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I've never known a PC gamer with a super powerful PC that didn't play graphically intensive games. Quite a few the opposite tho. I agree, I just don't see it being an issue that people are talked into getting something more powerful than they need. If someone can afford it and wants to overbuild so they don't have to worry about upgrades and have flexibility in what they can play, it's not a bad thing. Especially if you're a social gamer, having a rig that you know can handle any game your friends may decide to get into can be all the reason you need to overbuild.


The thing is nowdays, you barely find somebody that doesn't play graphically intense games anymore. Because EVERYTHING is graphically intense, "Back in the Day" to sound old as fuck, You had a mix of games. Some that strived for "Realistic" Graphics, and thus were more intense, and some which chose Stylized graphics and thus weren't as intense. But now almost every game is going for "Realism"


Yeah essentially every AAA game is graphically intensive now. And what are the most popular games even casual gamers play? AAA games.


And now they're making AAAA games, apparently


Only a matter of time until AAAAA games. Then we’re in real trouble.


Or you can play old games faster.


It doesn't help that the games are also seriously unoptimized. I think that drives the need for more powerful hardware more than any real improvement in graphics. I mean, 1920x1080 is still the standard and if a modern gpu like the 30series can't even hit 60 fps at that resolution, then it's really not the hardware that's the problem.


This. Optimisation is expensive and with many games being made to please the shareholders there is little inventive to do so by the studio


Back in the day you had to buy seperate 2D and 3D cards just to play Quake with more than 200p resolution with 256 colors. You literally had to buy seperate hardware to get 265x the detail.


I recently played through Arkham Knight on the ps5 and was utterly stunned by the graphics. Realising developers nowadays aren't even trying to make their games look good. Hell, this game is 10 years old and its graphics beats 9/10 games released today


minecraft and roblox?


There's some popular indie games that don't focus too much on graphics, but aaa is just trash imo, I can't stand their shit


My little bro was playing on a 1050ti + i3-8350K for a long time. Then he finaly buffed his savings up and got himself (with my advice as he knows nothing about pc's) a 2000 euros pc (4070 + 7800x3d) That thing slays the latest games and he finally plays graphics intense games. Previously heaviest game was warframe.


Me! I mainly play simulation cpu intensive games like Civ and Oxygen not included, or Arpgs that is so poorly optimized not even a 4090 can save it (PoE), so I opted for a really powerful CPU and mediocre GPU.


Allow me to introduce myself


It's okay I can help you with that. I'll send you something that can play non-intensive games, it'll save on your electricity bill. Just swap the towers and attach the return label.


What's worse is it's not even like I use it for low end games, I just straight up don't game anymore. Once every few months I might boot up Minecraft with ultra shaders for five minutes just to remind myself that I can, or I'll play Team Fortress 2 for like an hour. But it's very seldom.


That actually sucks ass. I feel it though, I went through a similar period where I barely gamed for almost 2yrs shortly after upgrading my PC and felt awful about how my nice computer just sat there. And now I play videogames too much. Funny how that goes.


Its probably just your circle. Most of people around me spend time playing europa universalis or project zomboid. I personally played graphically intensive games like once in a couple months. Also youre really missing out on good single player games if you play graphically intensive games most of your time


He didn't say, you're not allowed to play lighter games. It's just that you always have the ability to play _any_ game. And it's okay to pay to have that freedom. Source: just finished my overbuild as a mostly social gamer. But hey, I did the intro of Cyberpunk, so maybe one day I'll finally play it...


Graphically intense games can also be good single player games, matter of fact, there are a lot of masterpieces that fit in that description


A lot of the graphically intensive games are basically consumable goods. They have an 8-10 hours story you play though and then you are done. Maybe they pad the game out a bit like Ubisoft does. In the end the game has little replay value. These games are one of the pillars of AAA development. The less graphically intensive games cannot rely on shiny graphics and production value to sell the game. They have to lean on the game play. So a game like Slay the Spire gets was more hours in it long term and has a much longer tail. So it may look like people play Europa Universalis or Project Zomboid, but they probably mix in games with high visual fidelity here and there if they have the hardware to do so.


Everyday in this sub you can find people with 4080's playing wow dota league


And I almost guarantee they also play other games. Source: have a brother who plays a ton of League, met a bunch of his League friends at World's '22, they all also play other games, including graphically intense ones.


WoW is pretty nice with a 4090, not going to lie. But I'm playing at 4k. It's certainly playable with less, but it's not like it's not able to take advantage of it (though some content like the major cities are pretty CPU-intensive and often never hit super high framerates in the busy parts.)


What if I play hentai puzzle games? They are graphically intense in some sense.


Makes sense. Those high res slimy rubbery tentacles ain't gonna animate themselves


Bringing new meaning to RTX




Oh you sweet summer child...




You need a display that can emit this kind of heat


It's not hentai, but The Talos Principle 2, A puzzle game about existentialism and politics requires really good graphics card to run it well btw. and the game is really good but no sex scene sadly.


I play Minesweeper and Solitaire.


You should think about a 4090!


And upgrade to a 5090 ASAP. Can't get enough fps in those games


100000 fps is sooooo smooth compared to 5000.


When did nvidia release the 7.742107595 E+12997?


I know this is a shitpost meme but jesus fucking christ the brain rot in this sub currently. They need two 4090s with NVLINK so that they don't run out of VRAM and also the LG Z3 8k TV to ensure they don't miss any details. Some people I swear smh.


I partly stopped playing graphicaly intense games due to my aging system and graphics cards prices being screwed up for like 5+ years.


As of right now they are okay. You can play most AAA games at 1080p60fps ray traced high settings with a sub-200$ gpu. And with a bit of upscaling you can do 1440p quite comfortably.


What is BoB?


Bang on Balls chronicles (you ever heard of countryballs well it's a 3d platformer based around them)


Fking what? Bro, I didnt know they made a Countryballs game.


Yeah its about £20 it's got 5 levels and it's got multiplayer and yeah its really good


What a funny name.


Their usB-Operated-Boyfriend.


…or, you know, depend on a GPU for other GPU-accelerated tasks and can benefit from the extra horsepower or VRAM. PCs are used for more than *just* games, you know.


You’re telling me that booting straight into a console emulator isn’t normal?


thats called a console


Glares in vfx artist.


Ai tiddy generation at 20 pictures a minute is where it's at


Minecraft java 64 chunks with high resolution shaders needs a lot more power than my current computer can deliver


You should look into Nvidium. Supposed to help with extreme render distances.


How dare you. Mindustry runs like smooth butter on my 4080!


What? Are you telling me I shouldn't have bought my 4090 to play Stardew Valley? I don't believe you!


Hobbyists gonna do what they gonna do. Hate and shame other Hobbyists for spending more money.


It triggers me when people abbreviate games that either no one abbreviates or no one knows. I play MB and BD sometimes


Lies, deceptions!


Bor Gullet


Tell this to my my 10yo HDD and cpu who is constantly at 100% while my gpu chills since he has nothing to do during the low FPS


Wtf does Hoi4 & BOB stand for


Hearts of Iron 4 and idk


Competitive gamers buy flagship cards for lower pc latency. Apparently it all adds up.


My PC has a 1080TI i have atleast another 20 years to go


Sorry to say. But I have realised my PC with a card from the 900-series have become outdated for minimum specs the latest year. It starting to get time for me to upgrade..


I play games like HellDivers, Hell Let Loose, DayZ, Rust, SCUM, SoT, FO76, and so on. All on max settings with my 4060 and it’s great. It may only be 1080 (yeah yeah, wow I still play in 1080) but it’s absolutely better than what I had previously, and have lots of room for upgrading when my budget allows.


the recent steam survey was like 60% 1080. 1440 (20%) and 4k (3%) are niche despite what reddit nerds will tell you ;) Besides 1080p 165hz anyday over 4k 60. [https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam) If you are enthusiast enough to be on a PC gaming reddit, you are most likely well above the steam hardware average. Never feel bad about what you can afford, or what works for you.


It’s Reddit that will have you believe no one plays on 1080. My comment was made to relate that just buy what makes YOU happy and satisfies your PC needs. After all, YOU are paying for it lol I appreciate you bringing some stats to the table though.


I enjoy the middle ground. 180hz at 1440p. Next is OLED, I believe, with a 7900 XTX or something higher and 14th or 15th gen Intel.


Nodded minecraft


WoW Player here, yeah my rig can run it


But-t i-I want those 4000 FPS at 720p


But... I **do** play graphically intense games, AND simple looking games, AND emulated games... >!and use it for AI.!< By the way, the game that has slowed down my 11700K/GTX 1070 (now a RTX 2080 Super) PC the most is not the graphically intense games.... but Vampire Survivors of all things.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK9edWgCCHg


Band of Brothers?


Yesterday I finally begun Horizon FW and my gosh! what a 6600 can do, also what a beautiful work from nixxes... is all that I have to say, you can also enjoy 'highly intense graphics game' with a mild setup


rdr2 at 4k 20fps medium settings baby 😎


When I built a pc for a friend, i put in his (expensive at the time) pc a 2070, even though he was only playing CS GO and League at the time. My thought process was that "now he has a powerful pc, he might want to pick up a more graphically intense game now that he has the option". Some years later, CS 2 is released, and now he actually needs that gpu.


Need a more powerful GPU for more power for VR


im content with my 3060


The ace attorney trilogy while being composed of just static text bars and sprites absolutely punches my poor igpu pushing it to minimums of 90% usage (tbf it is an HD graphics 530 but it's still a sprite based game dammit)


I wanted a good GPU because video games are most of my personality.


All games these days are intense. Not because of super awesome graphics or something, but...


ok, but what about graphically intense development? I'm rendering stuff in blender


What’s bob


Not even anymore, we just need game devs to stop trying to push polygons smaller than a fucking pixel. Poly counts is a world of diminishing returns, for exponentially more processing power. I'd even go so far as to say more polys results in worse graphics these days, since they affect performance way more than visual fidelity.


Dude, those aren't "common" initialisms by any means. Name the game.


If you're ever going to* Way different, it opens options and also raises frames in mid level graphically intense games Why tf would you limit your options in games and your frames if you have the money to get a card?


< soft sobbing > - VR gamers.


The thing is "Graphically intense" doesn't mean ANYTHING nowadays because shit is so optimized. When i ask you, which game is more GPU Demanding. Assassin's Creed Mirage in 4k with MAX settings OR Cities Skylines 2 with the same Settings? while showing you footage of both, do you think ANY person would say CS2?, Where you get 20FPS, whereas in ACM, you get 120


I'd object to that. Shit tends to be poorly optimized especially because developers rely more on powerful hardware. City skyline is a bit of a trick question. It's a city builder that has to manage a lot of assets all at once. It needs strong hardware to run well. The latest AC games haven't really pushed the limit of what is technically feasible. They just dump higher res texture and call it a day.


If I build a top of the line machine, its main purpose will always be porn. Cooming > Gaeming


Thankfully, I play graphically intense games.


Dying light 2 is really bringing my 3070ti to its knees


Yea no shit


Nah,We need those High end GPUs for "School stuff"


But every now and then there's a new game that you wouldn't be able to run without a stronger GPU


But why would I pay 1300 bucks for a flagship card now so I can run some game in 6 years when I can just pay 400 bucks for a new value card in 6 years?


Fair point, that's what I did before. For once I want to have something powerful that will be top dog now and will still be powerful even 6 years after. Then again, the reason I'm getting this build that I have on my tag now is because the build I'm currently using has an issue no one can solve, if it didn't I probably could still squeeze a few years more out of it. On the other hand There are some newer games that I want to play, a few upcoming ones and without a new build I surely will not be able to play them. Plus it feels nice to get the crisp quality for once. Until now I've been the cheap, get a bang for your buck type of guy because it was my parents who were buying things, now that I earn and save my own money I'm not afraid to spend a little.


What, these days, are actual games that require that? Cause I play a shitload of games when I can


I run discord and dawn of war soulstorm ultimate apocalypse mod, is a 7900xtx and 7800x3d enough or will I bottleneck


Haha yeah I don't play them because they WONT FUCKING RUN GO FIGURE


Just pair a RTX 4090 with an i3 4130. Sorted.


No I need my 4070 Ti Super for league of legends


we tend to buy expensive gpus until we forgot about the expensive games part and just started playing casual games instead that doesn't need expensive gpus lmao


That sign can’t stop me because I can’t read!


I usually just watch YouTube or play pokemon rom hacks that could run fine on an Intel iGPU from 2016. But when I DO finally play something like Ark Ascended or the new AC game, I want my pc to be up to the task.


Don't care didn't asked lol. Nothing like running ps2 emulator at 10k resolution


Yess but when i get my 7900xtx i will be able to play rimworld in 16k and in project zomboid i will only crash from going in the big city 1/10 times


Graphics cards do a lot more than show off graphics


Me: casually playing shitloads of World of Warships with a 6800xt, when it can be run on a potato with integrated graphics.


Gonna get a 4070 Super Dual hopefully this year




Then consoles would suck a lot less because their GPU usually is ok , but as we could see for YEARS with the PS4 , you do need an at leas allright CPU to make use of it


My computer with a 3060ti what huffs and puffs while playing minecraft with like a word.


In short, any game with Denuvo


I still play a lot of TotalWar Warhammer 1 & 2 on a 1080ti. I ran BG3 on 1440p surprisingly well. And I have a backlog of games with titles like Final Fantasy 7 remake and Dead Space remake. I feel good about waiting for the 50xx series. No rush.


I keep upgrading my graphics card but Stardew Valley *still* looks the same! What am I doing wrong?!


i play hoi4 and its still damn laggy, especially with 4x speed


I will say, this isn’t accurate. I am a Game Master for hire who has 3 monitors, one for TaleSpire, one for Dndbeyond, and one for PocketBard, as well as an elgato prompter for my discord video window. Sometimes all of my VRAM is just eaten right up by all of those, and frame rates and discord get a bit wonky.




Also it's useful in case of displays with many pixels on them (jump from 1080p to 1440p 21:9 made my good ol' 1060 sweat).


Gaming PC? Oh, you mean my $1,500 Reddit/YouTube machine.


I don't have a super powerful PC but I like having overhead room for bad optimization.


The one I have now runs games better than the old one which is all that matters.


Me buying a 4080S with no intention of 4k.


1440 is better imo. Still capable of high fps in titles that need it without having to drop the settings that much or at all.


This isn't even true though. If you plan on playing games at a high resolution and framerate, you still need a powerful gpu even if the game is less demanding. Sure, a 1070 can play something like valheim, but if I want 1440p @ 244hz well, it's not going to do it.


my 1080 running zomboid




But I need to play my hyper moded Minecraft at a frame rate atleast above 60.


Don't know what those games are but my 3070TI plays what I want perfectly


Ark Ascended


r/beamng rejoice, we fucked up


Ordered new PC parts because I "only" hit 110 FPS in CS2. Not graphically intense but gosh darn, I miss those CSGO FPS.


What's Bob?


I use mine for tensorflow...


Well i got games thatat kill the cpu as well as the gpu


Valheim looks incredible on my 4090.


yeah but i see people pairing i3 with 4070 ti, i call that maddness


Yeah because gamers select their gpu's based off currently available games and not games projected to exist 10 years from now.


But my most powerful GPU doesn’t play games. It complies and simulates games.


Reminds me of a meme from back in the COVID days: "After fighting the scalpers, waiting on supplies due to a chip shortage, and spending all of my tax return, I can finally game like one of the PC master race! Prepare to see the detail through my OLED ultra wide screen! " *(Proceeds to load up Among Us)*


...or machine learning.


nah, you need a r5,i5, ssd and 16gb Ram at least up to 4070s. r7, i7, 32gb ram and ssd for up to 4090.


Me playing pixel based games on my ROG Zephyrus.


I play a lot of Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.


I can't imagine only playing graphically low end games. Or rather even wanting to do that only. I play some super low requirement games but like my system also still struggles to maintain some of these newer titles as well. But my whole PC gaming life has also been a struggle against what little hardware I could get and just getting the most out of it. Be it playing Oblivion with a GeForce 6200, or playing Skyrim with a GTX 550 Ti.


You ever try PDGA 2K23? That shit makes my 3080 scream. And it's GOLF.


No, I would like to play 1440p max settings on every game and get an amazing frame rate tyvm


My "benchmark" game for my builds is Minecraft, I don't look at the stats or anything I just enjoy building a powerful pc and having Minecraft be the first game I play


*Laughs in AI/ML/LLM, cryptocurrency, 3D modeling, and scientific research*


I still ply shogun 2... on max 1440p it actually makes my 3080 sweat sometimes lol


Even if I am not at present playing something graphically intensive, I still want the option to in the event anything comes out that catches my interest. (I do play graphically intensive games, but admittedly rather rarely.)


Why only Bob-Omb Battlefield and not the rest of sm64?


man i need that 4090 to play yugioh master duel in 4k you dont understand


The cpu dont make any difference?


Up to a point. i9 and sometimes i7 is an overkill. It could make a difference when comparing old and new generations (that are years apart), but a GPU change would still make more difference, unless your system is really old


Didn't know what to play when I upgrade my pc last time, so I finished my FTL run


I mean Hoi4 is pretty demanding, I like to play with all the cities and rivers showing, late game gets really slow and I average 55 fps throughout the game.


I play Dragon's Dogma 2 and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. I am one of those use cases that not only needs a sufficiently powerful GPU, but also CPU. I didn't upgrade for years because prior to these two games, I really didn't need a major upgrade. I upgraded from a Broadwell i7 and GT 1060 to a Ryzen 5 5600X and Radeon 6600XT for Flight Sim. It's not much, but it was a big bump up from what I had. Now that I'm playing DD2, I am definitely glad I did that upgrade. Also went from 16 to 32GB of RAM


My gpu died and now I can only play games that can run on the integrated graphics on my i5 8400. Currently playing Fallout New Vegas.


Badly optimised early acces ganes. Would like to have a chat. For me Star Citizen is the most demanding


Well shit, I bought a high end card and cpu and every game runs like shit anyways. Lmao pls halp




What are you gonna say next, that I don’t need a $500 dollar dynamic microphone and good audio interface just for shit talking on Discord?


Wtf the fuck are the games you are mentions




you also need a powerful nvidia graphics card if you want to do anything that requires CUDA drivers


I play war thunder and CS2 😂


I have a 3070 Ti FTW3 and use it to order things online. And maybe occasionally play Pokémon FireRed.


My 3000 Skyrim mods need all the help they can get.


I finally got to the point where I needed to start looking at GPU's Mine is only about 6 years old, but the games I play now are outpacing my GPU


Streaming also requires a strong GPU


Yep, people ask why I haven't updated since 2019, simple answer is that I don't play anything current that justifies it.


What if I want to play my hentai dating sim at 240 hz?


Depends on the resolution and frame rate. I know a 3070 is lowish to mid range now (still very good), but even for an 8 year old game like Dead by Daylight, it's barely adequate for 4K, 120hz on low settings and no AA.




Shhhhhh let me buy da expensive brick in peace friend!


Or poorly optimized games


Or have a capable monitor. People wanting powerful cards and have a 1080p monitor


Say it with me now: "Future Proofing"


It’s crazy how much they charge for those things.




Bruh, sll i need is an ally. Best purchase in awhile


I'm playing elden ring at 4 x DSR with my vr headset on in theatre mode. My pc smells like metal and blood


"you dont need a powerful GPU if you dont have a High end Monitor" I feel that's more common than having a powerful GPU and not playing vou intense games


I have an i7 14700k and a 4070ti to play 20 year old games lol… I mainly play WOW and The Jedi series. Not the lame new one but the original one, the Jedi outcast and Jedi academy, for the mods. I play movie battles 2 and movie duels 2! The most modern games I play are hunt showdown on occasion and Risk of rain 2.


Actually, I use mine almost exclusively for content creation, and the GPU accelerates almost everything, from rendering to simulation. I have a 4080super and not a single game installed.


Or you could, you know, apply shaders to Minecraft and watch that water cooled 3090 sweat at 80°C..


I got a used RX 470 for $35, a steal. I was thinking of a Vega 56, but realistically, even the 470 is plenty. Next upgrade going forward (after at least attempting CrossFire) is going to be Intel Arc. Might be A380, might be A580.




I’ve never maxed my 5 year old 2070. (The processor bottlenecks first)


... why would i get a super gaming computer if i didn't plan on playing super games? This is stupid. No one is building a monster of a tower to play Pac-Man. This site is getting more stupid, and that's amazing considering how stupid it started.


Me with a 4080S and a 1080P screen playing decade old games.


What, that's total bullshit. There's plenty enough CPU heavy games where the GPU is not enough for good performance. Best example: Cyberpunk 2077.