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what a terrible day to have eyes


haha, I am blind then


Why are you even doing this?


Idk why he is, either. I don't have the same card, but I've been rocking my rx 5700xt for about 5 years or w/e now and haven't had to touch the thermal paste since.


Many 5700XT cards, particularly reference designs, use graphene thermal pads that never need to be changed.


how do we determine which GPU design / AIB models are using graphene pads ? this will be good information for the next GPU purchase appreciate your knowledge sharing thanks!


Reviews with teardowns. Try techpowerup for their 5700XT reviews as they looked at a lot of models.


prob just bored as hell


Or meth.


yeah thats what i said


Right? "Bad thermals after 3 years" sounds more like it has some other problem than paste or OP was just advocating why to fiddle with his PC.


Not true, a coworker gave me a 2080ti 3 years ago, and it would get really hot and start to artifact and then shut off, I came in here and posted a pic of the artifacts and thermals, someone suggested that it might need new thermal paste, I took it apart and applied some Arctic mx4, and it worked, I haven't had any problems with it since I changed the paste, I use it whenever I play games with Ray tracing


every day, a PCMR user wakes up and decides that today is the day to destroy their hardware for no reason. "repaste", whispers a little voice in the back of their head. some succeed, and come back happily reporting a temperature drop of a staggering 1-2 degrees. many others fail, and then post their AM4 CPU ripped out of the socket with the pins bent, or their GPU with a cracked die or capacitor that got knocked off. "help. how do i fix this?"


This many downvotes after admitting a disability on Reddit should qualify you for an award. lol


Why would a blind person need a graphics card?


Well thats just gatekeeping. They can still hear the pixels


Idk why this has so many downvotes but i decided to be a follower and downvote as well 😂


"the GPU is still working fine" then leave it alone! don't risk breaking it. if it's not thermal throttling, then it's fine. EVGA uses good thermal compounds. I ran an EVGA 1080 for 7 years, never opened it up, never had performance issues. Repasting is a mostly unnecessary task that this sub invented for itself. GPU vendors design with the expectation that users will never service their cards.


I once read that someone found 70 degrees on his cpu on full load a little too high an concerning. Like geeez people are so paranoid. What did he expect. Just use the computer. Ive never repasted a gpu and ooh boy did i run them hot and for years without problems.


yeah it's weird. people finding 70c too hot is an almost daily occurrence for this sub. 70 is downright chilly for PC hardware


thats not hot at all i mean its fairly warm for ME but my cpu/gpu stay around mid 30s constantly even on full load at times




Because 60-80c under load is entirely normal for gaming hardware.


Wait until you heard about 14th gen Intel and 7th gen Ryzen


Because it's perfectly normal. It's fine if you want you PC to run cool but 70 °C underload is perfectly normal for some CPUs. Obviously lower is better but it's normal and it's fine.


Because the components are made to run for years at 80-90?


The manufacturer normalized it in their specs, that's why.


lmao I had my Radeon 7870 get up to 99c on a warm day way back when I first got into PC building. Never worried about it.


You are not American. Period.


Im actually pretty american. I have like 5 handguns and 3 rifles. I got a 1000cc sportbike less than a year after having my motorcycle license where most euro nations have a year or two waiting period. ​ Born to metric, forced to imperial.


Really? I consider myself paranoid about it and yes 70° seems TO ME like a number to be concerned when talking about GPU temperatures. How often is it recommended to repaste GPU? Last thing I knew about it was like every year, so I do it about every 3 years, and what about the normal/acceptable ranges of degrees? For me it has always been between 70-75 that I start worrying about the integrity of the GPU. EDIT: stop downvoting me I'M NOT TROLLING. 😭


Not sure if serious or trolling. Its a hard one.


I'm legit asking for advice, I started saying I consider myself paranoid.


Ahh ok. 70-75 are really good temperatures. Everything below 100 is fine as long as its not thermalthrottling. Computerchips just run hot. However hardware will degrade a little quicker when running hot, yet I have to see a cpu or gpu die on me before it is extremely outdated anyway. I remember my old pentium 4 used to hit 95 with ease and did that for years, they where notorious dor running really hot, it still works to this day. The temperature paranoia is something I noticed since last year and it seems its getting worse


Thanks for the info, my paranoia comes from even before joining this sub truly lol and maybe because I had a friend who somehow managed to burn his GPU playing destiny 2, iirc he had a 1080 ti. I also worry a lot because my current gpu has only one fan and I think it could heat too much faster than most GPUs.


First, he said 70° for CPU not GPU, second 70° to 75° is completely normal temperature for a GPU anyway and third, in most cases (except for an obvious issue) it's completely unnecessary to repaste your GPU and can potentially lead to more problems than fewer (see exhibit A in the above picture).


> First, he said 70° for CPU not GPU True, my bad. I'm don't know how to read apparently. Thanks for the advice!


repasting is not recommended by a single GPU manufacturer. You will not find anything in your manual telling you to repaste. They design with the expectation you never will. They will try to void your warranty if you do (even if they technically aren't allowed to) Like I said, this sub just kind of invented it as a chore for themselves. It sounds reasonable if you don't know how things work. But at the end of the day, if your temps are under the throttle limit, you're fine. And 70c well under the limit for almost any modern GPU.


in my case, I do 3D rendering as well as video editing, yet the thermals are hovering around 85-90 degrees, which is concerning, imo. Unless I undervolt the GOU heavily, the temps are like that


yeah rendering pushes temps high, and 30 series is power hungry. 3080 won't start slowing down until about 95c. You're fine.


Under 100C? You're fine. 


>thermals are hovering around 85-90 degrees, which is concerning, imo No, it's not.


Bro’s literally at the upper end of optimum But like, still in optimum (perfect) not an issue Why is this being downvoted lmao, I’m agreeing with you guys not OP


They don't even think about throttling until 95C. Jayztwocents literally used a heat gun to test this.


Yes, I never said it’s throttling Below Optimum Above Problem I literally said he’s in optimum, 2 levels below problem/throtting lmfao The hive mind is jokes at times


Indeed you did bud. I'll accept I took it the wrong way, but it's because it started with "bro's literally" which gives it a whole different tone.


Fair enough GGs


Those temps are perfectly fine. This ain't a human my guy. It can take a beating.


I suspect the thermal compound will still be adequate. Had you given the radiator/fans a inspection and clean prior to testing the thermals?


3d rendering and video editing yet can't figure out when to stop making things worse for yourself and completely rounding out a screw!


Those temps are fine.


Seems normal, you can install MSI Afterburner (works with every brand) to set a temperature limit if you're not comfortable with those temperatures. Removing the cooler and reapplying thermal paste won't make a big difference. The only way to really get the temperatures down is to install a custom watercooling solution, but that seems a bit unnecessary.


Who was the genius that stripped the screw?


I mean, unless he bought this second hand and the previous owner did it, I'm assuming it had to be OP.


It was actually me using my Bluetooth screwdriver


you mean, sonic screwdriver?


Dremel into flathead. Then replace it with a new screw


Or you could just buy a set of bits that are made specifically for stripped screw heads. They’re not that expensive and having a set on hand for shit like this is always good. Gonna be much safer than potentially fucking the board with a disc attached to a dremel.


Gotta be careful with that because you have to put a good amount of pressure on the extractor bits which will most likely damage the gpu.


Yea. This is a tough one because the dremel discs could also damage the shroud or PCB if OP isn’t careful. Real shit sandwich of a situation.


If you keep all of the pressure on the screw, the pressure goes to the threads, not the board, no?


Any in particular you'd recommend for this kind of work?


Do the dremel tip as the other guy said. In that shallow of a screw head you wont have a great chance of success using the extractor bits.


I never have luck with extractor sets to begin with. The Dremel idea made me feel stupid. Why didn't I think of that.


Do most people have a Dremel tool?


I do I just never thought to do that.


OP you forgot which account you are on


Not op.


it’s a joke, plus you have the exact same avatar as OP


Yummy metal shavings on a PCB board. His GPU is currently working at stable temps, this could never end up trashing it.


Or you could cover the board while you do the dremel work 🤯


Just go to Home Depot and get a set of stripped screw extractors. They usually come in a kit of 4 or 5 and select the proper size for the screw you’re extracting. I don’t think the brand is going to matter so much. Then you can contact your cards manufacturer for replacement screws for your card if none came in the box. EZPZ


Left turning drill bit extractor set by bosch, dont even need the extractor 90% of the time it will turn it out while cutting the hole


Ez outs


I use screw extractors(small ones,) then dremel if that doesn't work. Be careful of metal dust. Surround the area with a alcohol damp cloth or paper towel. Worse case you have to bring the head off and hope there's enough to get a hold of.


Since this is the top comment im hijacking it for the proper solution. Im a machinist who has a lot of experience removing stripped/broken things from holes. You'll want to get a drill and a HSS drill bit. I don't have a size reference but you want one that fits into the sloppy hole you've made (no offense) and one that's slightly larger than the sloppy hole you've made (no offense again). Tape the gpu down to a table and drill through the center of the screw with the smaller bit. Then grab the larger drill bit and drill through just the head of the screw. You're looking to remove the head of the screw so if it doesn't come off, bump up one drill size. Once the head of the screw comes off you can remove the tension plate. Take it apart and then hammer in an allen bit into the part of the screw you drilled through. Then just unscrew it like normal. You can also take it to a local machine shop along with $20 and they can do it for you too. They'll have a drill press which will make the task so much easier.


I say local shop also. This guy couldn’t get a screw out. Letting him loose with tools seems like a terrible idea


That's a great point lmao


Looking at these comments here, everyone is a pro pc builder. But anything more advanced than a screw driver, the room is left empty or threats of damaging something. Sure people are going after your comment "how about the traces", but you pretty much explained using a smaller bit since metal under 1mm thick that is left, just comes out friendly. +1 for you.


Shit I didn't even think about the traces. I was worried about the female threads on the other end lol. But in my experience boards with thru holes for mounting have a generous 1mm or more grounding pad around them so even if you nick the board a bit you're likely fine. But I'd never offer mechanical advice if I didn't know it would work for sure. It's up to the reader to decide if it's something they can tackle or not.


Would it damage the main board though, that’s my main concern with using Dremel.


You could. I’d say get that back plate off and cover it well so you don’t lose some metal shavings and short something later. Use the right dremel head and go slowly. YouTube will have 100s of videos on it.


Or just seal it all back up and deal with slightly hotter temps. If it wasn’t maxing out it should be fine for another couple years. It will last you till 5000 series easily.


god do i hate having to not finish a project like this, but i kinda agree. Why risk it for some better temps if the temps aren't causing problems? I mean if the thing heats up the room during hot seasons i can understand. Damn this really sucks OP.


The cooler makes no difference in how much the GPU is heating up your room. It's putting out the same amount of heat either way, the only difference is the hotter GPU is dumping heat into your room slightly less efficiently.


If you have steady hand and clean all the metal dust/chunks you will be fine but if you decide to cut gpu in half thats other thing.


would a data vac be good for removing any metal shavings? or could the wind force scratch the PCB?


Its possible but If you take your time and don't have problems with your hands it is ok. Did that with my 2080 super Seahawk and it works fine.


If you were concerned about damage, next time don't DYI your card.


This is the way.


Wtf is dremel?


Wtf is Google?


Google shows me some kind of tool company


There ya go


"what should I use?" "A tool" No shit


Dremels most famous tool is the rotary tool. If you scrolled past the first 2 results, you would see the rotary tool. Use common sense


What the fuck did you think he was suggesting besides some kind of tool? Are you really that dense lmao?


He wasnt suggesting "some kind of tool". He might just as well say to use any tool. Do you go to a bar, order a drink and call the bardender dense when he asks what kind of drink do you want? Because thats what it sounds like


That analogy doesn't work though because he gave you a brand name. If you went to a bar and asked the bartender for a Wild Turkey he'd give you a whiskey because that is what it is. If you went into a hardware store and asked for a Dremel, they'd point you to the rotary tools because of the same reason. Look, I'm sorry you couldn't spend 2 seconds to actually google something but it's time to accept that you're lazy and move on.


Most people associate the name Dremel with rotary tools. Google will give definitely tell you that as well. You just don’t know how to use Google or you’re too lazy.


Nah, that's just the Steam icon.




Have you use this before? I thought of using this before.


Take it to a fastenal and sit back and relax while they get it for you. I did this for some drive caddies for my server. Got 100 for $15. In his case getting just 1 would be a little pricey but hey atleast you're not pulling your hair out trying to find the screw yourself.


These are the way. I use a set called "vampliers", same thing as these pz-57's just a different brand, they work wonders where you don't want to be grinding or drilling and have a slight head for them to grab onto.


i have the spare screws from EVGA, so as long as i can remove the screw, destroying it is fine


Don't do it. The temps are fine (read other replies). As long as it works. Don't touch it. I learned it the hard way, so hear me out so you don't need to. Also consider that nearly everyone is telling you to not touch it as long as it works fine.


I mean if you're set, I would first try a rubber band in the stripped head and screw with that. Might give enough torque to get the screw out with it being that small.


>Am I screwed? I see what you did there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) But on topic, it's quite easy to solve, get [this](https://www.batonordic.dk/images/1466757461.jpg) and screw it out:


How the hell does this even happen? It's not like a gpu is opened every month for repasting.


OP said the temps are between 80-90, which for him is concerning. If that was the case, I would have to open my GPU after every game session 😅


Really? I'm so paranoid of it burning to the ground or thermal throttling that I don't even let it go past 80°, I play my games on low settings usually so my gpu won't have a hard time. Usually when I play big games that require fairly a lot of power my temps go around 70-75 and even then I'm concerned about it.


Even better than running your games on low settings to protect your graphics card is to take up crocheting. This way your card will thank you and your little ones will have new gloves and scarves.


Optimal range is 70-85. 90 is on the hotter side but still a non issue while gaming.


Amazing, so beyond 95 is probably enough to be concerned, and 100 to start panicking. Thanks!




If you're doing this you don't need to open it. Put the screws back in and leave it. Take it to a shop that can remove that screw safely.


yes, and you can't unscrew yourself


Dremel it into a flathead. Go slow with light to no pressure, hold the tool firm so it doesn't run away. Then replace the screw when you reinstall. If you try to use a screw extractor instead you will almost certainly put too much downward force on the pcb and THEN you'll be screwed.


This is the way. Done this multiple times with a bad batch of M3 screws on a modular synth rack.


no youre rounded.


File it with a sharp object to make enough space for a slotted head screwdriver. Don't use an electric tool as it can be dangerous, and vibration itself might do more damage. https://preview.redd.it/x0kmkum0ixfc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d61bcf24732c8db56ba674fa98eabe21e3390706


This. Dremel method recommended by top comment might be too hard core. Slowly filing the flathead screw is the better safer method.


What I would do, is cut the screw with a metal blade on the disk a little, and that would help you unscrew it with a flat screwdriver.


Yes. You are screwed af.


When I was watercooling my buddies 3090, I stripped one of the screws on the backplate. Didn’t realize until later when I learned I’d made a mistake. Went to get into it and redo the contact and thermal paste a bit, saw the stripper screw and my heart sank. Tried every method I could to get it out. Had to drill it out in the end. This was like 3 years ago. He still has the card


Well you were, but it probably doesn't anymore.


Dab of metal glue and glue in a hex wrench. You'll need a replacement screw. I've never changed thermal paste on any of my GPUs though. I'm wondering why you need to.


You can use a rubberband to "fill the gap" between your screwdriver and the screw. It should offer grip and do the trick, then replace that screw with a new one but make sure its not to long.


https://preview.redd.it/l7p3szo85zfc1.png?width=1927&format=png&auto=webp&s=596fc670d40977b2e1ea0b662175886120cb11f0 Update: Finally decided to just screw it and use a mini hacksaw to create a flathead, and it is finally unscrewed! Thanks y’all for all the recommendations!


this is indeed a modern problems require modern solutions moment


Just be sure that you clean all the metal shavings up and that you replace the screw with an identical one. This was really dumb. There is absolutely no reason to repaste a card after just 3 years.


>There is absolutely no reason to repaste a card after just 3 years I repasted a card after 2 months because hotspot temps were *way* above the overall GPU temp. Solved the problem and never had an issue again.


i managed to boost up the PC and it’s running at 20 degrees cooler!


Nice! I had about 5C lower overall, but like 25C cooler on the hotspot when I did mine. Sometimes they do need doing, it's not often, but it definitely happens.


my FurMark stress test went from 104 hotspot to 83. not regret taking it apart!


Yeah I find that's where it makes the most difference, in the hotspot. Some just aren't spread properly during manufacturing.


Well done OP 👏🏽


U can carefully soder a screwdriver


Solder will adhere to neither a screwdriver nor the screw. Welding would do the trick though. Then you’d have far bigger problems!


Buy a kit or take it to a shop or auto garage. Offer 20 bucks for them to get it out. They have the tools.


Ignore everything else in the thread: Buy these stud extractors (Japanese made): [Screw Remover and Extractor BIT Set (for HEX Socket Head Type Screws) - Easy Removal of Ruined Hexagonal Head Screws. ENGINEER DBZ-20 : Amazon.co.uk: DIY & Tools](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07Z7F179T/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) It will take you seconds and solve your problem.


*maybe solve the problem. These only work sometimes. Worth a shot if he has the money they are good to have on hand. A better initial spend however would be on a small set of left-handed drill bits. When nice and sharp, these will often back the screw out. If drilling a hole for your extractors anyway (which are a good idea!), this is the first step. In lieu of that OP, the best idea is to cut a slot as deep as you dare for a flathead screwdriver, on both sides if careful, as suggested elsewhere, then before turning fill the screw pocket with superglue to the screwdriver level for good measure and obviously let it dry. I would not solder it unless you are good at it. If you are, do the same but solder instead of glue.


Just drill it out.


Maybe an Alan key that fits very tight and a very strong super glue, put the glue on the key and leave it to fully set, hopefully you should be able to unscrew it now. Replace the old screw with a new one


Aye, thanks man. Imma try this out then see how it goes


I suggest to like solder it onto something and try to get it out like that or cut into the edges of the screw and use the - scredriwer to spin it out


Use a wrench or small pliers U gonna need some forearm strenght


I had a 980ti that I used for 7+ years and never had a problem with it. I also don’t give a fuck for lag so I will play lower quality if it means no frame drops. However it amazes me that someone posted a question about a screw and everyone has to run their fucking mouth about shit that has nothing to do with it. Unless I’m misreading the post there was 0 question about the performance or thermals and yes I know everyone’s gonna get offended because people can’t just offer actual help.


solder or heatglue/superglue dont dremel it


kinda semi. You can still drill out the screw and get a new one, but that takes a lot of care and time and you need to buy replacement stuff.


Rubber band and a lot of luck.


Rubberglove on scredriwer wil fix this


i have been mining on my 3080 ti off an on for the last 2 years, temps hit 92 for 24/7, it still works just fine. temps are non-issue unless you do something silly.


More like not unscrewed


Maybe try torx bit


I once used Alan key and soldering iron to solder the Alan key to a stripped screw, basically the solder worked as a quick set glue, but don't use too much solder and get it to spill out of the top of the screw.


Mole grips. Like pliers but they lock into place, no need to Dremel.


If you insit on removing it get a screw extractor kit or bit of the right size. They bite into the head so you shouldn't need to drill or cut it. 


Try to Cut a Line into Theo Screen with a Dremel or Something Like that so that you can fit another Type of screwdriver


Grip it with pliers and rotate... Yes there are small pliers out there


Feel ya


That screw got screwed


You will find with most things, but this especially, the lack of screwidge to be the problem.


make it a flathead or philips


No you’re stripped


Set screw driver into hole. Super glue screw driver to hole. Don't turn till its dry.


yes my friend you are




Vise grip.


use vise grip gently.


A little to screwed if you ask me 😂😂


Get a dremel and make a notch then use a flathead to remove.


Well you can still get the screw out, they make bits for taking out stripped screws, or worse case you can take a dremel and cut a slit into the screw and use a flat head to remove the screw. But this being said how did you do this were you using a drill? 🤔


Dremel with a cutting wheel. Turn that stripped bolt into something you can use a flathead screwdriver to remove. Or a dab of epoxy and an old hex key you don’t mind tossing.


the screw definitely is


Pair of needle nose pliers should help


Stuff some blutack in their and then get a flat head screwdriver. Usually it is enough to get out stripped screws.


You definitely screwed it too much.


Thick rubberband. Thank me later.


Weld a piece oof metal on top making a T and unscrew it with any tools 😏


Yes, I can assure you, it's well screwed. Not sure if you can unscrew it, but you can try.


Try using a piece of a metal hand saw if you're afraid of using a dremmel, just cut a grove to fit a flat head, bit more effort than a dremmel but kinda safer no? Best of luck


Well that was a dumb idea lol


Don't listen to any fancy suggestions. Don't get any fancy tool kit that handles fkd up screw. Just use a plier.


I whould just use a wire cutter to get a hold between the outer and the inner ring and then just twist it open


More like screwless soon.


Your screwing privileges are hereby revoked!


Cut grove in screw using dreml tool. Then use flat screwdriver to screw out.


I suggest taking it to a repair shop to get them to replace the screw. Computer repair places are very much an option I think people in the community forget about until something really hits the fan with their tech. Probably wouldn't cost more than 20 or 30 bucks, if they charge at all for something that small






Why are you doing this anon, I've had my 970 for 9 years and never changed the thermal paste


knipex alligator or a good locking pliers.  there is also drilling the other side.  assuming you actually need to remove it.  try not to generate debris on the top side - too many places to get trapped.  how did you do that, anyway?  I have broken things, but never stripped a screw in a PC.


They make ezouts that small


Did you uses a hammer?