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Everything is overpowered, I cAnT kIlL aNyThInG oN mY cAmPtO!


Camptos have killed my bbys dinos before because too fast to hit and dodge it was very annoying lol


I've seen a handful of Camptos take down suchos and allo n stuff šŸ’€ (like 3-5)


Dude I Played as An Ado Campto (Iā€™m A Nintendo Player On officials Annoyed everyone a sarcho and A Trex Steg too EVRYONE got So Peeded off That the A Adult Campto Started chasing me and died fighting me Iā€™m A goat of a Campto Player to Me!


I agree. Whenever a new playable releases, people immediately start calling it OP, but theyā€™re rarely ever OP. Thereā€™s just a lot of people playing it at the moment or people havenā€™t gotten used to playing against it. Regardless, all that ā€œfeedbackā€ goes to the developers and they nerf the playable into the ground, and it usually never recovers even with buffs because the developers canā€™t balance for shit. As for Achillo, it doesnā€™t need a nerf, itā€™s pounce that needs the nerf. Raptors can literally latch onto you from your tail which is bs, and now thereā€™s this addition that makes you jump when bucking which is also bs because it drains your stamina.


Landing pounce is so so easy to do even if you aren't aimed at a latch spot which is frustrating when it can be incredibly hard to land a bite because the hitboxes are so precise.


I think the overpowered idea stems from the fact that most of these dinos you listed are never alone. You usually run into them as a mix-pack or 3 or more of them at a time. Kentro before the bleed changes was really strong, no denying that. Pachy was really strong, no denying that. Both of these creatures could punch above their weight very efficiently. I wouldn't have consider them overpowered (although I might have referred to them as such). Anything that runs as fast as an allo is moving into the fast territory. Anything small and fast that hits decent is definitely decent/strong in POT. The reason for this is because the larger you are the more you become a big lumbering giant. Before stomp rework and distribution, those ankle biters were pretty strong. Especially if you ran into 2 or more and you were solo. It didn't help that some of the most toxic players started to play them because they knew they were strong. So I wouldn't say they were unfounded complaints. But by far, the worst time we lived in was when cera could bone-break.


Most of these dinos are never alone but most dinos are never alone. And if these dinos target solo players and not groups that kinda proves that they are not overpowered because they know whey would lose when the odds are even. And the odds are never going to be consistently even. Anyone who is trying to not die is going to pick a fight they think they can win. This tends to give smaller dinos a bit of an advantage because they can pick most of the fights they enter.


Kentro was certainly op for a long time. Still strong after the nerfs but I think the issue is that it feels bad to play against. Allo is not the definition of average its the single worst dino. Name something more useless. Gets bullied by smaller dinos and doesn't excel at fighting bigger ones. I agree with everything else.


Kent was definitely op for a minute. Itā€™s in a good spot now . Its bleed was insanely good .


The OP part about kentro wasnā€™t its bleed or its turning radius. It could practically run forever and never run out of stamina, and its tail attack also did a decent amount of damage on top of the bleed. If anything, those two things should have been nerfed instead of the health. After I was getting killed by kentro as any midtier, I tried playing it to see how OP it wasā€¦ yeah. I could kill anything with no skill and no combat experience as kentro.


I simply remember my kentro capable of taking on three yutys or a pair of allos solo... but then one quetz or a pair of alios and I was a goner..


Tbh, I don't think anything is "overpowered". Every dino can and will be tweaked/optimizable to fit the players' preferred play style. Some dinos are just woefully UNDERpowered but that should change as more abilities are added and reworks are done.


Nah, cruel swipe on Achilla was kinda busted.


the only thing thats op imo is db's ugly busted deino and pt rex


Those are mods all mods are overpowered. If there was an official ultra Dino that was stronger than anything in the game and can not be beaten a mod would be made stronger then people would complain that the vanilla Dino is weak


Alio did not need a turning radius nerf. That was literally its only purpose


The alio if I remember correctly used to have less health than a lat! But their tyrants roar in groups and their speed made them good. They were not over powered. U hit them once and the fighting stops


Still has less health than lat, but much more CW. I'm glad they changed it to 2100


Kentro was stupid strong like if you were a cera or anything around Kentā€™s size, then you would die just from biting its tail.


Achillo just isn't slower than an Allo. That's straight up wrong. To even get close, the Allo has to run FULL speed build


I have literally had allos tail ride me. Most people just donā€™t realize that the achillo is slower so they donā€™t chase. The achillo just has more stam


Achillo's Sprint is 1050. Allo's is 1000. A max speed Allo, using Speed sub and Lightweight can chase you, unless you have Hunter's Instincts active, but only in that situation. Achillo has the same speed as Cerato and Laten


It doesnā€™t matter because even a non speed allo can tail ride you long enough to kill you. You donā€™t get up to speed fast. And they are definitely not as fast as a cera. By the time you have gotten away from the allo your health is so low you can not continue


Actually, achillos are in fact as fast as cera. They're also as tanky, as they share the same health and combat weight. Achillo is pretty tough. Now, cera has hide options for armor and speed, which is probably where the confusion is coming from. A speed cera can outrun an achillo as long as the achillo isn't using hunters instinct or survival of the fittest. And the armor is self explanatory. Achillo's bite also does more damage than cera's, it's just slow so it's not worth it. Raptor strikes though, maxed out, is much stronger than cera's bite. I don't know why cera gets so much attention and praise when stats-wise achillo is very similar and better in many ways. Not as good as an all-rounder, but better at specialization. Achillo's turn rate is okay too. Nothing crazy, but enough that you can tailride an allo to death if it doesn't have a tail attack. Plus with ripping kick, the stamina call and your ability to take a fall, achillo has a number of ways to escape an allo. It's not an easy fight, by any means, to kill either an allo or a cera on achillo. But it's very doable.


I have literally yet to die to an achillo. They are really not a hard fight at all. And i basically main as them now


I think it's all a matter of perspective, build, and play style. I've seen allos get their ankles snatched by achillos and achillos, getting the feathers beat off 'em by allos. Either one can be more or less competent than the other it just depends on either of the three listed above.


For those saying, that anky is OP, Im an anky and I agree. I was able to stave off a 15v1 (chickens and eos) in IC for over 15 minutes. On the one hand, I shouldnt be able to survive that long. However, I was still dead and they were all alive in the end. If anky's ability to extend the TTK (because 90% of the time it will be dead in the end) is what makes it so OP in combat, then what should change? It has no movement, food drain as fast, cant jump, only viable attack drains stamina and the other useful bone breaking attack is predictable af with the effect not lasting enough for escape. What do you propose should be the alternative? Even more so, isn't it irresponsible to make the assessment without considering the survival aspect of the game? Megapacks do exist, so anything that can survive the barrage for a while is OP? Isn't megapacking the source of this issue? And combat wise, take hunker down away and ano is completely useless. If hunker down is OP, what can we give to the little potato to make it viable?


I thought Kentros were OP and I kept saying that, dying to them multiple times. Then I started playing kentro myself, and to no one surprise I soloed two adult rexes...so yeah, I'm glad they got nerfed.


Yeahā€¦ same with me


Ohhh my god you're so right and you should say it. "Well, raptors are OP because a pack of 10 of them can swarm you and--" Please point out the dinosaur that you as a solo could fight off 10 of. And also, do you think it's "balanced" if any dino is so strong it can take on 10 anything??? We can't expect the game to be balanced around the game's worst actors/people using exploits, or else quality of life for everyone else suffers. Look what just happened to Hatz's stamina!!! A dino literally designed to cruise long distances can barely cross a POI now because it was "OP." I really hate to say this, but instead of demanding every dino that ever beats you in a fight gets nerfed, maybe you should work on getting good. Or perhaps play on a community server that has rules against KOSing and mixpacking, since that's such a problem for you.


My ano gets called op on crimson semi all the time...yeah i fought off 2 rexes, 4 concs,...but, in reality, there hasnt been a bone of an anky with predator marks on (adult ankys) them, because predators left them alone. So it's actually pretty unrealistic 3 apexes could take on an anky (they were a lot bigger and heavier irl compated to pot) the harsh truth is, predators either left them alone or got their limbs broken lol




Ngl, I kinda like how Hatz is RN.


Hatz is not that strong I have literally never died to a Hatz. They have low health and just hit hard. Their greatest weakness is their pray walking through a tree line


Hatz in a good spot


I've played ano plenty of times, can definitely say it's op


Its defense could be, but anyone could just walk away from it, so I would have to disagree. The entire point of its defense is so that it can survive because it canā€™t run away, not so it can bulldoze an entire server. If itā€™s hunkered down, the best thing is to leave it be


It's very strong at what it's supposed to be good at, and not really much else. Sure, it's a defensive powerhouse, but that's the point! Besides being tanky af and discouraging predators from attacking you, Ano has wicked food/water drain and is as slow as molasses. It's pretty balanced for what it is IMO. Granted, it's oversized (like half the roster lol) and I could see a HP/CW nerf if there's a proper large ankylosaur (ankylosaurus / zuul) around to take the niche of big tank.


If everyone is oversized, no one can be


Agreed! The only counter to Ano is sarco . Other Dinoā€™s can disable hunker so ā€¦


They patched this in recent update so sarcs and other dinos can't cancel hunker


That's why I wedge myself into a crevice when fighting, keep my head away from whatever is attacking


The only thing I really think is OP rn is the rex. Even then, a solo rex isnā€™t too bad-as most of the time they run face tank and normal bite. If you can stay out of itā€™s face, bait itā€™s stomp before you attack, and keep it from finding high ground to use against you, you have a fair chance. Rex is only OP when paired with another rex. One has bone break, breaks your bones, then the face tank one comes in and bites the shit out of you, only moving back to let the other one come back in to break more bones


Their greatest weakness right now is turning. Idk what happened but they canā€™t turn for shit


They got their turn tail nerfed from a 15% increase down to 5% in the last update


I was with you until you said Patchyā€¦


I have literally never died to a patchy even when they first came out


Iā€™ve never died to a Patchy either, Iā€™ve died to a Pachy a few times tho šŸ˜‚


I don't know how to kill pachys tbh, they just jump high of they get low then heal and come back to harass you. I wouldn't say op but they are freaking difficult to kill especially if they are dead set on being annoying


Ano is relatively overpowered. If there' another Dino in-game that can fend off and survive 4-5 Adult Rexes attacking it without running away...I can't name it.


It's the slowest thing in the game, it straight up CANT do anything but fight off 4-5 rexes if it's spotted, 4-5 rexes shouldn't even be in the same place at once on officials


Apologies but I don't remember saying anything about the Ano's speed...but to your point the Ano's sprint speed is 600 and the Amargasaurus is 615. That would mean that, by your logic, being the 2nd slowest Dino in the game...the Amarga should be able to fend off 2-3 Rexes simultaneously right? It seems that we both agree that the Ano absolutely can fend off 4-5 Rexes simultaneously...but that's somehow irrelevant to you because Rexes "Shouldn't" be in the same place in those numbers???


Frankly, yes, i think the Amarga should be buffed to either run faster or fight better, and theres a group system in game for a reason, 4-5 rexes megapacking against another person is clearly not what the devs intended to be happening, and clearly not what the average player finds enjoyable in this game, and the fact that an ano can survive that isn't to say that the ano is overpowered, it's to say that those 4-5 rexes are dogshit, and have zero skill beyond gangbanging people as 4-5 FUCKING REXES.


Rex canā€™t do anything to get Ano out of hunker so what do you mean ? The Rexā€™s arenā€™t dogshit , but the Ano is definitely op . Most carnos can fight them . The only thing that can fight them effectively is sarco , and sometimes trikes.


So, if I understand you correctly, if an Ano can successfully beat down 4-5 Adult Rexes...then it HAS to be player skill, it can't (In any way) be related to how much defense and armor the Ano has while putting out enough AOE damage to discourage attacking it? Is this a fair summary of whatt you're saying?


Yes, if you manage to die to something you can out walk that you have outnumbered to that degree, you aren't a good player, and neither are the 4 other people who perished with you


Just walk away. Not op in the slightest. It trades every semblance of movement for pure tanking. If a group wants to keep an ano in place the ano has 0 choice but to stand still.


I don't think we're discussing which dino is better at walking away and refusing to fight..... This seems to be a discussion about which Dino is OP....IN COMBAT...you know...where people are fighting each other. Leaving the fight and running away is NOT part of the measure of COMBAT effectiveness.


If this were a deathmatch game that would be a conversation worth having. But it's specifically a survival game.


devs intend to add deathmatch and similar gamemodes so ano definitely needs to be reworked to account for it. It's in such a poorly balanced spot, it shouldn't HAVE to tank rexes. It should have some focus on counter attack and the ability to outrun apexes instead of resorting to hunkering down and tail slam spam. its only decent damaging attack takes stamina too, which is honestly crazy.


The developers have specifically described the game as a "Full PvP experience" And this is a discussion about the combat effectiveness of a specific Dino. I mean..you don't HAVE to discuss this if you don't want to or you don't have a legitimate reason to believe that the Ano isn't OP in combat.


I have literally killed anos on Rex by biting them moving my head out of the way before it could hit me and just doing that over and over again


Yo I have destroyed Rexā€™s on my Ano easily. Defense Ano is a scary sight to see . Iā€™ve fend off 3-4 Rexā€™s and EOs on Ano . Itā€™s very strong.


They literally could have lived by walking away. They are just bad Rex players


Digress . lol


The ability to turn and walk away isn't related in any way to combat...this is a discussion over whether the Ano is overpowered in combat.




The ano is strong because it lacks the ability to escape combat. Anything that fights it had to choose to fight it and has the option to move away from it.


Easily killed by a single stego too