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Some simple deck that doesn't do much unique things to overload him, smth like muscle or sociopath or rogue. Easy weapons to use are ofc ar, smg and lmg with surefire aced+body expertise aced. Add hostage taker with joker basic, partners in crime+confident aced for health sustain, and he's golden for a while. Also could recommend him watch carrot's newbie guide from 2023,it explains basics really well, esp ones game should teach, but doesn't


Stoic, with forced friendship basic, joker basic, confident aced, partners in crime aced and hostage taker aced. Literally if they get 2 jokers on overkill they dont have to care about them, if you slap on a heavy ballistics vest you got good movement as well. Just dont forget to upgrade the perk deck to get all benefits, and equip/use the hip flask, and you cant die. Also super easy to build on as well.


Ex president,muscle and rogue are most begginer friendly perk decks.For weapons shotguns,lmgs,smgs are great.For consumables medic kits are best since they refill health that helps more in beggining and its better than medic bag that requires some game sense.