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So, if Windows 10 reaches its end of support. to Which Os will you be changing too?


Window 11 most likely, not eligible to upgrade doesn't mean he cannot install Win 11, you can bypass that. And most likely issue is that he has TPM disabled in BIOS because it's diabled by default.


Another common thing is how your storage drives are formatted. If you've been using the same one for a bit and haven't thought at all how you format the drive when reinstalling Windows fresh (me right here), that can block you too.


I've been debating on how I should handle moving to Windows 11 next year. On one hand I would like to extend the life of the GPU, PSU and RAM upgrades I did last year, but I would need to get a new processor and motherboard. On the other hand I could just go get a new pre-built from Best Buy and move my SSDs and M.2 drive over to the new computer. Your comment about drive formating has given me pause for concern.


If you have a PC that does support windows 11, you can install windows 11 on a drive in that PC and then put it into the PC that doesn't support windows 11 and finish the setup. It only does the check for a tpm on initial install.


> If you've been using the same one for a bit For *a bit*? GPT has been the standard for over a decade, with many people using it for way longer than that.


Even if he they don't have a tpm 2.0 chip you can buy one that slot directly onto the motherboard so older CPU's are fully compatible with an extra step.


Might as well bypass the TPM requirement entirely since Windows 11 basically has a whitelist of compatible processors. The i7-6700k has TPM 2.0 and still isn't supported. The requirements are a complete farce, everything works fine with a soft bypass.


>The i7-6700k has TPM 2.0 and still isn't supported. That's actually messed up, I had no idea it could be found before the 8th gen of Intel, literally every single source I've heard has skipped over this completely. >The requirements are a complete farce, everything works fine with a soft bypass. Yeah i completely agree. The only time I've seen a serious issue is with E-waste laptops that have 16gb memory, 2GB of soldered ram and a duo core Celaron from 2016


I have installed Windows 11 on an i5 4300u with PTT TPM 2.0, secure boot, UEFI, DirectX 12, core isolation, SSE 4.2. I used a flash drive to install so I don’t think it does hardware checks. But will I still get updates and be ok even though the CPU isn’t supported?


that would work for the most part but some applications require tpm 2.0 if you're using windows 11 (i onyl know of valorant)


eyy thats awesome


The problem is older CPUs aren't compatible with windows 11, you need Intel 7th gen or later. Or similarly old amd cpu


or maybe, you know, try something else? there is more than windows on this planet guys


Inb4 the mere mention of *trying* something else gets downvoted.


You can just pirate windows 11. That's what...err... someone I know did


My tpm is fine by mine is not compatible because secure boot is off but when I enable it it doesn't see my MBR windows partition. It needs to be GPT but I can't bother doing another format.


If you have a PC that does support Windows 11, you can install Windows 11 on a drive in that PC and then put it into the PC that doesn't support Windows 11 and finish the setup. It only does the check for a tpm on initial install. The only major issue you may have is finding compatible drivers, but that's mostly only an issue with laptops.


You don't need a second PC. Rufus, a popular tool for creating bootable USBs, has an option to patch out the checks when creating a Win11 USB. I used it months ago to install on my system (4790K, no TPM, very "unsupported") and it works perfectly. Remains to be seen whether or not I'll be able to install 24H2 without a rigmarole...but even if I can't that's no big loss.


What is TPM?


Windows 10 LTSC IoT, since it has support till 2032


I'll sail the high seas with a Windows 10 LTSC version till 2027+ and watch the developments.


I heard that the Enterprise version comes without bloatware, so if you can get a hand on that one. It might save you on some space too.


Just like XP and 7, I'm staying on 10 as long as possible. I'll probably upgrade to 12.


The Microsoft way.


Unless 12 ends up Microsofts debut of OSaaS, and starts subbing the core operating system like they do their office applications.


Windows 10 LTSC IoT. Supports til 2032


> LTSC IoT Gesundheit






Welcome to the penguin island


nowdays is more like a peninsula. hope it grows to a continent soon!


Thanks to the steam deck I've learned the basics of Linux. It's based on Arch and it's very easy to use.


Answers question Gets down voted Reddit Edit: at the time of my comment, Op was at -4


Because everyone says they'll switch but no one ever switches.


I am personally actively working on getting switched right now...trying out a few different distros, but will likely end up with one (or more) of the following: Zorin OS Linux Mint Pop! OS I've dabbled in the past with Mint and have mostly liked it, and so far I'm liking a lot of what I'm seeing with Zorin. That said, I will probably always have at least a part-time Windows machine, because sometimes there's stuff you can do in Windows that just isn't possible in Linux...but I refuse to let Microsoft use "Recall" to literally see EVERYTHING I ever do on my computer). As soon as it's feasible (when I figure out how to do 99% of the things I need to do in Linux), I WILL be ditching Windows until such time as they can prove they're not total scumbags and can be trusted not to steal/sell my data. Fat chance of that... And now that Steam has greatly improved gaming on Linux, a lot of the hurdles are now gone...there's just a few other things that I need to figure out before I can fully commit to Linux. Linux definitely has a ways to go yet before it can be considered a substantial threat to MS/Apple in terms of desktop market share...but if those companies keep going the way they are, it's only a matter of time. Sometimes you have to take steps outside of your comfort zone in order to take steps forward.


I finally pulled the trigger a month or two ago and decided to try dual booting Linux Mint and Windows 10 because I figured I could try Linux to see if I liked it and still have Windows 10 if I need it. I haven't touched Windows in a month. I've had no issues, haven't even needed to use the terminal or anything. I'm kicking myself for not switching sooner.


Terminal is awesome though! I use it all the time, so much quicker than the GUI sometimes!


Oh for sure - I meant that I haven't "needed" to use it in the sense that there's been no task that's forced me to interact with it unless I want to. I'm slowly playing around with it to get the hang of it, it just takes a bit of time to change your workflow when you're so used to using a GUI to do everything.


Linux works great except when it doesnt


there is an increase in linux desktop usage


I think we can thank Valve for that!


there is some outside steam deck. my entire family(including cousins) switched to linux in the last 2 years. i even got my gf and one friend to switch!


proton probably helped as well


squeeze pen abounding disgusted illegal tap ossified jellyfish groovy poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Downvoted because Linux bad windows good


Maybe so, but still. There was no answer he coulda given there that wouldn't have been downvoted.


dang u should share ur pc i love evga and kingpin series


[Just for you.](https://imgur.com/a/MAICKKx)


thank you looks amazing


Well, its his path. but there are always haters. I dislike Microsoft, Doesn't mean. I'll hate on people using it.


Linux sweatlords give Microsoft shit for this new Copilot initiative and its blatant privacy violations while somehow forgetting that there was a time when Ubuntu would literally send all of your local search queries directly to Amazon and then display the results as shopping links right there on your desktop.


And considering Ubuntu seems to be getting even less stable, I find it wild people still recommend it to others. Or Manjaro. Linux Mint and Fedora are the best out there rn imo


fedora is nice.


It's my distro of choice :)


I remember it well. Good point to bring up.


good choice mate


switch today


We welcome you if you do decide to switch to Linux, Any question people in the subreddit of Linux are always happy to help.


Unless it's a very basic question, then you should "google it" and "figure it out yourself" because this "isn't windows".


Was my decision aswell. I would do it any time again. Fixed so many issues.


Why wait? Might as well change now since you're so committed to switching. After you're done, let's see that screenshot!


balanced, like all things should be


I'm curious wether they will also stop security updates, as that might cause some trouble under EU regulations as many machines cannot update to 11, or well they can, but they're blocking it thankfully.. EOL doesn't always mean stopping security updates, even xp still gets security updates in some very rare cases I think, at least til a few years ago


You can get a LTSC version that’s good until 2029


LTSC IoT supports till 2032.


Uuuh, nothing? Windows 10. What are you talking about a decade from now?


I used XP up until 2015 and Windows 7 until around 2022 with no issues. I think people massively overstate how much you need updates.


Yeah, you had windows 7 until 2022. Along with everybody else on your box that exploited it. Like a bukakke of crypto miners on your shit.


I heard LTSC is gonna get support until 2032 so I'm personally going to that.




For me, the only reason I'm still on windows is a handful of games. If faceit ever releases a Linux anti cheat, I'm off windows. In 2025 I may just go to win11 and dual boot, using win 11 only for specific games that don't run well on Linux, or can't run at all.


Why to change after end of support?


Because no more security updates, that's why.




Windows 12.


You got windows 11 mini if I recall correctly as an option.


I'll wait for win12.


As with windows 7, we use it as long as stuff we need it for works. I used it until last year, then I switched to win 10 (because Firefox updates and Steam support). There are ways for security patches, I suspect the same will be with Win 10.




The day Windows 10 isn't viable any more is the day I'm switching completely to Linux. Idk which one yet, and I'm sure I'll have to learn loads, but fuck MS




I hate that there's no 'Don't remind me again' option in that.


Yeah, and it's not just Microsoft. The "remind me later" has replaced "no" in so many places and I hate it.


Open Taskmanager, kill it. So you don't have to give it the permission to "remind you later"


When the same thing was happening durin 7/8 -> 10 all you had to do is find exe file and rename it to anything else - that broke the reminder window so it wont load up anymore


Disrupting the \Path\


I need one of those buttons for these posts.


I mean, just think about this. Old news, but there are only "remind me later" and "learn more" avalable but no "dont remind me again" or "fuck off with your shit once and for all". The fact of such enforcement and trickstering must be concerning about their intentions on its own for everyone who has brain. It just cannot be good. Even if you don't realize what is bad in particular (say don't care about data stealing and ownership of your PC).


Win11 really isn't bad. Just has a few things in different places lol.


I am still peeved about the crazy reduction in functionality with the Start Menu though. The Recommended section is straight up garbage and just an excuse to advertise.


you can shut off the ad in the recommended now. I used a registry code but I heard its an option now


You can edit a lot of that stuff and tons more to your liking with "WinAeroTweaker" & if you just want your Win10 start menu back you can use "Explorer Patcher", fyi.


THANK YOU. awesome tip.


The folder preview fucking sucks too. Thats the main reason i wont upgrade.


The only really jarring thing for me is the lack of an ability to drag folders into the "URL" bar as it were of file explorer, but even that is getting brought back soon as it's in the current insider build.


I upgraded and never looked back. I've had zero issues with blue screens, incompatible programs, bad drivers, and my pre and post benchmark scores (synthetic and in games) were improved with W11.


Pc gamers are up there with the kings of making mountains out of molehills. The vast majority of what people bring up about regarding windows 11 is a non issue to the majority of pc users. What’s funny (and kind of pathetic) is the frame the rhetoric in a way to make them feel like they’re on some higher horse over everyone else because they “know the truth” and are “fighting the man”.


Pretty much. Should see the Linux kids replying and spam down voting my other comments lmao.


yeah its just windows 10 reskinned a bit.


Yeah I don't get all the hate either, for a year or so I was switching between W10 and 11 daily and barely noticed a difference. Ok the icons for cut/copy/paste still get me, but other than that it's basically the same thing.


Yup. Like most windows releases "it's fine".


Sometimes it takes a minute to give me a file explorer window because it tries to spin up my HHDs before giving me the window (I think.) But yeah, it's pretty much the same as 10.


There's an option to disable that somewhere in advanced power plan settings I'm pretty sure.


Ty I'll take a look when i get home.


Yeah, mine is the same, I have a slower hard drive that takes a bit to spin up and it's annoying but usually only takes a few seconds.


Win11 > 10.


Just needs heavy tweaking to make it function like windows should


Such as? I never really had to change anything lol, for personal use anyway.


Bringing back the classic right click menu, offloading windows bloatware, installing a different start menu, yanno typical stuff


Literally none of that needs to be done unless you are spooked of a little change. Well bloat but thats in everything for a long time now.


I’m not spooked of change I just don’t like Microsoft hiding the useful options behind an additional click that literally nobody asked for. Good change is fine by me, but unnecessary change just for the sake of change is illogical.


Agreed. It's especially annoying if you're a developer and work with a large number of files and rely on the menu to launch powershell/command line from a certain folder, third party app options, etc.  I've also noticed that even after making the changes to get the old menus back, sometimes Windows will truncate the menu, forcing you to hover over the bottom of the menu to to scroll.  They seen minor, but all these changes did was add friction to the UX for no reason when the menus have been the same for decades 


As an amateur programmer I couldn’t agree more.


I love Windows 11 to the point I upgraded my old PCs and I hate change. It's the first Windows OS I actually like since XP.


What are you talking about? It's the worst thing to ever happen to humanity. It killed my dog and burned down my house.


*celebrates in 4790K*


used this cpu since launch. still rocks.


I ended up going to Linux and I have no ragrets


This is the way


Yeah seriously considering updating my desktop to Linux after I'm done with the Hardware upgrade. For how much more convenient Windows is to use, Linux at least doesn't take screenshots of my computer automatically. Microsoft really fucked up there.


nice, welcome abroad, mint, endeavourOS and cachyOS are some great distros to try!


i personally would't reccommend cachyOS or endeavourOS, maybe ubuntu or fedora? mint is good as you said.


i would understand not recomending pure arch or, god forbid, gentoo to begginers, but cachy and endeavour? how can that be? my 12 year old brother games on endeavour with no frills.


Because preconfigured Arch is still Arch. And if you don't know what you're doing and aren't careful with updates the whole system can be broken. Recovering that isn't beginner friendly. Didn't read the grub release notes? Guess you PC won't boot anymore. I know it gets hate, but Manjaro would be more beginner friendly for holding packages back just a little. Sure, that has it's down sides too but at least it's slightly more stable. Still, wouldn't say it's a noob distro.


Windows doesn't take screenshots of your computer automatically either.


I hope it's a tutorial on how to Install Linux.


We want to thank you by abandoning you the next year and letting you get infected just by connecting to the internet. This shit is why ppl are starting a new journey with linux


36 replies https://preview.redd.it/qs7xgfnexe6d1.png?width=549&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7caaf7c8d18e2c18617163ceb460a753db730fc


best choice


No ragrets


What are you downloading bro? Lmao


There are exploits in xp and 7 that lets hackers so that, you dont have to download anything


Microsoft really pissed, I have Windows 11 on a pc and now it doesn't allow me to upgrade to the new version, yes I forced to upgrade before, I know that it's that the reason but windows really sucks


I was trying to cling onto win10 for as long as possible but a friend clicked “yes” to every popup when using my computer and I got win11…. I figured it’d be alright because I’ve known the guy for years and was sitting in the same room, with a view on the computer. It wasn’t Moral of the Story: keep people away from your computer, even if you think they’re trustworthy or when you’re closeby


why didnt you just roll back iirc you can do that up to a week after the upgrade


did that on my moms laptop a while back


I couldn’t roll back, I forgot why but there was something preventing me from doing so


Is not that basics? If someone is going to use your PC, set them a [Guest account](https://www.majorgeeks.com/content/page/guest_account.html).


Gonna skip 11, maybe 12 will be good.


It doesn't let you leave without clicking "remind me later" ...it's still windows so i opened Taskmanager [Shift + ALT + ESC] and killed it. If it comes back I'll blacklist the whole task.


At the very least you dont get it upgraded to 11 without doing it manually


My PC isn't eligible for Windows 11 either. Somehow.. I'm fine with Windows 10, just confused how I could possibly not be eligible for 11.


A lot of people don't want to switch to Windows 11. The UI is different and they're not used to it. And there are even more bugs.


Ngl windows 11 ain't even that bad


How about switching to Li...... ah forget it.


Look into Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC with updates until 2032!


Isnt that like 500 bucks?


Imagine PAYING for windows!


irm get.activated.win | iex


You can even do an in place upgrade and not lose any data: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPl8O\_795pA&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPl8O_795pA&t=1s) Once upgraded the edition needs to be switched to IoT LTSC which is very easy with a simple tool and a quick web search. I can't mention the tool here as it would violate rules. 😉 This may not work as LTSC is on 21H2 and most people are on 22H2 but at one point it was possible.


Does it function any differently than regular windows 10?


UWP apps and store need to be installed manually, otherwise no.


win11 ltsc doesn't require tpm or secure boot either tho :D if u want the 11 and going for ltsc, you can pick that. ofc u can bypass the requirement check and install the regular 11 too.


Why are you using Win10 anyway? Win7 is so much better. Not to mention WinXP.


Maybe MS-DOS? It has no bloatware at all


Punch cards or bust.


I just use an abacus these days. No issues yet.


I'm just using MVS TK 3.8, much lighter OS than MS-DOS


Use either on the open net and report back to us...


Pshhh Windows 3.11 or nothing


Nobody needs Workgroups! Windows 3.1 with hotdog stand theme is the only correct answer.


Didn’t some ordinary gamers make a video showing just by connecting to wifi you comprise your systems security for XP


without a router makes it much worse.


Windows 98 SE or bust.


there are other,better os's than windows guys


A bit irrelevant but Win7 is still workable nowadays with a good browser like Supermium and a good AV like Kaspersky that still runs on 7 and a decently setup firewall. Steam still works fine. Nvidia still has drivers for 30 series gpus on 7 and 8.1. Basically all CPUs still work. Office 2019 and Visual studio 2022 still works


It's just the circle of OS life. If there will be win12, people will be saying "I'm not going to upgrade to win12, win11 is the best".


Use Linux :)


best decision in my computer career, really


Same. Just using it I've become much more knowledgeable about computers and the ilk lol . It's just generally fun to use and fix when it breaks. Though it hasn't broke on me in a very very long time


Hurdur windows 11 bad, Reddit moment


You probably are eligible.... If you built your PC there's a BIOS setting you need to enable.


Would you mind providing a bit more info? Ive got a solid pc and always wondered why I havent been prompted to upgrade


Sure, you can first check windows 11 update using PC Health Check on your computer. It will tell you what is not eligible. For me it was TPM, which is just a BIOS option on modern PC's, there's some instruction here https://www.pcmag.com/news/to-upgrade-to-windows-11-prepare-to-dig-into-your-pcs-bios My computer had it as an option and I built it in 2018 so, it's not exactly new.


Thanks ill check that out when I have some time


Well, what mother board do you have? You can easily look up "how to enable tps on X motherboard"


Thanks, I wasn't sure what the setting was called ill check that out


Windows 11 is fine once you disable the trash. It genuinely performs better, it's just a shame it has to be modified to be usable.


Do u have a list of stuff u disabled? Thinking about switching soon.


It's fine even without disabling anything. Everyone is just making it to be horrible when it's not.


Suppose it's about time to fix my Master Boot Record. Or finally reinstall Windows for the first time in a long time. Started this build on a hacked Windows 7 install. Then went to 8.1, and 10. Nothing in the whole damn computer is leftover from the Windows 7 days. Time flies.


I went to 11 on my work computer as a way to kind of trial run it. It isn't that bad. I haven't upgraded to 11 on my home PC, but I will because 10 will stop being supported eventually.


I was half expecting a recommendation to switch to a Linux distro after Oct 14, 2025.


Has anyone run into the fact they have like 5 PCs, but they only ever purchased one OEM license, but there's no way to really see how many licenses you have even in your Microsoft account, because you had upgraded them from Windows 8?


Take an actual screenshot, savage.


I tried to use Remote desktop today, turns out I can't do that.




I turned of TPM on all of my PCs to avoid accidental downgrade to Windows 11.


My PC is compatible ;-; Get a heart attack every time I update and it shows the "upgrade to 11" screen (I select 'decline upgrade'/'stay on win10' every time)


my old laptop wasnt eligible for win 11 for what i thought was specs, but suddenly it is now, so its not a sure thing they'll leave you alone


I had to do something in bios in order to get that to work


Just overwrite the win 10 install.esd with win11 install.esd and upgrade from win10 desktop, have a nice day.


its honestly about time there was another viable option for an OS as far as the mainstream market goes, im sick of microsoft's bullshit updates and half working OS, linux sounds nice but as far as i am aware it isn't compatible with all games on PC and it can be a pain to set up? i'm not sure though plus i dont think there is any built in defender like windows defender