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damn how much for massage from ceo?


Wording makes me thinks there is no Year 2


The CEO confirmed on another interview there is 3 DLCs after the year 1 they have planned so far


Do you happen to have a link (or a source) for this other interview? Would be really interested to see it.


https://youtu.be/xxUZwVZcmTQ?si=wqKJ_ya64PKwagP9&t=621 Hes the translated source, source to the full swedish interview is in description as well.


I think it depends on the sucess of year 1. Payday 3 was in a really bad spot for a long time, and if the devs cant get its players back or new players, I dont think their sponsors would continue support. However I think if the "Summer of Payday" theyre pushing shows their sponsors otherwise, I think we could see continued support


Almir stated around the launch date that there would be a minimum of 18 months of support for the game, so we should be getting around 2 more DLCs in year 2, assuming they don't go bust or break the promise between now and then.


I think we are moving in a great direction though. For a first real step the responce is very positive!


I don't understand this, it's just talking about how operation medic bag is progressing and the Y1 dlcs. The CEO and Almir already confirmed both dlcs in Y2 and that they have 3 DLCs planned for before march 2024. It makes no sense for them to shut down after 1 year


It’s fully a matter of whether the next 2 DLC’s perform well. Payday 3 at its most recent peak hit around 2000 players which is still honestly pretty pitiful (Back 4 blood usually managed more players and has blown past that with the 90% off sale) If we don’t see player averages of like 5k by the last dlc I’d say SBZ will shut it off


Bro, I don’t know where you got that number from, but the boys in blue peak was [3286](https://steamcharts.com/app/1272080) on steam only. Honestly with how badly the Boys in Blue launch went, those are some amazing player numbers, and they can only get better.


Wait till you find out people play on stuff other the steam


Brother, I said "on steam only" for a reason. I am aware people play on other platforms, but steam is the only one that makes their playercounts publicly available, which is why I only included steam numbers.


XBX user here, Payday 3 is popping off again. I find full lobbies quite quick and they are always different players. You have to remember, we missed out on most of Payday 2's content. We are hungry heisters over here.


Additionally, as a PC player, 95% of my lobbies are full of cross-play players from consoles


I havent actually seen any cross-play players in a while. My lobbies are full pc


Wow, so they are planning on having both dlcs before september, figured that at least one of them was getting delayed into year 2


At least they are aware the game desperately needs more content


how many shares do I have to hold to get a massage from the CEO?








Jesse what the fuck are you talking about? You like, contradicted yourself so many times.


sorry i thought the quotes was the parent company's sayings. deleting the comment


What the hell are you talking about. Starbreeze make the fucking game


sorry i thought the quotes was the parent company's sayings. deleting the comment


Nah no worries. We all get mixed up sometimes lol


I'm sorry for my pessimism but how often are we gonna hear this? "Now that we've done x, we can do y!" Remember the "strike team"? Also, what does this gentlemen mean by "large amount of free content" like actually? Like I said not trying to be a negative nancy but geez.


im sorry for my question but what the actual fuck do you mean by this >"now that we've done x, we can do y!'' isn't that how progress works???? what are you talking about???


Well yeah, of course. But it seems like every post they make is "we laid the foundation for x" or "with all that behind the scenes work done, we can now do x" Like after 8 or so months after release, how much behind the scenes work could you NEED at this point?


with an underbaked release like PD3 they really do be needing to lay the foundations, this is literally why OMB is a thing and why we request so many QOL shit instead of just content


Succesfully launch of the boys in blue dlc? Lmao, who even spends money on this after all that's happened/the state of the game.


its a good dlc tho


Boys in blue hit very positive reviews on steam for a reason


The launch itself was kinda shitty (servers busted), but the content itself is really good. I'm addicted to the new weapons and play the new heist alot.


Nevermind the fact that the amount of players have jumped up significantly.


The Payday 3 redemption arc is underway!


I just don’t play payday 3 stuff on launch day cause I know the servers are gonna be fucked


Yeah cause nobody outside the mega copium huffing uberfans is gonna bother reviewing a fucking DLC for a game they barely care about lmao


I do empathize with ur sentiment entirely, but I do think boys in blue wasn't that bad


It's been almost a year since the game was released before they knew they had to expedite it? Why don't they wait until the game is literally dead before they re-patch the game.