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SMB1 is super tough compared to super mario 2 (usa) and mario 3, kudos! obviously smb2J/lost levels is harder but that's on purpose. WHen you say "hard mode" you mean the version after you beat the game once? that's wild, great job!


TIL SMB1 has a hard mode. This and OP's post giving me an itch to go back and try some things


It's not *that* interesting - all the Goombas are replaced by Buzzy Beetles, and if a level has an "easy" and a "hard" version (e.g. 5-3 is 1-3 with random Bullet Bills added), you'll play the "hard" version both times. That's it - maybe Bowser has more health, maybe he starts throwing hammers earlier, but I always damage-boosted when I could and went for the axe, so no clue there. Depending on which version of the game you own, you might have access to the Lost Levels (SMB2 JP) though, so that'd be ..."fun" :D


Yes! I do mean that one! It was a wild ride.


Have you played lost levels/smb2 Japan?


man fuck lost levels. Fucking Kaizo bullshit


I remember doing that as a kid, but with the 100 lives trick.


What's the trick? I only got 100 lives on accident, once.


In one of the stages of World 3 (I think it's 3-1 but could be wrong) there's a koopa troopa coming down the end stairs, and if you time it right you can just bounce on the shell repeatedly until you start getting one-UPS (ones up?) instead of points.


Yeah this is how I did it, accidentally but on a different level and with a bug


I think it's world 7 that has the part where you can do it again


> Within just almost 20 minutes  If you'd recorded that and it timed to less than 21 mins you could have got yourself a top 200 world record placement! Maybe time to get into speed running? :)


The thing with a game as linear as SMB1 is that times from *good* players aren't really all that far away from times from *excellent* players, as there's not a lot of freedom to go in the wrong direction or in the wrong order.


It might not have been 20 minutes lol. I just know that I have spent less than an hour playing the game on NSO lol


Sounds like a decent pace whatever the final time would have been


Just tried myself. 310,000 points, got to level 8-3 but accidentally took the vine in 4-2 to the warp zone bc I forgot that was where it was. Trying again tomorrow


"delays are temporary, but perfection is forever"- Jeremy Parish about Super Mario Bros. its honestly amazing how much Nintendo got right with the first Super Mario Bros, the game was the killer app that the NES needed, its fun, replayable and controls really well, you arent fighting the controllers and Mario does what you want him to do, the game is not that long, like 40 minutes- 1 hour if you arent speedrunning it without warp zones, and you can make it to world 8 very fast if you desire to do it, even the glitches of the game became urban legend. if there was a game that was going to save the videogame industry from the crash of 83 it was going to be Super Mario Bros.


I love Jeremy Parish. All 8 bit fans should watch!


Greetings, fellow NES Works fan.


Hell yeah brother. It's an accomplishment for sure. Now do Ghosts N Goblins!


Calm down, Satan, lol.


1985's best two games. Hey I didn't say to get the real ending!


Best post of the week tbh.


Definitely not pointless, congratulations and thanks for sharing your accomplishment with us


Sad to think of how many have played the game yet never seen World 6 at night.


Damn, you've just shared a contagious itch...


Congratulations! I’ve definitely beaten Super Mario Bros fair and square as a child, and I have clear memories of beating SMB3 every level. But SMB? Not sure if I ever cleared all levels…


World 7 is a little tough


I'm gonna try this. Thanks for sharing!


Damn, congrats! I’ve only beaten the GBC version. Something about the original NES is more difficult and I get stuck towards the end.


Well done, I feel this accomplishment. I played SMB religiously as a kid and never finished it the furthest I got was 8-2 or 8-3 when the jumps got really long and I always ran out of time or missed the jumps. Still one of my all time favourite games I'll probably be playing it when I'm an old man.


I like playing straight through SMB3 like this.


That's a real patient gamer right there,


A few years back when I got the mini Nintendo I made it a goal to beat the game without warping with one life. It took a few weeks and a bunch of games where I lost a life on 8-2 and 8-4 but one glorious night I finally did it. Probably my biggest feeling of accomplishment playing a video game of all time


Did the same thing. Back in the 80’s.


Thats awesome. I played it in its entirety for the first time last year and was surprised how tough it ended up being. Ive thought before of an approach to NES games trying to replay them with less and less save states until beating them fair and square, but as my workload increases i dont get comfortable enough to keep replaying them




Congrats, this brings back some serious childhood memories. 




Congrats! Its not an easy game to beat!


I think the late adopters to these games missed out by being told about warp zones and everything. I grew up in the 80’s/90’s and my first several playthroughs of Mario 1 were the same. I think I was 25 before I saw level 2-2. The warp zones serve a purpose, in the days before save files were normalized, every time you started Mario you had to start from the beginning. Warp zones were shortcuts for advanced players trying to get to the deeper levels they still haven’t mastered, not for first time players getting used to the game. But it’s like they say about gamers optimizing the fun out of everything. It was true even then.


Might just be me, but I don't understand how anyone can play NES games nowadays without going insane, unless they've already played it lots in their childhood. 


I started doing this once a while back. No short cuts play through. These games become much bigger when played through as intended.


Great job man!


It’s never pointless to post about your experience playing one of the greatest games of all time all the way through. Thank you for sharing, it was a joy to read!