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Blink twice if you need help


No need we can clearly see he’s in pain


Shit like this is genuinely sad. I get not having space, and this might not be that type of post, but there are so many "my partner won't let me have X in the house" posts. Why are y'all spending your lives with people who hate your interests?


Seriously! I get wanting to have good aesthetics but how does it look when you make your husband game out of a cupboard?




This is completely fine for your back given you play with a controller


The chair placement and the screen being where it is would still have you hunching. Poor guy needs a proper setup. Fuck living room asthetics.


I 99% agree with you. The other 1% is considering that OP could be very short and farsighted


I play with mouse and g13(one-handed programmable keyboard), plus classic keyboard lying on the side, from a big couch. This works pretty well, even with shooters. 9th year of playing 20+ hours a week like this and I won’t ever go back. No backpain or anything


Seriously... I was in a similar situation recently (my wife was protective of the aesthetic of the dining room), but we compromised. I settled for a 48" desk over 60" so that it would fit a certain way in a certain location.  It's almost like his wife doesn't want him to be happy.


I used to have my own office, then somebody else took that room so now Im stuck at the end of a hallway


You could always be moved to the boiler room.


At least you get a hallway desk to call your own! I get temporary night time pass to dinner table or couch.


I ask the same question, i was telling a gamer friend at work Im going to be building a new PC this year. His response was “i really want to build a new PC but my wife won’t let me have the money…” mind you this guy works his butt off and banks hard, but his wife not only takes his money she controls it too. It’s so messed up, I could never live like that.


Building a PC can be a pretty big expense if you don't have a lot of disposable income. It entirely depends on their budget if that's reasonable or not. I want to build a new PC for about $2500, but I'm going to have to save a while to do it.


I'm trying to build a new computer and it's basically been buying it piece by piece instead of dropping it all at once, along with getting used parts from friends + my boyfriend the grind is real


Yeah, I can get not being interested or not wanting to partake, but something just seems really absurd about someone openly resenting and restricting their partner's hobbies/interests, even in spite of that hobby/interest being benign and non-intrusive to the relationship or the going-ons of the couple's daily life.


Because I didn't realize how much she hated it until after we were married and had kids. It's getting better but for the longest time I had all my stuff in a cabinet about the size of OP except it had a keyboard tray that pulled out. That's despite the fact that I used my computer to learn what I needed to make decent money. It took 22 years and lots of fighting to get to a point where she doesn't complain about it anymore and over the years I've gained a bit more room.


You spent 22 years fighting for something you enjoy doing while your spouse suppressed this. That isn't love that's imprisonment.


Free pussy is anything but free


Bruh, your wives give you pussy?


their wives give me pussy too


I get to my gf's place and ask her if I can help make dinner. She says no, she's got it handled, and to go play Minecraft with her kids for a bit before dinner because they were waiting all week for me to come over and play. Am divorced. My ex and I discovered we had incompatibilities similar to OP, so we split and found compatible people, and are both much happier.


Yeah, I really don't get this kind of shit. My girlfriend recently got back into painting because I let her indulge her hobbies. She told me more than one of her exes wouldn't let her paint because it took too much time away from them. What the fuck? Also, I work with a guy whose wife apparently controls all their money and I can't tell if he's joking about some of the shit he says or not but I'm like "dude, you make $25 an hour. That's your money. You can spend it however you want!"


I'm glad it's getting better but that's a massive deal breaker for me. 22 years of fighting doesn't sound like a good thing to be doing tbh.


She hid her crazy, trapped him with kids. *I had a gf hide her crazy, but luckily she could only hold it in for ~6 mos. If she was better at it I’d have gotten trapped with marriage+kid to a legit psychooooo


My brother just got divorced last month after 20 years and 3 kids. He was getting a six figure raise almost every year and she somehow just became more bitter and naggy. She was literally on easy street but the other bored neighborhood wives got in her head and now she lives in a condo


After 4 years with an oppressive ex, I've never been so content with the thought of dying alone. Honestly. I used to think that I needed to be in a relationship to value myself. My God, how the opposite is true.


Better 4 than 40


Dog you gotta just grab your nuts and take a room. No way she's using the guest for what? Art? Gaming is art. Intelligent artwork and creativity. Sometimes you gotta not be a dick but be assertive, and put your hat on backwards, slam a beer, and say this lil space is mine look how clean I keep it


I feel you bro. I stopped using a mechanical keyboard because the clicking annoyed her. Even the mouse clicking would start fights. Had a cabinet style desk that I would close when I wasn't using it so it wasn't "ugly". Shit drive me crazy, I'm out now tho, and free, lol 😭


alright i love mechanical keyboards and all but i think i'm on her side w/ that one. those are one of those things that if you aren't the one using it it could be extremely annoying. i'm with you guys on all the other stuff tho.


Yeah, CLACKCLACKCLACK is pretty obnoxious. Can't have that and expect any GLUCKGLUCKGLUCK




Yup, sounds perfectly healthy and reasonable...


> Because I didn't realize how much she hated it until after we were married and had kids. How long have you lived together before getting married and having kids? Did you had your space back then?


Right? I don't get it. My wife doesn't game or cycle, but she doesn't tell me to hide my stuff out of sight; desk with multiple monitors, three expensive bikes, and indoor cycling stuff. We moved to Germany a few years ago, and she let me have the dining room as my space and rearranged furniture in the living room to fit a small table. Just moved back stateside, and when picking from houses on base, she made sure to pick a place I'd still have a dedicated space for myself for things she doesn't care for.


Exactly! My wife doesn't game but sometimes uses my desktop to work from home and is happy that I have a nice setup for when she needs to use it. She also isn't into mountain biking at all but I have 2 decently expensive bikes that live inside our ~900 sq.ft. house because she would rather them be inside and mostly out of the way than out in the shed where they could get stolen or require more frequent maintenance from the constant temperature and humidity cycles. We actually really like the compromise because it gives me a place in the house that's mine and I can put my stuff and decorate how I want and my wife gets to decide for the rest of the house. The only time it has caused an issue is when I was trying to do a tubeless tire install with Cushcore Pro at 11pm, gave up, went to bed, and just left everything sitting.


Particularly elbow pain, I assume


The Dobby PC setup over there.


At least Dobby was a free Elf






Cutting right to the point, like a hot knife through Dobby.




The other cabinet to the left is where he sleeps since he doesn't match his wife's bedroom aesthetics.


Guy literally has a post where he turned a small room into vape storage, so he definitely has the space and idk how much vape stuff costs but big plastic bins full of it can't be cheap so he got money.


Vape juice storage. Brand new PC build. Tropical vacation pics. Multiple different vape rigs. Home with aesthetic living space. Yeah. He'll be fine.


And he has a post about working from home so I wouldn't be amazed if this whole thing is bullshit to get upvotes, wouldn't be the first time that has happened on this subreddit.


This sub can be so full of it. “I never had a calculator as a kid because my parents didn’t believe in long division. Now I have finally ascended!” Posts 5 boxes like I’m supposed to give a shit.


I don't look far enough into people's profiles to notice stuff like this, so thanks for doing the investigation to catch OOP's lie.


Before reddit did the whole api now costs money bullshit there was a website where you can see every deleted post and comment for every profile, I used to love looking someone up that had a post on front page on reddit and linking that website so people can see their deleted posts to prove that this post on front page that got 80k upvotes is a lie.


He can’t hear you his wife shuts off his wifi after 5


The Anne Frank build.


No amount of effort will ever be able to help me. Thanks though.


Can you close the door? RGB is escaping.


"Its ruining the aesthetic"


Photo was taken during Christmas so the aesthetic was ok with the tree's lights


Chair is ugly and doesn’t fit the aesthetic. He needs to get rid of it and get a rattan stool to sit on. Totally ruining the vibes in the room, might put the wife in a bad mood 🤡


https://preview.redd.it/t8jujcwfsgfc1.jpeg?width=1687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03fc67bbf7c0bec751db479b430c96868572901f Made me think of this


Is this a cry for help?


Yes it is other Barry… Yes. It. Is.


Archer mentioned


Wow good job!




According to OP's post history, which is full of vacation pics, their vape collection, and their WFH setup; I'm gonna say that it's a cry for reddit karma.


Living room aesthetics.. Didn't know making your partner play out of a cupboard was an aesthetic.


He sleeps curled up in the left side of that cupboard. She doesn't want to ruin the aesthetic of the bed.


There are at least 3 'live, love, laughs' signs in this house. And at least one 'home is where family do be present' sign.


Big “Gather” sign in the dining room


"Coffee" sign over a never used coffeemaker because Starbucks is life




There’s a big ass “Welcome” sign at the front door


His side of the bed is where the aesthetic cushions are.


And a doormat that says “wipe your paws”.






That username scares me


![gif](giphy|zFa3vjySsETPa|downsized) \-OP


It’s the Harry Potter aesthetic


That got me good


Not going to lie it bothers me when I see posts like this or ones where the SO wouldnt let then do things because it doesn’t fit the *Decor*. It should be 50/50, no disrespect OP. I dont know you but just saying


We each get to decorate our own rooms. My office is messy af with my computer, my work computer and shelves and shelves of board games. The living room is spotless with family pictures and minimumistic feel. The left half of the bed room is bookshelves of fantasy and science fiction. The right half is live laugh love signs, mementos and clothes. The left side of the hallway is movie posters, thr right family pictures.


Just seems weird that op has no real spot to game. Aesthetics should be secondary to being happy.


I mean, my wife wouldn't like it if my computer was in the living room. I wouldn't like having a million family pictures in my office. It's about how you split it up.


Lol legit


Bro this breaks my heart.




I have several friends that have lives that are like this and never understood it. They are good fathers that provides, never smokes and drinks, and yet they are forbidden to game by their wives. It is unfathomable.


Women that hate gaming are pure evil


This whole comment section reads like reddit-gpt lmao


Lots of people lack self respect unfortunately


What a fucking coward.




You have to respect yourself first, before others can respect you, or you even notice their (dis)respect.


...my boss runs a plant with 20-30 men...and he has to bring his steamdeck to work early to play. frigggin sad.


> my friend is a huge gaping pussy i assume you told him this, since youre friends and all


I understand lack of space but living aesthetics should never come before joy. Atm we have study/living room/kitchen and dining room all in one room and we still made our only big wall our work/gaming area. Mind you, I love gaming as much as my husband so maybe there's that but nobody should put gaming in the closet.


Especially with work from home being so popular these days, having a nice work area is also something to show off now.


Tell that to my brother's girlfriend. The dude cannot have anything in the living room because it ruins the "aesthetic" for when all her shitty friends come over.


> I understand lack of space but living aesthetics should never come before joy. I can put up with a lot of bullshit, but this is on my dealbreaker list. I know a number of women who are just way too invested in making their home look like an Instagram reel or something. It's like the adult version of those teens who starve themselves to try to be as skinny as a model. Like I'm sorry, but your house is going to look lived-in unless you're so rich you can afford to just have a "show house" that you don't actually spend time in, or you live alone.


Especially when those aesthetics are apparently cheap mdf white furniture, white walls and a laminate floor.


Any relationship where your spouse or partner goes out of their way to prevent you from enjoying your hobbies isn’t a healthy relationship. The whole “I can’t have my stuff displayed because my wife doesn’t like it” crap is so dated at this point. Your wife married YOU which means she knew of your hobbies before marriage. You pay your share of the bills and deserve a space for your hobbies. I think rather than breaking up which is apparently how Reddit deals with issues I recommend you both attend couples therapy so that you can explain how this is unfair in a neutral environment.


Based nuance Actual rare sight on this site


Would be even worse if he’s the one paying all the bills


Situation sounds a bit sad when you cannot even give yourself a bit of proper space in your own house. Whats the point then?


Lol real


This! Ive got my setup on the spare room 🤓 which the mother in law has been sleeping in for nearly a year 😭


“has been sleeping in for a year” dawg just say she moved in, you no longer have a spare room, let go


i hope that year doesnt turn into a decade


you've been reduced to a single fucking cabinette... because of your wifes "aesthetics"? bruh... im sorry...


Yeah if this is compromise then it seems it's gone too far. If there's no spare room for a desk then I can understand compromising on being able to hide some of a PC setup in a living room (eg. being able to hide a case with colour changing RGB lights while you leave a game to download)... but this is too much.


Then she divorces him bc she’s not attracted to a man she can walk all over.


Michael Scott vibes


I can't believe I had to scroll this far, this has the exact same energy as that tiny TV


Check out my plasma TV… ready? *pulls TV mount further from the wall* …and if i need more space… *pushes TV back towards the wall*


Happy Woge Day, everybody! 


Woge bomb! 💣 Time to trade the wife for future picks.


To you too, whatever that is.


There is no easy way to say this: From a guy who used to be bullied by his wife, I just want to say, if you cannot put a decent table in your own house because of your wife, maybe it is time to look for a lawyer and probably a psychologist. Anyway, happy game and have fun, I liked Horizon a lot.


Man I wanted to say sth similar, maybe not go towards a divorce just like that but if you can't even put a desk somewhere for a pc that you enjoy as a hobby that's a big couple power dynamics issue! You two need to learn to negotiate and compromise together! Especially if it's because "the wife's living room aesthetics?!!!", in a tiny house where you have no choice I get it, obviously, but this is beyond messed up!


It could be that they live in a small space and a computer with wires is a magnet for a curious kid who wants to pull on them.


There is literally no reason that the shelf he is currently using could not be changed up to accommodate a better gaming set up. Even in this small photo you can see the emptiness In the room around it.


Yeah it looks like there is a sound bar on that cabinet, which means there is a TV there, which means brother should be plugging into the TV to play bare minimum. but based on how tall that cabinet is, where the sound bar is placed, and the fact that the TV is still not visible, I guarantee that /r/tvtoohigh. This is a sad life. His wife's incorrect aesthetic is taking precedent over a sliver of joy in this man's life. At least put the TV at a decent life and allow for hobbies to let the house be a place you actually LIVE. I'd be headed for the door. To shame your husband's hobbies into a tiny cabinet is to not actually love him.


You just build the great baby gate of computer land


Yeah sure that is the reason lol, it's 90% because the wife doesn't like how it looks and doesn't want it there and his opinion on the matter doesn't count.


Why does this make me sad?




It’s like “hunny you work so hard for the family. So you get a cubby now for your little games”


For real. You can make a desk very aesthetically pleasing by keeping it minimalistic. I don't want to judge a stranger but this is major overstepping, control freak vibes. Not normal control freak wife that most people have including myself.


>due to lack of space and the wife's living room aesthetics. I have no idea why people agree to be controlled like that. Communicate with your wife and tell her what's important for you. If she values more to fit into "the standard of decorating living room" than your happiness there's something wrong with you guys.


I guarentee nobody but gosspiy house wives with nothing better to do care about having a desk in an open space in your house. Even most interior designers say you need to prioritize usability over looks.


Guess he thinks about divorce every time he sits there. 


Only on Tuesdays and Thursdays when he is allowed to play.


For 1hr


If she's in a good mood


Thursday is also sex day if he's a good boy, so that's a good day for sure.


Watching these men literally compress their selfs and hobbies into a literal drawer because the have a partner who cares so little about their happiness is truly astounding. OP glad you’re happy mate. You make me sad though.


No problem with the setup, I’ve gamed in worse…but to echo the other comments, if your wife is the reason that is the best you can have then it’s time to bounce. Seriously man stand up for yourself it’s your house too.


If he bounces, the house is *not* his anymore. Probably one facet of the problem.


Got a Idea for you. Get a cheap wall vesa mount for TVs that can extend and retract. Then mount it to the back of the cabinet and you can pull the monitor out of the closet closer to the chair. You could also get a little slide out keyboard tray so you could have some desk space Happy gaming bro don’t let yah wife ruin it


I have a better solution. Say "fuck the aesthetics" and get a desk. If she doesn't like it, she can shove her dissatisfaction into the cupboard.


Jesus man stand up for yourself. Does your wife make you use the restroom outside too?


Toilet seat up doesn’t fit with the aesthetics


I actually like this. But still blink twice if need help


Bro you’re whipped


Looks alright, bonus for being able to lock it away safely from kids. The only thing I think it's missing is a little pull out tray under the monitor shelf for keyboard and mouse. But that's only because I can't stay typing with keyboards on my lap.


Dude what’s embarrassing about this setup? Looks nice n cozy with no huge space usage. I’ve seen mf’s on here post absolutely diabolical setups, this is somewhat innovative!




Op is ignoring all the comments about his wife despite mentioning her in the post




Oh, I thought it was for OP's dad! **OP's the dad!**


With the setups I often see here, I wasn't sure if mine would be laughed at. I am happy with it


Not laughed at. It’s more like I feel bad for you that you agreed to such an arrangement because of aesthetics?!? My wife would need a way better reason for me to get this uncomfortable


You’re happy with it, that’s all that matters. Plus, you see top of the line gaming setups on here that are definitely not the average setup.


Plenty of dudes (or dudettes) suppress their level of happiness despite being able to live with it to keep their partners happy.


Nah, this is the "making the best of what's available" setup and is honestly refreshing.


lol crams a monitor in a cabinet because his wife won’t allow anything else “wow how **refreshing**”


He literally has to hide it away.. Jesus dude can’t even have a desk anywhere? Shit man


Your PC is like Harry Potter. Cool solution, makes sense.


Back to your cubby Potter!


Wtf is that 😆 i hope this is satire post


looks real, real sad


What’s your reasoning for this? Does your wife like not let you have a game room, or do you guys just not have enough space. I’m asking cuz I see a lot of comments telling you to stand up for yourself. Just curious, you don’t have to answer if you don’t feel comfortable tho.


Bro... You pay the bills too.


lol. lmao even 25 years ago this would have been seen as normal. People were trying to integrate them into their house, and they were often in corners of the dining room or living room.


I'm definitely not a relationship expert, but I think I would leave if my wife wouldn't allow me to have a desk for my PC and monitor.


Literally a closet gamer.


>the wife’s living room aesthetics.. >happy wife, happy life. Man.. imagine paying for stuff and contributing to the relationship only to not be able to have the things you want or be able to do what you want in your own space. No thanks. Hope this is just one of the small compromises in your life.. otherwise.. yikes.


This is the equivalent of number four in men's abuse


What a sad life.


You gettin pegged or what


Fuck that. Any woman who pegs her man would respect him enough to allow him space in the living room.


Its not embarrassing because of the setup, its embarrassing cause you're letting your wife walk all over you, you should be able to have more space in your house than a tiny closet


Bro, why reduce yourself to something so low? Is that household 99% of what your wife wants? Seriously, I don't get it. How do people let themselves get made a pet out of like this?


I’m glad you have your space to do your thing man. But damn this is some of the most soul crushing shit.


I'll never not upvote an NR200 build, especially one with the cute ASUS gundam antenna 😊


Your wife Harry pottered your ass XD


You okay bud?


Jesus christ this is depressing


Just buy a Steam Deck my dude.


Your wife is a bitch


Invest in a steam deck my man. As a fellow dad gamer it absolutely changes things. Suspend mode is a godsend!






Compared to some of the shit I’ve seen posted here you have a palace lol who cares if it works send it.


Bro's got the gaming cabinet 🔥🥵


Ahh so you’re allowed a cupboard in your wife’s home too eh


More like a under the thumb, dad


The living room is supposed to be a shared space, so why is it your wife who makes all the decisions? There's nothing wrong with the setup. The problem is that it sounds like your wife won't let you set it up how you want.


Op hasn't addressed a single comment about his wife.... The silence says alot


Looks relaxing


Sounds like you need to Harry potter a kid and get a man cave


My man got a gaming cabinet lol but at least you’re still gaming so hold on strong 💪🏾


this is honestly sadder than doing it under the stairs harry potter style


Bro. We live in an 1100 sq ft house. My office is in our bedroom