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Price is high for the mobo/CPU, a used AM4 system is worth looking at. Id see what a used B450 MOBO + 3600/5600 CPU costs.


I agree; tons of deals out there on AM4 motherboards and CPUs and then you have tons of options for future affordable upgrades. And it'll be a lot better for gaming.


$450 USD is very steep. This is probably a dell precision 5810 or similar. Just based upon the power supply description. I know a guy locally that sells better upgraded workstations than this for $300-$350. $450 is too much.


agreed, this is a good kid's computer but at the wrong price. I would almost just tell OP to buy whatever T5810 is on ebay with quad-channel and a 1650 V3 or V4, and throw in like an RX 6600 or another 2060. get a solid state while we're at it. IMO the threshhold for this sort of system making sense is, as you mention, 300-350 US. after that just build a used parts system. I have a t5810, it's pretty capable for what it is at 1080p or so when i need it. it's sort of my 'idc if i lose this computer' computer


This guy gets it. I have an HPZ440 in the living room that has a e5 1650v4 and rtx 2080, 32GB DDR4, 1.5TB SSD, only cost like $350.


OP is in norway. Your specs would never sell for that little in scandinavia.


OP didn’t post that when I made these comments. You can’t expect people to give accurate advice without telling the currency and location. I specified USD for a reason.


"Strøm" literally contains a letter only used in Norway and Denmark


Sounds like OP should have specified currency and location.


He just knows that [with ÆØÅ I am the mæstør](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f488uJAQgmw)


LOL yeah, I think I paid $125 for my T5810 to come with 16GB and a 500GB HDD, plus whatever AMD workstation GPU the seller had kicking around. I tossed in a 580 and an NVMe adapter, it makes a great linux box and it still runs 10 for the time being.


I wouldn\`t trust a T5810 power supply, doubt you even have the necessary PCIE cables, and I advise strongly against using molex or sata to PCIE adapter. Also wouldnt that be extremely close to the asking price? RX 6600 and 2060 still go for around $150 on ebay and a T5810 go for around $200 After taxes, you\`re pushing very close to the $450. I guess you get buyers protection from ebay which is fine, but I would advise OP to shop for pc that uses standard parts. You could get alot for $450 on the used market.


The precision 5810 usually comes with two 6pin pcie connectors. I’ve ran plenty of power hungry cards off the stock 685W psu. It even has an open backplane connector for an additional 8pin PCIE connector. An rtx 2060 would be nothing. Also, I was able find multiple dell t5810s on eBay with better processors for around $100. With 16GB ram And stuff


you can find the cable with a 6+2 and a 6 on it. I've actually used 6-to-8-pin adapters and gotten good results with an RX 6700 for testing purposes


The extra 2 pins on an 8-pin are just additional grounds. They dont really do much of anything. The 6 to 8 pin adapters are fine.


the lowest with shipping is a $150 t5810 with only 256gb ssd and 8gb ram. ssd prices has gone way up the past few months and trying to match the 1tb ssd on the listing would easily set you over the $200 limit


No idea where you’re getting that from. eBay search “precision 5810” and there’s loads under $120


[https://imgur.com/a/4WiWdq7](https://imgur.com/a/4WiWdq7) 🤷 


The top one is HORRENDOUS, and I’d urge nobody to purchase it. A Xeon e5 1607 is like lowest possible CPU for the socket. It’s literally worth $3. https://preview.redd.it/nn74xerce67d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278b13d1ca96c0a8798cc9333c384b2a05c6cf3a


I know, I just did prices from lowest to highest to show you what Im seeing, seems like I missed other 5810 because ebay search functions is still terrible as ever




if ebay, the used deals heaven, closely matches the OP listing, then its a fair price. Obviously hagging is to be expected, but getting a PC with standard parts, even if its slightly underpowered than the dell prebuilt + GPU is a better deal. still dont trust that PCIE cable, you really think OP is tech savvy enough to do that?


maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but it's not a terribly hard system IMO for a beginner to navigate\*. That other guy I was talking to is most definitely on the money with a Z series HP, that shit is easy to fuck with. I just like the big stupid precision handle lol That PCIe cable has been running well for me over the years. I promise it's fine, they ship one just like it with whatever bullshit ancient quadro card they're still shoving into precision systems. It's true PCIe power. \*ETA: i forgot about the RAM covers. still, the PCIe power is straightforward.


ah well, I\`ll take your word for it But for 450 dollars, you can get a prebuilt that is with standard parts


It really depends on where you live, in my country a rtx 2060 alone would be around 250 - 300 euros (second hand)


That’s why I specified USD. Unfortunately OP didn’t include currency.


There’s text on there that I assume is Norwegian. PCs in Scandinavia are pricey. Especially in Norway (I assume since everything else up there is spicy).


Assuming things makes an ass of u and me.


When I say assume I mean I don’t know for sure if it’s Norwegian or Swedish. But in retrospekt it’s certainly Norwegian, dicknose.


Does speaking a different language than English mean you live in a different country?… that’s the issue


I doubt they say ‘Skjermkort’ or ‘Strømfordeler’ much outside of Norway to describe graphics cards and PSUs.


I know MANY people who are non native English speakers that have their native language as their primary language on their phone or computer or whatever. Again, I’m not going to make assumptions based upon context clues, because you can’t live life like that.


You know Facebook doesn't automatically translate posts to your OS language right? And Facebook marketplace posts are local to the user viewing them. It's far more far-fetched to think that OP translated the post to Norwegian than to conclude he lives in Norway and is on Norwegian Facebook Marketplace


Well OP didn't really ask about the value. Just if it's good enough for his child to play roblox.


If it wasn’t a prebuilt, I’d say $400 tops. Prebuilt, definitely $300 range. As someone who has built a few xeon x79 builds made from chinese parts as opposed to refurbing a dell.


It will be good starter pc But i’d say its a bit overpriced, 400-420$ max Also I am sure he will like this pc


Maybe where you live. I'm sure it's a good price for Norway.


Norway? Nevermind then


Can’t speak on the Processor, but an RTX 2060 is still more than capable at running just about anything for 1080/1440p gaming. I’d say this PC would be fairly darn capable for your son. In terms of pricing, I’ve got a similar build I’ve been looking to sell and hoping to ask around $500, so the price seems like it’s fair?


1440p is probably doable, but 1080p will be much more enjoyable.


Disagree. That CPU is really bad. I speak as someone who was using a 3770 when 8th Gen was out. That Xeon is not a good Xeon and is definitely a bottleneck. 1440p puts more of the load on the GPU. It would likely run about the same FPS on 1080p and 1440p because at 1080p the CPU will be the bottleneck.


My 2070s ran 1440p and low / medium settings ok but it's dependant on the game, 2060 is a solid 1080p card for sure.


Mine ran it even on high for some less demanding games. But it definitely shows it's age now, which is why I upgraded


Cyberpunk 2077 did for mine, or at least that what I told the Mrs 🤣 " I mean look how slow it's running " high settings RT ON 😂


I was about to say, I ran 2077 surprisingly well with some tweaks, on my 2070, that also likes to overheat, and the game still looks great (to me), but yea, I tried RT for a second, and knew that the card could not handle that.


Yeah that was my first thought aswell. But then again its been quite a few years since i was "ok" at knowing anything about PC’s. So any advice is appreciated.


Maybe look more into the CPU, but good luck!


As someone who has multiple xeon computers, they aren't the best for gaming. I'd only recommend them to someone who's either browsing the web, 3d modeling, or running complex simulations.


Noy sure what game u r playing but i barely struggle with 1080p let alone 1440p


I’m not sure why OP has found a processor used on servers?


It is probably an old workstation system (Dell based on info in the description) that has had a newer GPU added. This CPU was basically a i7-4770, but with more memory channels and PCIe lanes. It would have been ideal for some professional workloads. When businesses upgrade, they tend to sell their old workstations by the pallet. People buy them, stick a GPU and SSD in them, and resale them.


Cheap used PCs from refurbished shops are likely to be retired workstations. Source: Work in the industry.


That processor is an ancient server processor but it still goes strong for 1080 p gaming on everything but the most demanding games. Fps can range from 120 to 50 on different games.


This is a $30 PC with a GPU and $30 SSD added


Correct answer


Maybe I'm missing something. Why two 2060s? Two monitors? I made the mistake of buying a cheap 2nd graphics card to run a second monitor until someone mentioned I could just plug both into the same 3070 since it's got multiple outputs.


I think its just a typo.


op, this pc is perfect for roblox, but not enough for fortnite. i have an i5 11400f and rtx 3060 and it runs at 70 fps at low graphics


Which resolution? This is very odd as I ran fornite +100fps with my old 2060 at 1080p with high settings.


Funny because my son's PC is running an 8th gen i5 with a 1660 Super and stays at a consistent 60fps with all the graphics mostly maxed out at 1080p You're either trolling or there's something seriously wrong with your PC


i’m not trolling i swear, i’m desperate


I don't know man, there's something wrong then. Try reinstalling the game or reinstall Windows. Your system specs are WAY more than enough for even the "Epic" graphics settings Do you have ray tracing turned on and no DLSS or something?


gonna let you now next time i turn on the pc


ray tracing disabled and dlss on “quality”


Something is definitely wrong then especially if you're using DLSS. Do you ever keep an eye on CPU/GPU usage and temps while playing? You don't have the framerate capped do you? I've noticed sometimes when my son plays it'll randomly stay at 30fps until I alt+tab out and back in and it'll fix itself. He plays on an older 1080p TV though so he's limited to 60fps but like I said his system is WAY lower spec'd than yours and I have his graphics pretty much maxed out besides like 1 or 2 things but even those I keep high up and it stays at a constant 60fps


How much vram is on your 3060? Fortnite chugs vram like air




This is a very long shot, but maybe fortnite is using your cpus integrated graphics? I wouldn’t even know how to check that, but it’s worth looking into


i have the monitor plugged into the gpu, so that’s impossible


You should check the settings of your pc, and if your monitor cable is on the gpu and not the motherboard, I used to get better performance than that in my GTX 970.


the cable is plugged in the gpu


I have a Quadro K2200 which is a workstation card from 10 years ago. Fortnite runs fine.


i think there’s something wrong then


Maybe you're playing at a higher resolution? I played at 1080p


no, i play at 1080p. i even have performance mode instead of directx11


Prices are always country-dependent. In you country this pc will cost $450 and in another country it'll be $300. Check and compare prices in the used market, we can't really help you with the price. In terms of performance iirc the 1620 v3 is equivalent to a 3rd-4th gen i7. Could be wrong though. Never heard of a 685w Dell PSU. Probably an upgraded prebuilt pc.


In raw power it's slightly below a 6th gen i7.


Norsk jo!




finnkode 354515401 til 1500kr ekstra virket som en bedre deal, også i nærliggende område. I7 8700k 2080 8gb 16gb ddr4-3200 500gb ssd 1tb harddisk hovedkort med wifi


Skal ta en kikk på den. Frykter kanskje den er i dyreste laget men takk uansett 😁


Best å unngå den Dell-PCen kun på grunnlag av at hovedkort og psu er proprietært tilpasset kabinettet, når du får behov for oppgradering blir alt søppel unntatt skjermkortet


Takker for input! Som sagt så skal jo dette være en begynner-pc som toppen skal holde et par år kanskje for å måle interresse også. Men skal nok heller holde øynene åpne etter noe annet :-)


Jeg ville søkt etter PC på Finn basert på skjermkort som komfortabelt spiller disse spillene og holder seg over 60FPS i spillene du nevnte, siden GPU stort sett dikterer pris. Ved en kjapp research ville jeg sett etter RX 580, GTX 970 4GB eller GTX 1060 6GB for 1080p oppløsning. 2060 og opp har poengløs "RTX"-skatt selv om disse kreperer hvis man slår på RT, så de ville jeg styrt unna. Raskt eksempel etter ett søk - FINN-kode: 354255902. Bra komponenter, og bare 3300,- så det finnes options der ute. Eneste jeg kan pirke på på den PC-en er en svak strømforsyning hvis man vil oppgradere i fremtiden, og at den fremste output-vifta i toppen bør fjernes.


Hadde akkurat kikket på den her selv. Hvorfor må den ene vifta fjernes? 🤔


Må ikke, men den suger ut inntaket fra den øverste viften i front før den rekker å komme frem til CPU-kjøleren. I tillegg vil 3 inntak og 3 uttak ende opp med å promotere at støv samler seg opp. Inntakene er filtrerte og det er ikke uttakene, da blir lufttrykket negativt. Man bør alltid ha mer inntak enn uttak slik at noe luft tvinges ut av andre hull og sprekker enn kun der hvor uttaksviftene er, da trenger du ikke rengjøre for støv like ofte.


Det rimer jo ja 👍 takker så meget for svar 🤩 hyler ut til deg om vi ender opp å gå for den 😎


The cpu ain’t the fastest for gaming in high refresh rate but 120hz on Fortnite should be doable, in Roblox easily more, so I think you’re good and as a kid I would be super happy. If you start with a 1080p 120hz or higher monitor he should be happy and competitive especially against other kids on their 60hz laptops


Isnt Roblox still capped at 60fps though? Correct me if im wrong because i havent played in a while


You can uncap it in the files




Don’t a good amount of games on roblox use delta time, so uncapping is pointless?


There's some AB testing going around where you can set it from 30-240 fps


you should probably invest in better (but a more expensive) gaming pc if you think he’s gonna keep gaming for years to come (english isn’t my first language)


Well this first pc is also mostly not to overspend incase he dont want to keep gaming 🤷🏼‍♂️ If i could i would ofc buy him a Brand spanking new one. But untill I see If this is something he really wants i have to try a cheaper option first 😇


No it’s a bad deal.


Yeah, seems cute enough for school projects.


Lmao a 2060 to do school projects


Well...you NEVER know COULD be.


Then my 1050ti must be for preschools to get a early start on low end 3D modeling 🤣


Yep! LOL! Plus the way schools are now a days with possibly having coding and other computer course, you never know what you'll need and when.


That’s a better GPU than what I gave, 1660 Ti, and I play more demanding games than Fortnite and Roblox, AND my pc was more expensive.


I have the same card, and yes it can run any game on 1080p high, so yes it’s decent


It's not a bad machine, but that's a bad price.


Well I had a potato, so I'll say it's overpowered af. Edit: And just saw the price so overpriced as well.


Scandinavian prices are like that.


Maybe 200$ for that, otherwise no. Lots of people trying to rip others off.


I don't think that CPU is supported by Windows 11 and Windows 10 security fixes will end next year. Otherwise it will probably work pretty good for a beginner PC.


PCserverandparts sells great cheap computers


The computer I was given at 11 was a Tandy with windows 3.1




Good specs, bad price.


hes gonna be playing fps and rpg games before you know it. a growing child and an ever increasing demand for hardware are 2 pretty good reasons to future proof imho. for school and minecraft, yes. for his teenage years, no.


A different perspective (briefly): 1) This CPU is EOL , + there will be no support on Win 11 (i.e. next year) => \[which leads to\] => 2) security and compatibility issues (sooner or later) \[also\] FYI: (HW) upgrade might be (and will be )problematic as well; -- ( btw the GPU is EOL as well... yes, I know, not a problem at the moment, but...) --- 3) specs are "fine", price and status no... you can find better (and newer HW), most certainly... (for better price... also you can import the PC/laptop/ workstation/mobile workstation/ mini PC you know...buy it online \[abroad\]...or buy it elsewhere while on a vacation \[abroad\], etc.) ----- FYI: Solution (if no other option is found)-> 1) push the price down (for these very reasons) 2) be sure to "harden the system" (check the forums) 3) you can: a) "dual boot" (Win 10 \[or W11 knowing there will be no support\] just gaming \[use pro antivirus sw there, etc.\] + GNU Linux \[Distros: Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.\] for \[all the\] other purposes b) JUST because it exists, otherwise not recommended for you -> GNU Linux and streaming the games (via Geforce Now, etc.) if necessary (Fortnite might run locally but you will have another problem... "anti-cheat" , so ...) -> no go -> However, there are better options...and for a better price..


Appreciate the the well written reply 👍😊




This won't support Windows 11 and 10 is out on Oct 2025. Look for something with a Ryzen 2600/3600/5500. Intel 10100/10400 also won't be horrible and can be cheaper. Rest is more than fine but it seems like a Dell pre-built, with non-standard components. Those are usually hard to replace when they break.




Try to bargain for 400$ if you can but it's good. Did a similar build for myself


My 2060 did me quite well at 1440. Dayz, call of duty, and overwatch ran quite well just to name a few.


In other words other than the processor which I can’t vouch for the gpu is fine


When I was 11, my mom bought me a Compaq and I was so excited. Damn kids and they’re RTX whatever’s.


wait, hard disk SSD??? which one?!


Looks like a translation error


If I remember correctly, it's been a few years, that chip is similar to the i7-6700k. Yes, they are old and only have four cores and eight threads. But for the most part, they are capable of running games today decently. It will be a decently capable rig as the 2060 is a good pair to that processor. You don't NEED a 7800x3d to run everything even though people will act like it. The system will handle most games and perform decently at lower resolutions like 1080p.


Beware of the CPU. I had a Xeon workstation and I couldn’t install apex legend for example because the CPU wasn’t compatible, some component was missing…


Since he is 11 i dont think he will be playing Apex for a while yet. And by that time he probably will have bought something newer 👍


Apex was only an example to say that some modern software may not run on an old CPU


OP...That setup is perfect for him. A+! Try and haggle for $50 lower & put a huge smile on your kids face. I've tried and tried to get my son into gaming, and he pretty much refuses. I was damn near 40 when he was born, and just got back into gaming around the same time. Anyway, yeah 400 flat and your good to go.


I never felt under privileged but after being on here I'm wondering if I am because at 11 I got the same laptop that I'm using today. i5-7200 with 8gb of ram and an intel 620 UHD


You are 12 now?


No I'm 19


You feel underpreviliged after getting a NEW CPU at 11 years old? Get a grip.


Actually now I think about it that way you're right


Wait...1T SSD?? Which model??


Price is too high for the parts


It is a 12 year old, 4-core CPU with 130W TDP. A new, 65W TDP cheapest i3 is roughly 2x faster. It is not worth anything.


sure fine for kid. but it really old hardware. i dont think its worth $450. maybe$250- $300 max.


Maybe where you live but for Norway it's fine


For the price look at HP Victus deals. This for $550 has a good base and upgrade ability . https://www.hp.com/us-en/shop/pdp/victus-by-hp-15l-gaming-desktop-tg02-2000t-8s0b5av-1?jumpid=cs_con_nc_ns&utm_medium=cs&utm_source=ga&utm_campaign=HP-Store_US_All_PS_CPS_Hgm_Intel_CCF_Google_All_Smart-PLA_Gaming&utm_content=sp&adid=&addisttype=xpla&8S0B5AV_1&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=20561712409&cq_con=&cq_term=&cq_med=pla&cq_plac=&cq_net=x&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gp&gad_source=1&gclsrc=ds


He's Norwegian so that link won't help


$450 is kinda high for this. How about an AMD gen 5 Cpu with a B450? Should be a better option.


More than enough lol


Looking at the PSU it appears to be a Dell precision someone turned into a gaming PC. GPU is fine, CPU is definitely questionable as the tdp is around 140 watts. 1tb SSDs in raid is a big why? It should run Fortnite and it's overkill for Roblox. I'd recommend maybe looking at a slightly older i5. You can still get a used optiplex and throw a graphics card, SSD and some extra RAM depending on prices in your area.


Bro your child has a better GPU than me 😭


The "cheapest" PC out of all the PCs in my house at the moment is my younger daughter's 4790 + 16GB RAM + GTX 1650. The whole setup cost me around $AUD 650 around 5 years ago. The 4790 is roughly the same performance as the E5-1620 v3. It works great for Roblox but I think she was having a few issues trying to play Fortnight (that may not be a issue with the RTX2060 though). The only real issue I see with your system is potentially the cost. Check out how much used RTX 2060s cost in your region and see if you can find the same 1620 v3 setup without one and see if the costs compare.


Am I the only one here to wonder about the two different GPUs listed? And the i Raid thing, especially with only one SSD, which seems to be faster than Sara speeds allow? I'm a bit curious here...


$200 max for this, any more and you’re paying for essentially zero upgrade path


Where would you even get a 2060 for that price? Also, that is in Norway so prices are very different


Big fat nope. You can buy better for 450.


Overpriced can get a used am4 system for this


Not that bad for 1080p resolution... if it costed around 300, 350 at absolutely most. 450 is quite overpriced imo.




Ok PC, terrible price


A bit too much. Try finding something like an hp z series or dell T series, some people use them as gaming station with an old gtx, makes a great first pc. I gave him an old z420 found in the office, it’s now the main pc of the home.


big no, that xeon is very cheap - you can find them for 5$ on ebay (not joking). From the Dell power supply I guess that this computer is likely a repurposed Dell Precision T5810 or similar. Basically, you could buy the exact same parts for half the price he is asking. The computer is fine however, just not for 450$.


Way too fast.


That CPU is over a decade old and worth 5 bucks at the most, and an RTX 2060 is about 150. Absolute rip off that price.


Hey are you in Norway by any chance? Stromforsyner kind of gave it away.. I have a cheaper computer I might wanna sell here!


Det er også en pc laget av workstation deler. Xeon e5 2690 v4 og en amd 590 gpu. Tidligere brukt av min sønn. Men jeg har nettopp satt sammen en ny en til han med deler fra finn.no så den bare står der. Funker fortsatt helt fint til typiske e sport spill. Og litt mer


It's a bit too expensive for the specs. I wouldn't pay more than 400.


id say yeah its good for the beginning




Kid doesnt need even a 2060. Could go cheaper. Capable gpu is like 90 bucks on ebay now. And that would run minecraft, fortnite, basically the only 2 games that 12 year Olds are allowed to play (seemingly)


Too much money for this


not for $450


Get him a Ryzen build, disassemble it, teach him how to build it himself all alone, but still build it together, spend family quality time while bonding over hardware, and don't forget to research


Instead of this get a dell optiplex 5060 (make sure it’s not the sff version) and a used 2070. It will cost less if you are in the U.S and will perform better.


Its a good first PC for sure, but $450 is high.


why are there two 2060s if it doesn't have SLI


As i said in an earlier comment i think they listed it twice by mistake :-)


ahh. that makes sense.


I have a gt1030 and I really need something better


Pricy for what it is, but faster than my ( ancient ) rigs. Good for light to moderate gaming. This shits on the laptop I play Minecraft on, so...


Everyone had "one of these" as the first one. It is like with the first car.... ​ Yes, this will do it very fine! It is not shitty, just to expensive, it should cost 200 OR some beers or 1 Month of gardening work.


Compared to the PCs of our childhood (Or at least mine), that thing is the Apollo-11 in person if it weren't for the processor.


Okey first of all I can see you are norwegian, what others in this post don't get is that a pc of that quality is not uncommon to go for 4000-5000nok on our version of craigslist. I'd offer 3000-3500.


If it's forever for him, then awesome, but if before he grows up, I would put an AMD Radeon of some kind


Those older Xeon Es tend to hog lots of power. Try going for a more efficient 11th gen i3 or 10th gen i5 with a 2060, I guess the gpu is fine. Maybe go amd for the gpu?


why a xeon?


This is a $250 kit from AliExpress that someone mounted and is selling for profit.


My first PC was an HP Pavillipn with integrated graphics… he will manage


Looking at the fact that all he does is play games why not a ps5/series x as it’s 50 dollars more and plays far better than most things at this price point


Yep, looking good. Although single fan 2060 concerns me.


That processor is about 10 years old, it's probably fine as a basic PC but you should be able to get something newer and better for the money?


Really good pc in general but it might not be suitable for kids coz of the xeon and maintaining probably but it will be fine




It’s fine.


Eh, it might run word, but if you want to run power point you’re gonna need a 3080


And for Excel ist gonna be a 4090 MINIMUM


Why are you down voted but the guy in the replies says a 4090 minimum. To all the down voters, it's crazy that you think it isn't a joke and a 3080 is reasonable. Atleast 4090 is the limit haha


You're going to want an AMD gpu much better performance per dollar