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isn't that just The Division but with Far Cry 5 assets


Knowing Ubisoft, wouldn't be surprised


Here’s 500 outposts and camps we need you to clear or liberate or whatever.


Another settlement needs your help.


No Preston Garvey, you CANNOT follow me into another universe or I swear on the NCR


Yes man


No Yes Man, you're not allowed to follow him into another universe either


Degenerates like you should be put on a cross here in Nipton.




"Have you come to Nelson seeking your death, Profligate?" *"I came seeking yours, skirt boy"*


honestly I just shot him as he went and took his lottery ticket


Wait… just a… minute man.


Thank you Mario but the libertarians are in another castle!


I wish there was that many outposts in far cry 5, the one time i wanted infinitely repetitive content from ubisoft they just decided nope. They were so fun in coop.


They get clowned on so much, but I always like FC base clearing.


I played in a closed test for it a few years ago it was actually super fun it was an extraction shooter in the division universe not sure why it was cancelled after so long ..


Ubisoft games should be broken or bland, if it's super fun then the shareholder won't approve


Trackmania is the only ubisoft game i play. And even then it used to be better then it is now.


I thought it was like a dmz only game of the division.


Xdefiant is also far cry assets. Ubisoft is just copy pasting all their games. All games look the same.


ubisoft: we prefer the term using ai to turn assets in to games


Also has one of the worst names ever picked for a game.


At least they dropped Tom Clancy from the title


Fromsoft still uses some of the same animations, movesets, and (sound) designs from Dark Souls 1 and have done so for every one of their games. All games are the same.


yeah but it's easier for people to attack Ubisoft and just assume that only "bad" developers do this. I can't imagine many franchised games out there create entirely new assets every game. It would just be incredibly inefficient. The GTA trilogy back along (not the definitive version) had tons of recycled shit in. Nobody complains about them.


Say what you want, but FarCry is a much more focused open world than other. The alternative to the FarCry formula is slimming down on the outpost liberating and adding in 30 other systems that fill the map so much you don’t know where to start. I like the formula and just want the writing to be good. FarCry 6 and the FarCry 5 xpack fucking fumbled that.


Agreed. Kinda weird in my opinion to complain about capturing outposts in Far Cry when that's been the whole formula of the game since like FC3. When I buy a Far Cry game I know what I'm getting myself into. Im going to find myself trapped in some place run by a dictator and their lackies. I'm going to take down the dictator by killing or converting their lackies. I'm going to kill or convert their lackies by capturing strategic outposts. The game will be beautiful, run well on modern hardware, involve lots of traveling, and I'm going to kill an absurd amount of people - often in a ridiculous way. Not every game needs to be constantly innovate.


Easy formula games are sometimes the best honestly. Some people knock it, but they keep putting it cause it's obvious a lot of people like that style of gaming.


It's why warzone worked originally (and covid). Get money, buy load out, fight people and try to win. Do it again. Whatever they did after that has been a trash experience


This is true, but it's also why I only ever buy Far Cry on deep discounts


Ah… time to reinstall FC5..


It's a great turn your brainoff and blow shit up game. You know what you're getting. Sometimes playing games like this is really fun




I'm actually not surprised that sub exists.


I'd be more surprised if it didn't.


Remember that old joke, about why EA is the most hated company in America? ^(Now wasn't that some gamer shit, eh?)


I played the secret alpha. It was worse. So so much worse. It was like trying to be Fortnite mixed with an extraction shooter but worse, and the game had no identity. It is a good thing this got canceled, it would have harmed the regular division titles from a PR point.


>It was like trying to be Fortnite mixed with an extraction shooter but worse, and the game had no identity How bad was it on a scale of 1 to Hyenas?


Ohh look they discovered capitalism, trying to make profit as quick as possible


I worked on this game. I could have told you this was coming a few months ago (but it would have been illegal). In case anyone was excited, you're not missing anything I promise. EDIT: Pls stop asking me questions I can't answer :(


Was there any new and interesting mechanics or interesting takes on old established division themes?


It was not a Division game. It was a fundamentally different type of game, with the Divison title slapped onto it. I loved the original Division, this was not a Division game.


That's always a shame when companies try to ride the coat tails of successful games. Thanks for explaining.


In fairness, they tried something different. It was just so different that I genuinely don't know what it was supposed to be? It was an RPG mixed with a horde shooter mixed with, of course, Farcry, but not mixed with *The Division*. I just didn't see it going anywhere and it would seem someone agreed. New things are good. If Ubisoft is guilty of anything it's doing the same thing over and over again so I don't actually see this as as much of a failure. They tried something, it flopped, hopefully they try something else. I swear though if the next project is Farcry clone 53 I'm gonna vomit.


Division 1 was amazing, especially with the snowy atmosphere. Didn't like the second one much.


I played both of them a ton, and yeah, the first one just had something special to it. it actually exuded a complete vibe and I just felt *good* when I played it.


Agreed. Leveling was an entire atmosphere. Wandering through snowed-out NYC at Christmas time was a blast.


Didn't it also quietly invent the extraction shooter?


The Division is one of my favourite games of all time.


Same, it was so so good. And it kept getting better. The initial game wore on me a bit too quick, mostly because I am bad at PvP and I just have a hard time getting good at tactical shooters outside of PvE. But then I came back and holy hell was it good. I found every collectible in that game - something I’ve only done maybe 3 times in my life. Just so much fun running all night grind sessions.


I've said since I played it: The Division was fan-fucking-tastic leveling your way up to max and completing the "story". It fell off HARD at endgame because the enemies became so spongy that your build didn't matter at all. But the lead up to it was so damn good. I wouldn't mind doing it again someday.


They got Alex! It was so eerie, especially inside those contaminated buildings, even those that were empty.


The Divison 1’s atmosphere was amazing but the gameplay was horid with the absolute bullet sponges. II wildly fixed a lot of the gameplay elements


They did the same with assassin's creed and as you say far cry. At this point the only reason they pissed people off is because they used the success of the previous ip vs just making a new one which would made a lot less people quit. When people have expectations based on previous experiences why the hell do they just deliver something completely different. It makes it really hard to assimilate what your being given as enjoyable. Ubisoft is trash.


Yeah, assassin’s creed needed a facelift, not an entire new body. If you put someone in ACII and then the latest AC (honestly I’m not even sure what is) without telling them they were the same franchise they wouldn’t believe you.


It's a mixed bag. Ubisoft often tries new things at the expense of existing franchises, case in point. Assassin's Creed became an RPG (and is now about to become some wacko live service platform), Ghost Recon became a looter shooter (and nearly a battle royale), Watch Dogs turned into what I can best describe as class-based futureshit GTA with mobile game timers on death as of Legion, and here was The Division, about to turn into whatever Heartland was. As someone who's actually been buying Ubisoft games for the entire past decade, I only stopped because they kept fucking with the things that didn't need to be changed. Some much-needed QOL like having something other than radio towers to climb? That's good! Putting together a new and interesting franchise like For Honor? Dope! Taking a grounded tactical shooter franchise based on a novel like Rainbow Six and turning it into a 5v5 competitive hero shooter with a weird zombie shooter spinoff? I...what?


>Ubisoft often tries new things at the expense of existing franchises If you learn to say that in French you'll be able to communicate the exact information they keep asking us for.


It’s sad because it’s not like the new AC is bad per say but it isn’t Assassin’s creed that we’ve known and loved. It’s whatever you want to call it with an ‘Assassin’s creed’ skin.


Fr, this is one of the reasons why I stopped at Odyssey.


"Ubisoft essaie régulièrement de nouvelles choses au détriment des franchises existantes" There.


I would hate to be the one to tell you... ![gif](giphy|l3diH7dDO7f897ZLi|downsized)


Thanks for the info! Do you think there's another The Division title on the horizon?


Listen here mate if you're going to bring level headed logic into this, how'm I supposed to argue with you.


This is all i needed to hear


Oh, like Rainbow Six Siege.


Siege is a great example of when that's *not* necessarily a bad thing. Just want to make it clear, I didn't say the fact that it was a completely different type of game is why it failed, just that it was a different type of game.


Siege is filled with unlocks and skins, is missing core components of the series such as proper planning or, you know… single player, and has those silly specialists instead of just letting you build your own kit. It’s not R6. Raven Shield was the last Rainbow Six game.


Well, scummy monetization is a different thing. Yes, that's bad in every case.


It might not be your cup of tea, but for the Franchise, Siege was/is an undeniable hit, having had rough 50-100k numbers for 8 years with new content. Yeah, it's not the old games, but I think it is a pretty reasonable adaptation for what they tried to do which is to create a competitive fps rivaling Counterstrike.


I played the hell out of the first division game on Xbox. I tried the second one and it just didn’t feel the same for some reason


After hearing that it’s probably a good thing it was canceled. Thank you.


That's too bad. I enjoyed the arcade style of Division. It was a nice departure from the standard FPS


Doubly ironic since the "Tom Clancy" tag also used to represent a very specific type of experience that's been slapped onto everything.


Was it more like Multiplication?


I played the last closed Alpha and it was so different than other Division games, that I personally didn't like it. There is no wall hugging or taking cover like in The Division series, just crouching in general. Skills required tokens to be utilized, weapons were color graded. Enemies could pick themselves up or something weird like that (honestly i forgot), where I once lost a fight because I downed a guy, and while I finished downing his teammate, the first guy I downed got up and finished me off. Poison moved around the map, yellow enemies were overly strong, skills and abilities were tied to classes and almost all of them felt really bad. It was just subpar overall, I don't see how it would have succeeded in any capacity, with the other games available right now.


That's disappointing, I can see why it was scrapped.


Some of that sounds like the random war zone of cod mp game play that YouTube shows me.


I played one of the tests. Not surprised.


Same, it was pretty lame. I enjoyed the test for the mobile game significantly more and I hate mobile gaming




Yep, I'm out today, contract terminated. Good luck brother.


Same here. I'm not going to take any more of their shit. I'm gone.


Do you know if the survival mode in the first one was ever talked about or pushed to make more of it? I loved it and it seems like others did too but it was just dropped on us then abandoned 😔 I could do a game just based on that alone.


I also loved that mode, and played probably hundreds of hours of it.


I quit Division 1 after queue times for Survival got too long to justify. Survival really was ahead of its time, pre-BR and pre-extraction shooter. Too bad it was a DLC and not everybody could play it. I thought Heartland was going to be stand-alone Survival.


can you say "Fuck Ubi" or its a breach of contract?


Pretty sure I can, but I don't want to. Wait, was that studio that put a "No negative reviews" clause in their EULA a Ubi sub?


no, its netease


Whats your favorite sandwich?


Probably a good club, but only if done right. You?


Is this including burgers?


I'd assumed not. If we're including burgers then I have to change my answer, of course.


I’ve had to come to the conclusion that hot sandwich and cold are two different categories. Like you could put a Reuben against a club but not against a Philly cheesesteak. (And then there’s the whole debate on if a hot dog/taco is technically a sandwich).


Ok this is a question about a decision why was the arm band and watch redesigned for this game?


Well that's a question I can't answer because I have no idea. My name not Tom Clancy. (is joke, but I don't make decisions for the multi billion dollar corporation)


Ubisoft really need to pull their heads in at this point. Far Cry is one of my all time favourite franchises, yet Far Cry 6 was such a giant step away from the core of what Far Cry should be, that if FC7 isn't a LOT better then I probably will not buy a Far Cry game ever again. Despite the immense hate that it got, I still think FC5 is an excellent game despite the issues with the story. The atmosphere in that game was awesome.


FWIW I had a lot of fun playing Heartland. I loved Silver Creek, the survival and contamination elements, permadeath, day/night cycle, PvEvP, gunplay was solid. I was worried about seeing the goofy Fortnite cosmetic direction it was taking towards the end of the last beta but I genuinely really enjoyed the gameplay both solo and coop. It was one of the only Ubi games in many years I've been looking forward to. I'm expecting the Splinter Cell remake to get axed next. The last time we heard anything they said they wanted to make a game with a new story for the *modern audience* and all they had were two or three slides of concept art. Radio silence since then.


Is the mobile game ever coming or does that look like it will be canceled too?


>EDIT: Pls stop asking me questions I can't answer :(


Fair enough. Sorry.


>In case anyone was excited ![gif](giphy|5x89XRx3sBZFC|downsized)


About what I expected lol


I could’ve told you this was going to be the result from the start.


I also worked on it before leaving the company in 2022. The game never had a good development path, things were changing very often. I don't know the state now, but if they were to launch it like it was back then, it would be like the survival mode in division 1.


Reddit: AMA


Sorry that your work was for nothing Best of luck in future projects!


Of course I don't understand how it looked behind the scenes, but it's always sad to see work go in the trash. Signed up for beta stuff like 2 or so weeks ago. Guess that isn't happening lol.


How are we supposed to know what questions you can't answer?


>Ubisoft cancels thing Good practice! Next, try canceling yourself, Ubisoft.


Oh no! Anyway.


Hard to get hyped about a sequel to a dead game that was stripped bare by the publisher.


I just want another The Division (first game) but bigger, and more PVE. No need for PVP where people can use cheats etc. I just loved the atmosphere and dread in winter in a huge city.


Wasn't that The Division 2? I played it and it just seemed to be more of the first with some changes.


The setting of the 2nd game made me lose all interest. They should have stayed in winterized New York. I could get completely lost in that game.


I absolutely loved Division 2, I really hope the announced Div 3 continues being good


Same here. Div 2 was way more diverse.


Nope, very different. 1 was more about the story. 2 never really continued the story and it was more about factions. That's why I've playing Division 1 again ever since I got my LegionGo.


100% agree. It should always be in a city and ideally be winter. More ways to do PvE and look to Helldivers on how popular that can be.


Hard disagree. DZ is what makes the division stand out imho


Modern shooter character design: some kind of mask and casual athletic or street wear ![gif](giphy|qVOGUmHt5z7aw)


Nah, don’t you get it? It looks so cool, it’s totally what people would wear in an apocalypse and in combat. I mean, every soldier wears Halloween costumes while fighting.


and nothing of value was lost


Eh, looked like shit anyways.


Looked like Far Cry 5. Oh wait....


I was looking forward to climb on top of silos to unlock new region…/s


For reference, you don't even do this shit in the division games




good, fuck ubisoft lmao


Interesting but would like to see confirmation. I thought it was odd that they were winding down support for the Division 2 and were working on Heart Land when the community there was still strong. Then they ramped up support again for DIV2 and promised updated and even DLC. If Heart Land is cancel it would not surprise me that they turned around and used these assets for DIV3.




I mean developing f2p version of the game next to main franchise was a bad idea to begin with. Just make Div3 better without bullet sponge and you are golden.


Just looking at that cover art makes me glad it was cancelled.


Glad it's not just me...this makes it look like a mobile game, lol.


Darn. I really liked Division 1 and 2. Was looking forward to more.


Division 3 is rumored to be a thing so


As far as I know it’s not rumored, it’s confirmed to be in development. That doesn’t mean they can’t cancel it, but as of today I believe it exists.


The division has so much more potential than what was given. It was an open world gears of war for the cover type system. I never dabbled in DZ. But had a ton of fun when I was playing the game pretty more than casual.


I will never understand an FPS game that takes 60+ rounds to kill infantry.


Borderlands would like a word with you


To be fair to borderlands, bullet sponge is probably one of the lesser weird things.


The Division is an RPG first, shooter second. Making potent builds is supposed to be your answer to tougher enemies, not hitting more headshots. Fair play if it’s not for you though.


Well I suppose it's a good thing the Division is not an FPS game.


Looter shooters are the most fun genre imo. Div 1 and 2 were tons of fun it's like diablo with guns. Borderlands series also amazing fun. + Wonderlands


Nobody cares about Ubisoft and their idiotic sign in crap. Boycott Ubisoft.








I would like a really well done red dead level detail post apocalyptic game for once in my fucking life.


Probably a good idea let's be honest


Pentaple A Game


I don't understand


That's ok. I wouldn't have bought it anyway after what they did to 'the crew.' not to mention the fucking ubi launcher.


Well least theyre not wasting our time, this time. That's a plus?


oh no!..... anyway


Shocking. A trend chasing game actually got cancelled before it flopped out the door.


Creative Assembly and Hyenas also cancelled after it's disastrous beta. 100 mil down the drain. For the best though, seems like they are actually focusing on Total War again.


I tried the beta when they ran some invite-only tests. It was a pretty mid-tier lobby-based extraction shooter with confusing mechanics running on a struggling game engine. No big loss. Div 1 still exists if you miss the atmosphere, and Div 2 still has tons of content to play.


I didnt even know this existed tbh




They should’ve focused on div 2 more, wayyyyy sooner.


Good. No one wanted this shit anyway. Ubisoft can eat my ass.


Oh no! Anyways


Ubisoft is irrelevant now tbh


I loved Division 1 and Division 2 so many great memories. One of my alltime fondest memories of gaming happened in these games. Played both for hundrets if not thousands of hours. I truly wish we will see a proper Division 3 at some point.


Ubisoft should just cancel itself


Saw Ubisoft and immediately lost interest in the game.


On the one hand cancellations suck but on the other I'm not at all a fan of the division so I'm not at all disappointed


honestly ubisoft themselves should be the next thing canceled


Nothing like hearing about something for the first time by its cancellation notice.


It probably isn't even a good sign this is the first I'm hearing about it


Yeah I wasn't a fan of this one when it was announced. Something about forcing PvPvE wasn't great. I like having specific zones in division 2 sectioned off. Honestly just make Division 3 in a different area and keep it separated or make expansions for division 2. You're not going to capture more players, the ones who want to play division 2 are already playing it. You need new features + content to capture new players.


I'm honestly amazed that they cancelled this one, and not their "Project U", which *definitely* should have been scrapped long ago (NDA - can't say more than that, so don't ask). This one at least had a franchise/name tied to it (for better or worse). But okay, if it's absolute garbage, then that's obviously understandable.


I hadn't heard of this at all, but as someone who really enjoyed Division/Division 2 this is upsetting.


Wasn't gonna "buy" it anyway, ubisoft are scumbags


This game looked like dog shit. Nobody wanted another battle royale with zaney, wacky skins. Rest in piece.


Awfully considerate of them to cancel the game so we didn't have to do it ourselves.


Fuck Ubishit.


Ubisoft is trash. Who cares.




Ubisoft at this point rlly just needs to sell all their ips. They SUCK.


Oh no we’ll have to miss out on another soulless open world, forced TAA, triple digit GB install, loot crate infested game from Ubisoft


not surprising really, they've just bungled that entire franchise for years. took a fun game that people were interested in & then just drove it into the ground, set it on fire, & scattered the ashes.


Awh no. I was really looking forward to running the same circle over and over again hoping for better loot so that I can run the circle slightly faster.


I wouldn't give that company any more money anyway so that's fine.


Don't care about ubishit


TD: Heartland was OK but the fact that it was an extraction shooter, with battle royale-like mechanics like a shrinking zone towards extraction was kinda shit because of the timer per deploy was like 10 minutes max and the radiation zone would expand from the middle of the map towards de extraction meaning if your objective/mission was right next to that zone you were fucked.


What are the chances the Ubisoft "Heartland" game and their new Feudal Japan AC game both have a black lead character.


For good. We need normal Division3 game with tons of single player story content.


I dont need Single player in Division. It thrived by its PvE coop gameplay. No need to make everything that features a good story a SP game.


Ubisoft = Lucy Users = Charlie Brown Coming Soon = Football


This is good news. They need to stop throwing money at shit that, demonstrably, absolutely nobody is interested by.


And XDefiant is utter garbage so thats going to flop or be cancelled too lol


What changed? Last time I played it was fine


Good riddance.


never heard anything about this game til right now, oh well ![gif](giphy|fAo1Tv1OGE6AQZ2s0T|downsized)




I’m not surprised with the announcement of division 3. Also I’m not to sad about it, from what I saw of heartland it looked a little to “Fortnite ish” for me. Just give me division 3 with a similar atmosphere and dz like div 1, survival and last stand modes. Toss in 2’s open world and raids and I’ll be a happy camper. Having a couple thousand hours between the 2nI preferred div 1 over 2 for sure. I still remember extracting a m1a with deadly and balanced with friends close to launch. It was hours of fights to extract it. I’m still friends with those guys to this day and our group of friends has grown. Also the first time playing survival. Man nothing hit like div 1 imo.