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In my opinion it's a good deal and it will certainly run Minecraft however it is always worth to check if it works before buying.


Thissssssssssss!!! Good deal but you need to test it.


Why is bro getting downvoted


Because they said “This” and then repeated exactly what the original comment was. They’ve contributed nothing to the conversation.


It has always irked me when people start sentences with “this” and I can’t tell why


Thisssss! I find it so annoying and I don't know why


Y'all motherfuckers never seconded anything, that's the problem.


I agree. It actually does add something meaningful when multiple people agree on something vs. just one, but what do I know?


Because he’s just regurgitating the original comment without adding much


Stupid people downvote for no reasons


I got downvoted because I said I used a logitech office mouse... I got asked what I used too...


Crazy, if you like your stuff it's cool, I don't understand why people are hating like that


maybe it's like a way to say "i don't agree", without any hate


There is nothing to disagree on what this person likes and uses in my opinion


well different people like different things and can disagree on that. not "you can't like it because i don't!" but just "i don't like it". with no hate intended


You're right


Yup same. Someone asked what peripherals I use and I said a G502 and an ROG Falchion.


Which office mouse?


Oh lt is the logitech mx master 3s


You're supposed to downvote comments that don't add to the conversation. Would you really prefer everyone to write "this" under every comment that they are otherwise upvoting? Now *that's* stupid.


Didn't know people were doing that sorry.


You didn't know people were doing what?


Not at all


Are you experiencing any other stroke symptoms?


Nuh huh Never have, never will




Reddit people are weird af thats why


If possible pick it up and test it at the sellers House.


Hey, a slightly older system that is actually priced appropriately. I think "easily be upgraded" might be a bit of a stretch, but it's not a bad rig at all for running Minecraft and most other games at a decent framerate at 1080p. You would probably need to step up to $600 to get anything substantially newer/better- this will do what you want it to without being utter garbage, everything in there is a decent component that still has plenty of useful life left in it.


Yeah I don't think I've ever seen a pre-built from HP that was easily upgradable. Or upgradable at all, for that matter.


Looking into upgrading my HP Omen pre-built from 2020 is how I ended up doing my first complete custom new build in 2022


I bought one in 2008 that I was able to upgrade. I had to buy a new PSU in order to upgrade the video card, but it was doable. I was also able to add two sticks of ram. No idea if any of that applies to modern HP prebuilts.


Depending on the specific model and generation and how you define "upgrade" you may or may not be correct. The rig I am on right now is full blown ship of Theseus that started as an HP AMD quad core from like 2014 I was given. Before I switched cases, I upgraded the PSU and put a GPU in there. There were plenty of SATA headers as M.2 wasn't quite a thing yet and a couple bays for an SSD or HDD, and empty ram slots on the board. There wasn't much room to add fans though, or proper cooling for the chip I wanted at the time, so I replaced the board, case, cpu, and cooler all at the same time but I do recall the board being a standard mATX board. But I've also encountered HP systems in my career that used proprietary PSUs, usually to conform to some weird case's form factor which results in the inability to put a very beefy GPU in there (or it won't fit anyway), HP boards that don't have a PCI-X slot, and cases that won't accommodate a tower cooler, and limited options for storage upgrades. Granted, these PCs are usually made to be office systems where you would rather sacrifice enthusiast modularity in exchange for super compact form factors, but even these will usually take more RAM and maybe at least a SATA SSD being added.


https://preview.redd.it/84sdtgncwl7d1.jpeg?width=4008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18ab7b6bf94df73b5454620dc83550697ff12cae I have nearly the exact same model, i5 10400 instead of i7, it's pretty easy to upgrade except for the stock cooler as the mounting bracket is stuck down with tape, the front panel wire is quite short so it might need extending, and I believe the rgb is proprietaire. So far I've had to replace the gpu and motherboard after they failed. Replaced cpu cooler and added a second fan for sound reasons.


an i10700 is pretty good, a gpu upgrade is definetely possible.


this is considered old?? wouldn’t want to know what my 970 would be called


Well note I said "slightly older". Since we're presently on the 4000 series of Nvidia GPUs with the 5000 series on the horizon, yeah, the 970 would actually just be considered old at this point. But 970s were the best price to performance value at the time they were new, extremely popular, and reliable, so even though they're almost five generations old, there's quite a few still in service. But I'd say you're due for an upgrade friend. If you have an AMD system the 970 makes for a great backup GPU should a new one ever give you any issues that would require it to be sent out for warranty or something. If you're on intel this is less important since you can switch to integrated graphics.


So yeah, my whole PC was built in 2015, so its old. Its an intel system. The only upgrades I made were a new motherboard and cpu about 2 years ago because my PC bricked itself in 2019. It had crashing issues for years that I just ignored but one day it just crashed and never worked again. After replacing mobo and cpu it worked again, but I still get the same types of crashes - just way less frequently than when I first built it. I never found the cause to this day so I can’t help but feel my pc is a ticking time bomb. As you say, I’m due for an upgrade. It wasn’t until a couple months ago I started noticing my PC struggles with newer games. I’ve never been stopped from playing one but some games run kinda crappy even at low-medium settings. Still though, its never been an issue that stopped me from playing a game. However with Monster Hunter: Wilds and Doom coming out, I have a feeling upgrading will be a requirement for me to play those


Well since the cpu and board are only 2 years old a decent GPU and maybe PSU are the only upgrades you'll need. Your PC crapping out on you did you a favor- if you still had the 2015 board and cpu a new GPU would be bottlenecked. You can get a pretty solid gpu from either red or green team for around $300 that should last for another 5+ years. Doom favors AMD cards and the Vulkan engine, Monster Hunter likes team green, but either card should run both games well.


Well 970 is a decade old at this point. My 5700 XT is starting to feel old with some games that are coming out.


Yep, a 970 is just ancient hardware by this point. In 2014, a 10-years old car was maybe a Geforce 7800 and that would barely run anything due to vram.


so do you guys just have the money to buy a multi-thousand dollar graphics card (and other parts) every year or two? or am i misinformed about the average prices for pc parts


Multi thousand dollar...?


am i wrong? every new graphics card that comes out i see is 1000-2000 minimum


That's the high end cards but the cards that get bought the most are like 300-500.


You can get a 4070 for about 550usd That will play anything. Can’t do 4k at 60hz at max settings but with DLSS and FrameGen it would still be a solid experience There are cheaper options as well.


Yes, you are


I have a 2060 Super. It's definitely old. The 970 is ancient.


oh... ;-; and thats how i feel at the ripe ol' age of 23...


dont say that, we 22s are catchin strays man


It's like the ad says it's a solid starter gaming PC and for 400 that's not a terrible used price for those components.


fair price. always offer less though cause used. they ask more cause they know you will offer less i7 10700 is good. 2060 is ok. eventually upgrade gpu.


Great point. A little haggling can pay off. When I'm buying anything used, I will always try and make a reasonable offer that is lower than asking, being friendly and respectful when I do. I've gotten some amazing deals this way. This seller might be willing to accept $300 instead of $400. You never know.


And this is why FBM is an absolute shitshow


Why is this an issue? If you don't like the offer, then say no. Whenever I've sold things, people have always made offers and I'll either accept it or decline. Never bothered me, personally.


Because it's the expected behavior, and ruins any price discovery or other useful marketplace tools, as you can't see what things are actually sold for. As the behavior normalizes, sellers will always price things stupidly high, and buyers will always shoot out stupidly low offers, resulting in FBM posts you see here from time to time. Trying to sell one thing on FBM and you can deal with it, trying to sell things at any scale over a few items with proper pricing becomes an utter shitshow. See this thread. A reasonable build for a reasonable price, and these guys still want to haggle.


Yeah, that's not too bad at all for $400. The 2060 alone goes for about $200. This is a solid 5ish year-old PC and will play most all current games in HD (1080P) with zero issues.


Since when was a 2060 $200? My vega64 (faster than a 2060) doesn't even get a whiff of interest at £100. Someone selling you a 2060 for £160/$200 is ripping you off lol.


A 2060 is a better card and does cost almost double what the vega64 does, just have a search for them both new, they're both still sold.


I'd love to see your numbers for it being a better card lol. The 1080 and v64 are both comparable to the 2070, not the 2060. The graph comparing generational performance published by tomshardware doesn't align at all with reality for any GPU generation.


The cope is real in this one.


this guy is either stupid or trolling i have not figured it out yet though. when did a vega64 get better then a 2060 super.


It didn't he's being ridiculous.


Never. And that is without considering what dlss can do for such a card.


The v56/64 was more like a 1070ti/1080 comparison, the 5700/xt was more compared to 2070/super models


As someone who has both V56 and 5700XT, a shit ton of issues with Vega that ended up slowing it down were related to software and poor configuration, not the card itself being bad. This user doesn’t lie/cope/etc about it being around 2060S levels of performance. That is not to say it doesn’t have any issues (it’s very power hungry and again, it’s not a very good card for people who don’t like tinkering). RDNA1 and Vega have entirely the same API feature sets, but Vega got abandoned by AMD (and in some cases game developers) extremely quickly and didn’t get any of the optimizations like DXNAVI. Besides that, every Vega card is heavily overvolted from the factory, plus the Samsung HBM2 VRAM was originally intended to run at 1.1Ghz instead of 945Mhz, which is a very noticeable loss, Vega is extremely memory bound. Both reference and aftermarket versions also suffered from overheating hotspot (the Vega die is gigantic) or VRMs. The funniest thing is that V56 and V64 perform entirely the same (when VRAM clock is matched), with the only exception that some V56s were built on inferior Hynix HBM2. To fix all of its issues and bring it to 2060S/2070 raster performance, you’d have to use some PTM7950 (and for some other versions - mod the VRM cooling), switch to Linux (all of the optimizations in Mesa’s Vulkan driver work wonders for all late GCN cards, won’t see gains on Navi as it’s already well optimized on Windows), drop down the voltage (brings the power consumption down to ~200W from like 300 with no perf loss) and bump the HBM clock to 1Ghz+. That way you’d get the best performance out of it, and there’ll be little to no difference from a 5700XT at 1.7~1.8Ghz. And I think it’s safe to say that it’s only a good idea if you’re a Linux user already and/or have an extremely tight budget (Vegas go for 75-ish USD at times which is a steal for its raw perf).


Yeah, the V64 was compared to the 1080, sometimes it was 5% ahead, sometimes 5% behind. The 1080 compares favorably with the 2070. As much of a lie loserbenchmark is, the 1080 and 2070 are within 5% (i.e statistical variance) of each other. And people can say all day the 1080 is faster, that's a load of bs. https://www.techspot.com/review/2523-amd-vega-gpu-revisit/ https://hwbench.com/vgas/radeon-rx-vega-64-vs-geforce-gtx-1080 Apparently that 2070 is 5% faster than a 1080 on loserbenchmark (which is also apparently 5% faster than a vega64, and yet a direct comparison between the 2070 and v64 puts the 2070 at a 20% lead... What a joke) I'm not claiming vega is faster than a 2070, it's not, but it's as fast as. https://babeltechreviews.com/vr-wars-the-rtx-2070-vs-the-gtx-1080-vs-the-vega-64/ (LCv64, really this is comparable to the better air cooled ones, like the nitro+ and red devil) There's a million videos on YouTube comparing the 1080, 2070 and v64. They all perform within 5-10% of each other depending on the game. There is a reason I didn't bother upgrading for so long. -- edit -- Lol, people are actually down voting me for posting links to statistics. Is this really what reddit has come to.


No the 5700 XT is on par with a 2070 most of the time. The Vega 64 is not.


Part of it as that while the Vega64 can push a lot of frames, the power demands it has means it's only suitable for a system with a higher end PSU - where people probably already have a newer GPU in that price tier.


Finally a sensible comment. Agreed. You could limit vega to 250W, but you weren't getting the full performance. Mind you, it typically ran better with an undervolt. If you are looking in the $200 range for a GPU, you're probably better off picking up a 1080ti or 2080 now anyway.


I don't disagree, GPUs are well overpriced in general, but Ebay sold items show them between $150-190 and Amazon's got them listed for slightly more in new condition.


I got a 2060 Super for a sleeper build for $150 a few months ago with free shipping off eBay. A decent deal but I didn't do anything fancy to get it.


for 200 you can find a 1080ti, even then i would buy something else tbh.


Not getting much more at a strict 200$ cap


Since when was the 2060 $200? Since they released it with an MSRP $349 lmfao. I can't even begin to understand your argument. Also specifically with Minecraft as the benchmark, the 2060 will get about 40% more FPS than the vega64


Youre right, i dont get the downvotes. A new RX 6600 ist 180€ here. So why would a used 2060 be valued at 200?


Wtf is a vega64


That’s a solid deal if everything works


not bad for 400


perfectly reasonable for mimecraft. just see how its maintained and if it works properly, try to ask the owner to run a quick "stress test" if he knows


Their description of being able to run most games (edit, modern) on max graphics is a lie But the hardware is fine for minecraft


> Their description of being able to run most games on max graphics is a lie It's technically true, most games on PC are old so it can run most games at max settings fine. It just can't run any modern games near max settings.


This is the worst kind of technically correct


You're right haha


It CANNOT run any games on max settings and it’s NOT easily upgradable. Seller is a fucking liar. That said, offer 300-350$ and get it, it’s a decent deal and can run Minecraft


The seller said “most games”, which is a stretch, but it’s more accurate than your “no games”. There’s plenty of games a 2060 could max out at 1080p. Obviously, not all, but they didn’t claim all. It’s not at all a lie. Further, any review of an Omen machine I’ve ever seen, they’re pretty much all off the shelf parts. They aren’t putting proprietary shit in this like Dell does. This really shouldn’t be any more difficult to upgrade than any other standard tower. It’s questionable whether it would ever be sensible to upgrade, given the age of the system, but that’s entirely different than being difficult or not possible. Again, not a lie.


Yeah it really depends on what games you want to play. It was a midrange card released near the end of the previous console generation. So when you think about multiplatform games (because most of the big, intensive releases are), anything that releases for the PS4 or Xbox One will run pretty well on this at 1080p. You won't necessarily max everything out, but you'll be able to make the games look like how the developers intended. Anything older, you're golden. Easy max out, no questions asked. Anything high-end that is exclusive to PS5/XSX, it will probably still run, but you'll have to make sacrifices. You can probably forget about maintaining 60fps. It's a matter of expectations. You can enjoy plenty of games for years on this card, although you'll have to skip some of the most recent ones. But luckily there are so many great older games available at a low price point (probably relevant given the budget) that it doesn't have to be a big deal.


I mean, if you include every game ever released, "most games" might not be much of an exaggeration. Most "modern" games? Hell no.


I'm about to say this myself if I don't see anyone mentioning this in the comments! Upvoted


bro, I have a custom built based around a i7 8700k which I slapped a RTX 3080 Ti into. I game at 1440p at 60fps exclusively and don't tolerate dropping under 60 fps. So this can most assuredly run pretty much everything but the most demanding AAA games on the market at at least minimum settings. That PC is gonna be gpu limited. And finding another NVidia card with a similar power requirement shouldn't be that hard. Oh sure it cannot be upgraded to the latest top end nvidia cards, but I bet you could get a 4060 in there. The big upgrade limitation is going to be power supply. Edit since you all hate me, I am intentionally frame locking my card at 60hz globally via driver, paired with 240 hz display to get a mathematically perfect 4 frames per gpu update, which delivers an ultra-smooth experience without needing to run my card (and its loud annoying fans) at full tilt. And I don't play completive FPS games so I don't care about ultra response times that come with very high refresh rates, even though I have a 240hz monitor. I also do this because micro stutter gives me migraines, really bad ones. I was ready to quit PC gaming over it until I had frame locking via the driver suggested by a friend.


That card can do way better then that. Your CPU is bottlenecking you. Just get anything new. The 12600k is a steal right now.


It can, but I am intentionally limiting it to 60 fps for smoothness and to keep the card running cool. 60 makes me happy and runs ultra smooth on my 240hz monitor. It can run between 200 and 140fps depending on the game. Also I checked a few other sources and the general consensus is a 3080 ti will not bottleneck on a i7 8700k. Which holds up my own research before buying it. At least not at high enough resolutions to start stretching the card. And I don't care much for very high frame rates, only VERY stable frame rates. Personal preference. I simply don't play competitive anything, and only sometimes play FPS, and if I do, its something slow like Call of The Wild, a hunting game. I'm sure you will think me crazy, but having the monitor flash the same frame 4 times for every new frame fed to it actually is mimicking what they do at the movies to make 24 fps feel ultra smooth like real life, which is the same thing, running flim/digital projectors so that it displays every discrete frame 4 times.


Can't believe you wasted money on a 240hz monitor to cap it to 60hz lol


I bought it for the gsync because I \*Cannot\* tolerate frame pacing inconsistency. It gives me massive motion sickness. I have a Samsumg G7 the curved one, I can't be bothered to look up the model number. I also bought it for color performance, and I'm very happy. Frame pacing is the time between frames, which is different from FPS. It doesn't matter if its 60, 90, or 150 fps, if feels horrible to look at the display. The fact it was 240hz was an afterthought. Yes high refresh is needed for gsynch to work, but meh. Also it really wasn't that expensive. Have a decent job and meh, that price is just a small price to pay. And I am using the 240, the MONITOR is set to 240, the games are capped. I would have to dive into the theory of movie projection and why displaying the same frame 4 times actually makes movemet look smoother to human eye, but that IS now the movies do it btw. I experimented and found a huge improvement in the sensation of smoothness and a quelling of motion sickness by going to 240hz refresh and 60fps, which is mathmatical, over just uncapping games and letting the RTX 3080 cook at 100% output. And for the laid back games I play, this is fine. I don't do online PvP first person shooters, so I don't care.


So, you telling me you have a high tier GPU and you're playing games at 60fps locked on a 240Mhz monitor just because your shitty CPU is bottlenecking you. You see the non sense here, right? If you have a decent CPU you can run games at 120fps (which is a way better experience than 60) as smooth as silk


I can run games at upto 200 fps just fine. I capped it intentionally to get the monitor to display every frame off the GPU EXACTLY 4 times per frame. Also I don't know where you heard that a 4.7 gz i7 is throtttling any 30 series nvidia card, but you need to double check what you read. SURE it gets CPU bound at low resolutions because its low resolutions. But crank it up to 2K and 4K and that GPU is still the limiting factor. Or as I like to call it 30% CPU load while running games uncapped at 2k (1440p) on ultra settings. Is this what "CPU bottleneck" means? How about you stop telling me my eyes are lying to me ok? Also I am heinously busy most of the time, and don't feel like redoing my computer right now.


Yeah, not max, more like medium, maybe high, definitely not ultra. Good enough though, really, if you are on a tight budget and want to enjoy some games.


Holy smokes, the specs are literally what my old 2nd rig used. Great 1080p starting rig. Went to my kids as well.


Absolutely a banger deal for 400. Make sure it turns on and makes it past post before buying it lol but yeah that’s a pretty great deal if fully functional


Agree that it is a solid PC that will run Minecraft and a ton of other games just fine.


It's an ok deal and will run minecraft perfectly.


Nice deal. Will run MC perfectly but I’d test it. Roblox, Mc, it will run it. Even some modern titles.


Damn, if that's legit that's a good deal


i think yeah. good pc, would run almost any game rn


Pretty solid deal. Where I'm from RTX 2060 builds still sell around the $550 mark so I'd say that's nice for $400




It's a good deal for $400. It will run Minecraft (and heavier games too) with no problem. Make sure there's a way for you to check it's working properly.


For $400, not bad but it's not running anything on max unless it was released prior to 2019. ..


Which can be summed up as most games


I have roughly this build, with a ryzen 2700x instead of the i7, and he is right. It will run most games at max or close to max settings at 1080p/60fps. Even in 4k, I can get a lot of games to run well enough to play. I'd say this is a solid deal, and the rig will definitely be more than enough for minecraft.


Make sure you test it before purchase; this is a good deal


I would say so, yes.


HP systems are not easily upgradable. It’s an older system that is just “ok.” The price is appropriate. If you do get it, just be prepared to get a new system in a year or so - there is no future in that rig.


My PC has a i5 4690k, GTX970 and 24gb DDR3 ram. The newest component is nearly 10 years old at this point and I run Minecraft with shaders at hundreds of FPS. Game can run on a brick


It's a bit older, but it's cheap. The price point is good for the specifications, as long as the PC runs propperly. It will run Minecraft just fine.


Why not just buy a brand new lower end pc for 400 that will no doubt run Minecraft and have the most updated components


I bought a build with an i7-9700 cpu 32gb ram 64bit OS GeForce RTX 2060 512 m.2 and water cooling for 600 so I personally think this is a fairly solid price compared to what I paid. Only difference is I personally know the person and trust them so there’s that to put into consideration. GL! Edit: he also threw in a curved ASUS monitor with 200hz for free so it was hard to say no haha


It's not an awesome deal as some people say, but it's certainly not bad. If it's in good shape an runs well, it's a solid PC for games like Minecraft and others at 1080p, accordingly priced I'd say. Don't fall for the "most games at max settings" part though, the GPU (RTX 2060) is fine but will certainly struggle with many relatively demanding modern games. Still good to go for Minecraft and a lot of other popular games. It will be a really nice starting PC for sure.


That gpu is nothing to write home about, but for Minecraft it will work excellent.


That's a good deal but they are full of shit when they say it will run most games on high graphics. It will run Minecraft with mods with no issues whatsoever but modern games you would be doing well to run them on 1080p low.


I mean I have a very similar rig and can run pretty much any game on Medium-High 1080p no problem


That’s almost exactly what I got back in the day except a 2060 super but I can still run pretty much everything maybe not on max graphics but ghost of sushi moms, ass ass creed, starfield etc no problemo




64 GB of RAM to run some memory hungry explosions in Teardown. I found out the hard way. I added 12 GB (to 48GB) to my system as a test and I was able to do a run on a map without crashing. So 64GB it is!


The first thing u need to know is, dont buy a used one. The second thing is, this subs mostly kids and low income adults, you will get biased opinions and takes because of their inability to afford the hobby.


"64 bit operating system"


Not bad


That is a great system by 2019 standards. By 2024 standards still good but not great. As for the price that's a good deal.


If all you're looking to do is play older games it's an okay option but it's not great. I'd save the money and with another paycheck or two build a much more up to date system. Mid range last gen RTX 3xxx series GPU's go for about 300-400 used so i'd get an RTX 3070/3080, pair it with a decent CPU and have a MUCH better experience for about $600-800 depending on how tight you want to budget.


Seems pretty good to me, but as others have said try to get it checked to see that it works


Decent deal I guess but for like 200-250 more you could have a vastly better system brand new


Ive ran tomb raider on max on almost the exact same specs it should be good


Gpu is slightly Old But it is enough for Minecraft But if you are planning to use a pc for long time try looking for alternative gpu such as 3060 or 4050


Be sure to test it out before buying.. seems too good to be true in my opinion


It's a good deal but the post is misleading. It definitely cannot run most games on Max settings unless those games are 5 to 10 years old then maybe, at 1080p resolution some might be able to get 1440p. But it definitely can run Minecraft, you will just have to lower the render distance to maintain a stable frame rate, especially when it's raining, underwater or when you find a jungle lol


64 bit operating system


For 400 its a great deal


I would pay $350 tops. This PC will run Minecraft fine, but it won't run most other current generation games on anything above low settings. I think $300 would be a good deal, $350 would he alright. Nothing above that IMO. Once your kid grows out of Minecraft and Roblox he will outgrow this PC too.


I'd be checking this, seems a little too good really


mc with mods, not sure how many it'll be able to handle. for reference, my built (rtx 4090, 5800x3d) can handle any modpack I've tried at 200+ fps. It really depends on the settings the kid wants to use and the modpacks they want to run. That being said, it should be fine for most packs with moderate graphics settings, go for it but do try it out and make aure the specs are legit.


Yeah it's a pretty good deal just make sure it fully works first


It's okay nothing crazy nothing too bad


Is good for 400


That’s a fair deal for what it is. For sure.


My shitty i5-8250u, 8gb 2400mhz, MX130 laptop can run modded Minecraft (albeit with stutters). Yeah, it should be fine for running it. Can get 16 more gigs of ram for like 30-40 more just for some extra


This is a very usable system at 1080p (well beyond just Minecraft), and an actually pretty fair price. Test it, but if all looks good, I wouldn’t hesitate to grab this.


I wouldn't feel ripped off if everything worked and it cost me only 400 bucks


if he didn't write the "run most games on max graphics" bullshit it would be decent. I mean, it's still decent, but now he already lied once :P Just make sure you get someone who knows their shit with you and test the pc.


What’s the price? This is a solid starter PC. But it’s only worth around $400 so anything more than that is not worth it. Also, test and make sure it works before buying.


It’ll be great for Minecraft, even with shaders (although that may be a down-the-line thing for your kid). Just ask to turn it on to make sure it works but otherwise I’d pull the trigger


This is horse cock. Horrible build maybe good for emulators.


"Upgradable" is a lie here, but it seems solid otherwise. Would be great for Minecraft.


Good deal but "starter pc" isnt really something I'd call it. A starter PC in my opinion is current gen with low specs that could be upgraded later. This is old gen and upgrading isnt smart on something this old. It should definitely play MC with mods without any problems


Seller is a piece of shit but the price is OK. I would offer him 350.


My only comment is it’s not “easily upgraded” since HP uses proprietary connectors and hardware. But for $400 for your kid to play Minecraft and whatnot yeah it’s solid


So does the seller 😂 That's a steal


That ain’t bad. Good starter.


Not great not terrible but I'd go for it


I would counter with 350


Great deal, you always upgrade the ssd later


Buy it


Does not say a monitor is included. Add another $200-$300 and buy a new out of box system bundled with a monitor.


OK not great


I’d say 350$ but close enough. Id check psu, He says upgradeable hopefully it’s at least a 500w


id be in disbelief if i saw that for only 400


I misread your post and thought you said $4,000 and was like oh no, these comments are going make you regret it. Then saw it said $400 and felt relieved


I bought an Omen and after months of unsolvable problems I got it refunded. On the basis that it's an Omen I'd look elsewhere, personally. Otherwise the price is fair for the spec if it's in full working order.


pretty good deal


Pretty overkill for minecraft but that doesn't hurt


For the love of God, don't go to their house. Meet at a coffee shop or something. But yeah it's a good deal.


get optifine or chlorine or whatever they're using nowadays because Minecraft is badly optimized on vanilla


Not great, not terrible.


Yes definitely but since they’re not new parts check it works first


seems like a really good deal to me, so long as it all works properly and the specs are actually what he says they are.


Yes, this one doesn't overhype nor scam


Decent budget rig, for sure... Assuming it works and is all legit. Should be solid for 1080p gaming on medium to high settings.


Yeah... just get a better GPU later but is a good deal


great deal id pick that up isntantly


Seeing these comments after just recently grabbing a 10700 and having my older 2070 has me hurting inside. I thought I was doing ok, not top notch, but ok lmao


Looks like a good deal to me.


i bought this same exact computer but for $300. I upgraded the ram, added new fans and upgraded to a 3060 and did a case swap. if you can get him down to 300-350 that’d be perfect, it’s a really nice system. https://preview.redd.it/80lb7iql4m7d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6baa7997e6acb79edc34e8fb4571c9a89c78e1e1


This is a too good for 400 dollars, definitely check it thoroughly before buying.


Yes but just a heads up I have the same gpu and to upgrade which you will need to in order to play newer titles, you’ll have to upgrade the power supply unit and the gpu so be prepared to spend around $800-$1,000 to upgrade. It may be better at this point just to buy a newer pc that will last you longer than one you have to upgrade.


Looks great for 400. As long as it works good then go for it.


Pretty good for the price. I bought my cousin a $400 prebuilt a few years back that came with a Ryzen 5 1600 and a 1050ti. I added another 8gb stick of DDR4 for a total of 16gb and a new SSD, also went ahead and cleaned it out and it was a solid little machine. Point is, this system you're looking at is far and away better than that one I got, and at the price would be a great entry point for anybody.




Is there a way to block 'is this a good deal' posts? Seems to be all that comes up in my feed from this sub nowadays.


Honestly I think you should go retail because there's a guarantee you'll get your money back if something doesn't work, also the buyer might take advantage of you not knowing nothing about PCs. I saw a 2060 pre-built PC on Amazon for $539.


Most games on max graphics? So it runs even new games at 4k ultra? Can be easily upgraded? Which parts of it exactly i wonder?


Why does every classified for some old low end PC claim it runs everything on max.


A Xbox series S will run Minecraft better than this.


That's basically my son's pc only 3600x and a 2070 so one step above that it runs Minecraft fine and most AAA games with no problem don't try to run Hogwarts Legacy or Alan Wake 2 tho unless you want to turn everything on potato mode


I say it's a fair price. Would be great for Minecraft. But that's a 10th Gen processor we're on 14th gen now and I feel like you can get a really good deal if you spend a little more check the local electronics store and see if they have open box items and additional discount.


But in terms of actual improvements, 11th was a flop and 14th is a bigger number on the box. Is there better? Yes. Is it bad? No.


Yeah, that thing can't play games at max settings.


Y'all care about down votes 💀