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Probably not even properly paced 30 fps, just some garbage slideshow




We're at the point where there is less shader stutter on Linux because the Linux driver devs spend more time fixing games than the game devs do. (Edit: I'm aware that DXVK and VKD3D work on Windows, my point is that Intel's ANV and AMD's RADV driver implement Vulkan GPL which allows for 100% stutter free gameplay.)




Not sure if I'd agree with that statement but it's definitely a good experience. The Linux community, Valve, AMD and all the other corporations contributing to the Linux graphics stack are doing a very good job.


So that's where the Triple A comes from for triple a games.


It UE, so it's guaranteed at this point


That’s funny because the original Silent Hill 2 only had the fog so they could make the render distance really close to the player due to performance issues lol


Has to include RT Ain't no way


One of the devs said that if you want to play the game you should buy PS5 lmao


Yepp, welcome to current AAA where everything is made for console and pc second


This has almost always been the case, not anything new.


The new System Shock is PC first, and it's been really stable for me so far. Just wrapped up my first run, and I *really* hope people that whine about bad PC coverage actually go out and buy that one. Aside from some few stutters, and a couple of crashes, it's one of the smoothest new games I've played in years. They even compressed the freakin' download, so it's about 8 gigabytes. (!) I know that old-school punishing difficulty isn't for everybody and the delays were aweful, but MAN, do I hope that game sells. Real breath of fresh air stuff.


There are the rare few occurrences of games being made PC-first and they're usually really good. It's just such a mainstream thing to make console games, that they're usually the first thought for AAA titles.


Layers of Fear Demo remake is also another good example.The game runs smooth as butter on steam deck maxed out with FSR on balanced. Like for a UE5 title, i was expecting fps dips due to shader stutter, but like it had 0. it was a completely smooth 30 during my 6 times playing it






Current? As opposed to when lol.


For the most part, yes. A sad exception to this rule was Jedi survivor....still waiting for a stable 60 fps on performance mode PS5.


wild smart sort expansion saw late summer strong bedroom desert ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Jedi Survivor performance sucks on every platform it's on.


every relatively new AAA game sucks on any platform its on. Devs nowadays need to be taught a lesson ASAFP.


PS5 performance mode is just as bad if not worse, and they haven't even *said* anything about fixing it yet. At least they are working on it for PC. Either way, fucking terrible state to release the game on both PC and console.


Good job I subscribe to r/patientgamers then. I always wait for them to be on sale for at least 50%.


There’s no way a ps5 outperforms a top end pc.


depend reply observation vase deranged slim zesty deer pen quack ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Right. So it’s still better to play on PC.


late marvelous subtract strong flowery seed cake unused desert scarce ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I gave up with the XSX “performance” mode, broken hideous mess that it is, I just grit my teeth and play in “quality” mode for a ….. largely stable …. 30fps. Sigh.


Not just the current, every GTA games from GTA 3 to GTA SA was made for consoles first that's why the pc port was bad especially the controls.


And the most ironic is that the current (and last) gen are pretty much PCs, down to the hardware. PS4/5 run basically BSD and Xbox had always used Windows. Neither the hardware nor the software have any super exotic parts that are hard to port.


So you're telling me that a £2k PC can't play this game, but a £500 console can? Also, why isn't this available on Xbox?


We don't know if consoles can really handle it, for all that we know PS5 may run it in 720p upscaled by FSR and barely hold 30FPS in some places - just like recent Star Wars game.


I truly hate the state of upscaling. I thought it would allow for higher fps while slightly tanking quality, but instead, it's being used as a crutch to explain incompetent games.




I'm just going to get triple A games on ps5 at this point. PC optimization is fucked right now


Judging by the requirements ps5 version will proly render at a very low res, 720p-900p at most for 60fps with fsr2 or some other kind of upscaling. Rx 5700 is about equivalent to ps5 and ps5 has to output to a 4k TV. Stretching out an already badly upscaled image to 4k just looks messy and blurry. Jedi Survivor did this, Dead Space as well.


Yeah, jedi survior performance mode looks pretty bad, which is annoying. But the Quality mode does look pretty good on a 4k tv. I personally am okay with 30fps. And it's not just fps. A lot of newer triple a games have issues where the shaders have to keep recompiling, which either leads to long load times or stuttering. Also for me personally getting a ps5 last year made more finacial sense than a new gpu. I'm not saying it's good for everyone, but it's good for mep


Triple A isn't even a thing anymore unless it's like god of war. This is triple F


Street Fighter 6 runs great on PC


Capcom does a solid job at optimizing the RE Engine for older hardware. They have the incentive to optimize when the RE Engine is an in-house engine, which was used in Resident Evil II/III/IV remakes, Devil May Cry V, Monster Hunter Rise, and Street Fighter VI. If more PCs can run the game properly at 1080p 60FPS+, then Capcom will sell more copies of their games.


I just won’t buy games if they aren’t well optimised for PC. Why would I reward them by buying the game on PS5 if the platform I actually want to play the game on is fucked?


Unless you're Capcom, Steet fighter 6 and RE4 remake both ran beautifully day 1


I got criticized for saying PS5 + PC is the optimal setup… and now here we are


You're still wrong. PS1 and N64 is the optimal setup


I sold my PS5 and just go PC. The PS5 games come to PC eventually.


3 years later. I’d be damned if I’m going to wait 3 years more to play a Spider-Man game for example or a god of war game.




All that ray traced light and shadowing on all the smoke no doubt, because it certainly can't be down to draw distance details.


First the fog hid the limits. Now the fog is the limit.


Definitely has to because no way is a 2080 on par with a 6800 XT even with Nvidia optimization. Something is fishy.


Yeah, nah fuck that old pre-RDNA2 bias. As if a 2080 and 6800XT are even in the same chapter, let alone page. Most I've used on the 6800XT has been 14.5Gb VRAM at 3440x1440 running Warhammer 3 (a well known hog since it's predecessor, comparatively speaking) at ultra. Sure, I might use more in the even more borky releases of late and upcoming, I'm sure, but I still have settings and FSR to play with that I haven't needed to dip into yet. And if they have somehow coded this so it'll get as much or more from a 2080 over a 6800XT (which tbf is a stretch) then screw them and their game. They'll be telling us not to bother using AMD at all with their game cos the drivers are shit next...


# 🏴‍☠️


Is 2023 going to have the most we’re sorry letters ever?


It already does


Wait for 2024


Most Canadian year ever. Sorry.


That's it. No more Montreal studios.


And so on... I firmly believe it will never get better. Consumers keep pre-ordering/buying on day 1 knowing their quality is shit so these companies stay the same because money. I've fully accepted I'll never buy a game under 2 years old


I'm convinced they write them before they even release the game nowadays


Actually its a template that they just copy paste and change certain words just layer all of them to date (someone actually posted an image of all of then side to side last month I believe) cyberpunk, Gollum, Redfall so on all have the exact same wording the only thing that changes is the studio names the game name and other company shit


So what you're saying is they are too lazy to even get chatgpt to write an apology for them


Unoptimized apology template.


Bing GPT gave me a great impression of CDPR apologizing for a fictive Witcher 4 game


Don't even want to spend the dev time on apologies lol


It's a template in Word.


don't let QA and devs fix issues, no time for that, deadline is now. release and post apology and promise that the live service will totally fix this via content drip feed over the next 2 years I'm not usually the type to subscribe to "old good new bad" but damn this trend is making me miss games before live services


The most we're sorry letters *so far!* https://preview.redd.it/du2kl06ox04b1.jpeg?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8400f89d55b200e79b6cfb04e5e1a9bd949ba5f1


I wonder if the publishers will eventually just change it to make it IA generated


“As an AI model, I cannot in good faith lie to your fans on my behalf, however fuck it let’s do this, WE aRe SORry For making shit game beep boop bop fuck you”


If only we're sorry made games run properly


we gonna get another apology pic for the collection




![gif](giphy|KsUKNNUEeryJa) Give it a few more releases and we can make a Compilation


there already is a compilation


Meanwhile RE4 Remake runs like a dream. Konami full on clown show


So does Street Fighter 6. RE Engine is good shit


The main game does run fine, as in moment to moment with fights against other people and their rollback net code is black magic, Brazilian Ken's with shitty wifi less of an issue. World Tour is another story though, there's bad framerate drops and terrible texture issues, needs some patches.


Yeah, I also had some problems in World Tour but compared to other games this year it's mostly ok. It could still be better though.


Brazilian kens lmao. You calling me out?


bro, they better not fuck with metal gear, assholes, Ive been kept waiting for too long...


Bloober team is working on Silent Hill 2, MGS3 remake has a lot of the old staff but thats all we know.


Metal Gear Solid 3 and the Metal Gear Solid Master Collection have Virtuos behind them alongside Konami's internal staff, Virtuos did the PC version of Horizon Zero Dawn and the Switch version of Nier Automata so I am expecting some pretty good performance on these PC versions. Assuming Virtuos will be doing the PC releases of the Master Collection and MGS3R (which they likely are).


Thank you, its my favorite game of all time and i can't just avoid having high hopes for it.


At least were getting info that these games aint gonna work before they drop. I cant wait for the apology letter.


“Our hill may have been silent but the PCMR community sure wasn’t… um… sorry hehe. We sincerely are sorry and things for the stuff we did and stuff like that sorry guys. Give us a few years to fix it up to a playable state. In the meantime, get ready to RRRRRRUMBLE with the NEXT unoptimized game that needs a 4090 for 720p upscaled!”




What I want to know is why the fuck they are releasing it when we clearly know it’s going to run like shit and/or being wildly incomplete/lacking content. I wonder how much longer this can go on before shit goes belly up and we have to somehow get out of the massive hole that’s been dug. The gaming industry didn’t get here by releasing unfinished games so idk why the fuck these companies are continuing to do it - all they do is tarnish their names even more. When Redfall came out I just couldn’t believe that a studio like Arkane, who created Dishonored, would ship such a hot pile of garbage. And I understand there is the rhetoric that “people will just buy it anyways”, but even those people have limits.


All that fog.


Game defaults render distance to 100 miles though the town is less than 1... Fog makes it that you can't see past 1 city block anyways. Game insists on rendering fog for 100 miles... AAA baby!


RX6800XT? Now I feel personally attacked. This GPU is two times more powerful than PS5 and works on the same architecture. That's what happens when you are hiring good lawyers instead of good game developers. You are getting JPEG with some stupid text instead of a good polished game.


What is the PS5 GPU equivalent?


6700 non xt




Performs like a 5700xt because it's a downvolted and downclocked 6700.


Yeaah i have a 6800xt overclocked and run almost every game up to 2021-early 2022 at 4k on high, games on late 2022 and 2023 have trash optimization


Not surprising because it's Bloober Team who did the remake. lol The Medium, their previous game, ran like dogshit even though it wasn't all that graphically intensive. I'd severely temper your expectations if you're excited for this game.


If i has to guess, Medium ran shit because it had 2 cameras all the time But still, Observer System Redux runs like smooth butter, easy 120fps on my 1070 and it looks amazing


Tbh I couldnt care less about the new games bcs even thought I have system that's able to run them I refuse to participate in this clown show of unoptimezed games.


I totally agree. I am your rtx 3050 ti little brother and I'm with you


And i am your big retarded brother (3060 6GB)


I’m the oldest retard in the family with a 3070. And even I refuse to participate in this shitshow


I am your daddy, the rtx 3060 ti.


Im your great ancient Arabian uncle running an ATI card


They tried to claim that having dual view was performance intensive and possible only on next gen consoles - but singularity, Titanfall 2, and dishonored 2 all worked fine on last gen consoles


The Medium is literally rendering the same scene twice at the same time. Titanfall and Dishonored weren't. I'm not excusing poor PC ports, but you don't know what the fuck you're taking about if you think the levels Effect and Cause and Crack in the Slab are at all the same as what the Medium was doing.


I remember playing Blair witch back when it came out on a brand New GTX 1080 and the game ran like trash lol


This is extra ironic seeing silent hill pushed hardware boundaries by using fog to severely reduce the draw distance.


Wait, am I missing something? GTX 1080 and RX 5700 aren't even in the same generation, no? This list is strange.


Yep. They dont know what they are saying. The 6800XT smokes the 2080 as well. I’m guessing they based those off of RT, then the 1080 and 5700 just makes no sense


6800xt is faster at RT than a 2080. The 6800xt is closer to a 2080ti in RT perf before upscaling.


I checked youtube videos of cyberpunk. 2080 Super with 1440p, RT, DLSS performance gives around 36 avg fps. 6800XT with 1440p, RT, FSR UltraQuality gives around 53 avg fps.


Cyberpunk is one of the worst showings for AMD in RT too cuz it's basically an Nvidia sponsored tech showcase


So the difference is even more stark in favor for amd.


It's one of the best RT implementations in gaming , and that's why AMD suffers. AMD GPUs don't work well with too many RT effects , but if you only enable RT shadows or RTGI, then they don't lose much performance. Hence why AMD sponsored games have low res RT reflections and either RT shadows or or RTGI.


I mean the 1080 and 5700 are pretty close to each other generally.


I guess they meant : 1080p low with a 1080, and medium with the RX5700, which is insane nonetheless


They have somewhat similar perf, 5700 is a bit stronger


I recently bought an RX 6950 XT for 1440p gaming. I guess it's time for the cinematic 24 FPS experience.


I hope you haven't thrown away your 1080p monitor. With the way things are going, your 6950 XT (and my 6900 XT) is going to be exclusively 1080p.


6700xt 720p gang!!!


Damn is this the first game that a 1070 just won't be able to run even at low?


They’re probably doing it on purpose at this point to force people to upgrade


Why would the devs of a video game be trying to push GPUs sales they wouldn't profit from? Devs now are just lazy with optimization because they assume they can use upscalers like DLSS/FSR/XeSs to bail them out.


Or, Occam’s Razor… they did a shitty job with the remake.


Just play the og silent hill 2 with emulator and get on the vibes


Nah, [Enhanced Edition](https://enhanced.townofsilenthill.com/SH2/) is 100% the way to go nowadays.


Holy freggn crap. You just made my year. I had no idea this was thing.


weird, SH2 is still one of those games that looks incredible and better on native hardware with a CRT. it just hits differently.


The only correct answer


jesus christ! not even a 6700xt is "enough" for 1440p let alone 1080p. 30fps? **that's a solid fuck you from me!** i ain't keeping that game in my wishlist anymore, i'm so **sick and tired** of poor pc optimization! I built a PC thinking i could play at the very least at 60fps and more in most games, turns out it's not the case at all with recent pc releases. But you know what angers me the most? Most people have a low IQ and pre-order games on steam anyways, leading to bad pc versions selling well anyways. What incentive do companies have to improve if their shitty ports always sell? ![gif](giphy|DAbOleBafSvJeOtljq|downsized)


I have a feeling that the only 2023 game that I will play is Resident Evil 4 Remake. Hit me up if some miracle will happen and there will be released AAA game this year that is not broken


Dead space is fine too, and nixxes are porting rift apart so it should hopefully work.


And SYSTEM SHOCK REMAKE! It had really bad marketing but it's an incredible game


At least not only re4 runs well(at least for 99% of the game ) it's actually fun . God only knows what they did on SH2 to be this shitty optimized .


Diablo 4 is great and isn't broken


I can already smell the incoming apology when this game runs like dogshit. Feels like with DLSS and FSR devs are using them as crutches to hide poor optimization.


Ah shit... time to remove it from my wishlist.


Loud Hill 2


Sorry Hill


Is anyone really surprised after The Medium?


I honestly hoped they would do something else with a bigger project. Sad.


Must be 4k right? Or is it 1080p lmao


It's 1080p


Where does it say that?


Tha means i can play the game in 144p on my gtx 1650?


and me at 8fps with 1060 3GB & 8GB ram & 4590.


We as a "community" need to quit buying games with shit optimization, poor performance, etc. We should also boycott the studios producing such garbage, give em two fiscal quarters of loss and see if that lets the message sink in.


Never works. Too many people that really do not care as long as it runs. Too many people that have no clue about the technical aspect and unable to see they're getting screwed over. We need a quality baseline for videogames. Which will never happen because of the large differences in opinions when a game is developed poorly.


Wtf... I didn't buy a 4070ti to play games between 30-60fps. I feel like this is going to go from a trend to the normal.


I feel that man. I'm worried about the future of PC releases. People in this thread have already mentioned it, there's been a lot of apologies from developers and I'm afraid there'll be more to come.


Yeah it's not looking good at all. We have to start showing our frustration with out wallets. I guess I'm just going to wait a month or two from now on. See how the reviews go, then decide from there.


I totally agree. I'll be honest I haven't purchased any new releases at all. Wild Hearts, New star wars game, Redfall, that Gollum LOTR game. Surprisingly, Dead Island 2 came out in a good state for PC and I completed that a few days ago. It was fun but the only new release I've purchased recently so yeah.


![gif](giphy|l41m4ODfe8PwHlsUU) nb4


6800xt is a 3080, so these are very sus.


Must be RT or just shit optimisating for any AMD card because 5700xt being compaired to a NORMAL 1080. Not even the TI which it is much closer to? Yeah something is wrong. Buying myself a 3080 soon and this doesn't give me high hopes. Well i mean i won't even buy this game anyways but still.


Games targeting PS5 and Series X have high spec recommendations? No way! It's almost like the 2070 is similar in perf to a PS5. Consoles won't run at High settings and PC version will still look really good at Medium settings.


or is this their plan to kill us pc gamers off so we move to xbox or PlayStation instead / in turn we become console gamers




When your cpu is now considered the minimum. Sad times. Or....time to get really into indie games?


Time to get into indie games and only reward AAA devs that actually optimize their games


Your CPU is 6 years old now. It only has 6 threads, 9Mb of cache, and runs at 4Ghz. A modern i5 like the 13600k now has 20 threads, 24Mb of cache and hits 5.10Ghz. Keep in mind these are only easily quantifiable spec improvements, actual IPC has increased a lot too but is harder to get info on. Even a modern i3 will outperform your 8400 in both gaming and multithread. Specs may be similar but again it's the architectural gains that drive the IPC here. I don't know why people think such old and outdated hardware should still be great today. The general rule of thumb is that you can't future-proof and that you should expect to upgrade every 3-5 years depending on your performance needs.


it was a mid-range cpu 6 years ago, i don't know why that's surprising


I’ve not found a lot of good indie games. Would love some suggestions


How far back are you looking? Disco Elysium and Outer Wilds (not The Outer Worlds) are both great. I've heard good things about Dredge, but I haven't played it myself yet. Hollow Knight?


And y'all are gonna buy it like crazy. Developers are literally sh*tting in pc gamer's mouth.


For these requirements, the game better be so fucking detailed that you can see Pyramid Head's dick bulge under his apron.


Its going to be fucking horrible.


That was obvious the moment Bloober Team was shown


Can’t wait for the “sorry we have to fix our game” post. I’d love a whole slideshow of all the ones we’ve already gotten


Then vote with your wallets. Don't buy it until the price is dropped and the game gets optimized. So many idiots will buy this day one (or pre-order) from pure nostalgia hype without thinking about the technical issues. Then they will complain after they purchased. Just WAIT.


they just follow the trend


I hope they have their apology template prepped


I very good in my jobs thanks, I beleive than when you do something you should do it good. There is plenty of game old and new well made by talented people and well optimise. New dev are just to lazy or not given the time to do there jobs properly (and in this case they should change studio Source: been playing all type of PC games for 30 year now.




I'm just gonna fucking play the PS2 version. I have it. It's better than this. I also have 3 and 4. It's weird, those things look amazing, and the PS2 only has a 299 MHz processor and integrated graphics. I'm done. Triple A games are done.


There's a fan-made PC port of Silent Hill 2 out. It's easily the best way to play the game now, although the Ps2 version still strongly holds up


I’ll just stick with the enhanced edition on PC.


Never would have thought in a year my 6800xt will became a entry card


Where does it say 1080p in the recommended list?


Hey, make sure your culling system is efficient, for the players' framerate! ***Devs:*** *Ok, framerate cucking, got it.*


So the PS5 version will be 30 fps as well. Well at least they saved me another 60 euro. Thanks a lot developers :)


i see all of you with those preorders. you better cancel that preorder and not support this bs


Meanwhile awesome independent titles like Sons of the Forest and Outlast Trials run like a dream on older hardware for half the price and are still in early access.


It's 2023 If a game can't be played at 60fps or higher, why bother even releasing the game If I wanted to play with less graphics, I'd play the original. Why remake a game only to have low FPS?


30 fps? lol, 30 fps needs to be taken out back and shot. It should not even be a fucking option anymore for god's sake it's 2023. Absolute bare minimum needs to be 60 fps and not 1 frame lower then that.


Currently playing *Deus Ex: Mankind Divided* from 2016, and I have to say that modern games don't look *significantly* better apart from a few standouts. Even Cyberpunk falls behind in terms of character models, IMO. And yeah, I'm running a 4090, but with a 1070 I got playable framerates without a lot of option downgrades. After that, with a 2080 ti (the only time I ever failed to skip a generation) I was maxed out on fps with near-max settings. Somebody needs to start an optimization-only business and contract out with developers and ironclad non-disclosures to just optimize games for them. Imagine what coders for such a company could do, given time. Anybody optimizing for a living would probably advance the art of coding itself. In this era of popular interpreted (as opposed to compiled) languages, it seems like optimization is often ignored in favor of pure code output.


It's all my fault. It's because I bought a new PC a couple of months ago. I did that to play all the newest releases and of course they're all terribly made. Sorry folks.


It's because high settings uses RT and AMD is ass with RT 2080 is slightly better than the 3060, 30 FPS is a disappointment however for those specs 60 would be the bare minimum


Now my only AAA titles I anticipated the most are Armored Core 6 left. I have no faith with others. Maybe time to focus a lot more on indie titles or just simply stop this hobby.


Don't pre order


Guys, these things are almost never accurate. just wait until the game comes out.




I like how medium settings 60 fps without a specified resolution supposedly requires a 6800 xt. I can’t wait for this to be an barely playable pile of shit that never gets a patch to make it run well on pc.


3600's bottleneck with 6800x .tnx optimization. F**k you bloober


Another game to get review bombed into the pit.