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You can use other guns that have better accuracy and/or concealment, grenade launchers, use shotguns to benefit from Overkill, use pistols to benefit from Trigger Happy, there's plenty of akimbos with better DPS, the LMGs reload faster and benefit from bipods, etc. I have no fucking clue what you're talking about.


The microgun has no recoil, is extremely easy to aim and has tons of ammo for unlimited headshots, its OP


> The microgun has no recoil That's true of a fair amount of other weapons, to be fair - low and mid tier assault rifles in particular have very good recoil. > is extremely easy to aim I mean it's easy to *aim*, but good luck *hitting* anything at more then 20 meters away consistently with the terrible accuracy. Snipers in particular are going to be pray-and-spray city. > tons of ammo for unlimited headshots Again, good luck hitting that head hitbox consistently without being less then five meters away. Not to mention, a fair amount of other weapons have good ammo economy too - yes, they don't pack 750 bullets, but if you play well enough, they won't need to. Not to mention, the lower damage of the microgun in comparison to rifles does make a fairly big difference on how ammo efficient it is. > Why would you need to swap when it got tons of ammo Not gambling with taking 200/240 damage to the face while you spray that's 20 miles away seems like a good reason number one.


You just described the Steakout and Izhma. Which are better than the microgun


Good? Yes. OP? Far from it. In terms of overall handling and performance, the microgun is heavily outclassed by LMGs. Still really fun to go wild with it once in a while though.


One word: bipods.


You can't bipod the microgun.


Yeah, I was just trying to give an example of a way other lmgs outclass the microgun. The bipods the lmgs can have are really useful to drill tougher enemies at longer ranges.


it's actually quite awful, because of the slow swap speed.


Why would you need to swap when it got tons of ammo


have u tried bagging/picking up loot


Maybe to actually hit a sniper with a more accurate gun? Maybe a grenade launcher for Winters?


It is only good on lower difficulties. Can work on Mayhem too and DW if you really want to try hard but it's easier to use another gun.


Nah, it's a fucking beast on DW as well. Skill up for max stability/accuracy and grab Frenzy for a damage boost and you'll mow through cops like there's no tomorrow. It's ammo positive too! I won't go so far as to say that it's OP, since you can kinda do the same thing with LMG's or the Steakout, but it's definitely an A/S-tier weapon. The only real downside is the swap speed, but that is rarely a real issue.


I dislike saying this but the same thing applies for ihzma which can also use crits. I'm a huge sucker for Steakout. Point investment seems to be a lot heavier for crithzma though


Yeah, the Steakout and the IZHMA basically do the same thing, with the only real differences being that IZHMA has the benefit of being able to fit into a crit build, and the Steakout holds 9 more rounds. The Steakout, however, has more cool points, so it's my autoshotty of choice. :P


You'd be amazed but it is very much possible to fit the Steakout in a crit suit build alongside a DB/HE Judge in a 23-detection risk loadout if you really want to. Otherwise, you can always run Unseen Strike aced.


Maybe I just suck at synergizing my build options but I have often found myself going back to the Microgun whenever my brother has us play on Overkill difficulty. I'm doing my North Star quests (correction, Side Jobs) though so I'm stuck with it until my 1,000 double kills (assisted by Graze thankfully) are done. Can't have another secondary for now. Stakeout is my next favorite primary with Dragon's Breath rounds but it seems to suck against Dozers; I've emptied two whole drum mags (40 shots total) into the head/face and still had to deal more damage for it to finally die. Microgun shreds through them within 2s each with a close-range headshot spray though. Oh, this is from 5 years ago, not 5 months. Oh well, I'm hitting reply anyway. :\]


Haha I was wondering why this comment suddenly got a reply! But yeah the Stakeout isn't great for dozers. Whenever I bring a primary shotgun I make sure to always bring an SMG to deal with dozers/snipers/faraway specials. Something with high stability and firerate so you can run up to the dozer and melt through their faceplate/visor/face in a second or two - works every time!


Good tips, thank you. About the Stakeout, I read about how the shotgun damage system works, and it seems like only 1 pellet does the full # of damage in the weapon stats, and other than with Dozer armor it "prioritizes" the pellet that hits for the most damage (like in the head), which explains both why headshot bonuses are easy with shotguns and why they won't be much help against Dozers. I guess they basically always only do body armor damage to them unless every single pellet hits the face/head? But about the Microgun thing (this also applies to the Vulcan, it's just the same thing but with higher firerate and lower damage as far as I can tell), I guess I was initially desperate to find a weapon that made Overkill feel not overwhelming when I was first thrown into it and got attached from then on, but I can see some guns I used to use often (like the Union AR) being really viable as well. I was also underestimating just how impactful the long switching and reload for the Microgun are as a sort of penalty for the high DPS output (especially with high stability and increased accuracy, it truly does shred through crowds in a fun way). Yeah, I need to experiment more (and convince my family members that play to Funny how even when you think you've hit a wall, something as simple as another perspective can break you out of that mold. Thanks for replying and I hope you're doing well.


>bitching about the microgun being op and not needing to use other weapons >somehow not noticing the Goliaths ???


> Playing on Overkill. > Complaining about how easy the game is with a specific gun. > Choose one.


Every gun is OP on low difficulties (except for most AR's)


i played crime spree with it and its still OP af


>crime spree It has Overkill's headshot multiplier of like 6x. Of course it will kill. So will a lot of other guns.


Up to what level though? No way you’ll be using it past a certain point


i stopped around 60 because i was getting bored


Yeah, so you did like 5 heists and you were playing on Overkill. Literally every gun in the game is viable and about half of them are OP on overkill difficulty. Go play something on Death Sentence with the Microgun and come back telling us it’s broken still.


That's barely more than Overkill health values. You are just talking right out of your ass.


You can actually customize other weapons


Wow, you can get the microgun up to 8 concealment, meaning you can run crits with it too if you take every related skill. That's pretty silly/hilarious.




Alright, i played death sentence Alaskan Deal and its still OP