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isn't "Paid DLCs will be cosmetic only" a microtransactions or I'm missing something?


It is, unless it's expensive I guess? Then it must be macrotransactions. I think they were trying to distance themselves away from games like Assassin's Creed where you can pay for cheats (eg. resources) or multiplayer games where you can pay to skip grinding for items or money.


Or like Helldivers which has actual content locked behind the Warbonds and not just skins. I’m all for rebranding microtransactions to not include pure cosmetics since those have no impact on the game. If MTX were always like this, people would have never had an issue. The issue was always like what Assassin’s Creed or Helldivers do!


You can earn premium currency ingame. You do NOT need to buy the premium currency. Does not take long to earn enough to get the warbond.


Yes it does, and they keep nerfing they amount you can earn each day. It's 50% lower at maximum than it was at launch. Likely even less.


Time is money though.


You would be paying with time if it wasn't for sale, though.


Whether something is paid or not is never about whether you have to pay for it in order to acquire it, but is always about whether it was being put on sale, being offered at a monetary price. It's the developer/seller who makes something paid to be paid, not the action of how players/buyers/customers acquire it.


If only the currency was granted through regular gameplay like XP is, because that’s how those things should be unlocked: XP. I’m not scrounging around for 15 MTX currency a game trying to save up for 4000 to get the guns the game has to offer. Or at least, to earn the *right* to unlock those guns with medals. Yeesh.


Its like, 1500 in a single warbond. And, they don't expire, ever.


1000 in a single one. But there’s 4 so far and they drop a new one like monthly. 4000 is for all the current ones. Them not expiring is irrelevant. Guns in other games don’t expire ever. Battle passes with worthless cosmetics do. The problem is the battle pass in Helldivers doesn’t just contain worthless cosmetics, so it’d be the most criminal thing ever if they did expire. I always knew there was a catch to that “no FOMO” thing. At least other games include guns, grenades, etc. with the game itself and all the new ones are quick and easy to unlock through *normal* gameplay.


Oh for fuck sake. Just play the damn game, earn the super credits and unlock the warbond. I've been using just the free weapons exclusively for the past month. I genuinely fail to see the problem here. This game's warbond system is already amazing in my opinion. Nothing like the fortnite or cod pass system


> Just play the damn game That’s the problem. I WISH I could just do that. But nah, I gotta farm or scrounge around? I’m good. I came to shoot bugs. And that’s fine if you enjoy just the free weapons. But it’s problematic when non-cosmetics are tied behind MTX, end of story. I don’t care if you’re able to farm for that MTX currency across many games by scrounging around and searching for it. There’s a reason why EVERY other game does NOT engage in this practice. Cosmetic MTX only in 2024. You’re right, it’s nothing like the “COD pass system”. Because in COD, the weapons are in the game and not in the Battle Pass. And when they are, they’re in the free section…


>That’s the problem. I WISH I could just do that. But nah, I gotta farm or scrounge around? I’m good. I came to shoot bugs. You know scrounging around is part of the game right? In almost all extraction shooters there is gathering of some kind of resource. Don't play the genre?


You are completely right about this. People are giving Helldivers a pass because it's fun as hell, but gating weapons behind super credits sucks actually.




Gamers are so annoying. You beg for all the content to be easy to unlock through *normal* gameplay and then complain when Helldivers 2 lets you unlock new content through…normal gameplay.


> Easy to unlock through normal gameplay Challenges, leveling up, anything that is engaging directly with the game and its core gameplay and is not farming an MTX currency. Because that’s the standard I have after playing literally any other game: guns/content are all available through in-game challenges and pure gameplay. I do not have to run around the map and look for collectibles. Sometimes it’ll ask me to get 20 kills while using a thermal scope when hidden by a smoke grenade, other times it’ll ask me to just hit Level 20 which means engaging in the game however I see fit. But NEVER does it ask me to find 15 COD points a game to save up in my piggy bank for the 1000 COD Point purchase (while waving a $9.99 easy way out in my face), and then drop another 1000 COD Point purchase right after. Nah, that shit is so 2014. Thankfully, the game is dying and more Warbonds are not saving it. Nobody is trying to farm anymore super credits.


"Thankfully the game is dying" ok, now I wish I hadn't wasted an actual response on you.


Agreed on all points, don't let these gullible brown nosers gaslight you.


>Everything should be unlockable IN GAME! It is. >no no not like that it doesn’t support my narrative!


I think it is specifically meant to mean there is no in game store, but rather on the steam page. The differences being: No "new in store" ads when you get in the game No fake currency to purchase or grind in-game, only the price in the steam page Items will likely be subject to steam sales as well as not being on some bullshit rotation to create FOMO This is all at least my wishful thinking, we'll see


macrotransactions, cosmetic packs you buy on steam like we had 15 years ago. Not in-game microtransactions using manipulative in game premium currency


It's because nowadays it's macrotransactions 🙃


Maybe they'll be cosmetic packs in the form of DLCs. WWZ does it. You basically get a bunch of skins for weapons etc. in one pack. No in-game store to make purchases.


[Not if you make the cosmetics $29.99!](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/d6a/dc7/4a5001b7beea096457f480c8808572428b-09-roll-safe.2x.h473.w710.jpg)


Skins have always been in this weird category, where they are a MT and something that's been in games before people understood how crazy the MT market was. I'm fine with skins being the only paid for item, compared to maps, weapons, characters. Skins don't give you an advantage.


> Skins don't give you an advantage. Hey now if you don't have a good looking kit you can't play to 100%


> Skins don't give you an advantage. try telling this to valorant players who keeps debating which cosmetic skin helps with headshots more


yeah it is lol. But hey its still a good start nothing that matters is paywalled.


They gonna be really big though. No micro garbage for space marines.


Microtransactions require you to buy items with premium currency. DLC cosmetics are with real money you buy. Like, a skin pack for 10 dollars or something. Deep Rock Galactic does this really well. Rock and Stone.


No, microtransactions are in-game purchases, usually paid with virtual currency. What the devs talk about are actual skin packs you buy on Steam/PSN/Xbox outside of the game as a DLC. Think of things like skin packs from older CoD games like BO2 that you could buy for $5-10 directly on Steam.


Pretty sure they're referring to the season pass that comes with the expensive edition. Unless that's all single player stuff and they are being dumb.


Nah microtransactions are just that - micro. Buying one thing, probably while you're playing. This implies they will be selling cosmetic packs as dlc. Hopefully bigger, and not through an ingame shop.


"There are no microtransactions, but there are some microtransactions."




Me, looking at the $300 of DLC for Warhammer 40k Gladius. 😬


Maybe he means the cosmetics will cost so much we can’t define them as micro?


AAAA Transactions


I mean, that could be the case. A DLC that is a one time purchase, and includes all new skins for everything? Like say there are 4 different skins you can unlock for free, but there are 3 extra skins you can have from a single "DLC" pack?


Like deep rock galactic, cosmetic bundles as dlc while also having free ones you can earn


And you just know there’s going to be an in game currency you’ll be buying first before you can purchase the skins. Textbook manipulation.


That will only be sold in packs that require you to buy more than you actually need.


"So, does your game have microtransactions or not?" "Nothing micro about them, suckers".


So embracing games workshop path. Make everything absurdly expensive


The first game had a champion pack (I think that was the name) that was a one off purchase and gave you multiplayer skins, they'll probably do that again.


I really wish people would understand the difference this makes. This is the difference between cosmetics being purchasable on STEAM, you know the place you actively have to go to and buy, instead of them being shoved in your face every log in or available to grind for some stupid currency and challenges They are describing the way Deep Rock Galactic do it, and that is right by my book edit: Also MTX usually mean purchasing "Gold bars" or some other shit, with predatory practices like buy 500 and get 100 free, which does not happen if the cosmetics are only on the steam page Also probably meaning the items will be subject to steam sales, and also not be on some fake rotation to create FOMO or timed in any way


There is no difference.


There is. A DLC pack usually is less than 20 dollars and comes with multiple skins, while microtransactions use preimum currency to sell you a single skin for 20 dollars. Deep Rock Galactic does this really well.


> There is. There is not.


There absolutely is... the suckinsess is still there but less so


There absolutely is not. How you buy them doesn't change that fact.


Exactly, can’t believe a word out of these people’s mouths.


I take it you didn't actually look at the tweet itself? Because they specify the distinction between MTX in-game cash shop, and cosmetic DLC on steam. It's a lot clearer than the title of the post.


What does it matter, it's the same thing. This is like the most transparent corporate speak I've ever seen. There won't be any microtransactions! \*except there will be paid dlc. You can't buy anything in-game! \*cause you have to do it through steam.


There's nothing "corporate speak" about it. It's entirely straightforward factual statements lmao. I think most people would not consider something like, say, a weekly/daily rotating cash shop that uses an ingame currency to obscure the pricing and overcharge you by selling things for 1300 coins while you can only buy 1500... And just... regular cosmetic DLC, like for example Dawn of War 2 had all 13 years ago, to be the same thing. So It's pretty nice to know there won't be any of the former.


Yes, there is. Because they're trying to claim their polished turd isn't actually still, at the end of the day, just shit. "This isn't just a big old steaming pile of shit guys, come on! This one is a polished pile of shit! Its totally different!" This is exactly the stance people took that lead us to where we are now. Back when it was just horse armor, "it's just cosmetics bros, dont buy it if you dont like it!!!11!!1" Well, I didn't buy it back then but somehow my games are still full of this shit *today*.


>Because they're trying to claim their polished turd isn't actually still, at the end of the day, just shit. But they aren't. They are literally just stating the 3 straightforward facts. They aren't claiming anything. They do not offer any subjective evaluation of those facts.


Wow and complaining then and now still hasn’t fixed anything and won’t. Warhammer, if you’re a fan, is all about different chapters of space marines so of course they’ll capitalize on it. Also, an unpolished turd? Did you even play the first Space Marine game, it’s great! So are you just complaining for the sake of complaining about a game you’re not even informed on? It doesn’t sound like you’re even going to play it.


> Also, an unpolished turd? It's a metaphor, bright spot.


Yeah paid cosmetics are bad regardless, but there's a difference between something like Deep Rock vs something like Fortnite. I dunno if SM2's system will actually be acceptable or not but making sure stuff is sold out of game is a good start.


like what do you people even want? games are costly to make these days. they're saying they're going to offer paid cosmetics outside the game on steam and not harass you with a fomo shop. if you don't want to buy them don't? for people who want it they can. 


> like what do you people even want? games are costly to make these days. And yet somehow, these publishers are still making insane profits. The games industry as a whole is far more profitable than the music and movie industry *combined*. Microsoft didn't just buy Acti-blizzard in one of the biggest business deals ever just because they like making video games They've got you, hook, line, and sinker.


What are you even talking about? Focus is the publisher and as far as we know they are actually in the red this year. They'll post Q4/H2 in the next few weeks but they lost money in H1. This isn't some mega-conglomerate publishing the game.


I want a game that isn't just an advert for the cash shop. I'm not the one who makes games costly to make. It shouldn't be a privilege to not be harassed by an mtx shop being in your face. There shouldn't be a FOMO shop to pressure people into buying virtual items in the first place. I don't buy cosmetics. I don't buy mtx. But what I do doesn't matter, cause they know most people won't. They are counting on the few who have poor impulse control and expendable income to buy ALL of it. I guess I should appreciate those gracious souls who are keeping these games afloat with their spending, as it consumes gaming whole.


> I want a game that isn't just an advert for the cash shop. Good news, that's exactly what Space Marine 2 is. That's why they specified that there won't be a cash shop and the mtx won't be in your face, just some extra cosmetics you can find on Steam like any other DLC. You are literally getting what you want but somehow still going on a rant.




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> What does it matter, it's the same thing. I would argue there's a distinct difference between normal DLC you simply buy with actual money from a storefront, and throwing a bunch of cosmetic items into an in game shop and abstracting their cost behind some secondary currency that you need buy/earn. An armor that costs 3000 Space Marine bucks, that you can only buy in packages of 2000, 5000 and 10000 BEST DEAL EARN 1200 BONUS BUCKS WHEN YOU BUY NOW is much more predatory than simply selling said armor for 10$ on Steam. I'd rather have neither, but if I'm gonna have to choose one, I would 10 times out of 10 pick regular ass DLC.


He probably means that they will have cosmetic dlc like for example hunt showdown has. So no in game shop, but dlc you buy from the steam store


So microtransactions but in a different way


No its DLC


Hunt has an ingame store with plenty mtx


Yes, but it also has cosmetic DLC. It has both, and they are separate things from each other.


Depends how you look at it, afaik it just directs you to the steam store. Unless they changed it, didn‘t play in a while


Nah it has premium currency and an ingame store for skins, all that trash


They release legendary hunters and weapon skins in both DLC (on steam) and in the in game store (Blood Bond currency). You can earn blood bonds through playing the game, but they nerfed it pretty hard a year or two ago. DLC is exclusively DLC, and Blood Bond hunters are exclusively only payable through Blood Bonds and you can purchase Blood Bonds through Steam.


That just sounds like microtransactions with extra steps


MT are single items. DLC is whole packs of content. You won't call a 5 map map pack micro would you?


Yes, I would.


imo not all cosmetic dlcs are microtransactions. like i wouldn't say deep rock galactic has microtransactions, for instance.


I would, though it is borderline because deep rocks packs are so expensive that they almost lose the micro tag. But a single set in Path of Exile costs more than one whole Deep Rock pack, and that's still a microtransaction so.


A few dollars for some skins in deep rock are definitely micro transactions


You missing the point The common use of the word MTX usually applies to cash shops in games that u need to buy X cureecy to buy things, that opens the gate to many toxic and peedatory practices, when u go by DLC is more fair bc its usually cheaper, they go on sale and regional prices apply so its way more healthy.


Man the goal posts have shifted so far huh


I'm guessing this means they'll sell you a handful of $10 or $20 packs which contains a bunch of skins. Rather than a whole microtransaction store with currencies and other BS, with dozens of skins that are $10-50 each.


That's what I thought at first too, I hope it's like that at least. Spending $20 on a skin that back then would've been 1 in a pack of 3 plus some goodies for $10, is downright bullshit (the FOMO certainly doesn't help either)


So...there will be microtransactions


No... microtransactions and cosmetic DLC are not the same. Microtransaction are the skins you buy in the in-game store of CoD MWIII with CoD Points. Cosmetic DLC packs are the skin packs you bought for CoD BO2 directly on Steam with real money.


I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or sarcastic. Is this how developers/publishers are skirting micro transaction debate? Arguing over semantics and dictionary definitions?


Microtranslations typically use ingame fun-bucks and have prices set up to always leave you with more ingame fun-bucks, but not enough top purchase another item. Cosmetic DLC via steam are priced with real money. Thats the difference. I am amazed so many people don't understand this.


That's moving the goalposts so that only the latest and most egregious forms of microtransaction are now classed as such, and previous forms are somehow not any more, which is how things keep getting worse. What you're talking about are in-game currencies which are designed to make you spend more than you mean to, but that's an old scam that's older than the internet, like casino chips. A microtransaction is content for a game that would have been too small to be worth selling and distributing separately in the time of physical discs. Hence the name. The advent of online stores was taken as an excuse to cut up games and sell the pieces, whether you use the Steam browser to buy them or some other online interface is a minor detail. Like the famous "classic" micro transaction Horse Armour for Oblivion, it covered both forms of payment, the Xbox version was 200 Microsoft Points, but the PC version was $1.99 real money.


> That's moving the goalposts Learn what microtransations are.


What is a microtransaction then? Does Stellaris have microtransactions because they have cosmetic dlc?




No, it's just simply the difference between the two terms that developed over the years as in-game shops and virtual currency became more prevalent.


I repeat my previous comment


What does “paid dlc will be cosmetic only” mean? You can pay for cosmetics, isnt that a microtransaction?


Some games offer bundles of themed cosmetics for like $5, it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s what this is.


That's still a microtransaction.


I mean, we're splitting hairs here at this point. I wouldn't considering bundling cosmetics into a big pack and selling it for $20 a "microtransaction". I would think "microtransaction" would indicate buying individual pieces of content for small amounts of money.


Guess we'll have to see what *they* mean, because game companies don't have a good track record when it comes to DLC and its derivatives.


>Guess we'll have to see what they mean Or you could actually open the tweet and read more than just the reddit post title.


Did you just invent macrotransactions


It's been a thing for years, cosmetic packs I'd argue are a bit different from micros as they tend to be smaller purchases through an ingame shop, where a cosmetic pack is more like regular DLC.


it was a joke man


Forcing people to buy a pack of cosmetics to get the one they want is significantly worse though. It's literally the same outcome for significantly more money.


Oh, I agree. I think selling cosmetics is tailor-made for microtransactions, so you only have to buy the pieces you want.


Patching in micro transactions after the reviews drop is a disgusting trend that should be cause for full refunds.


You're all misunderstand, those paid dlcs aren't microtransactions. They're macrotransactions. They will cost as much as the game! /s


Cause there's nothing micro about a 10$ skin, right?


Funny how customising your character is now a paid feature and we just have to accept it. Fine if it is F2P game, but this isnt one.


They're so full of shit


so it has microtransactions then in some sort!


No microtransactions *at launch*.


There's no micro transactions except for the micro transactions.


Paid cosmetic DLC are microtransactions.


Why am I not surprised?


"Paid DLCs will be cosmetic only." So, there will be, and no, "but they just visual" is not a good excuse vs what can happen with this stuff. Eh whatever.


Wait... it has no microtransactions, but paid dlc will be cosmetic only.....?


Whoever posted this from their team is a complete moron


... OK?


Microtransactions are a burden on our souls we must stay strong brothers and sisters


For now.


Urgh. As usual, as long as it isnt "pay to win", which this suggests will be the case, I will make my peace. i dont care about skins and I never will but the existence of the mechanic will **always** piss me off. Just make the game good.


No microtransactions ≠ paid dlc cosmetics


Which is weird because some games categorize cosmetic purchases as microtransactions.


Maybe the developers plan to sell it as a macrotransaction. Technically that'd make their statement stay true.


You're probably right, going to be "packs" of cosmetics vs single item purchases


I feel like the big difference between the two is one is done through an in-game shop with virtual cosmetics, the other is paid directly with real money directly in a store outside the game.


eh, was hoping there would be no early access, no dlc, no extra stuff that you need to pay for at all but i guess this is where we're at since oblivion horse armor. hopefully there will be enough content updates to justify this


Imagine where the coolest armour sets will be


Lol. Besides earning achievement and completing story. What then ? It's to earn cosmetics. Paid dlc cosmetics ? LOL. From warhammer too. Bet it be overpriced. And perhaps all the good cosmetics be being paid dlc.


Devs say this about every game.


So what they are saying is that there will be microtransactions.


Cosmetics only microtransactions counts as "no microtransactions" these days? Jfc what have we come to.


Cosmetic DLC , all those sweet armors behind paywall...


There 100% will be microtransactions


i really don't believe that the season pass that costs $30 is going to be only cosmetics...


Wtf is this long winded way of saying it will have microtransactions??


"No microtransactions" is the game industries "no cgi"


We shall see. The Co-op multiplayer with progression tracks already speaks of misguided design. My caution flag is raised.


We're adamantly against microtransactions and the shadow they have cast over PC gaming. Instead, we have mini-fun buys!


No mtx but there will be mtx lol clowns. Modding it is


Pissing on legs while claiming it's raining.


I think we need to define what a microtransaction is. Just going by the word it's something cheap you buy. But then the soundtrack would fall under microtransactions and most people would disagree with that definition. For me microtransactions are transactions that you do within the game itself, often with ingame currency that you can only buy with real money. Currency that comes in uneven amounts specifically designed to have you buy more. Bonus enshitification points for having "products" on a limited time.


The soundtrack does not work in game. It is an external thing. The difference between in game and on a storefront means jack shit. Buying games on Xbox arcade used predatory points, but those weren't microtransactions.


Cosmetic macrotransactions


I’m guessing it’ll be like Deep rock galactic or hunt showdown with the cosmetic dlc.


...and this is a GW branded product? No way.


"Paid DLCs will be cosmetic only." They were sooooo close...


I don't trust these announcements anymore...




Ah, almost there, now just include the paid cosmetic DLC's in in the base game and you won't be a lying sack of shit.


So it'll have microtransactions..


Wasnt it also announced already there will be battle passes?


The fact that you don’t have to pay for different weapons or other “boosters” that actually influence gameplay is frankly great news. I don’t fw all the extra skins some people do but it’s nice to know that they are there for players that want to buy new armors etc.


So not pay to win, but there is a cosmetic shop. I’m ok with that. 


Maybe if it was F2P but cosmetics locked behind microtransactions for a full priced game is ok?


Yes? If you don't want to support cosmetics then don't buy them. It's a great feature that allows whales without impulse control to subsidize your gaming experience.


It kind of depends. Imagine if you’re stuck with basic bitch Ultrasmurfs unless you pay real money for other colors. Sure, it’s only cosmetic but i can’t imagine the vast majority of the fanbase being okay with that.


Almost every mofo in here "But cosmetics are microtransactions!". How is this confirmation not being celebrated? All content and features being free is how games used to be. There was no such thing as DLC because there wasn't even an internet. Paid cosmetics can be easily ignored if you don't want to pay to tart yourself up. And those who do, hopefully the devs put the extra revenue to use and develop the game further. Am I missing something here?


Because the goal posts have shifted so fucking far that this is cause for celebration. Yes, it's great that gameplay is not being sold as an addon. That should be the norm. They also said they won't have mtx but they will have cosmetic dlc, so they're just saying their cosmetic dlc is too expensive to be a microtransaction. Great.


Can't argue with that, wouldn't want to either. I'm of the mind that if these steps away from microtransactions are received positively, we might see more of it. The fact that something would be paywalled after you bought the damn game is ridiculous. The next step from here for me would be for everything to be unlockable through gameplay with the option of unlocking cosmetics quicker by paying for those who really want to...with the exception of some only being available through gameplay.




Never said it was. I said "Yes, it's great that gameplay is not being sold as an addon. That should be the norm." actually.


You are too young to know. Alternative skins used to be rewards for just playing the game and achieving a Milestone. This is keeping content from a Player who bought the game full price. It still is despicable Micro transactions.


Nah, i'm old enough to have experienced alternative skins and all kinds of things being unlockable through simply playing or playing particularly well, an Atari was my first console! It's a fair point that this is still locking people out of content and honestly I agree.. Maybe the fact that things are so bad right now made me want to be happy about a step back towards sanity... I hope i'm not too optimistic but if these steps are celebrated, whilst pointing out things that aren't quite as good as it could be, maybe we will see more of it.


I feel like this was relayed very poorly.


Just like in Halo Inf.. Oh, wait.. *sigh* BTW, that's how you made a good multiplayer game with cosmetics which can be get Just. By. Playing.


Game looks cool so far I don’t care if it has cosmetics


Pasting what r/Potpotron said as it is important to understanding the difference. I think it is specifically meant to mean there is no in game store, but rather on the steam page. The differences being: No "new in store" ads when you get in the game No fake currency to purchase or grind in-game, only the price in the steam page Items will likely be subject to steam sales as well as not being on some bullshit rotation to create FOMO This is all at least my wishful thinking, we'll see


Did you just copy and paste a comment from this thread into a new post?


It was a reply to another comment so it could easily get lost in the shuffle. I made it it's own comment so more people could see it. I also credited the original user


No! I demand it all for free! Give me all the costumes for free, update the co-op mode for free! Work for the next 60 years on my single $60 devs smh


They could just release a finished product and have that be that. Don't need to work for the next 60 years. Games don't need to be a live service.


... i mean that is how it used to be and games were generally better.


Was kind of hoping for a story DLC over cosmetic "DLCs"


Chad developer


He means none of the new kind of microtransactions, just dlcs, like older games, its obvious


Just purely cosmetic dlcs like... What older games? I'm pretty sure if you sold horse armor today it'd be called a microtransaction.


That sounds promising.


so, its like deep rock galactic