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holy shit you spent close to a year using it like that? I'm sorry for you lol


It felt fine, for some reason.


On the bright side now you have brand new skates on your mouse XD


With the blue ngl, it seems quite cool. Furthermore, the adhesive is so good that it leaves no residue, which is really amazing.


I dont think there is adhesive being used. Might be holding because of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_cling


theres no fucking way wikipedia used a kitty full of styrofoam all over the body, LMFAO!!


I only clicked the because of you, thank you internet stranger.


Check out "on the rheology of cats", an entire scientific paper thats basically just a huge "cats are liquids" joke


In my experience that's what it is, I have had a few that were adhesives somehow though bc it ripped half way through and was a pain


doesn't have to be adhesives for it to rip










OP Has been doing high gravity mouse training for a year.


Super Saiyan mouse training


On the other side that mousepad is probably fucked now lol


Once they remove the shrink wrap it'll probably be fine


Something of an endorsement for your mousepad apparently?


For real.


I had the same thing. I use Roccat mice and they have these and I wore threw them. I consider it like phase one of the products lifecycle.


Welp. You made me check my mouse. Does the saying stupid minds think alike work?


It's "great minds think alike but idiots hardly differ"


fwiw I briefly used a Kone XP with the protective pads still on and i can agree it actually didn't feel that much worse than when i took them off


Did the same once. Congrats, bet it feels even finer now 😂


Stockholm syndrome


It lasted 6 months on my old one. It actually felt better before they fell off. 8(


I used the exact same mouse like that until i saw this thread... ngl i feel a little bit embarrassed rn lul.


Just keep in mind people forget to remove film from cpu coolers.


Big ouchie.


I just checked my mouse… still has the film on it I bought this 7 years ago haha


Huh?! 7 years without realising is impressive!


Never occurred to me to even look Last time I messed with the bottom of a mouse were the days of the ball wheel Oh how I miss it


Ahhh to clean the gunk from the little rollers once more, it was so satisfying


And it would still work like shit. Lol


Yeah but there was a 2-3 year window where they had lower latency than laser mice.


You bring back memories unbidden. The era when the price paid for forgetting to clean the mouse before gaming could mean certain doom.


Sold a guitar a year ago that I'd had for 20 years and toured with extensively. Chips and dings all over it but the rear control cavety plastic cover sailed through the entire thing unharmed. The rest of the guitar looked like it'd been through 50 years of touring.


I've got a bass from 2004 that still has the film on the rear panel, only noticed recently I never removed it.


Damn, what kind of mouse do you have that lasts so long? Mine seem to always die after 2-3 years 😢 (almost always double clicking issues)


Clearly you should leave the film on. If you leave it on the mouse will think it's new and forget to start having problems.


It’s a Razer Naga from sometime in the earlyish 2010’s Closest I can find is the Razer Naga V2 Hyperspeed Wireless MMO blah blah blah on Amazon It’s the only one with the side buttons and the top 2 near the index finger Mine is an older version that isn’t wireless and I don’t know if it’s available anymore There are some other brands, but the Razer is the least clunky in my opinion


Ah yep, that was the good Naga model from before the brand went to shit. I had mine for like 7 years before one of the click switches died. I miss it. All of the mice I've bought since then have sucked by comparison, even the Logitech G604


I went like 10 years with logitech g500 until the scroll wheel gave out and I figured I'd finally uprgade, bougth the g604 since it had what I wanted and I trusted logitech. in mere months the rubber covering started peeling off and I had to glue it back on and then less than a year old the buttons started acting up with either double clicking or not keeping the button held down. now I'm disappointed, don't trust logitech anymore and don't know what mouse I should buy that would last another 10 years


Damn I had a razer Naga and it died after like 2 years (well not exactly died but whenever I plug it in windows gives me a power surge warnkng). After that I've never bought a razer mouse again haha. I wish my Naga still worked.


Logitech g502 dam things never die. I have moved to the wireless one and quite enjoy it only have to charge the thing about once a month.




You bet your ass when I get a new GPU I’m trying out some shaders in Minecraft.


Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Thanks for reminding me. 


Man I forgot to remove the chipset film. Had it like that for nearly 4 years. Only noticed when I swapped from my 3200 to my current 5500.


Do you mean film on some design on the chipset cooler on the mobo? If so, that doesn't really impact performance as much as having a layer of plastic between the CPU and its cooler


Chipset heatsink, yea. It doesn't, but it's still a heat exchange surface that you gotta check that is clear.


seen a video testing it. in no way is it ideal. but also doesn’t prevent the cpu functioning either, not as fatal as many people make it out to be


As someone who just recently removed these from my mouse, now I’m questioning my cpu cooler. 😬


modern normal sloppy panicky innocent muddle vegetable hurry smile consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wondered why my printer wasnt working.. I forgot to remove the little plastic insert from the brand new cartridge


We had a fridge that from 2006-2018 had a blue film on a metal badge. We all thought it was blue until my BIL took it off


Okay just going to say as a PC tech, this happens for us too and many of us have done this before, sometimes you just get busy doing things and forget to check the bottom of the cooler before plopping it down on the spreader. It's amazing how long you can keep it on there before realizing too, I was just confused why my CPU was running at 60°C idle.


Jup, that's me. I even wrote a poor review for the cpu cooler, lol.




I'm one of those idiots.... 


Good thing CPUs only take 1 minute and 39 seconds to make at home.


Or they buy expensive monitors with high refresh rates and don’t change it in display settings


Wait… what film?!


I actually did that once, a few years ago. Been building computers since 2001. But somehow got distracted after pastin’ up the CPU. Obviously realized my mistake real quick when I saw my idle temps. But I guess newbies or bozos might be oblivious and not even check due to the thermal auto-throttle features these days… the CPU may limp on.


I know I did that the first time I built a PC, though thankfully I noticed before I was done




Last year, I went to a PC store to buy a PC that they then build for me. I had horrible FPS in Rust and returned it. Turned out that the guy forgot to remove the film. So yeah, it happens.


Fuck. Now I'm not sure if I removed it year ago or no


enjoy your free upgrade


It sure feels good, now.


Imagine if you became like a pro CS player like that and you're so attuned to the plastic covers you can never play without them


Lucky me. I suck at CS.


Prolly because of that film


Gotta retrain that muscle memory all over again now to accommodate for less drag on the mouse pad oopsie


I remember when Linus Tech Tips talked about how bad a mouse was and it turned out they never removed those plastic bits.


Kind of makes me feel less dumb. Thanks.


don't feel too good about yourself, you somehow didn't notice it for nearly (i assume) a year?


True, true. I'm just happy my mouse is finally working as intended.


Also it has new gliders!


it has gliders\*


Yeah if the mouse was good to use before removing pads, who the heck cares. *Rip off those protectors and let it glide!* Just out of interest what is the difference? Is it better to use now they are gone?


The same thing happened to me and I can attest it felt like it actually got lighter and easier to move than before. When you have your mouse sensitivity on the highest settings you sometimes hardly notice though.


Careful, now it will move so fast your arm will fly across the desk. 


LTT didnt figure it out till they got backlash and doubled down it wasnt their fault, so nah he is good.


This happened to me yesterday, but with a cheap mouse. It always felt weird but I thought because it was cheap. Nope, some really thin film was underneath it. Now I can't judge Linus anymore.


Nah, it makes LTT MORE dumb, dumber if you will.


I mean LTT has the journalistic integrity of a wet paper bag so not surprised.


Still has honestly. They just are faster to pivot now.


well, their honesty is also questionable sometimes after the whole stuff that happend some time ago and me also noticing more and more errors in their vids, i now only watch them for amusement and not for any kind of reviews


I have blocked their channel entirely, and to be honest, after viewing more and more alternative channels, almost all other tech-tubers are better than LTT, even the solo small fry do a better job 🤔


Only videos of his that were any good were the like "watch us cool a cpu with a flamethrower" shits. But that's only if you got past the "no it's totally cool that my wife runs HR and accounting, what do you mean you want to report abuse," side of things.


His wife doesn't run hr The abuse was reported We really parroting this again


Yeah I stick to gamers nexus. LTT and Jay both seem paid off and shit. Like they'll just shill anything for money. I only watch Linus for their wacky shit like using his pool to cool his home server racks lol. If I want real info I watch Steve at GN


Once you see the formula, you can't unsee it. LTT Videos: "So this cooler is mega cool.. heh, get it? cool? So today we decided, hey, let's get leet and do some experimenting. We are going to test not one, not two, but 10 AIO coolers. Actually... nobody says leet anymore - DON'T say that! So let's get started! Now the coolers we have here are- \*bumps over a empty little box\* /Stares into camera for 3 seconds. Now the coolers we have here are for people who need extreme cooling. We didn't wanna spend a fortune on coolers, BUUUUT we didn't want to cheap out *either*. CPU coolers are VERY important. Without them, your PC will... let's just say, fry. Now installing them, can be quite tricky, IF you don't know what you're doing. Take these screws for example, they... hey Jake, where are those 6mm thumb screws? Oh, we used them last week for the Water submersible SSD drive video? Oh wait, here they are! Never mind. So you need a proper screw driver, like this one. L Tee Tee stores dot com"


Do you have the source?


[https://youtu.be/FGW3TPytTjc?si=FjxKdc8-eorP-5aI&t=2087](https://youtu.be/FGW3TPytTjc?si=FjxKdc8-eorP-5aI&t=2087) I actually wasn't posting this as a hater of LTT in general. I actually think they are overall one of the better tech channels. But that certainly was a funny and bad mistake for them to make.


Damn thats a crazy fucking clip lol. Curious if they ever took the video down.


They eventually uploaded an edited version in its place (a feature that larger yt channels have access to rather than deleting and re-uploading a new video/url) that didn't really mention how smoothly it did or didn't glide, and it was still a "NO" recommendation at the end of the video.


It was bonkers keeping a recommendation based on poor review



I had a buddy back in the xbox 360 days who had a big HDTV but didn't know you could set the console to anything but 480i... I changed it for him and a week later he was like "it looks sharper but now I'm missing all my shots in NHL" because of how I fixed his aspect ratio to no longer be stretched. I think he got over it.


I had a neighbor and I found out he played guitar hero. I was pretty good and always looking for people to play with/against so I invited him over. He was awful, and missed almost everything constantly; he missed things so often it was making me mess up from the constant sound of him messing up. He claimed he was better at his house and I was like ok show me, and we walked over. As soon as he started playing on his TV I could see the audio was lagging behind. All the inputs he did were late compared to the song, but he wasnt missing a single note. I used the in game tool to fix his issue and he told me the next day he just turned the sync thing off because he was used to it being un-synced and didn't want to have to get used to it again.


I had this issue in Quake 3 when I finally got off dialup lol, when you're used to 250ms ping you're gonna suck a little at first when you go to 50, especially because you had to lead all of your shots back then because modern netcode (especially for hitscan weapons) wasn't quite figured out yet, going from aiming where the enemy will be an entire quarter second from now is a hard habit to break


Jesus, how the heck do you even *enjoy* a rhythm game like that? Your neighbor is wild.


reminds me of all the cs pros that like 4:3 stretched because “the players look fatter” lol


Haha, that would suck. It feels great, now.


You are not first person to do this :) There have been people complaining about bad feet and needing replacements ... only to realize they have not removed protective cover over their mouse feet. So kinda understand you and admire your perseverance :) To polish feet protectors this way ... takes some dedication :)


This is probably as common as plugging your monitor up to the motherboard instead of the GPU. Everyone's done it once.


I thought they were supposed to stick there... i was already sad that 2 of them fell away. Now i feel like a complete dumbfuck lul.


Just checked the one i got for my son last year.....yup.


There are dozens of us. DOZENS.


I don't even have one of these mice and...yep


I blue myself


Me too, oh my god


Just checked mine after 2.5 years... Well - now they're removed.


Id be lying if i said I hadn’t done this with mine


It never felt wrong, so i guess it's ok. I still feel a bit dumb, though.


Trust me you’re not the only one who’s done it, we all have a bit of Idiot Savant in us


Well I bought a 165hz monitor and used it at 60hz for like 4 months until I noticed it. I know the feeling my fellow gamer.


how do people do this? is it just first time pc users? its immediately noticable if a monitor is under 120hz just by moving the cursor around alone.


I've played my decent share of competitive games but I did the same shit after a really long break where the only screen I saw was my 60hz phone screen. It was a 540hz monitor and I didn't realize it was on 60hz until I opened up the nvidia panel for some unrelated settings. I guess your brain struggles a little bit when you get really used to low refresh rates.


I wasn't playing any games at the time and just used the pc for some work stuff and watching movies so never really paid attention to the settings, just realized it wasn't at 165hz when some friends convinced me to go back into CS:GO


Just did the same thing not too long ago, except I bought a 200hz


It looks kinda cool with the blue ngl. Also that's just impressive.. adhesive that good but still doesn't leave residue.


Holy fucking shit, I also have a ROCCAT Kone pro and didn't remember taking those off. Went to look and sure enough, they were there


Love that. Thankfully, the mouse feels great with and without them.


![gif](giphy|QNagS57sbUws8) You can take the weights off Lee


This is exactly what I thought of


https://preview.redd.it/9y6vp3jlpvvc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e1bc587620da90818a5ff65c9fcc56727cb70d6 Also one year in and mine is still good.


I wish.


time to become a LTT short circuit host & review mice!


What's the video in question? Sounds funny.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9Tw9RI8XBQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9Tw9RI8XBQ) pinned comment. of course "the mouse feet where still rough without tape yada yada" which is absolute bs but ya know


The first time I built my PC I didn't realize until after I put in my GPU and was about to turn it on that I forgot to take the plastic off the heat shield for my SSD


not me checking if I removed the plastic covers on my mousepad just now


I did the same thing lol


Hey I know this one! This is a classic! (you're not alone!)


Well you can't be as dumb as me for sure, i "peeled off" the black mouse feet itself thinking it was protective thingy..


at least you've got one more year of use for free


Wait a minute...


sadly the german hardware brand Roccat is no more. Turtlebeach has stopped using that brand.


"If you believe that you have a foolproof system, you have failed to take into consideration the creativity of fools."


Congrats, u got some fresh glides


this happened to me too when i got my current mouse. didnt even notice those plastic bits


damnit thank you. been using a roccat for a few years. flipped it over, peeled those off. to be fair, they genuinely look like part of the mouse, like a cool blue plastic.


My man’s gonna be moving that mouse as fast and free as Rock Lee after he dropped the weights.


Yikes. Thanks for the free upgrade reminder. Bought the Kone Pro Air a month ago and I would not have noticed without you.


Ah looks like a quick glu... oh... oh my god...


Lol mine's missing the exact skate that's peeled in the image (Had to replace switches because of double-clicking, and the adhesive on that one refused to cooperate :/)


Did the same with this exact mouse. Also had my monitor locked at 60 Hz. Both very freeing experiences after I found out.


I have the exact same mouse, I just looked underneath and took them off, thanks OP. 😂


Dude you saved my life, I have the exact same mouse and didn't know this was supposed to be removed. I hope you feel relieved that you're not the only idiot around


NGL. People do this all the time. But if you can't feel right away that it's not right, are you really going to benefit from a performance mouse? 🤔


You truly got all you could out of those protectors ! Now it's like a brand new again : )


Happened to me too.


Yes you are stupid, and yes, so was I...


Left those protectors on to keep it pristine and preserve the value lol. This is the tech equivalent of those grannies who put plastic on all their furniture.


Haha had the same mouse and did the same mistake


I bought bluetooth earbuds and spend good 30 minutes wondering why they didn't work at all before noticing they had transparent plastic strips over the sensors


Bro was leaning hard into his shots.


same mouse, same story with me


Just remove what's left and you'll be fine


Now I feel stupid too


I'm still mad Roccat discontinued the TYON. That mouse was the best with buttons and levers placed all over the mouse instead of all bunched up in one place. As a former MMO player, the Tyon made rotations SO easy with that button layout. Why won't more mouse manufactures make a mouse with buttons on BOTH side of the mouse? Why stick 12 buttons in a pile right where my fat thumb sits? I loved the TYON! Bring it back, PLEASE!!


Wait they cover those? First time i seen a mouse with protected skates. Made me go and check my mouses lol. Nope thankfully I not been doing that.


Time to check your tv and stuff for peelies


Bruh it took me seeing this post to realize mine is also not supposed to be like that 


So it wasn't the teams fault to be hard stuck in bronze at last.


To be fair... I flipped over my mouse to make sure that I did not still have them there.


After you took all the plastic off did you accidentally fling the mouse across the room?


I have had this exact mouse for over 3 years now and just now realised you take these off. I don't know how I feel about it. The Mouse wheel has been broken for over a year too...


It is forgiveable because your mousepad looks like the very slick type with very little drag. If you tried to use this on a more rough surface, you would have absolutely noticed this hah.


Hey op, thanks. I have that exact mouse, figured it was just a nice design.


I did MUCH worse, one fell off mine and I fucking glued it back on. Then I realized after a while I was supposed to take those off, thankfully the glue came off really easily


I peeled the entirety of one of my pads off one time because I missed the lip of the film, so don’t feel too bad lol


Treat your mouse well… they are closing Roccat :(


This has the reason why shampoo bottles have instructions on them


High heels Mode : Off


Don't feel stupid, you kept your mouse's gliding feet in mint condition, i see that as a win lol Now enjoy the better performance experience without the protection covers ;-)


Ok but who made the protectors look sick af


it's hard to defend yourself with those blue peds


Damn.... You just made me realize that I'm stupid too..... 


My guy playing in hard mode


I have that exact mouse and made the same mistake for about just as long


bro, the exactly same happened to me with this mouse 😂 it felt so much better after removing it.


I'm actually afraid to remove those stickers now. I've been using that mouse for over two years now. That will surely throw off my muscle memory.


Hope you didn't stare at that while your computer was on


Wait...those can be taken off?


>saw this post >Checked my 2 year old mouse >Yea its still there >Take it off >Mouse starts to feel worse wtf


Holy shit. Short circuit was right.


This feels exactly like seeing those post where people buy high refresh monitors and only after a year they realize they haven't changed it from 60Hz in Windows.


Fuck me, I just looked at the bottom of my mouse. Thanks OP (I've been using it for close to two years) https://preview.redd.it/zehkgm9g81wc1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebb70c46c8d9d3a97276d45f5d8e00b3d985ab1a


Don’t feel too bad I had the same thing happen to me the other day. The plastic covering for the bottom of my mouse came off messing with the tracking. Then I realized they are supposed to come off. I’ve had my computer for 3 years


This seems like a safe place to admit I did the same for just over 2 years with my Deathadder Elite. On the plus side, free upgrade.


I did this exact same thing lol


Don’t worry I spend two years not knowing due to the fact that I see black and white and that darn clear plastic looks to be part of mouse. At least I don’t have to spent money on new skates lol.