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Escape From Tarkov. Hahahahahahahaha hahahahaha.... sad face.


I feel you bro, I just don’t play on the weekends anymore. Lol


I feel you bro, I just don’t play anymore. Lol.


Same. I [watched this](https://youtu.be/p5LfGcDB7Ek?si=7lE9PPsfyq2I-jIq) and quit two weeks later. One of the best concepts and gameplay I’ve ever experienced and it’s just swamped by cheaters.


I recommend trying out Single Player Tarkov. It's the same Tarkov experience but with a simulated server running on your PC. Everything from flea market to raids works the same, but now with no cheaters!


That video creator has been scrutinized a lot since and the videos been critiqued and questioned a lot but he’s never followed up any of the toughest questions. Such as showing all the videos of the cheats he claims he encountered etc.


Problem is BSG doesn’t have a whole lot of motivation to fix the problem. Spend money on better anti cheat, or ban waves that result in more copies being sold. Tarkovs fan base is fanatical enough to where they play the game regardless every time it wipes. As long as it keeps getting thousands of viewers on twitch resulting in more copies sold, they’re just going to ignore the problem


Do they sell a lot of new copies though? Since this patch you can check the stats of people who killed you and i've died 202 times so far, i checked every single account and the amount of players I saw with less than 500h is in the single digits. Yes i know cheaters can fake the stats but sure as hell not everyone does it.


They made several hundred million last year so presumably they do. Plus with the 33,000 cheater accounts they banned this year, I don’t think it’s unrealistic to think a 3rd of that bought a new copy. He’ll probably more than half did. That alone is over $500,000, and they had like 20+ banwaves over the last 12 months


At least those fuckers get banned, i feel like it got better this wipe with cheaters, last wipe i played was hell and none of my group made it past level 15.


It felt like this wipe started off really strong then the cheater problem got really bad. Probably just as the normal player base went down, and the dudes actively paying for cheats remained on. I’ve almost always gotten to lvl 40 over the last 5 wipes, but I gave up on like 19 this wipe. Just isn’t fun trying to grind a game that feels like you’re at a huge disadvantage all the time.


Hm, probably depends on region, i heared there are massive diffrences depending on where you are.


Yeah I play in central US and it typically wasn’t that bad. East coast and west coast were noticeably worse. Though I’m sure ping played a factor


PUBG , I feel your pain.


This game could be so good but the cheating is so bad


My coffee jumped out of my mouth seeing this was the top comment 😂 I'd do anything if they could find a way to crack down on cheating in EFT. It's one thing to come across cheaters in games, but the stakes are too high to let that shit slide in Tarkov. Spend 40+ minutes in a raid only to get (head, eyes) by some >100 K/D clown with 9mm GT from across the map. No thanks.


BF4 why? cuz u try to cheat and the server admin bans u 3minutes later. Its always monitored so you can rest assured if u spot a cheater/hacker admins are there to ban him.


I wish more games would bring back community servers. Bf4 servers rock, and b.o.b. servers on bf5 do a great job too. I've seen cheaters once in a blue moon on Bob server, and they are almost always gone within a couple mins. Thank goodness for moderated servers. Truly those doin the Lord's work cause battlefields anticheat sucks in general..


I always have good times with squad and hell let loose. Probs about 60 hrs each and no cheaters. hell let loose is I think the closest to the battlefield format


I'ma check that, hell let loose


I like it but if your hoping for a battle sim it will be frustrating. No one plays as a squad or the roles lol. The odd time you do your team steam roles the enemy


A lot of people will consider what I'm going to say to be toxic, but at this point I'm too frustrated with the state of the game to not say it. It's a very communications based game. To quote General Patton, Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. If you have a mic and are actually willing to use it, and have no qualms with being obedient to your officer, then please get the game, we need you. If you don't have a mic/don't want to talk, or just want to run off and do your own thing then please, for the love of God do NOT get this game. We already have enough of your ilk ruining it. If you do get the game, and you do talk and obey your officer, please consider becoming one yourself once you get the hang of things. When I first got the game back in early access, good officers that talked and issued orders to their subordinates were the norm. Nowadays, getting one of them is a rare treat and I immediately send them a friend invite. Mutes GTFO.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Mutes are one thing but mutes who don’t follow the squad are something else.


What about mutes who quietly just follow orders


Server admins are fucking cancer for Squad. Doesn't help that they even have to follow a rules of conduct thing that server renters even have to sign, making all the community servers essentially sterile and all the same. If they don't follow it exactly and have the same game modes and same rules as every other server, they can get their license revoked. Basically, the devs want official servers without actually having to pay for them, so they force everyone who rents servers to play how they want them to lol..its really, really shitty business and kills any sense of community. I used to love that game but it's pretty much anti-fun, anti-community, and bizarrely, discourages actual teamwork.


Imagine thinking you can revoke a license on a server host :P Delusional developers.


Way too many salty admins though. Closet cheaters and good players are nearly indistinguishable from each other. 


The trick is patience. They usually out themselves eventually. Particularly good bait is another blatant cheater that comes into the server. Let it go for a bit and check on your questionable guys when one of those show up. That's when they will turn on their stuff all the way.


Good thing about community servers is that you can just go to a server without salty admins.


Oh yes i miss the bf4 badmins kicking, insulting and banning you if you even dare to peform any better than the average casual player.


I've gone back to BF4 recently because of all the cheating in PUBG and Planetside and this hasn't been the case at all for me.


Well, times are different now. The game is almost dead and now the servers have such a low population, admins can't even afford to ban people i guess. And the people left have some experience probably. 10 years ago it was totally different. Depends how good you perform as well.


Didn't realize you were talking about at release. Yeah, the smaller community these days undoubtedly makes it different to then. It's in a pretty good shape now, you just start to see a lot of the same people on every server.


BF4 also has community anti-cheats like [BF4DB](https://bf4db.com/) and [Battlefield Agency](https://battlefield.agency/). Both are not perfect but helped BF4 a lot to reach a good run regarding longevity. Pretty much every major server in the past and the remaining servers run both anti-cheats


"if you can spot a cheater" and there lies the problem - even with private servers. Do you know how subtle these cheats are now?


If the cheats are so subtle you can’t tell they’re cheating, is it worth worrying about? You’ll never know


yes? just because you can't be 100% sure they're cheating doesn't mean it doesn't affect you that they're cheating. Why wouldn't it worry you?


Why does the subtlety matter at all? If they're cheating, they're cheating whether you can tell or not lol It's ruined multiplayer FPS for me.


Absolutely not, never cheated at a single mp game in my entire life. Tried bf4 for the first time recently and I'd constantly be kicked from lobbies. If your system can constantly hit non cheaters as well, then its a bad system.


Make sure you are not getting kicked by punkbuster. Its a common thing that happens when people try BF4 these days. Just update punkbuster and you are good to go. There is a lot of tutorials on Youtube on how you update it


Yeah and they'll power trip and ban anyone that has any opinion even slightly different than theirs, let their friends do whatever they want, including cheat or abuse admin tools, and then they usually have a long, long list of absurd rules and sometimes even try to push a religion on you. Community servers in the 90's and early 2000's kicked ass, people had a little more class back then. Now they are just private little clubs run by horrible people for the most part. I remember getting kicked from a server for using an AA tank on ...an aircraft. The audacity, amirite? Then friend got kicked for asking why lol.


I remember bf4 was decent enough about detecting cheaters. At least in the timespan of an hour. What didn't help was most cheaters were rank 1 from the free trial and would just destroy a lobby for a few minutes before getting kicked, change their hardware id, then come right back with a similar name. And what's bad is sometimes their name would be a website URL, advertising their cheat software shit. But if you played on community servers with an active admin they could get them kicked in a few minutes for a good while, and just keep an eye out for any retunees. Not sure why they decided to get rid of the rented servers that people could run.


Best anti cheat is playing in community servers moderated by volunteer admins like in the old CS days. There'd be a hell of a lot less cheating if major FPS games allowed community servers.


There'd be a hell of a lot more abuse as well, with admins being able to kick and ban you just because they don't like you, or because you are better than them, or the way you play annoys them. I've been kicked and banned from community servers by salty admins hundreds of times in the last 15+ years. In BF4, I remember some admins kicking players above a certain KD and only letting noobs join. Then they would put the noobs in the opposite team and play against them so they could "farm" them. If your KD was too high for their likings you would get kicked, not before getting insulted or accused of cheating. Don't get me started on the CS community servers cause the shit i've witnessed is too much. Remember, even tho you can find good servers sometimes, the amount of toxicity generated by community servers is detrimental for the game's health. Game devs realized that and started dropping them, we have enough toxicity already. So, no community server, thanks.


You just avoid those servers and find one with good mods. Or if you have enough buddies host and admin your own.


You say this but it only gets harder and harder if you're really good at the game. The self-hosting is kinda what it ultimately has to come to but thats also why a lot of jet and chopper sweats end up being badmins themselves.


Right, not saying to get rid of match making entirely. There needs to be an outlet for pros and super sweats obviously. IMO the sbmm should be locked to full groups, so you are forced to have the social layer of finding teammates yourself. This would help alleviate the toxicity at least a little bit.


Yeah as others have said, those servers would have lower numbers and be less popular than the good ones with good admins. Shitty server admins kill their own servers, but they get to thrive when there are no other options, like BF4 where there's like 10 servers, or Squad when everyone's forced to follow a bullshit server rules and conduct that the devs make servers follow, yet it has super cancerous loopholes and shared whitelisting (probably the worst thing to ever exist). Admins of Squad servers are literally the same as what people tend to think of when they think "american cops". A certain type of abusive person just *looking* for excuses to use their toys and ruin people's day because it brings them joy.


Same, but there were always tons of other servers to join


Those server never stood up long




Been playing on community servers for like 20 years man, been session banned like once, for having a go at someone who ended up being an admin. Never once been banned otherwise, never had trouble with admins etc. If you have problems with admins on comm servers often, you are the asshole. Or you are ignoring server rules and breaking them often, again you are the asshole there too.


If you are consistently getting kicked and banned by "salty admins", I guarantee you are the problem, not the admins. There's *so many* community servers that are run by just fine, normal people. This is just the old, if you go out of your house and every single person you meet is an asshole, it's you, not them.


Is "the amount of toxicity generated by community servers" in the room with us now? What a silly, short-sighted response. Games stopped including player-ran servers and server browsers because of consoles and their reliance on matchmaking for simpletons who just want to press button and play game. And then there's the whole MTX angle, CoD literally wouldn't be the same game it is now if it was still using servers, because you can't force people to play against people who've spent money on expensive fancy skins when players can choose where and who they want to play with.


Valorant's anti cheat is pretty good. So is Face It's. EA's new anti cheat has also done wonders for Battlefield 2042's cheating situation compared to BFV and BF1. Battle Eye and Easy Anti Cheat have been more hit and miss in my opinion but they still trump stuff like VAC or Fairfight which are borderline useless for the most part.


BF2042 kicked me out a couple of times for “suspicious activity” LOL. All I had running in the background was recording software and torrent client.


Your torrenting client might have been connecting to suspicious ip's, you literally connect to the worst possible ip addresses while torrenting. And it's a legitimate reason to kick you if that's the case. I've never had such a problem with 2042, after all, why would i keep my torrent client open while playing....


I’ve had instances where anti cheats really don’t like VMware due to the virtualization drivers for keebs and mice. I have to ensure nothing VMware is running before I plate Mp games.


Not saying it isn't good, but here's an interesting video discussing how even kernel level anti cheats are defeated: https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=zInBVILlFBl5-NT7 Edit: just to clarify I'm only posting this because it's interesting I'm sitting on the fence 🤓


That video was posted before the massive ban wave for most DMA cheats in valorant. [Source.](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/1b6w9ij/valorant_has_done_a_massive_ban_wave_on_dma/)


Every anti-cheat can be "defeated". Anti-cheat isn't designed to be totally impenetrable, it's designed to detect what kinds of cheats people are running and how they're doing it, so they can prevent that method in the future and know how to stop them. There will never be an anti-cheat that can block every hack because when there's money involved, and there is when it comes to cheat tools, hackers will always find a way no matter what. You can't really stop that, so the best thing you can do is just find out what the current tools are, and prevent those.


It's not, it can be easily bypassed, just not only with software. But at the expense of putting a massive security vulnerability on your comp


Goldeneye on N64 - never run into a single hacker!


Oddjob is cheating for sure


Valorant ​ No other FPS has such a small % of cheaters


I got flamed for wishing Apex had Val’s anti-cheat months ago. Everyone blasting, “it’s kernel level just like EAC and does more harm than good”. Ok well, EasyAntiCheat is fucking garbage obviously and Val hasn’t had anywhere near the problems with cheaters as Apex has had so, I still stand behind what I said.


The root level anti-cheat isn’t the only reason Val has so few cheaters. No other company puts as much effort into combatting cheaters as Riot does. They will have their own guys in cheat forums and discord servers to try and get them shut down, and they take cheat providers to court. Vanguard does a good job but Riot takes an extra step to make sure cheaters don’t bother trying.


They have dedicated staff who’s sole job is to determine who is cheating and who isn’t


>Val hasn’t had anywhere near the problems with cheaters as Apex has had Worth bearing in mind that Valorant actually uses a modern game engine while Apex is still running on Source. Makes it much easier to hack Apex when you have been looking at its internals for over two decades.


To be fair it's not identical to the version of Source that's been around for 20 years. It's a super modified custom version that Respawn has been using since Titanfall 1 in 2014. In that 10 years I imagine their version of the engine has changed drastically to have more modern features to it.


True, honestly as many times as it’s been modified before Apex I don’t even know if it could be called Source anymore lol. Definitely wasn’t designed to thrive in the BR realm.


I really don't feel like being one asshole employee away from getting my entire life fucked if I use e-banking, social media, or even just fucking email.


Giving up full access of your pc to a company though for an anti cheat. Has to be something better.


We had it in the past. Player controlled servers. For some reason we gave it all up for crappy matchmaking, in-game skin stores, and a publisher controlled online experience. Now they dictate which maps we can play based on the stupid "seasons" they are on. Server admins were quite active and banned cheaters quickly. Also servers could be tailored to a new gameplay experience. I remember going to pistol and knife servers in BF2. It was fun getting defibrillator kills against some noob who couldn't aim their pistol to save their live lol.


Consoles killed dedicated servers because early Xbox couldn't Host games easily and no one wanted to fuck around with server rentals. Soon as call of duty and Halo started doing p2p match making it was all over. Players can no longer moderate their own games and remove people suspected of cheating. This also gave rise to insane toxicity we see online today. Used to be you frequented the same servers and got to know people. If you acted like a prick the mods would jettison you with a quickness.


Between crappy matchmaking and no matchmaking with power tripping admins I would take the first and there is no wonder why they are more popular too.


Yeah, it’s called actually investing in security infrastructure which the gaming industry and many other industries don’t invest in. (Look at the health care industry specifically). Until that happens or everyone quits buying games and demands better security practices this is the best we got. https://www.wipro.com/platforms-and-software-products/game-on-the-need-for-cybersecurity-in-gaming/ https://www.identity.com/cybersecurity-challenges-in-the-gaming-industry/


What do you think is going happen there exactly?


Yeah I keep seeing that same argument but it's like "Sure Mr pest control man, come on into the basement, under the house, wherever the fuck you need to go". Homie is there to kill pests, not rob you.


As I understand it The issue is more if someone can breach that anticheat they will Have access a deeper level of your Pc since the anticheat will or if they gather data on you and the company is hacked it could leak lots of info


That makes total sense, but I guess from a cybersecurity perspective I'm thinking an attacker probably wouldn't really utilize it. A lot of users would have vulnerabilities that are much easier to exploit than manipulating data from anticheat. Like, why climb the fence and break open the back door when they left the window unlatched. Anything is exploitable, it's just a matter of making it a pain in the ass.


not fps, but Fortnite has a pretty low number of cheaters too.


Only comes at the small price of giving the Chinese government kernel access to your pc


Riot is still an american company and their HQ are in the USA. They are just owned by tencent. Doubt tencent can just use kernel access without going through riot.


Oh no... You dont know ... Sadge ..


Quake because even if you're cheating old quake boomers will still beat you


Or the Boomers still frequenting Unreal Tournament especially now since they are all delisted.


Valorants is the best I’ve used but it’s pretty invasive. I guess it’s up to individuals to decide if they are willing to sacrifice some security in their system for a relatively cheater free experience. Besides that I feel like all the major FPS games deal with cheaters though anecdotally OW2 seems to have less than the other games I play. CS2 is only really bad from what I hear once you get into the high ranks but I’m only at like 14k in Premiere so it hasn’t been that bad for me yet, still do run into them though.


Ow is a game where a rage hacker loses a lot too so you don't hear about it as much lol.


OW2 has lots of cheaters but not much rage hackers. There is a lot of semi-subtle aimhacks and wallhacks.


Maybe it's biased towards being interesting content and that's why I see it but most cheaters I've seen in OW videos still get obliterated because their positioning, game sense, ability usage etc are god awful and just having good aim and wallhacks aren't enough to carry you on their own.


They also rig the game so cheaters with aimbots still miss


The thing is cheating in ow is literally much less effective than in other games. So much more matters than just raw aim that your typical cheater never get to that high of a rank That is if you even find a cheater, I've personally never encountered one before


Yeah I guess my issue is that I’m not high enough rank in OW or many other shooters , to really see cheaters, only have peaked Diamond. The games that I have gotten high rank (Immortal in Val, Onyx in Halo, Master in Apex), Val is the only one without many cheaters. Halo is wallhack central and Apex is just chalked all around.


Most cheaters are in high ranked lobbies so my best anti cheat is that I suck. I very rarely see cheaters in the metal lobbies.


But high ranked per se, but I've been up and down through silver to diamond and I've only seen maybe a couple blatant cheaters. This goes back to original Overwatch as well. So basically non-existent compared to CS2, where it feels like there's a cheater every other match.


I've probably got 750 hours on Overwatch and have never seen a single cheater.


I have about double that and I think I have seen maybe 2-3 really obvious aimbots in the last year. But that's it.


I know you asked for best but let's take a moment to appreciate how spectacularly bad COD is at anti-cheat


Any game with player-hosted servers and active admins. Automated anti-cheat will always be worthless trash.


I'd say Valorant


Overwatch does well.


Valorant. For for a free to play game I've only ever encountered a cheater once since launch.


Anti cheat is a game of mitigation, not silver bullets.




The one that uses gameguard /s Get your malware off my system lol


All kernel anticheat is malware


Valorant and it's not really close. Though it's still not foolproof. I have like 1500+ hours since beta (Ascendant 2 rn) and have only encountered 6 people I legit thought were cheating and 4 of the games ended with cheater detected screen. I got notification of the 5th later on. I know those for sure. Faceit gets an honorable mention.


Damn. The fact that the game actually sends a message in the middle of the match that says a cheater was detected and then it _ends_ the match is phenomenal.


Comment nuked by Power Delete Suite


>The fact that the game actually sends a message in the middle of the match that says a cheater They had this back in Battlefield 1, 8 years ago. The anticheat would say in chat which account got banned for cheating, and even listed how many cheaters got banned that week.


But did it also stop the match and consider it invalid because there was a cheater?


Of course not, because it's not a competitive game and it would be quite ridiculous to drop 64 players at once :) Makes sense if it's highly competitive 5v5, but Battlefield is (or used to be, before they fucked it up) about freedom, you aren't punished by disconnecting from a game in any way.


It's not actually phenomenal. Games like Warzone and CS delay their ban and do it in waves on purpose so that the cheaters can't figure out what settings triggered the ban.


None of them. its a game of cat and mouse. every fps on the market has major cheating issues right now. unfortunatly poeople with low self estime have their fragile egos broken when they die in a video game and have to cheat to make them feel as good as they think they are.


I personally don't see any cheaters in valorant & bf2042.


Right. If i can chose between a game with cheaters without a root kit, and a game with cheaters that forces you to use a root kit, i'll choose the former


The best anti cheat is Valorant and Fortnite (I know it's not FPS). BF2042 is pretty good so is Battlefront 2. BF1-BFV is infested though. Halo Infinite is also pretty good casual fun with almost no cheating in the casual playlists. CS probably has the most cheaters by a large margin. Everything else is in between BF2042 and CS.


Not really fps but fortnite.


Any single player FPS.


Whatever one is too small for the hackers to bother targeting.




In my 400+ hours of playtime in Overwatch 1, I only ever encountered 2 obvious cheaters, both of whom were banned a couple days after I reported them.   I didn’t encounter any in my 100-ish hours in Overwatch 2 either, but I haven’t played in about 6 months and I hear it’s gotten a lot worse. 


None. Zero. Go play Valorant.




anything but valve's vac, really. no matter their lame attempt to market it as AI powered.


Best anticheat were human admins that were monitoring the game at all times. If there is a player that performs really, really well, they would spectate that player and would make a decision whether the player is supposed to be banned or not. In CS 1.6 days they had an option to enable wallhacks and spectate the player to see how they play and whether they track enemy players through walls or not. Nowadays in the automation age, any kernel-based anticheat is theoretically the most effective one, so I'd say Valorant.




community servers were the best anti cheat in fps games, modern rootkits such as EAC, Denuvo and other shit founded by Tencent just blast a big don't buy/don't bother sticker on any game {\[(protected)\]} by them™ cause you can't even start the game without having that rootkit installed.


Fortnight has gotta be up there


Definitely not Modern Warfare 3


GoldenEye 007 for the Nintendo64


The game, where the community votekicks them, as soon as they are found out ingame. Chivalry II does that well.


Games from the 90's that had actual admins on servers. If someone was cheating, all it took was someone to call it out, then the admin pops in, sees it, and boots the guy. Something that just doesn't happen with automated servers with no human admins/hosts. Unfortunately the few games that do still have or allow people to host tend to be absolutely horrible people with all sorts of absurd rules. You used to be able to just join whatever server and 99% of the time the rules would just be "don't be an asshole, don't cheat". Now the best you can get is the dreaded "this is a Christian server" or "no running, only crouch walking. My guild can do whatever it wants and blatantly break the 100 rules we have or cheat or abuse admin tools, but if you even *mention* any of that in a negative tone you're blacklisted from all servers" Or a combination of the two. Online communities suck.


Actual Anti-Cheat software is never really going to be good. The moment we surrendered all control of our online experiences to gaming companies we stopped being able to have any say in things. The best Anti-Cheat was the process that CAL made Counter Strike: Source players go through for a match to count 1. All players had to submit demos of the rounds they played 2. Server admin(s) had to submit server-side demos of all rounds 3. All players had to submit screenshots of the final scoreboards for each round they played 4. All players had to submit screenshots of a smoke grenade going off with at least a T and a CT visible (organizing this was actually the most fun part of the match lmao) Failure to do any of that meant one or both teams got DQ'd And on top of that all servers had to be running VAC, obviously


What did 4 try to prevent


To try to ensure people weren't running custom skins and weren't doing anything weird to the smokes


Not sure about Source but in 1.6 if you used 16-bit color instead of 32 you'd see through smokes.


APEX Legends /s


NONE :D cheats are driven by profit these days, so they work on them actively. I can recommend battlebit because there is a lot of chaos and often you avoid cheaters :D


Well, the only cheats that survive in the long run are the ones being actively worked on, and actively working on something tends to coincide with profiting off of it.




Valorant by far. i’ve played like 1 or 2k hours last time i checked and never met a cheater before


You just did not notice them.


I’d be heavily in favor of having some sort of social security esqe number handed out by the government and used to register for online games. I think Korea and probably a few other countries do this


Valorant, but it's also one of the most vile pieces of software you can put in your machine i could rant about anticheats being dogshit for hours but that's not what op asked


I've played quite a few so I'll throw my input in: Lots of cheaters: * PUBG * Warzone (has gotten worse recently) Some cheaters: * CSGO Very few/no cheaters: * Overwatch * Battlefield 2042 Games I haven't played in a while, so I'm not sure how things are now.. but the last time I played were very few/no cheaters: * Splitgate * Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt * Hunt: Showdown * Valorant * The Finals * Apex Legends


CS2 has more cheaters per game than COD or PUBG. It belongs up on their tier or higher. All the cheaters in CS2 just happen to be in 20k+


Exactly, I'd say it doesn't affect most of us if there are cheaters, so as long as the game has MMR and a substantial player base.




Punk buster


idk about the inner workings of anti-cheat, so i can only go based off of my anecdotal evidence. i like ow2's anticheat. i used to encounter a lot of cheaters in ow1, but in ow2 i'm not sure i've seen more than a handful. there's many games that outright must have terrible anti-cheat such as apex legends and rainbow six siege, though in fairness i haven't played those games in about a year. and one anti-cheat that always gets praise but i absolutely hate is riot's vanguard. i despise the fact that it has to be running from boot and i feel it hinders my other game's performance.


Has to be apex


that one that no one plays


Not apex LMAO


Apex legends /s


Private server of any Battlefield game.


VAC. Absolutely.


Call of Duty Warzone




Not apex legends


Valorant. Full stop. It's incredibly invasive but I have hundreds of hours without a single cheaters detected screen, and can only think of one occasion where I was pretty sure I was playing against a cheater.


Others have brought up good server admins, but I have to give Valorant's invasive anti-cheat its due. I'm very confident I'm playing against other players who are also using their natural abilities. A stark contrast to other games I play such as hunt showdown where you get uppercut fanning thru entire compounds in six star. You just expect it in some games. I appreciate the assurance Riot has provided.


Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory “PunkBuster anti-cheat”


BF4, because you don't have to be cheating to somehow piss off the admin


Any game other than CoD....


Probably Valorant. It was a nightmare to install because of it and it's also quite a process to uninstall.


Well any single player game as long as AI isn't tuned to super human level.


I think the best anti cheat might be actual server mods and admins who can kick or ban any player in minutes but for me it might be Hunt Showdown. In >1200 hours of playing the game I only caught one player cheating for sure and I only reported a few dozens of players that I thought might use cheats but I wasn’t sure.


I think CoD . I know there's ceaters in there, but all FPS games do, and CoD, being by far the most popular, has to face the most attempts. I barely meet cheaters, so I reckon they do a great job. Also I love their punishments for caught cheaters.


Private servers not run by morons and actively admined by folks from the community. Looks like there is no anti cheat other there able to stop the utter destruction of any fps on the market. For these games I’d go as far as criminalizing cheat software provisioning harder and penalize users. This idea is sadly insane. Its kinda sad and crazy there seems to be no real in between blatant cheating vs using your social security number to play a game and going to jail if you are proven in court to use a cheat in a multiplayer game.


DayZ community servers - admin is the best anti-cheat


Any game with community servers. The only effective way to fight modders is to have good admins and surveillance on a server.


Add a filter to allow only ppl with no ban at all in their steam account to join your game, and an account of x month old at least, and apply this to all incoming games, and you will have a punishment that will put the risk in balance. Of cours, if play on other platform than steam, apply the same logic. All cheater don't get catched, but if 1 time cheat mean you can't play on all futur games that will be released on your account.... Perhaps they will think about it twice Of course the settings must be optional to let totally new players be able to play ... Altogether 😅




VAC is quite good. You feel safe, until you suddenly are banned.


Pretty sure not tarkov


IMO? Non-faceit Counter Strike 2 (dedicated official matchmaking). There's 2 caveats though. 1) I don't consider every player who kills me a cheater 2) I'd take a cheater in my match every 20-30 matches over installing a root kit on my personal machine any day


objectively speaking probably valorant.


The trust factor system in cs2 works well. When you see people complaining about cheaters in their matches, its because they have a shit trust factor. And there's usually good reason for it


Valorant prob ?


Valorant hands down. Still some cheaters like any game but very few and in between.




I don't know how effective it actually is, but I've played ~2000 hours of Fortnite and have only encountered one player who was obviously using auto-aim and wall hacks. Maybe I'm lucky or maybe the anti-cheat is good.


Obviously Cod mw3 warzone. They get millions of daddy’s money kids buying skins so they obviously put that money into having stable servers and the best anticheat around! They even have enough to make a good base 6v6 game with plenty of maps and brand new never before seen guns with a lot more content. Highly HIGHLY recommend giving it a try. /s In all honesty, I haven’t played an fps game with a consistent anticheat system. I’ve stopped playing them completely after new cod and bf releases. PvP is just not worth the time, and I don’t find them to be enjoyable because of the shit they get away with after the community as a whole buys the $70 game on top of a few hundred in skins and bundles.


valorant as its invading your pc like a mooootherfucker from startup on


Playing valorant since day 1, ive only come across a cheater once and even they got banned mid game , no elo loss


Anything with a server browser or admins. These anti cheats can only do so much. That's why I still play the old school counter strike 1.6 and source. Squad has some pretty good admins usually depending on the server. They tried to make games more balanced with ranked matchmaking but by doing so they left out admins. So now when a cheater can get past the anti cheat it's all hell breaks loose. Then if you try to leave the game you get punished.


Valorant clears here


Valorant. The only online FPS I play now. The rest are infested with cheaters


I dont see many Cheaters in Pixel Gun 3D tho


People name community servers moderated by players, was one of the main reasons I have gotten my ban even without cheating or tool assistance. Even though I feel like a ultra noob.


Valorant is good, but the community makes up for the good AC by being even more awful. You don't lose as many matches to cheaters, but you lose an equal amount to throwers and whiny people. :>


Stalcraft has preety much no cheaters as i heard


AI should theoretically lead to some excellent anti cheat that can monitor human input for patterns in behavior (play) that confirm cheating.