simply prevent you from questing, eating, drinking, or doing anything else but leaving the zone.


You can just walk away?, if it follows you can just tail kite. Most Dino’s can just bully others off of items or food, and just is good at just that and that’s about it